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@HDE226868 Seemed like a good joke to me. :)
Maybe I should build the entire tag on my own?
2 hours later…
@HDE226868 And stranger still is that people are actually answering it (though not up voting).
@ArtOfCode, and others with editor privileges on the blog: if I've done this right, you should see a submission on the blog. As an editor I could just publish it, I think, but let's use this to learn how the tools work. Please let me know if you see something there.
3 hours later…
@MonicaCellio I got an email to tell me about it.
hm... what was the policy on feed back?
or should we just publish it as long as we don't see any grammar/syntax mistake...?
I went ahead and published it without changes. Could not find any mistake.
Should we discuss some common editing policies?
In my answer, worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/a/23827/9685, I tried to write China and then Japan in Kanjis in the Japanese examples but was told that the first character for China, as well as the first character for Japan were not allowed. Is there any restriction on the use of Kanjis on Worldbuilding Stack Exchange?
3 hours later…
@MonicaCellio nice
2 hours later…
@bilbo_pingouin I thought there weren't any restrictions on that.
@MonicaCellio Yep, I see it, image and all.
I got an email, too, just like @bilbo_pingouin.
@Green The answers aren't getting upvoted, either.
@HDE226868 well I can't show it here, but when I had the kanjis for China, it complained about the first one. When I replaced to Japan, it also complained about the first kanji for Japan. Then I removed all kanjis and it worked
@bilbo_pingouin Weird. You might have to use an image as a workaround.
@HDE226868 might be... but it was too late for me to play around. I wonder how the Japanese SE or SO in Japanese do... may be they have another plugins.
I might add, that I did not try to post with the kanji in, but a red note appeared to say that such character was not allowed in body of the post
You might want to file a bug report or a feature request, then. I wonder why that doesn't work.
maybe a plugin is required, much like chemical formula, or latex equations...
That makes sense.
I'll ask, just to clarify
there aren't many questions today
@HDE226868 asked... let's see what I get back
@HDE226868 meta.stackexchange.com/questions/263724/… it is currently filtered out by SE for spam reasons.
@HDE226868 I'm just amazed I got any answers at all.
@ArtOfCode I'm working on a blog post about habitability around other stars, and describing where the best places would be for life around different ones.
@Green You were bound to get something, although there are more than I expected.
The Systems Thinking answer was the most useful.
We have 4 questions on the HQN (Muz', HDE's, Green's and mine)... I think recently that's about average, no?
@bilbo_pingouin About. We've had six quite a few times; that might be the max. But four is about average.
@bilbo_pingouin, thanks for posting that question about boundary construction, I had a lot of fun writing my answer.
People seem to be playing "Who can make HDE's inbox explode first?" today.
@HDE226868 They're not busy writing questions... they/we have to keep ourselves busy with something else :D
ohhh, that's sweeet! Someone loves you(r answers, comments, questions)!
@Green Questions. It's always the questions.
I enjoy your questions.
@Green Aw, thanks.
@Green good to read. I actually thought about it some days ago, but was waiting for the challenge to start :-) And your answer is certainly useful!
They're much easier to write than answers.
@HDE226868 Answers are easier for me. Working off someone else's requirements and constraints is somehow easier than coming up with a good question to ask.
@Green That used to be the case for me, too.
@HDE226868, is that new question you posted in reference to the UnderLondon world you've been working on for a while?
@Green No, it's about an older one I came up with a while back.
@ArtOfCode Perhaps this is a stupid question, but how do I make a new submission to the blog?
@MonicaCellio ^
@ArtOfCode This might be right up your alley: worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/23861/….
@ArtOfCode Okay, I have my blog post ready. I'll submit a draft as soon as I can figure out how to.
@HDE226868 lol
> Tier 2 browsers can do everything a Tier 1 browser can except compose and edit stories.
> Internet Explorer 10 or newer (including IE mobile)
I don't even have that!
@HDE226868 Dude...chrome.
@James I know, I'm on it.
@James Seconded.
@HDE226868 lol, welcome to the 2000's its fabulous.
I still can't figure out where to do it! I can "publish" a "story", but I don't think it will show up on the blog.
@HDE226868 Maybe one of the curators has to approve it, Ill try and take a look.
