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@MonicaCellio Oh, that is new. 6 answers in under 12 hours, he must be a confident one
@DaaaahWhoosh I can't remember when I've ever gotten 6 answers in a day, let alone in 12 hours
@DaaaahWhoosh or enthusiastic.
I've seen that before.
New user encounters SE, or a particular site, for the first time and jumps in with both feet. If we give him a helping hand he could end up as a productive and engaged user; if we ignore him or don't help him improve his posts he might go away.
There are probably bunches of others, by the way. When I notice a new post from somebody with 1 rep (or 101, but especially 1), I try to always take a look.
It's a practice I recommend.
I guess this is a good reason I didn't get to be mod... I'm really afraid of trying to help new users
I'm also afraid of disagreeing with old users
@DaaaahWhoosh lol, got you beat on that one
@AndreiROM I don't think you do... but maybe you're right ;P
@DaaaahWhoosh I like to think I got you beat on that one? :P
@MonicaCellio his answers are mostly pretty low quality
I tried commenting on two of them, but if I do more i'll come across as a stalker
they aren't necessarily bad answers, unless the science behind them is completely made up, which I cannot confirm or deny
if he sticks around in the community we'll run into him again
@DaaaahWhoosh I was looking at his AI question answer right now
his premise: Ai, Being a creation of human life should logically acknowledge the fact it was created by us for us. And without us would serve no purpose.
is completely flawed
I suppose that technically his answer is fine as long as that premise is true
but that's wishful thinking
I agree with you on that answer, his other ones are generally a lot shorter
I think the main problem is that he doesn't fully explain his reasoning on things that should be explained, but that's a hard skill to learn
@DaaaahWhoosh the reason I linked his account in here is that it's not really part of the mod job to welcome newcomers; it's everybody's job, to the extent you're comfortable doing so. No pressure if you're not, of course.
@DaaaahWhoosh exactly. He gives some pretty "crazy" answers, but then leaves it sounding like technical mumbo-jumbo, which doesn't help the OP at all
@DaaaahWhoosh I've found that if you're respectful it's fine to disagree with the giants. We're all human; we make mistakes, we prefer to have them pointed out gently, and we all want to improve our body of knowledge.
@AndreiROM thanks for your help. I haven't read all the answers yet.
that being said, he might learn how to format his answers by looking at the top rated/chosen answers
I don't have the right expertises to evaluate some of them.
@MonicaCellio me neither. I have no idea if he's off his rocker, or Tony Stark
@AndreiROM Considering he's answering random Worldbuilding questions on a Thursday afternoon, I get the feeling the latter is unlikely
@DaaaahWhoosh I was trying to be polite :P
@DaaaahWhoosh, middle of the day is relative!
@DaaaahWhoosh his answers - it seems to me - are based on the very basic understanding of some principles
but then again I do the same thing ... I'm not an expert on some of the things I write/reference
i'm a software guy with a huge passion for science fiction, and technology in general
@IStanley I feel bad for editing my post, now yours doesn't make sense, but you make a good point
good ol' time zones
things can get so confusing on the interwebs
That said, you're absolutely right. He's totally bullshitting
@AndreiROM Something that I've been thinking about in relation to Worldbuilding answers is that they should allow you to create your own answers. even if you don't know what you're talking about, if you can get the OP thinking about things and maybe point to some research on those things then I'd say job well done. But this new user just throws out gibberish and walks away
as do many others, I'm sure
@DaaaahWhoosh I've been off on my facts before as well. Or seen answers voted up which I thought were completely off base. It all depends on the OP's requirements, and on how well you make your case.
as Monica said .. he might become a valuable member of WB, but he does need to refine his answers a bit .. or a lot.
Constructive comments ahoy!
@AndreiROM Well yeah, if you're wrong then there's no saving it. I'm just saying if you don't really know the answer, but know where to look, that's probably more useful than an answer that doesn't cite its sources or prove its claims
@IStanley i know, right ?
@DaaaahWhoosh I get your point now. Very true.
