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[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 2 commits. 1 opened issue. 1 closed issue. 3 issue comments. 2 additions.
[Zomis/Server2] 10 commits. 12 opened issues. 14 issue comments. 1557 additions. 34 deletions.
[Minesweeper] Games Played: 160, Bombs Used: 92, Moves Performed: 22044, New Users: 20
@IvenBach "Because"
wait I think you can do GROUP BY * as a shorthand
"Because" answers...
Even when I'm not able to understand them and blindly follow I still don't like them.
Is it taboo to have identically named columns?
@IvenBach Depends on context. It's common to have same names for the same data point in multiple tables... e.g. my ProductID could be the primary key in Products table, but other tables will have a ProductID column as a foreign key referencing it
I was thinking within the same column. CASE WHEN ... END without an AS to add an alias names them as case.
@IvenBach huh?
If I understand, aliasing 2 columns the same name mostly will lead to more confusing result set
	SELECT customer_name,
			CASE WHEN age < 30 THEN 'Young'
				WHEN age < 60 THEN 'Middle aged'
				ELSE 'Senior Citizen'
			CASE WHEN postal_code < 50000 THEN 'Under9000'
				ELSE 'Over9000'
		FROM customer;
Without an AS to give it an alias both columns are case.
@IvenBach Here is your "because" according to SQL, for all the good that does
I'm not there yet. Just going over joins to make sure I'm understanding them correctly.
@IvenBach Oh. When you're using an expression as a column in a select clause, then if you don't give it an alias/name yourself then it doesn't have one
(in SSMS for example it will show as (No column name))
ASEHOLRPCESTh HRNNGH! I swear i should have been diagnosed with typing dyslexia. Always misspelling ship.
select 'foo', 'bar'

---- ----
foo  bar

(1 row(s) affected)
In plain text result mode the column header is left blank
The header should be above teh ----?
I struggled through using SQL to make a nappy DB in a previous life.
Never knew what I was doing. Things make a lot more sense now.
Yeah SQL can be a little overwhelming if you don't start with the basics. Database design is no small feat.
@IvenBach example with the group by clause, if you remove any of those columns/aliases from there you'll get the error in the other screenshot
Would it by normal to always alias the tables as left and right to get started. Then once it's familiar to rename them as something more descriptive?
There will be more questions as I continue my SQL journey.
2 hours later…
Having a plan ahead of time for expansion really helps from f█cking yourself over in factorio.
@IvenBach I'm detecting an XY problem, can you tell me what lead you to asking this question?
FYI — LEFT and RIGHT are SQL keywords, you can't name something the same.
Revenge of the Sith is intense!
WAIT — @IvenBach please tell me your course doesn’t suggest aliasing tables as left and right 😱
@Phrancis No. That's an Ivenism that popped into my brain.
@IvenBach oh good.
4 hours later…
@Phrancis Except in MySQL... but that's another story...
@IvenBach Consider the query SELECT ProductID, ProductName, COUNT(Qty) AS "Units Sold" FROM Sales GROUP BY ProductID, ProductName then if you would remove ProductName from the GROUP BY section, which ProductName should it then return for each ProductID ? It might have multiple different product names and will not have any specification for how to choose just one.
1 hour later…
@SimonForsberg pretty interesting, for MySQL if you don't have to tell it what columns to group by how does it figure it out?
@bazola It basically picks the first available.
@SimonForsberg wow, definitely the easy way out :) i was expected to hear that it had an error if there was more than one
Oh no, no errors.
Id Value
A 1
A 2
B 1
B 2
C 1
C 3


Will probably give you A 1, B 1, C 1, but no guarantees.
While this:
Id Value
A 1
A 2
B 2
B 1
C 3
C 2


Will probably give you A 1, B 2, C 3.
pretty scary that it is not deterministic
Which is why it's not recommended to do it like that in MySQL. And which is why other databases doesn't allow that abuse of GROUP BY.
This is the reason for why other databases gives that error.
i dont mind the error but it sure is annoying when you originally had SELECT * and need to write out 100 columns now
> Playing against yourself has been disabled for quite a while, and the overall inner workings of how games work is now different so this issue is no longer an issue.
@bazola Does it ever make sense to use SELECT *, or SELECT 100 columns, when using a GROUP BY statement?
@SimonForsberg sometimes yeah if you are pulling in a lot of information about something and also summing one column of that result
> A 2-5 player game has recently been added, and there's also a 2-4 player game available.

I believe this is a very good issue for newcomers as it helps in understanding core parts of the game definition structure.
@bazola Example?
1 hour later…
For example you have a view that pulls from a few tables, and now you want a new view that sums the total from that view but also pulls in all the columns. So before you had a * but now you need a group by
> This is working very differently now using the game DSL system and is no longer an issue
1 hour later…
Good morning everyone! Have a nice day
Firefox Preview on Android now supports uOrigin for those interested
@SimonForsberg I got some help with understanding this before I went to sleep. Makes me feel smrt since everyone else already knows this.
1 hour later…
Hey @Phrancis
2 hours later…
[Zomis/Server2] Motsols created comment on issue [#53: [Hanabi] Dark mode on replay hides card colours](github.com/Zomis/Server2/issues/53)
> Hmmm jag it was with a chrome plugin. Maybe that wasn't working properly. It has worked properly on other pages. ANyway, it is uninstalled now
[Zomis/Server2] Motsols created comment on issue [#50: [Hanabi] Mimic table seating for more intuitive UX](github.com/Zomis/Server2/issues/50)
> My suggestion wasn't made with the intention of saving space but rather as a way of making it clearer whoms turn it is.
[Zomis/Server2] Motsols created comment on issue [#54: [Hanabi] Make it more ovious when the game has ended](github.com/Zomis/Server2/issues/54)
> Popup maybe? Alternatively a score screen that takes place in an obvious place are two things I can think of from the top of my head
> This would be to incite your logged in players to try your different games and also to incite people into making accounts in the first place. I was just throwing it out there.
> Inciting people to make accounts would be nice, but honestly I don't care that much about which games they play... most of them were just created to push the limits of what the game engine could do :)
[Zomis/Server2] Zomis created comment on issue [#53: [Hanabi] Dark mode on replay hides card colours](github.com/Zomis/Server2/issues/53)
> In that case, I'm blaming the plugin and not the site.
[Zomis/Server2] Zomis closed issue [#53: [Hanabi] Dark mode on replay hides card colours](github.com/Zomis/Server2/issues/53)
2 hours later…
I saw that article ~6 months age. Really good.
Makes me realize programmers don't always know everything. They sometimes cheat a little bit to make it easier.
Interesting series
Maybe you would also enjoy this channel.
@IvenBach s/little bit/lot/
@M.Doerner The sole mention of RNJEEZUS means I'll watch his intro video later.
When I found that channel, I took the next two days to watch all the videos that existed at that time.

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