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@MonicaCellio @Shokhet @TRiG @msh210 WAF provided the full set of eight. He's still open to suggestions for improvement.
He told me that someone saw his work and said "That looks like a Christmas tree." So, uh, we now have the awesomest Chanuka bush ever on our hands. Is that a problem?
Seriously, will people see this as a gesture toward ecumenicism?
Should I ask him to make a version that loses the treeness by smoothing out the branches and mono-colors the leaf-flames?
@IsaacMoses I'm not seeing the Christmas tree. But that 50% of people polled see it is a bad thing. That 100% of people polled, who haven't seen the MY logo before, see this as a Christmas tree, is a bad thing, too.
@IsaacMoses Mono-coloring the flames may well help. I'm not sure what you mean by smoothing out the branches, but it probably couldn't hurt.
@IsaacMoses @msh210 I don't see the Christmas tree, either.....I think "Christmas tree"s are evergreen, this one clearly isn't.
@msh210 "haven't seen the MY logo before" is not such an issue, especially if the regular logo is around somewhere else on the page
(see pinned comment)
Oct 29 at 3:50, by Monica Cellio
Checked with Jin: so long as we use the real logo on the cover, it's ok to use the modified one inside.
@IsaacMoses I think that this set of pictures is absolutely amazing.
@msh210 clarifying: you pa verylled people? The person WAF spoke too is actually a sporadic Yodeyan
@msh210 I mean making them curved standard menora branches instead of pointy tree branches
@Shokhet good point.
If the flames are to be monofied, which color? Yellow?
@Shokhet I do too. I'll relay your compliment to WAF
... Red, to go with the text?
@IsaacMoses That might make it a little boring, but I'm no graphic designer. Yellow is flame enough, IMO
@Shokhet Right, good point.
@IsaacMoses I what?
@IsaacMoses I'd think.
@IsaacMoses Hm. If it still looks like the logo, good; otherwise, it seems kinda pointless to include.
No pun intended.
@msh210 sorry. On a phone. You polled ppl?
@msh210 Ha!
@IsaacMoses Two: myself and the person WAF spoke to.
Very large N.
@msh210 Ah. 100% are familiar with the standard logo
@msh210 Now three ;)
@Shokhet Indeed. 33% is much better than 50%.
And 2/3 don't see it
@msh210 Exactly :)
@msh210 the spirally question mark could unify them, as could the way it interacts with the text below
@IsaacMoses That's a good point
@IsaacMoses I can't picture it coming out good. That doesn't mean WAF can't make it come out what-I'll-consider-good.
@msh210 @IsaacMoses I agree -- leave the points in.
@Shokhet That's not agreeing with me.
@msh210 I'm confused. What part is it that you think won't look good? (that's what I assumed, because if you follow the chat responses back you eventually get back to curving out the branches of the tree-menorah)
Incidentally, while you and I both are here, @Shokhet, I'd like to commend you on your sitewide helpfulness. Comments greeting newbies, edits clarifying posts, votes to close IIRC, other stuff. Y'yasher kochacha.
@msh210 hear hear!
@Shokhet That is, indeed, the part I can't picture coming out good. That doesn't mean it won't come out good, though, and it may well be worth a try; hence, I don't agree with "leave the points in".
@msh210 Thanks :)
@msh210 I just don't think that the points are a problem to begin with, besides the fact that removing them might make it harder to associate these pictures with the logo.
(Also, I'm not sure how removing them would take care of the "Hannukah bush" problem)
@Shokhet Fair enough. If, however, WAF has unlimited time on his hands, I figure it can't hurt to see both and then decide.
@msh210 if he did, he'd be in this room himself, now
@IsaacMoses :-)
@msh210 All right, then. I guess we'll find out (maybe).
@IsaacMoses I was being facetious about the time.
@IsaacMoses I just noticed that isaacemoses.info indicates you're in the "Greater St. Louis Area" whereas judaism.stackexchange.com/users/2/isaac-moses indicates you're in "Silver Spring, MD". I didn't know St. Louisans' metrocentricity/chauvinism extended its metro area that far east. :-P
@IsaacMoses wow, those are great! I don't see a christmas tree, for what that's worth. Possibly the flames/leaves could be a little bigger (try scaling this to the size you'll use on the page and then decide). If we want to unify the flame color then my first thought is yellow (that says flame to me more than red does), but either way please test for legibility with a B&W printout since I suspect not everybody will print in color.
@msh210 it's a suburb. :-)
@MonicaCellio That's a true statement (says Eliza).
Oh, and christmas trees, in addition to being evergreens, are conical -- pointy top, triangle-ish profile. They don't fan out. I've no actual experience with "Chanukah bushes" (l'havdil).
@MonicaCellio Right, that too.
@MonicaCellio re meta.judaism.stackexchange.com/questions/2241/… -- I think he was closer before, no? (Goes to check Google Maps....)
... oh. No. Not by a long shot.
@msh210 Silver Spring is about 250 miles from Pittsburgh -- a 4- to 4.5-hour drive, depending. I haven't checked mileage to St. Louis, but I know it's way more than a 4-hour drive. (I'm thinking 8 or 9?)
@msh210 Clicking on that link led me to see that my comment here got another upvote, FWIW.....
I yellowed the leaves. @msh210 @Shokhet @MonicaCellio What do you think?
@msh210 :) If it does, I'm no longer that kind of St. Louisan.
@IsaacMoses I like it!
@IsaacMoses Looks good......does the center leaf also have to be yellow? Could be a little boring-looking.
@Shokhet that's the shamash, I assume, hence a flame.
@MonicaCellio Oh. Could be.
If we could curl the center of the question mark a little more, so that it ends flat, that might be a little clearer.
@MonicaCellio I hit "Print" to a B&W printer and took a screencap of the preview:
@IsaacMoses clever. That looks to me like it'll work -- the yellow isn't too light when rendered in B&W.
@Shokhet How about that for a shamash?
... I can't easily do a good job of extending the spiral, but I could ask WAF to try it.
... the light brown color from the original leaf palette could be used for the shamash, instead
... like this:
@IsaacMoses IDK......now it looks like it's kind of hanging in the air, instead of off the branch....what if we use one of the spurs on the right or on the left for the shamash?
(or, instead of curling the center branch tighter, we might unwind it a little so we have a flat point for the leaf/flame to rest on?)
@Shokhet That'd be fixed by either re-tilting that flame or extending the spiral.
I gotta go do stuff. Please keep opining.
@IsaacMoses Ok. TZT!
@Shokhet TZT!
@IsaacMoses Even better than before.
@IsaacMoses Yellow's better IMO (if the other eight are yellow).
3 hours later…
@IsaacMoses Wow, that looks really cool.
2 hours later…
@Shokhet Christmas trees are an ancient Germanic practise, introduced to Britain by Prince Albert, and hence to the USA. And yes, they're evergreen.
That logo doesn't look remotely like a Christmas tree.
3 hours later…
I'm working on the last day.
I'd really like to be able to get images in there. Anyone know anything about legalities?
A: How old is the chanukiyah?