@DaaaahWhoosh it would still be sort of more appropriate as a comment if it's just a pointer to an external reference
@IStanley yeah, now I am starting to see that possibility, I guess it depends on how much you have to say
I guess I usually do just answer with a comment
@DaaaahWhoosh aye if it's a bit of an explanation as well then there's no harm in a referential answer imo
I've been seeing people developing slogans and buzzwords recently to describe the scope discussions, my term is idea-generator
I think that questions should ask for idea-generators rather than idea-generation, or answers that show how to get the answer rather than listing all the possibilities
I think this is a small part of that, the focus should be more on letting the OP build upon your answer rather than giving them a dead end
@ArtOfCode, you can search for a specific user's posts containing a certain word w/o any mod rights, you just need to know (or get from SEDE) the user ID
@SerbanTanasa eeehh... context? When was I trying to do this?
What is this chat room for?
@TheoclesofSaturn chatting, mostly
@TheoclesofSaturn, planning world domination
@TheoclesofSaturn it's the general chat room of the board so just an extension of the community where you can have those conversations that don't belong in comments!
@TheoclesofSaturn flinging words into a void in the hope of connecting with fellow humans. Or something deep like that.
There are humans in here?
ok...i admit I took a long lunch but over 200 new messages...
@Samuel, no, it's just the AIs trying to keep you happy, erm, content
hmmmmmmm... is Idea generation a sin in here too? will I get bad juju
@TheoclesofSaturn nope
nope idea generate all you want
@TheoclesofSaturn This question has been closed for idea generation.
@SerbanTanasa Not letting that one go eh?
this is actually a really good place to come if you have questions about asking a question
this place is the bomb.com
@SerbanTanasa You've got diamond protection now, seems not many people will vote to close an obviously off-topic question ;)
I will take on the diamond
@Samuel Challenge accepted.
apparently diamond protection is a double-edged sword
haha, close away, i will not abuse my black diamond powers for personal gain
lol, seems I just got Outspoken, must've gotten hit by a stray star
@TimB I think this question is a good example of why I think we should migrate questions. It really feels like it doesn't belong, even though it's supposedly about worldbuilding
@CalebWoodman Hopefully you found the password in time to vote for Riley in the election ;)
@DaaaahWhoosh Its either lazy or idea generation...either way yeah
Is there something missing from that question page..?
Yeah, I feel like I'm not seeing something I should...
well, now it's missing the section for adding answers...
@ArtOfCode Hi. I set up the @mi_yodeya Twitter account when the name "Mi Yodeya" belonged to me, before StackExchange adopted it as the name for Judaism.SE, at launch. I think that at that time, someone from SE staff invited me to use the new site logo on the Twitter account. Around that time, I offered to turn over control of the account to SE, but SE saw no need for that. I did turn over control of the account to the community, as represented by mods and/or those thereof who'd step up to ...
Huh, oh well.
... help run it. De facto, I still pretty much run the account myself, but the mods have access to it.
@IsaacMoses That makes sense. Cheers :)
@DaaaahWhoosh That'd be our Q#9. It means "Who knows?" and is the title of a popular Passover song.
Oooh I know what's missing. The mod info blobs... heh, yeah, I wouldn't see those here.
someone remembers the page where the SE staff wrote that we were awesome?
It was in the blog
they don't post that many so you'd be able to find it
@bilbo_pingouin notes from the podcast if I recall
"whatever the heck these awesome people do" was the quote I think
@DaaaahWhoosh Yeah, that's an interesting example. Feels like a straight astronomy one not a worldbuilding one
I need 1 or 2 examples of questions that were multiple questions in one and either closed for it or edited
anyone got any handy?
are their any outlets that can be used by a 14 year old to publish their sci-fi novela?
yes...although getting anything published is hard
who/here to i go to?
If you pay for it, it's not too hard.
@TheoclesofSaturn There is Lulu.com
@bowlturner perfect
@bowlturner Thank you
@TimB and @James: blog.stackoverflow.com/2015/09/… thanks for your help :)
doh, even mods are answer throttled
don't reply on the risk factors question for a couple of minutes pls guys
Q: What the scope of Worldbuilding is NOT about

bilbo_pingouin... taking any question that isn't accepted elsewhere. This should be a reminder, or refresher. These days, there are many questions about trying to set objective and clear limits for the scope of the site. But then, yesterday, I read that comment from a user from another site: Such questio...

