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Hi all. There was just a massive spam attack on Travel (~00:30 UTC - at least 01:00 UTC).
It is still going on as of this moment.
One CM is on it (jmac) because non of the others are currently reachable.
If you see spam on large scales (i.e. one post), flag as such.
It doesn't appear to have spread beyond Travel, but nobody is sure.
cc @MonicaCellio @TimB @Vincent @MichaelKjorling.
I'll keep an eye out for a while.
Everything should be fine, but not necessarily.
@Green Great, thanks. It's most likely not going to be a problem, but it's too early to tell.
how long do these spam attacks last?
No idea. I've never seen one before.
It's been 30 minutes, and it's still going on.
Although it's slowing.
Is the spam showing up in the comments, questions? Where should I be looking?
@Green Try the entire front page. jmac and flaggers (i.e. everyone in the TL with a Travel account, as well as in the Travel chat) have gotten rid of most of it, but some of us are running out of flags, and jmac's getting tired of nuking accounts.
TL;DR: Questions, mainly.
You'll know it when you see it.
How do we get SE employee support on this? I assume it's already been done.
Chinese characters and fake university degrees, now.
There were some regular crap posts earlier, but those are gone.
@Green jmac is the only one on it, because he's the only one available (he's a CM).
He's poking whoever he can, so SE knows about it.
As much of SE as is awake, at least.
Got to go. Bye!
2 hours later…
As promised, the background/process post for the story I posted last night: medium.com/universe-factory/…
@HDE226868 I've seen nothing in the last half-hour, so I assume they've blocked it at its source. (I can flag on Travel, but I can't see review queues, let alone deleted posts.)
4 hours later…
@ArtOfCode, if you like data, I made a graph for you :-D meta.worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/a/2560/9685
5 hours later…
Q: Can we ask "Most efficient way to use" questions?

SpaceLizardAre "What is the most efficient way to use resource X/object Y ?" questions accepted on Worldbuilding SE ? If yes, what information should be added to make them neither opinion based or too broad? I expect the criteria to be: Exact description of the item Available quantities/number Descripti...

1 hour later…
@HDE226868 Loved it. I had some fun with my responses.
I'm curious to see what kinds of correlations people draw from those surveys.
Um...coffee. thats about it thus far.
Holy...18 upvotes on the less restrictive shared world answer...
Good morning to you all (who just started their days...) :-)
o/ Bilbo
@Green I made another plot for you :-)
Oh yeah?! Tell me about it.
Oh, you meant statistics plot.
I though you meant like plot-plot, mischief and mayhem plot.
no, sorry for the false hope ^^"
Dang it!
the "another" should have been a give-away
Ah, well I can hope can't I?
Can someone check my logic please?
What's the force of 160 atmospheres on a human body?
100kpa is one atmosphere.
100kpa * 160 = 16000kpa
F=16000000 Pa (N/m^2) * 1.7 m^2
F = 27.2 MN
@Green Its too early for that.
@James, it's never too early for mischief. >:)!
@Green I was talking about the logic.
@James Hi there.
@James, get your coffee! There's world building to do! :) (And it strikes me that I'm entirely too cheerful for someone who hasn't had coffee yet. Sorry.)
@HDE226868, 'morning!
@Green Hi! Just finished my Common App essay, so I'm happy.
@HDE226868 congratulations!
@Green sounds about right.
@HDE226868 Hey yourself, do tell, waht is a common app essay?
@James An essay for college that most schools accept.
I still have supplements to do for most of the schools, though . . . most of which I've done.
@bilbo_pingouin Thanks.
@Green Great answer for the disk question, thanks.
@HDE226868 I tried to get it as hard-science as I could since that was the original tag.
@James, look away for a second. I've got another logic question. :)
So the math checks out but can I draw an equivalence between atmospheric pressure and acceleration? This is in regards to this question: worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/23691/…
(I swear I'm not self-promoting.)
@HDE226868, in the second graph of that answer meta.worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/a/2560/9685, I have the number of votes on a question as a function of the total number of votes for the challenge. There is a point far above the others (further from the fit), and that was your question. You break the stats ;-)
@bilbo_pingouin Haha, that's funny. I also broke the HNQ yesterday by having two questions on the same page, apparently. Apparently, I'm good at breaking things with question. :-)
@Green Nice zero gravity question.
@HDE226868 Ohhh riiight...its been a while since I was dealing with that...
@Green Nice. lol
@HDE226868 Thanks. I've gotten some nice answers to it too.
399 and not a decent new Science-based question out there... :(
@ArtOfCode Nice new picture for the first blog post. I like it. Where's it from?
@HDE226868 A Google image search with "licensed for noncommercial reuse" set :)
New world-building process question is up.
Q: Methods for filling in your world - Political Entities

JamesMy world is, at a very high level, well populated. That being said my focus has been on certain cities relevant to my story. These cities are detailed, they have government structures, leadership (people), armies/guards, cultural identity, racial make-up and more, essentially, they are complete...

