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@Scimonster Two-column text; one-column footnotes turn out to be pretty much impossible in Word. Oh, well.
@Scimonster Believe it or not, that's the only one (as far as my Ctrl-F skilz can determine)
v 1.1 to be released: PDF / WORD
And we're live:
Q: Chanukah - Mi Yodeya?

Isaac Moses חנוכה - מי יודע?‏ Chanukah - Mi Yodeya? Real questions and answers to enjoy while your candles burn Download and print (double-sided recommended): We are proud to present our third community publication, a collection of questions and answers from Mi Yodeya that you can print out, enjoy,...

Q: Feedback for "Chanukah - Mi Yodeya?"

Isaac MosesIf you downloaded or read "Chanukah - Mi Yodeya?," we would love to hear what you thought of it. Are there any improvements you'd suggest? Is there anything about it you specifically hope we don't change? Do you have any interesting stories about using it on Chanukah? Anything you can tell us...

@Mods, could you please feature?
@IsaacMoses Beginning proofread now ;-)
Are you sure that the frontpage should be "while your candles burn"? .....I, for one, don't use candles -- I use oil ;-)
maybe "lights" is better?
@Shokhet I'm not above releasing a v 1.2 and silently changing the link on the landing page
@Shokhet Me, too. Just pretend it says "neirot"
@IsaacMoses You said final editing Monday night, right? .....it's Sunday night?
@Shokhet Oh, it actually isn't :P ....oops.
@Shokhet Ummm
@Shokhet Seriously, it's not too late to fix stuff.
@IsaacMoses All right, then....in which case, I should probably download and look at v 1.1, then ;-)
I mean, too late for me to implement it tonight, but there are more nights between now and Chanuka
@Shokhet s.tk/miyodeya recommends as much :)
@IsaacMoses All right, then....between TRiG and Scimonster, there shouldn't be too many egregious mistakes.
@Shokhet and YeZ!
@IsaacMoses Him too :)
@Scimonster, thanks very much for the last round of corrections.
@IsaacMoses Since we've made an official release, I think I'll only make note of major errors or changes, because I don't think we should change the release lightly.
@Shokhet It's up to you. I'll exercise discretion as well.
@IsaacMoses All right.
The word "halacha" appears in the document four times; twice capitalized, twice not.
^^^ the first time (page two), I could hear an argument to capitalize; because it refers to the body of all halachos.....the other times, I'm not so sure about.
Standardization might be nice, though.
@Shokhet No offense, but I'm outta here. I'm done thinking about the details of this for tonight. Carry on at your leisure.
@IsaacMoses Okay. TZT!
@Shokhet TZT
A period might be nice for sam's Hebrew quote (bottom of page 3)
The third bullet point of Double AA's answer (page 4) should really start with "three," instead of "3"
Maybe some Hebrew text for the specific brachos in Ken's question (page 5)? Might make the question easier to read for some.
Bottom page 7: "Jeremy said to" => "Jeremy said to" (if it matters)
^^^^ same on page 8: "msh210 noted that => "msh210 noted that"
(just my opinion on how it should look; the saying or noting should be bolded with the username, and everything else shouldn't be)
I spotted at least three different transliterations of משנה ברורה -- but then again, only 'cuz I was looking for it.
(you can search for "mishna," but the relevant pages are 4, 18, 9, 17, and 6)
On first mention of "chanukiyah," should we put in a footnote with a link to the chanukiyah question (either publication page number (12) or mi.yodeya.com/q/4493)?
"Sichos in English" (page 10): explanatory note as to whose Sichos are being quoted? Link to online source (though the link in the answer has expired)?
Perhaps also link to the cited essay in that answer?
Page 11 some Hebrew text looks funny:
(specifically, the first ו in נרות חנוכה is blurred)
Same on page 12:
Note also that the spacing between the lines in that paragraph, on a closer look, spread out into groups of 3-2-2-1 (though I don't know what you can do about that in Word)
On page 12, חנוכיה is transliterated three different ways; doesn't look that nice, IMO
ibid., "chanukia" is not italicized in the blockquoted paragraph in the last answer on the page
page 13: "Isaac Moses wondered" .....usually, the bold name connotes a new statement (at least, that's how I read it) .....d'you think we should clarify that this is a response to Alex's answer?
Why isn't Shabbos 23a mentioned at the end of YDK's answer on page 14 (regarding והיכן ציוונו)? ....the gemara answers that question explicitly; this is well-known, and people are gonna wonder how come no one noticed that
On the question page, it's only mentioned explicitly by the third answer (!?), and mentioned in passing by the second.