Do you think this is too aggressive? ^^^
ok, go
all feedback on the process itself as well as the individual risk factors is welcome
the idea is we collect a list of risk factors in that question then each risk factor we agree on gets it's own question to really nail it down
@bilbo_pingouin I can't tell if this is a personal attack against me or not... but I don't think I'd mind, so no, it's probably not too aggressive
@DaaaahWhoosh why should it be against you?
@bilbo_pingouin Because I've been saying we should migrate more questions
ah, I missed that :-P
hmm, in fact the question where they made that comment would most likely be on topic here
I saw the comment too
I did have the same reaction you did when I saw it too though
We welcome good and answerable questions (even if hypothetical). We aren't SE's waste disposal site though :D
yeah, I did not want to mention the questions, because they might be or not be on-topic... but the comments showed the wrong approach
yeah, the thing is your bold statement is wrong. Questions off topic for them may well be on topic for us
@TimB indeed... that was my first words as well... but I refrain from using them ;-) waste disposal that is
but bad questions are probably still bad questions
for me unanswerable means too broad or opinion-based
off-topic questions for them might be fine for us
Q: Worldbuilding Scope - Risk Factors

Tim BTL;DR: This question is the foundation stone of an attempt to more thoroughly define the scope of Worldbuilding by defining "Risk Factors" that make something Out Of Scope. What is in Scope? This part does not seem too contentious. If it's to do with building a world that is in some way fiction...

Q: What the scope of Worldbuilding is NOT about

bilbo_pingouin... taking any question that isn't accepted elsewhere. This should be a reminder, or refresher. These days, there are many questions about trying to set objective and clear limits for the scope of the site. But then, yesterday, I read that comment from a user from another site: Such questio...

I changed the wording slightly - is that ok?
yeah, I was at it at the same time :)
also I think you need two separate meta posts. Because it's 2 problems
the first is other sites sending us rubbish
the second is us sending other sites good questions
we need to keep the precious shiny good questions and not let other sites cover them in rubbish
well I think those are two faces of the same problem
while welcoming it if other sites send us shinies
well they have opposing effects and right now you say they have the same effects :s
yes, one is you send bad questions to us, the other is you send good questions away... so we end up with only bad questions...
ok, edited the last paragraph too, hope that's ok :)
yes, sure :)
I didn't want to sound to bad, but at the same time, those are two behaviours that should be avoided
Now I'm worried that my answer to that question is too aggressive
Are the examples suppose to be of the clearly off topic variety?
examples are supposed to be in the gray area, something we can use to help decide where to draw the line
@TimB roger
I think I must be tired... I keep on feeling really angry and argumentative about things...
@DaaaahWhoosh I liked your take on it
@DaaaahWhoosh Eat.
@James Yeah, that would probably help... I have been really hungry
@James particularly chocolate, or ice cream
I prefer salty snacks in the afternoon
I switched from english muffins to toast in my breakfast, suddenly I'm super-hungry by the end of the day
@DaaaahWhoosh eat more protein for breakfast/lunch
it lasts longer
@bowlturner Oh, definitely, I usually have two eggs, two pieces of sausage, and two pieces of some sort of bread
so I've been good on protien
it's just the bread seems to be somehow throwing off the whole equation now
ah, you need an egg on it!
or a slice of ham! ;)
while this advice may help in the long-term, right now I think it's making the situation worse
Really? hmm. maybe a hot fudge sunday is in order...
you guys are complete bastards
I'm so freakin' hungry now
and I have 2 hrs left to go
My work provides free snacks...
granola bars, cookies, fig newtons...
Mixed nut dispenser...
@bowlturner I officially hate you now
@DaaaahWhoosh, you have a comment ;-) I got to exactly 0 characters left :)
We also get a free lunch at least once a month!
@bowlturner Just ... sigh
They know how to keep us happy. Feed us!
@bowlturner we don't even get free coffee.
Well if you want to move up to the cold north might find you a position...
we only have free coffee... and I don't drink coffee ^^"
@bilbo_pingouin you're weird.
Oh, ya, I don't drink coffee, but they provide some decent stuff. Even beans you need to grind
I never really drank coffee until I had kids...
well I do have kids... and that did not change... ;)
now I would consider murdering someone if they tried to take it away from me.
I used to hate coffee. Once upon a time, when I didn't have to write super boring code at 8 AM
I drink tea... ;)
@James I might have murdered someone. I have no idea. Lack-of-coffee induced rage.