Gershon GoldNeiros Shabbos - No 95 shows a picture of a Chanuka Menora from the 15th century in Sicily. Jewish Art Museum of Minessota has 2 pictures of Menoras from the 13th century. One from Avignon and the other from Germany /Northern France. According to this press release - The Living Torah Museum ha...

That would also fill up all the space - no 400 words in there right now!
Right now i'm linking to images with shortened goo.gl links
@TRiG Thanks for the input. That's reassuring. I think that with multicolored lights, it may look like a nod toward a "Hanukkah bush," although it seems that those tend to be evergreen, as well.
@Scimonster Thank you!
@IsaacMoses Wow, talk about an adopted idea. Presents are one thing, but a "Chanukah bush"...
@Scimonster I don't know much and IANAL, I recommend googling "fair use" picture and reading a bit about it. I just did such skimming, and it looks like there's room to get away with it. It'd be great to find pics, where available, that are already licensed for uses like ours (e.g. CC-BY).
@Scimonster Don't get me started...
A: "Chanuka - Mi Yodeya" call for submissions of edited content

ScimonsterHistory of the Chanukiah How old is the chanukiyah? Monica Cellio asked1: Another question (below) asks about the differentiation between the words "chanukiyah" and "menorah" when referring to the special 8-branched (+1 for the shamash, helper light) candelabra for Chanukah. An answer there sug...

There we go.
So i was reading this about fair use images.
Purpose of use seems to be educational or scholarly.
Type of work is fact-based, published.
We're only using a couple images.
I'm not sure what "market effect" is.
@Scimonster Thanks!
@Scimonster I think it has to do with "Would someone be less likely to use the original thanks to your re-using their content in your derivative work?"
Q: "Chanuka - Mi Yodeya" call for second-party content edits

Isaac MosesWe now have eight days' worth of edited content for "Chanuka - Mi Yodeya?." The next step is to make sure that each of these sections gets a good once-over by someone who didn't do the first edit, to help make sure that the content is high-quality and accessible. So, please select one (or more!)...

@TRiG Thanks for the info....I agree, it doesn't look at all like a Christmas tree.
@IsaacMoses That sounds plausible.
So, will JAMM or hebrewbooks sue MY for including those images?
@Scimonster Hebrewbooks - very unlikely. They're essentially in the fair use business themselves.
@IsaacMoses Agreed. And the museum might appreciate the extra exposure.
Thanks, @msh210.
@Scimonster Probably true, but it's best to avoid "might appreciate"-type logic, just in case you're not correct! It's like zakin le-adam shelo befanav only if it's very clear that there's no loss to him mixed with the presumed benefit.
Found their Facebook page. Maybe someone could contact them?
@Scimonster Bechavod!
@IsaacMoses As it says in my updated SE profile, i'm not on FB. ;)
@Scimonster From said profile: [email protected]
@IsaacMoses You can do it. I'm not the best person for that, as i don't have enough life experience. (Yeah, yeah)
3 hours later…
@Scimonster I haven't read that (or another) write-up on fair use (lately), but don't forget (if it's relevant) that the Web site that our publication is advertising is for-profit.
@IsaacMoses Welcs.
@msh210 It's a bit complicated, since MY is an informal, non-revenue community hosted by said for-profit web site, and we are more directly advertising the community (while giving due appreciation to the host)

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