@James I am a curator, though. Wait, no an editor. Only ArtOfCode is a curator, I think.
@ArtOfCode can we create tags for posts on medium?
Has anyone heard of this law before? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claasen%27s_law
@HDE226868 lol, ok I am not sure. Ill take a look.
It's Claasen's Law.
@Green Never heard of it.
I stumbled upon it today and am still trying to wrap my head around it.
Ooh, the Shared Worlds question hit the HNQ. I doubt it will get more answers or votes, though. Most people won't relate to it.
@HDE226868 It took me a little bit to wrap my head around it.
@Green Using it in conjunction with Moore's law seems to be a bit more interesting.
Wow, low answer votes lately.
@HDE226868 to create a post ("story"), click on your gravatar on the top right to get the menu and then click "new story". When done typing (or pasting), I clicked on something along the lines of "submit to publication", which apparently sent notifications to the other editors. @bilbo_pingouin can tell us what happened from there.
@ArtOfCode is the owner; several others of us are editors. Despite the name "editor", I think we should go very light on edits, especially for creative works (as opposed to, say, essays). Think "editor" as in "gatekeeper", not "editor" as in "red pen". That said, fixing obvious typos is a win.
@MonicaCellio Thanks! Got it.
@HDE226868 I see you figured it out. :-)
BTW, here's the help page on adding images, which I hunted down last night: medium.com/help-center/images-652ee60abea6
Also, somebody asked about feedback: you can leave comments on posts there, or of course if you prefer to talk with people here that's cool too.
Yeah, I saw the comments feature.
You could probably find a usable image for your post on APotD.
@MonicaCellio Astronomy Picture of the Day?
@HDE226868 yup. I've seen some gorgeous stuff there. Haven't checked for licensing terms, but if they allow free use...
Also not trying to be a pest about images; I'm not one of those people who thinks the Internet has to be made of pictures. In this case, though, it seemed like it'd be a nice addition, if there's something suitable without too much work.
I might have to go to Wikipedia or elsewhere. Some of the APoD images are copyrighted and the second page I have to get to isn't showing up.
Today's image is awesome, though.
@HDE226868 ah, ok. Medium's help page on images links to some collections of freely-usable images, but I haven't tried searching those. Wikimedia would be a good place to look.
It looks like most recent APotD pics are copyrighted, actually. There was a time when they were posting a lot from Hubble and I think those weren't. Eh, pretty to look at either way! :-)
Okay, I got one. And I edited out the extra space between paragraphs, left from copying from Google Docs.
Do we have a name for the blog yet? Last I heard it was the Magrathean Forges.
@Green It's Universe Factory.
Found it. :)
@Green you want adding to it?
@ArtOfCode I'm thinking about it. I'm sure I can come up with some interesting things to write about.
@HDE226868 You're an "editor", which we're calling "curator" because that's more like what it is. I'm the "owner", nominally - but I'm not planning on advertising that because it should be community owned.
@ArtOfCode Good, that's what I thought.
@HDE226868 nice. You know, you can write about the relative sizes, but I didn't quite realize the scale until you added the picture. :-)
@MonicaCellio There's a video I'm considering putting in that's even more dramatic.
@ArtOfCode Good answer.
1 hour later…
@MonicaCellio I saw that HDE's post was published, but in any case if someone still wonders: on Medium I got a message in the mailbox (top-right) green. Clicked on it, read Monica's post, and I had a "Publish" button (top-right). And that's about it.
@bilbo_pingouin thanks for the info. I think @HDE226868 self-published his post -- that is, published directly instead of submitting. Or, at least, as an editor I never saw a notice of it. (This is not a complaint. It's good for us to test all the paths.)
BTW, sometime this week I'm hoping to post a "commentary" post to go with the chapter I posted. This'll be the "how I used Worldbuilding" and some of the design intent and stuff.
@MonicaCellio Here's an idea.
Law SE have a disclaimer-thing on the side of their site.
@MonicaCellio That sounds very good
We don't need any disclaimer, but I wonder if it's possible for the CMs to put HTML in there.
btw, I am curious as to the rest of the story ;-)
Medium provide a handy embed code, which if they can, would serve nicely for promoting the blog from the site.