I simply remember washing off the blood
@AndreiROM It was probably animal blood, likely from a bunny, I wouldn't worry about it.
@AndreiROM, I work with the US banking sector. We have work lunches every week, 4 coffee machines in this HQ building alone, and we get sent sweets and snacks by everyone.
I really gotta hit the (in-building) gym during the Xmass season
otherwise it'd be 10 extra pounds at the end of every year, do not pass go, do not collect
@James right .. the harmless bunny in the lunch room. On the second floor.
@AndreiROM with a candlestick
@SerbanTanasa that is basically the only exception. During Christmas time we get spoiled silly. Gift baskets roll in from customers. I DID gain 10 lbs
@James possibly with a dull plastic knife, actually
Actually, all this talk of food is making me peckish, I'm going to hit one of the fruit bowls
@SerbanTanasa I'm gonna ... dream about quitting time, and eating at home :-(
...I want a milkshake
@James wouldn't that bring all the boys to the yard?
the hate of bowlturner has been starred, I can feel your hate, give in to it!
@bowlturner I embrace the dark side
they have free cookies
yes we do!
@bilbo_pingouin I thought they did. Bloody liars though - haven't gotten a single cookie
@AndreiROM fry some bunny meat
@SerbanTanasa all I need now is a stove, a pan, oil ... :P
@bowlturner Crap that was me, I forgot you were the dark lord and hate only makes you stronger.
now @James that isn't a very nice thing to say. Spreading rumors... tsk, tsk.
@AndreiROM I can send you a bic lighter
@bowlturner is James struggling for breath as an invisible force crushes his wind pipe right about now ?
@James I may drink coffee, but I do not smoke :P
Figured you could use it to cook your bunny.
@James roast it over a slow flame ... literally ?
@AndreiROM - @James is not the innocent he pretends!
@bowlturner I'm starting to get that vibe
his insensitivity to the wanton slaughter of bunnies has given him away!
innocent face I have no idea what you are talking about.
That lighter is for burnt offerings in his name!
Evil cow laugh
@James I'm sure you don't Spawn of Cthulhu!
Cthulhu is a chump
this is getting serious
whispers to @James he'll be ours soon!
uhm ... sooooo ... I think I might have forgotten to turn off the stove .. runs the heck away
@bowlturner Do we really want my little brother on the team?
My contribution to the conversation so far: Barbecue-flavored potato chips = good.
@James can always use minions.
@bowlturner Yeah I suppose but you have to keep him fed.
@HDE226868 I have change. The vending machine has chips. lightbulb
Hey, can I bring up this question (deleted, so 2k link, for now)?
@AndreiROM Ah, but I say that after working out.
@James true, and that seems to be a big issue with him...
Anyway, Part 1 of the question is on-topic for Astronomy and off-topic here, and the second part is Idea Generation, correct?
@HDE226868 I used to be very fit, eat super clean. Then my job ruined me. I'm slowly getting back in shape though.
@bowlturner He's up to like two dozen puppies a day.
I might offer to migrate it to Astronomy, so if anyone wants otherwise, now's the time to speak up.
or 4 dozen if they are pomeranians.
@HDE226868 Do it
@AndreiROM I'm 49 days behind on my New Year's resolution to prepare for spring track.
@HDE226868 sounds like a plan
@HDE226868 I might still stuff my face full of chips though.
Wait, it might be better for me to comment on the post and suggest the user repost a modified form of it.
at this point i'm not even sure if I'm hungry or just obsessing about dark side cookies / having a snack
@CalebWoodman You need more rep probably, its a deleted question
Yeah you need 2k
have they changed the rep limits yet?
@bowlturner I don't believe so
@CalebWoodman yeah
@bowlturner Nope.
try ctrl+f5
I thought they planned it with the elections. Oh, well
It can take 10 minutes or so. Just be patient enough.
If you change it, it will come.
tbh I don't think that asteroid question is completely off topic...I mean it needs work (it's 2 questions in one) but could be made workable
@TimB As with all things on WB...yes
yeah not sure why there was such a rush to delete it?
The OP deleted it originally.
Then I undeleted to migrate, then re-deleted after thinking it might be better for him to repost it again entirely.
Picture of it^.
In an answer?
