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Windows authentication, I was also unable to get into Active Directory so that's probably related
[FreezePhoenix/Angels-And-Demons] 1 commit. 247 additions. 40688 deletions.
[FreezePhoenix/XtraUtils] 2 commits. 2732 additions. 374 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 2 opened issues. 12 issue comments.
@Duga Dat... makes no sense.
I deleted jquery from the repo
And I compressed Vue.js
[FreezePhoenix/Angels-And-Demons] FreezePhoenix pushed commit 1374a3c2 to master: Health and manabars are now animated
2 hours later…
> All Battlegrounds that were temporarily removed during the Echoes of Alterac event have returned to Versus A.I., Quick Match, and Unranked matchmaking queues.
Yeah, Towers of Doom!
hey all
How was your night? I saw you said you were quite busy
Yeah, one of the main server clusters just stopped responding
For about an hour it was back-to-back calls with up to a dozen calls waiting in queue, and to help things we were one person short
@Phrancis The woman from the other night?
One of the calls I had was from an operating room, thankfully there was not a patient being operated on at the time
@bruglesco Yep
Man sounds like quite a night.
Yeah it was intense
@Phrancis Maybe that's what it takes to get the bosses to look at her behavior
She came in today, but had to leave early for some reason
What do you do in situations like tonight when you can't really resolve the clients problems until something else is fixed?
Do you just inform them that you are aware of the problem and working to fix it?
Basically. We create a service incident ticket and make it a child of the parent ticket related to the bigger issue, so that we can keep all callers informed when the issue is resolved, and basically we just tell them to set tight and that we're working on it
Most outages are fairly minor, like one application is not accessible or there's an error, it's rare that we get critical, all-hands-on-deck outages like that one
We also have a way to record a front end message that plays on the phone to inform callers of the outage, in hindsight we should have done this tonight, but there were only 4 of us and no supervisor and we just got caught with our pants down and forgot about it
@Phrancis I know how that sort of thing goes. I feel like we always have our pants down.
Yeo, just gotta stay focused and wait until the storm is over
yup. (The chaos of a high tension work environment is secretly one of my favorite parts)
I enjoy the adrenaline rush to an extent, though it's less pronounced when doing help desk work than, say, working in a busy kitchen
Yeah I don't imagine they are really comparable. Your busy times are a sign that things are going very wrong.
On the other hand I enjoy the very busy times when things a going smooth and working like clockwork
Yeah that's a significant distinction to make
2 hours later…
And found out my girlfriend believes homeopathy is real medicine...
On the bright side, CFI is sueing CVS over marketing/product placement of homeopathic "medicine"
She's an atheist as I am, but not a skeptic, and evidently hasn't looked much into quack as I have
She also believes in that other "treatment" where they just wave their hands over you and it's supposed to have an effect, don't remember what it's called
Energy therapy
yeah eff that
It boggles my mind how such crocksh.. "treatmeats" are only a Google search away and reading Wikipedia, and suckers still believe it
BTW I meant "treatments", too late to edit -.-
hahaha treatmeats
I didn't even see that
Man I have a bug and Im too tired to figure it out
But A and N are close to each other right
umm sure ><
@bruglesco Probably best to give it/you some rest then, debugging while tired is hard
I wanted to finish tonight (It should be the last thing I need) But It's just too late and Im too tired
Totally get that, sometimes my brain gets into an "I just can't" mode and all productivity is gone by then
It'll just have to wait. GN!
1 hour later…
@Phrancis Not sure homeopathy has anything to do with deities though.
@Marc-Andre Mostly, I don't get 6000 USD per month though.
@Hosch250 Ah, okay. So maybe it wasn't map rotation then. Nice
@Mast It doesn't directly indeed; homeopathy is just another set of garbage that runs along side many others
Flat Earth, Creationism, the likes of them
4 hours later…
Q: JDBC wrapper in a functional manner

Branislav LazicI implemented a simple Java JDBC wrapper in Kotlin with Arrow functional library. /** * Executes simple SQL statement that takes no arguments. * E.g. "CREATE TABLE" statement. * * @return IO with either an exception or boolean result */ fun String.executeStatement(dataSource: DataSource): IO<...