<script async src="https://static.medium.com/embed.js"></script><a class="m-collection" href="https://medium.com/universe-factory">Universe Factory</a>
@MonicaCellio Apparently, yes. I had pretty much no idea how to use/find most of the tools because of browser issues and switching from one to the other, and the assorted confusion. I published first and associated second.
Lemme go ping one of them, and find out if that's possible.
@HDE226868 That's the flow. I, even being technical owner, published to my account first and added it to the blog after.
@ArtOfCode I'm sorry, not following -- disclaimer for what?
@MonicaCellio For their specific circumstances, saying "we're not qualified legal advice".
@ArtOfCode That took a hard fight and multiple meta posts to get. I'm still not aware of the specifics; I don't think the mods have disclosed the precise request to Stack Exchange.
@ArtOfCode right, but we're talking about this here because...? (You mentioned asking a CM if it's possible and I'm not sure what the "it" is.)
Since we're not using that, I wondered if the team would be able to activate the block that contains it, and instead put in an embedded thing for our blog.
@HDE226868 ah, and I submitted without publishing (I think!), so its first appearance on Medium was when it hit the blog. That was counter-intuitive, by the way, and I was partly doing it to explore the menus.
@HDE226868 Challenge accepted. I'm getting Open Source named, I can fight for this one too :)
@ArtOfCode That was most likely a highly special request for something that was rapidly becoming a very serious problem.
@ArtOfCode oh! I get it now.
@ArtOfCode Meta Open Source is a fight every day. :-)
@HDE226868 Aye, but I've seen a number of special requests get granted
That came out wrong, I think.
@HDE226868 You got that right :)
OS are getting a special help page. Law got their disclaimer. A number of sites have something that's a little out of the ordinary - if the functionality is there, it might be worth asking.
In the short term we'll have a "happy birthday" meta post which will heavily promote the blog, and we'll feature that. So that'll get it in front of people for a month. I think after that we'll have some info about blog usage patterns, which should help us ask SE for that.
I'll find a CM, and ask if it's technically possible, then report back and see what we think here.
@MonicaCellio Sounds good. With usage data and technical possibility info, we might be able to make a good case for it.
Only 5 questions today. A very calm day... is it an effect of the new challenge?
@ArtOfCode right. I want to see our users engage with the blog first -- readers and writers. (Did you see that we get readership stats?) Right now meta gives us a way to encourage that, so we can use meta now to jump-start things. Once that starts to fade, we'll be ready to talk about next steps.
@MonicaCellio Good plan.
@bilbo_pingouin hmm, that's low for us. (I do my WB reading in the evenings, so I haven't checked in yet.)
We only have three questions on the HNQ.
That's still acceptable, I'd say
@HDE226868, I know. It's been a really slow day.
@bilbo_pingouin True, but none are really too active. Answers on them have sort of stalled.
My inbox has stopped exploding.
I thought that was too much... :D
anyway, yes your question is still there, but there are already quite some answers to it
By the way, to worsen the image... 5 questions today and two of them on-hold...
@bilbo_pingouin Oh, I'm happy with the answers to my questions, absolutely.
@bilbo_pingouin True. Two of the other three are on the HNQ, though, and the third might be soon.
@HDE226868 and it allowed me to mention Breton... we never talk too much about the Breton language :D
@HDE226868 yes, but I doubt they'll stay there too long...
@bilbo_pingouin True.
Should I write a meta post about the large amount of unanswered questions?
All 6 are at least two days old, with no answers.
3 are 1+ week old.
@HDE226868 true. Well, I'd say it cannot hurt. But we should try to answer it, that would bring them back to front
I saw it, and then got busy with something else
Well, that one worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/23696/… won't have much success.. it has a -5...
which is pretty rare for us. Usually they get closed down before then
should it be closed?
I'm looking at that one. The top two references on Google are to that question.
top two references to hapgood's planet on google...
I see top three two three on Google. DuckDuckGo doesn't show it for a while, if ever.
The third on Google is the same, just under a different name.
ok, on ddg, I gave up scrolling down to find it...
the problem I have with that question, is a typical by that user: I want a lot of work done, without much prior research
I think that question is off-topic because it's not about world building. It's asking someone to provide three images of a Mercator projection on three arbitrary points.
