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So tonight, (say around 21:00 EST or so), I plan to make any corrections suggested in here (so far, those of @Scimonster, above) and then publish to Meta and start asking everyone to start promoting, unless anyone objects. If you (e.g. @Shokhet) believe that you'll have corrections to make but won't be able to do so by then, please let me know. I may have some time to look up and footnotes for more sources, but probably not much. If anyone wants to do that at the last minute, now's the time.
We include footnotes for SA and MB; include for Rambam as well?
You can put the MB footnote into page 1 also
@Scimonster I guess so
@IsaacMoses "Rambam, Maimonides. Author of the Mishneh Torah, a late 12th-century halachic work" (for page 1, and anywhere else)
Or actually, instead of saying "Rambam, Laws of Chanukah", should we say "Mishneh Torah, Laws of Chanukah"?
@Scimonster Yes, I think
@IsaacMoses So then, "'Repeat of the Torah', a late 12th-century halachic work by Maimonides".
Day 2, expand "OC" to "Orach Chaim"
Page 2.2, Maharil: "Rabbi Yaakov ben Moshe Levi Moelin, a 14-15th century German posek"
Day 4, i have no idea who "Mahari Abohav" is
Day 5 page 2, also expand "OC"
In that same answer, should "chanukiyah" have quotes around it? We're referring to the word itself, not the thing it means.
Day 6, Minchas Chinuch: "A 19th-century legal commentary on Sefer Hachinuch by Rabbi Yosef Babad"
@Scimonster I think we're better off not translating all of the titles. It makes it harder to keep the footnotes to one line, and it doesn't really add much for the uninitiated. Note that I removed a few such translations in the footnotes in the current version.
@IsaacMoses Fine, that makes it much easier. :)
@IsaacMoses yes, but I think "Orach Chayim 676:1" and footnote can be converted to "OC 676:1" which the uninitiated will assume is a section or some such (as it is) -- or even converted to "676:1" which the initiated will understand. The footnote on "Orach Chayim" may be TMI. — msh210 ♦ Oct 27 at 18:30
Day 6, Avudraham: "David ben Josef ben David Abudirham, a 14th-century commentator"
Since it's the first question, add a translation of Beis Din? There's space.
6.2, Ramban: "Nahmanides, a 13th-century Biblical commentator"
These are useful, right?
On the credits page, is the "Who made it" header necessary?
In the credits, wolf2191 (u99) needs a lowercase w
If someone goes to s.tk/miyodeya to give feedback, what are they expected to do anyways?
Presumably some random user won't have 5 rep to use meta, or the 50 to comment
@Scimonster Yes. Thank you.
> We would greatly appreciate your feedback on any aspect of this project. Please visit this page to leave feedback, or email us at [email protected].
> If you have participated on Mi Yodeya before, you should be able to post your feedback as an answer to this question. If not, or if you prefer to send it in private, please email [email protected].
Or actually (first of the above two links): meta.judaism.stackexchange.com/a/2013/2

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