A coworker just beat me in UTTT :(
@SimonForsberg If I want to work and live in another country, I'll think about Sweden :)
Hey everyone :)
1 hour later…
@Phrancis Even "educated" college graduates that don't think things through...
1 hour later…
How are you doing?
Tired :P
Just home from work, 27 degrees outside
Wanna know something funny about Quebec? We're a mixed bags of metric and american units. Temperature outside : Celcius, want to know the temperature of the pool : Fahrenheit. Want to know the distance to the next exit on the highway : Km. You want to know how tall you are : feet . It's really funny :P
How does that not drive you insane...
It can be hard, but most of time you know what to expect in each context.
Oh yeah I remember that lol
When I worked in a butcher shop there, usually older folks would ask for meat in pounds/ounces, and younger in grams. Of course, most of the butchers were older, but the scales were set to metric per regulation lol.
@FreezePhoenix How do you know he's not insane already?
Tensorflow makes no sense
tf.scalar(3.14).print(); //  3.140000104904175
Cats are always in charge, that's the lesson here. And you are gradually learning this lesson... — Snow 4 hours ago
So I'm gonna try Dart in the place of TypeScript
Oh jees it looks like Java
Some of it's features are like Bash
So many languages...
Hey all!
I hacked a website so their game was fullscreen and their ads were nothing
Hey @bruglesco!
I win. Biggest bullet in the game.
That red thing is the bullet
Help. I have ideas again
You ever played bubble tanks?
That tank is armed with 6 Automatic medium cannons, 2 Large cannons, and a bullet buster (Blocks bullets), and... that big bullet cannon that.. just... big.
Biggest bullet doesn't always win. Sometimes small and fat beats big and slow
I'm still thinking about a website that you can build inside the website, and I want to use all the newest technologies! No, just kidding, I do rather use newer ones than older ones though
@bruglesco I know... But I have yet to be defeated by anything.
Yes, I do like the tiny ships that just spray bullets, but I didn't know how OP this tank was.
@bruglesco I assume you meant "fast" and not "fat" ;)
Bah. Don't need big bullet
@skiwi You mean like Wordpress?
Aww... it froze :(
I think for front-end most modern Javascript possible, websockets (or webworkers? not too knowledgeable about that yet) for communication, nosql database for storage (should make modifying data structures relatively easy without needing complex migrations) and then some language for backend
@Phrancis But a lot more sophisticated, though I want to keep it simple
Basic structure is that you define classes inside the application, classes have attributes, you have different attribute types (string, boolean, datetime, integer) and you can add a view for an attribute to a form, so you need a way to format it and to enter it
@skiwi Who is your target audience for this?
@Phrancis Me
@bruglesco Fine. Fastest bullet wins.
The hardest part is picking the backend language, which is the one doing the database interaction, etc. I'm leaning towards javascript for the ease of use
(Probably node.js then)
I really dislike databases though for personal projects, lots of setup needed and there's a risk of losing the data because you fail in doing something properly
Node.js is easy and it just works, probably a good choice
In corporate environments databases are a bit different, you really really need them, so there's good practices going on, etc.
What kind of data would be stored in the database?
The class definitions and the actual instances of those classes
Trying to write something down but defining the meta in terms of the meta itself always gives a bit of a headache :P
@skiwi I guess I don't really understand, websites are made of HTML, CSS and JS, not classes...?
@Phrancis The class definition is for the data
Like... user data or something? The thing you're describing is so meta, it's hard to follow
Does this make a bit more sense?
@skiwi pastebin and gist are blocked at work :(
@Phrancis Hm, what can I use?
Let's see if I can pull it up on my phone
Maybe first focus on the data: The classes Trading Card Set and Trading Card are data classes, the former has an attribute (akin to a field/property) called name of type string, and the latter has attributes cardSet, cardName and numberInSet of types object, string and integer respectively
Then in a simple GUI you can make new objects of each class, and then you get a view where you can enter all attributes
It's pretty CRUD-like
Attributes of type "string" give a text input field, "integer" gives a number field, etc. for simple types
lol types in JS
If the type is "object" however, then you get a view of all objects of the class to which the attribute points
I see though
So say you're entering a Trading Card and you need to enter the cardSet, then you see all available Trading Card Set objects and can pick one
And then there's the part where the meta is defined as data which I leave as an exercise to the reader :P
This is also pretty much the concept of the application we develop and use at my job, but then it's way more complex
2 hours later…
@bruglesco Just got another complaint about that coworker of mine :|
Senior community outreach specialist called in to get an issue investigated, she completely misunderstood the caller's issue, talked down to them and told them to call back tomorrow if they want to complain to a supervisor
It was an issue likely related to Exchange, but just because the caller mentioned one of the recipients happened to be using Gmail, she closed the ticket as unsupported with this gem of a comment
> Close notes: This is outside of our support scope, they are using Google to organize a meeting instead of outlook to arrange meetings, caller will call back for further assistance
200_success vs. janos: 27662 diff. Year: +2125. Quarter: -205. Month: -205. Week: -68. Day: +20.
200_success vs. rolfl: 31532 diff. Year: +3974. Quarter: +206. Month: +206. Week: +237. Day: +20.

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