@Shokhet also in that paragraph, you'll find an extra, small parenthesis in between the words נרות and חנוכה. ( note that at the resolution I'm looking at this room, you'll need to click on the images to enlarge them, in order to spot my original issue with them )
"menora(h)" doesn't either have a standardized transliteration.....notably, switching in the same answer (!!) on page 18
"mitzva(h)" and "mitzvos/t" aren't either standardized....I don't know if we care, but sometimes that also will switch in the middle of a page; which I think is a no-no, even if we won't standardize all over.
Hebrew gemara in Double AA's answer on page 17: does "ורצועותיהן" really need its own line?
Same answer: swap out "fringes" for "tzitzis," please? ....if yes, then change footnote 4 there to "adapted from"
^^^^ also "lulab" to "lulav;" though I don't think that that is as major as "fringes" :: shudder ::
More or less done.
My opinion about standardization is that even if each author transliterated a word differently, we should still standardize it, because we're publishing it as one piece. And even if we don't, then at least we should keep one transliteration for a given word consistent in a single page, but certainly in the same answer!
All in all, Chanukah MY looks amazing!! Great work, everyone! :D
2 hours later…
@IsaacMoses Ah, now you have to add @Shokhet to the proofreaders too. :)
Day 6, i forgot to add a footnote for Sfas Emes.
Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Leib Alter, a 19th-century Polish Chasidic commentator
@Shokhet I don't think it's necessary. It seems clear enough that it doesn't have answer tochen.
2 hours later…
@IsaacMoses Despite the name, eating a full Irish breakfast in the evening is not that unusual, so there's no real irony there. There is, perhaps, an irony in eating it while proofreading a Jewish document. Rashers, sausages, baked beans, toast, tea, fried egg, and in this case, hash browns (they're not really part of the classic Irish breakfast, but they work well with it).
3 hours later…
@Shokhet Tried. Got tired of fighting with Word.
@Shokhet Help?
@Shokhet It's because of the parentheses. Maybe I'll just take them out.
@Shokhet Me neither
@Shokhet I agree on consistency within a post, but not on standardizing across authors. This project is intentionally written in many voices.
@Scimonster Costs nothing, now that you're on that list. :)
4 hours later…
FWIW, the view count on s.tk/miyodeya was 3704 when I edited it last night.
@IsaacMoses Okay then. ....I did notice one count of changed transliteration in a single post, page 18
@Shokhet ^^^^ this one
@IsaacMoses Was I not clear, there?
@Shokhet Just not complete. I'm too lazy to not try to delegate the actual research and thinking work at this point.
@IsaacMoses Fair enough. I left a comment on the original answer, telling the OP that the link died....we'll see if anything comes of that.
Your link to the Sichos in English is now dead, בד"א. Are they still online somewhere? — Shokhet 13 hours ago
@Shokhet A description sans link would be good enough
@IsaacMoses Maybe.
@Shokhet Better than nothing, at least
@IsaacMoses Definitely.
@IsaacMoses One thing that occurred to me, after I turned off my computer last night, was that somewhere (maybe at the end?) write something like "if you want more Chanuka Mi Yodeya, look at mi.yodeya.com/questions/tagged/chanuka" or some similar wording.
What do you think about that?
@Shokhet We invite people in the Intro to visit MY. Would a longer, more specific URL on paper be that helpful? If they come during Chanuka, there'll be a link on the sidebar, and probably a great deal of content on the front page. I do think it's a good idea to add such a link to the landing page (and to the archived ones of the previous projects).
@IsaacMoses I hear that....but all the same, after reading through a booklet with 16 question, one might wonder....is that all they have on Chanuka? I think that specific URL (or some similar one) would be useful, in the sense that it would direct people (who may or may not understand how a tagging system works) to more awesome Chanukah questions and answers.
@Shokhet OK. I wanted to put another footnote on the Intro page to balance it visually. This could be that.
@IsaacMoses That could work.
@Shokhet "To jump straight to our collection of 150+ Chanukah questions, go to mi.yodeya.com/questions/tagged/chanukah." (Might as well keep the spelling consistent, taking advantage of the otherwise-superfluous synonym.)
@IsaacMoses Makes sense; I also like the less formal, more conversational wording you came up with.
1 hour later…
Will you do 1.2 tonight?
@Scimonster I intend to, and I really hope to stop there.
@IsaacMoses Sure! And i hope to blog about it tomorrow.
@Scimonster Great! (I was afraid that you were about to say "Wait! I have a bunch more corrections that I'll give you in the morning!")

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