This challenge has been a little slow to get moving
@James I've read it over a couple of times, and it seems a bit broad. I don't know if there's enough information about the world. Good question, though - I'd just want more information to answer it.
@HDE226868 For example?
@HDE226868 Why did you delete your staying medivial question?
@James I would want to know the government type of the nation-state before figuring out the government of the city. If there is a democracy, then I would expect there to be a democratic city government citizen. If there is a monarchy/empire, I would expect power to rest in the hands of roughly one or two people within the city.
@Vulcronos I saw another question that was pretty much an exact duplicate, just with a different backstory.
@James Or for racial tolerance, I would want to know what the races are and the backstory behind their relationships, if there is one yet.
Well that's kinda the whole point right, I don't want to have to figure that all out, I'm looking for a system that will do that for me, I have dozens of cities that are nothing more than a dot on the map.
@James Can you specify the tech level, then? I might be able to work off of that.
@HDE226868 Doh, I meant to have that in there...I forgot to add the world level details...doh.
Doh. Doh. Doh. Doh.
@HDE226868 I updated with some relevant details...but again I am more looking for a method to do this quickly for a bunch of cities rather than defining a particular city
@James Thanks. I posted a partial answer.
More later.
@HDE226868 Impressive thus far.
@James Thank you.
Okay, one more section.
@James Done. Finally.
@HDE226868 That's an impressive answer.
@Green Thanks. It only took ~45 minutes. Ish.
@ArtOfCode How do you put a link in a Medium post?
We are close to overtaking writers on number of questions asked...
@TimB I'm not sure what you mean by that. Do you mean we are close to having more questions than question writers?
@Green I think he is just talking about number of questions total
@Green I think he means Writers Stack Exchange.
@HDE226868 Ah, okay.
@Green Oh sweet irony...I misunderstood your misunderstanding.
@HDE226868 Ill read it in a bit...work...ugh.
Yeah, I was looking at the stats for all stack exchange sites
and we're higher questions per day than a lot of them
which means total questions is starting to overtake
Ha! We are win!
yes, our stats are improving. We have reached new heights during the last week of August. More visitors but also more donwvotes.
^^ Musical accompaniment.
@Vincent Is there a rise in upvotes, too, or just downvotes?
@HDE226868 The have up and down moments. The trend is less clear.
It has been increasing in the last weeks but it's still 15% less that in April apparently.
But during the same time, the number of downvotes almost doubled.
It could be good or bad, there was a post on meta complaining about the low number of donwvotes.
The ratio of closed questions also increased but I don't think there is something to be worried about.
Why do we even have a tag?
Seeing the downvotes and close votes increase at the same time indicates to me that community quality management is working as it should. As our viewership increases, I expect to see a (hopefully) small increase in low quality posts.
It could be merged with .
What's the appropriate synonym for ?
Yeah, I can see that.
We also have , which makes no sense when we have .
. . . and , when we have .
I think those are all the -design tag problems, though.
Are you advocating to collapse the style tag into tags?
for all of them?
More ranting about tags: We have a tag and a tag (I'm not sure what the point of the latter is).
@Green Either that, or the reverse.
we also have an but that's because I made it.
I was just skimming through the tags and noticed those.
Delude isn't a real tag. It can be clumped under psychology or similar.
We also have a tag too (though for the life of me, I can't think of another question to put into that tag.)
Is there a meta post where we can propose getting rid of specific tags? Monica's answer here suggests that burnination is only for certain special cases.
I'm just reminded of a lot of tags that are extraneous.
seems to be being used in the one question on the main site as a meta tag.
, and all seem like they're interrelated.
For the second time in 24 hours, I wish I could just freeze an entire site and set to work on something.
Well, I'll think about all that. Got to go.
I think we should merge all the and just use (for example.
@HDE226868 Select the link text, in the menu find the link (chain?) icon and click it. You'll be prompted for the URI.
Q: Proposed synonyms

VincentThis is a list of proposed tag synonyms, feel free to add your own proposition. Note: to make things easier, the master tag should be on the left. It's the tag you need to select if you want to suggest a synonym.