Voted to close as off-topic.
Is NewScientist.com a good source?
@Green Ask a scientist. :-)
I'd be inclined to say that any site with a dating section may not be as scientifically focused as it could be. I also see "© Copyright Reed Business Information Ltd." which doesn't sound good for science.
I'll have to poke around to get a better picture of it.
Hmm, skimming through the Physics section, "speculative" comes to mind.
I'll find another source then. :) I didn't notice the dating section.
It's a magazine-ish site. A secondhand source. I'm inclined to not doubt anything there, per se, but go to the linked papers, if possible.
@Green is probably a good starting point to know about research done. But I'm pretty sure, it would not pass the skeptics filter
yes as @HDE226868 writes, see if they have some sources mentioned. If they do, go to the real research
I found an answer for the mercator question...
answered. If someone +1 my answer, we get rid of it on the unanswered. :D I still think VTC it for "not about worldbuilding" is a bit stretched. But that's just my opinion...
@HDE226868, you should not ask questions like... worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/23040/… you're our specialist to answer them... ;-)
and furthermore, it might be a bit broad... especially considering the
Dang. I was rereading that question and though "Oh, it's a question about how to depict a local star group".....oh wait, it's asking for the physics behind how to build a local star cluster. @HDE226868, that's all you.
Q: Answering the unanswered questions . . . and reconsidering them

HDE 226868As of this posting (9/1/2015), there are six unanswered questions on Worldbuilding Stack Exchange: Karyotypes of partially interbreeding human races Creating a realistic world(s) map - Stars Could life exist in a circumstellar disk? Liquid-filled habitats on high-G planets and on ships that acc...

So not the best answer ever but I think it works: worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/a/23892/10364
CM says it's technically possible to put arbitrary HTML in that disclaimer box.
@WorldbuildingMeta @HDE226868, they also had some very limited number of views. I think they came in the middle of a frenzy strikes of exciting questions and were deemed... well, less exciting.
@Green reasonable enough.
@ArtOfCode good. And is there a chance we get to choose?
@bilbo_pingouin I'd imagine so, if we put this forward and say "this is what we'd like, here's the source so you can verify that we're not trying to break things", they'd take it
@ArtOfCode ok. So probably a meta post to use as petition, or do we send our mods on the front line?
@bilbo_pingouin Both. Monica suggests we get the blog launched with the birthday celebrations, and see what kind of usage patterns we get, then use that data as well to support our case.
@ArtOfCode You can't escape data...
@James Data support argument. Data make case. Data conquer world.
@ArtOfCode Data play barbarian in DnD RAR!
@James ...must think of way to insert Data the Star Trek character...
@ArtOfCode lol
Also, we've been mentioned in the currently live podcast
@ArtOfCode you know at what time?
3-4 minutes ago
5 minutes ago.
@bilbo_pingouin please hold off on the meta post. Let's get the blog up and running first and then ask for a prominent link. It's easier to sell that way.
@MonicaCellio well, to be honest, I was leaving it to @ArtOfCode :D
Sounds like I'm the default for stuff relating to the blog :)
@ArtOfCode Well for me, since you wrote that HTML example earlier, and contacted someone about it, it was logical to make the next step. But I don't mind doing it (when the time comes), if you'd rather have it that way :-)
By the way, talking about the blog, who is Evans?
@bilbo_pingouin Evans?
Evan Hoffman, writer on the blog
no s, sorry
@bilbo_pingouin I'm happy doing it, I'm just surprised that more people aren't clamouring to be seen as the one doing stuff for it
@ArtOfCode I think there are a bunch of introvert-type here... ;-)
medium.com/universe-factory/about has a list of editors... and writers.
Clearly so
yourself, Monica, HDE, Samuel and myself kept the same names as on WB.
I assume James Beins is @James..
Yeah, username is knave, so it's knave
ok :)
by the way, to the users of the blog, did you know that you can "like" an article, which corresponds to a twitter re-tweet?
Like? I've seen recommends
the small heart at the bottom
might be good for promotion :)
Yeah, recommend
@bilbo_pingouin Yup thats me
@ArtOfCode What was the context for the mention of WB in the podcast?