Use '#', '##', or '###'.
I think it was hyphens at the end of the line
So '#Big' makes 'Big' look big.
If you ever want to know how an answer was formatted the way it was, click to edit it and look at the source, then cancel out.
@HDE226868, how do you prefer your vacuum energy, medium, rare, or @AndreiROM -style bunny-bloody?
@SerbanTanasa I prefer it sautéed lightly with some shallots on the side.
@DaaaahWhoosh, yeah, sorry, wrong manip, the comment was sent in the middle of my typing it ;-)
Also, @James, that bounty made today the highest-rep day for me so far on Worldbuilding. I appreciate it, although I wish your question could have gotten better answers.
I was kind of disappointed how little attention that one got
Problem solved.
I hope that helps.
@HDE226868, aww, that's sweet, man
I'll finish my q/ and take another look
@bilbo_pingouin I can relate. I just responded, I get the feeling we should open up a chat room for this discussion but it's a bit late in my work day for such efforts
I'm anyway going to bed... some sleep to recover ;-)
either way, I think we will stay on agreeing to disagree on that point :-)
@DaaaahWhoosh A new chat room is an interesting idea. The scope discussion is taking up enough time that it might be simpler to move it all there.
@HDE226868 I was specifically talking about my discussion with pingouin, but that works too
@bilbo_pingouin Yeah, I think we are just on different ends of a spectrum, once things get more solid I'm sure we can agree on a compromise
yep, a chat for the scope might be good... now that the election is done :)
@DaaaahWhoosh sure, the SE model is to build a consensus from all perspectives but for that we need to know them ;-)
@SerbanTanasa In theory, I still profit from any upvotes I would get to my answer, but I'm glad you're touched. :-)
Now that I think about it, am I the one pushing for the most restrictive site scope? Can my opinions be considered the extreme left of the spectrum?
I can't remember anyone who thinks more things should be closed than I
@DaaaahWhoosh I've occasionally thought similarly.
But I don't think I'm quite so far to that end. Almost.
And I think that maybe what I've thought of isn't the best path.
In that case, I propose that anyone who wants to narrow the site scope more than you (as in you who are reading this) be called a 'Whooshist'
phew, new question finally out, please let me know if it's too broad
Dreamwalker are remarkably difficult to handle
@HDE226868, is it too broad? too idea-generationy?
I don't know.
I feel like the answer is simply a lot of coffee stimulants, assuming she can get some.
"Standard computation time exceeded. . ." is not what I need to see from Wolfram Alpha right now.
Does anyone know of a free online differential equation solver?
This one is a doozy.
You're probably going to have to simplify it.
@Samuel How would you recommend simplifying this?
@HDE226868 With a hammer.
Solid plan.
@James, I've taken a good long look at your eclipse question, I don't think I can get that with Hard Science and without massive, expensive, purposeful planetary-scale engineering
@HDE226868 You might start by entering a value for GM
@HDE226868 Although a single variable also seems to help there.
@Samuel Okay, yeah. I put in $C$, although $\mu$ is more conventional, I think.
@HDE226868 Where did it come from?
A: Can stars exist that are not powered by nuclear fusion?

HDE 226868Note: This answer is not even close to being finished. I’m putting it out there as a sort of sanity-check, so I can get some input as to whether or not my idea is totally crazy or not. Links and more numbers will be coming. Introduction When I wrote this question, I thought that the Kelvin-He...

I brought it upon myself.
@HDE226868 Yeah it can't even solve it with the extra Pro time.
@Samuel Thanks. I'm considering trying to come up with a Maclaurin series to approximate it.
Or not. Another stumper.
@HDE226868 Where did this form come from though? Can you not use equation 33 to solve what you want?
@Samuel No, because I need to find the force exerted on a test particle, and for that, I need to differentiate the potential function w.r.t $z$.
I then have a second order differential equation.
@HDE226868 I haven't read it that carefully, but it seems the last page give a clue for that, find the potential for the plane (z=0) then iterate the radius to determine the vertical structure at each iteration.
@Samuel I considered that, but that's a thin-disk approximation, whereas the model I chose allows for wiggle room between a Kuzmin disk and a Plummer sphere.
@HDE226868 Yeah, not my field at all. This seemed related. (Eq. 2.70b)
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