@ArtOfCode Nice post! @HDE226868, you're a popular person!
You got two badges from it :)
@HDE226868, @MonicaCellio, @James, et al of the blog curation team: I actually quite like the name Universe Factory. Would anyone object if I kept it, rather than going with the top-voted name suggestion?
@ArtOfCode no complain here.
@ArtOfCode I'm not curator but I like Universe Factory quite well.
@ArtOfCode You made the front page of Medium (or rather you made the version of the front page that Medium presents to me.)
@ArtOfCode nice art! Since this is the first in a (presumed) series, I suggest using that same art for all of them.
Question: how should other people who want to do their own "best of" posts interact with this? Everybody play in the same space and different authors are fine, or should each one personalize it somehow, or what?
(Minor thing: instead of associating an image credit with each badge, maybe just put a blanket statement at the bottom? Also, it derives from an SE image, so I'm not sure what that means for licensing.)
@ArtOfCode "Universe Factory" is fine with me. I haven't checked meta lately; has anybody objected to it?
@Green I think it's just you; I tested in an incognito window (not signed in) and I don't see it. It makes sense that Medium would prioritize content from publications/people you've read from in the past.
@MonicaCellio I thought so. Given how new Universe Factory is, I didn't think it could have made it to the True Front Page.
@Green yeah, that would be impressive, but it seemed unlikely. Stretch goal! :-)
Hey, we already get plenty of questions on HNQ. Upping the ante to Medium's HNP list shouldn't be too far out.
BTW, please tell me others are going to be sharing some sort of glimpses into their worlds, too?
@MonicaCellio I'd thought something along those lines. Either the same art, or something very similar from the same gallery.
@MonicaCellio No actual objections; conflicting suggestions but nobody's downvoted UF.
@MonicaCellio I'm working on one right now.
@MonicaCellio I would, if I had a world to share :)
Also @All: do remember to use the recommend feature on Medium, I'm sure it features in their selection algorithms for posts to display to others.
@ArtOfCode, there's no explanations of the badge, when I mouse over it... or is it my browser?
@bilbo_pingouin There aren't any, simply because I couldn't find a way to add any
fair enough
I'll just have to name them reasonably descriptively, or add some interwoven explanation in the text.
then maybe a post to summarise them like worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/help/badges
@bilbo_pingouin I did think of that, but does Medium really work for that format?
@ArtOfCode I don't know. Three days ago I did not know anything about medium :D
I feel like it's a more bloggy format, rather than for wiki-style informational posts.
yes, you're right. You actually could invent new badges types and/or names every month :)
I could do, if I can think of enough :)
that would add a bit of fun to the process...
you have one month to find new ones ;)
@ArtOfCode yeah, a consistent theme for reader recognition as we progress. If you find one you like better you can swap it in, but that one is lovely!
@Green yay! Looking forward to seeing it.
I'm on a writing roll right now. I'm writing another blog post that I can keep around and publish some other time when we need content and I can't come up with any.
@MonicaCellio I don't really write stories, just world building. (which also handily explains why I spend my time here instead of on Writers SE).
@ArtOfCode btw, I'm not sure I would tag those with 'badges"; that seems a minor point from the perspective of the reader. But if you dropped "badges" and "questions-answers" in favor of something like "featured-questions", that'd work well.
@MonicaCellio Sounds good to me. If you've got improvements like that, feel free to edit - I think our curators could be useful in editing metadata like tags
@bilbo_pingouin @ArtOfCode I really hope the articles will all be written well enough that the context tells you what you need to know about the badges. This first one does that.
We shouldn't edit people's content without extremely good reason to (and if there is, that might actually be reason to reject a submission) - but the meta like tags should be fine to edit.
@MonicaCellio Phew - I was wondering if I'd done that well enough.
@ArtOfCode having some stuff queued up is good.
@Green it doesn't have to be a story. :-) That's my main way of conveying my ideas, but it needn't be yours!
@ArtOfCode I haven't actually figured out how to edit tags there yet. Have you?
@ArtOfCode agreed.
@MonicaCellio Find the edit button, and click Publish - it gives you a drop down with the tags in
'night all :)
Night :)
@bilbo_pingouin 'night!
@ArtOfCode oh ok; I wasn't sure if that would work on an already-published post and I didn't want to make two of them. :-) I'll test.
@MonicaCellio I do believe it does. Work, that is.
Yup, that worked.
Good good
2 hours later…
@Green Thanks . . . ? Which one?
@ArtOfCode Sounds fine with me.
@Green Never mind, I'll read the post.
Good good. Yeah, the round up post awarded you a number of badges
@ArtOfCode Wow. Thanks.
Your name seems to have been all over the challenges.
@Green (Sorry for pinging so many times) I accepted your answer to the structural linguistics question; I had wanted to wait a bit to see what else popped up.
@ArtOfCode Another awesome picture, too.
There should be a challenge where you post a picture and people have to build a world off of it.
@HDE226868 That is one top idea. In fact, I'd be tempted to have that as a blog thing: a month-long challenge, announced on meta with the cue picture, and people have a month to write one chapter of a story around it. Results get posted to the blog.
Oh, by the way, I might write up a blog post about my "experiment" on Worldbuilding - building a world based almost entirely on a series of questions. I should probably resume that at some point.
That'd be a good idea.
@MonicaCellio Opinions on chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/23844627#23844627? As mod, what say you to starting such things on meta?
Do we have a tag? I thought we did at some point.

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