So tonight, (say around 21:00 EST or so), I plan to make any corrections suggested in here (so far, those of @Scimonster, above) and then publish to Meta and start asking everyone to start promoting, unless anyone objects. If you (e.g. @Shokhet) believe that you'll have corrections to make but won't be able to do so by then, please let me know. I may have some time to look up and footnotes for more sources, but probably not much. If anyone wants to do that at the last minute, now's the time.
@IsaacMoses yes, but I think "Orach Chayim 676:1" and footnote can be converted to "OC 676:1" which the uninitiated will assume is a section or some such (as it is) -- or even converted to "676:1" which the initiated will understand. The footnote on "Orach Chayim" may be TMI. — msh210 ♦ Oct 27 at 18:30
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