@Green Very off hand but still nice to know we are getting paid attention to
@Green Me trying to break David Fullerton's concentration with links to posts about destroying Stack Exchange.
@ArtOfCode I applaud your mischeviousness!
I'm out, have a nice, day/evening/night/tomorrow everyone.
same here
See ya James!
@Green I'm talking to the CEO. What mischief shall we have here?
good night :)
@ArtOfCode That's a fantastic question to Joel.
@Green We've been throwing that one around in the network mod room for a while :)
how often do they have these podcasts?
Monthly? I don't know. It might be completely random.
You got mentioned! Or your site did!
@ArtOfCode I dare you to tell him to give us a birthday present: graduation. :-)
in SE Podcast, 11 secs ago, by ArtOfCode
Hey @JoelSpolsky, the Worldbuilding guys have noticed my mischief here, and I've been told that they think we should get graduation as a birthday present... :)
@ArtOfCode :-)
@MonicaCellio I was promptly told that asking for it is more likely to get us moved back, so... YMMV.
@ArtOfCode oh. Well I guess we shouldn't do that, then. :-)
May or may not be a good idea. However, I imagine we're probably reasonably high on the list, we've got excellent stats here
Seriously, though, we're doing great and I suspect we'll have one of the faster paths to graduation, but there are lots of other sites waiting too, it won't hurt us to wait, and we do still have some things we can work on to make WB even more awesome.
We have a blog to get going well
I feel like we still struggle with the boundaries around idea-generation, for instance, but I don't know how to address that.
@ArtOfCode yes.
The blog should complement the site -- each making the other stronger.
Oh, we do. But there are enough closers to be able to close and reopen multiple times and let it settle
And, ideally, we'd have it linked prominently from the site
@ArtOfCode we can close and open, but are we fixing them? What can we do to be more clear up front to reduce the number of cycles? Things like that, I meant.
(But yeah, we're ahead of some beta sites that don't have active reviewers/closers/reopeners/editors.)
I should really start getting involved here again
I hang around chat, but I don't do much on the site any more; if you look at my rep graph there's a big flat line.
I blame Open Source, but I still want to get back to being active here.
It's gone up a little, recently, but it's basically been flat since I recovered it from the big drop I took
(for which I blame message 19, @Monica ;) )
@ArtOfCode it looks like you've recovered from that, actually, and since we can't control what other people do, there's really no blame to be handed out here. It's frustrating when something like that happens, kind of like having a coupon for a really awesome deal but it turns out it was a misprint and the store isn't going to honor it, but what can you do?
@ArtOfCode come back to the fun side. We blow up worlds and overthrow governments and stuff here! (NSA observers: only the bad ones, of course, and only virtually.)
@bilbo_pingouin You're not the first person to say that. :-) @Green I know. . .
@MonicaCellio Aye, I recovered it pretty quickly really. Just a bit of a shock to wake up and find 350 rep gone :)
@ArtOfCode What happened?
@HDE226868 Case of a certain user serially voting for me, then the mods noticing and getting the votes invalidated.
@ArtOfCode Oof. That happened to me once.
@MonicaCellio it might interest you to know that we've had problems with the same user in OS. Also, look at their IPs and compare them to mine; I've figured out who it is (IRL) based on that.
Turns out it's a neighbour (we have a shared wifi network between a small area around me (10 houses ish), which I administrate).
I have a neighbour who likes to be called what they call themselves in their username here.
I don't actually know if they know it's me, though.
@ArtOfCode What would you say is the best worldbuilding question on Worldbuilding? Just off the top of your head. I won't judge.
@HDE226868 I'm answering that anyway, strikethroughs aren't going to put me off :)
@ArtOfCode Okay, I'm curious. :-) I just crossed it off because the point wasn't relevant, but I'm still interested. . .
The best actual worldbuilding question... Some of Serban's posts have really been good. The making a realistic map series is good, and there are a number of posts about the tech development of a world that I've liked.
I'd have to have a better look through the site to decide on a best, because there are lots of good sets. I'll do that tomorrow, and nominate a single post then.
I was rereading your blog post, and I was just thinking about some of the questions we've had. . .
I'd better write another, actually: it's now the second of September, and there's Augusts posts to round up and give badges to.

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