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[FreezePhoenix/XtraUtils] 11 commits. 26872 additions. 143569 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 3 opened issues. 2 closed issues. 12 issue comments.
[rubberduck-vba/RubberduckWeb] 2 commits. 207 additions. 103 deletions.
[FreezePhoenix/XtraUtils] FreezePhoenix pushed commit 6c5c4adc to master: Made the testing file part of the home page
@SimonForsberg Just noticed: The Markdown formatting for RELOAD! is not consistent with the rest of the bot,
5 mins ago, by Duga
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 3 opened issues. 2 closed issues. 12 issue comments.
1 min ago, by Duga
[FreezePhoenix/XtraUtils] FreezePhoenix pushed commit 6c5c4adc to master: Made the testing file part of the home page
The brackets aren't inside of the bold part
Facebook is slapped with £500,000 fine for Cambridge Analytica scandal https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/2018/07/10/5c63a730-848b-11e8-8f6c-46cb43e3f306_story.html
That's steep and it's just the beginning apparently
LOL why did I do this
That's what happens when you run JSDoc on the Lodash source code
o/ hello
Hey @bruglesco, how's it going?
okay. How are you tonight?
Pretty decent, watching John Oliver between calls to pass time :)
haha nice.
I love his show
My wife and I found a new show we are gonna start watching together.
Its a Netflix show called "Nailed It"
What's it about?
Amatuer bakers compete for 10,000$ by attempting to recreate outstanding pinterest creations.
think "Cake Wars" but parody
Have you watched Chef's Table?
Briefly - I don't remember why I stopped - If I didn't like it or something else.
I found it fascinating, but its documentary style may be a turn off for some
That may have been it. I also tend to gravitate toward competitive cooking shows.
I just love the effect of a good time-limit and the motivation of a few thousand dollars
2 hours later…
Just found out that one of my neighbors is "that conspiracy guy" >_<
menu = '''\
    Select an option by entering its number and pressing Enter.
    1. Create a user account
    2. Log in to existing account
menu = textwrap.dedent(menu)
I wish I knew about textwrap.dedent long ago, I've been avoid multi-line strings because of the annoyance of extra white space, or the wonky indentation right against the left edge of the editor
    'Line 1',
    'Line 2"
That's what I had been using instead, but it is kind of clunky
1 hour later…
@Phrancis that's like the revere of how you would do it in JS... But yet it saves a few bytes (simetimes)
3 hours later…
@FreezePhoenix I honestly don't care about that that much
@FreezePhoenix send a Pull-request or it won't get fixed.
@Phrancis Yay!
5 hours later…
throwaway494949 3 minutes ago [-]

If you're a senior software engineer, come to Sweden. You'll at least get 6000 usd/month as an employee. Management usually has a background in tech, you get lots of vacation, parental leave, etc. You're not expected to stay longer than 5 pm and working from home is common. There are many interesting jobs in finance, telecom, automotive, medicine, and there are plenty of startups.

I work as a consultant in Stockholm (long term assignments; basically like employment but I pay my own taxes), and I can save ~80k usd per year (after expenses and taxes, no f
Do you agree with that @SimonForsberg ?
Hey everyone :)
1 hour later…
Intellij is laughing at me
1 hour later…
@Phrancis How does that compare to how much the gross annually?
@Marc-Andre Then I'll need to move to Sweden
I hear the girls are very hot too
^ haha
Too much friction to change country at this point in times, but I would have really like living in another country
@FreezePhoenix Yeah join is a method of string objects in Python
@IvenBach In 2017 they grossed 40.7 billion USD and net 15.9 billion, so it's a drop in the bucket really, but at least it's something
This is only preliminary though from the UK ICO, and they're also under investigation in the US by the FBI and SEC, so fines could pile up pretty fast
@SimonForsberg I hate paperwork.
@Phrancis It'll never happen, but fines of X% of your revenue would mean more than a "drop-in-the-bucket"
@IvenBach Yeah, "relative" fines would be rather unusual
Lot more impactful for multinational corps.
Ugh, what a half-assed incident ticket from a colleague, the caller insisted that the issue is very urgent (application login issue related to pathology software), and they didn't even get the correct user login name
Sometimes cases like those make me wonder how they make coffee in the morning
@FreezePhoenix Which is why coffee machines keep getting more simple.
@Mast That doesn't help if you can't tell the difference between a computer not plugged in, the moniter broken, or the inside smashed.
@FreezePhoenix They don't have to debug it. Push button, get coffee. If not coffee, complain.
And... when it's not plugged in?
They call the full-scale electrical-engineer because their coffee machine isn't plugged in!
Most people don't understand or can't be bothered with troubleshooting
We're in a bubble on this site because we're all coders
@FreezePhoenix Luckily the electrical engineer will manage to figure out what a power cord looks like even without coffee.
And yes, while not common, I've had colleagues asking me the weirdest things because they think I can fix it.
@Mast Yeh, but 20 minutes of his morning have just been wasted by a person who can't tell the difference between no power to the computer and the computer not turned on :P
Of-course they're right 99% of the time about the latter, but it's still not my job.
@FreezePhoenix As long as he only wasted his own 20 minutes, there's not much lost :P
@Mast No - the person who can't tell the diff just wasted the engineer's time
@Phrancis Just be glad that you're not the "One-of-them" people.
Must've been a software engineer. Hardware engineers are very good with power cords.
@Mast 19 minutes were spent getting to the location. 59 seconds were spent listening to the complaint in detail.
@FreezePhoenix lol
> Turn your computer off to protect it from harmful viruses and spy ware.
@Mast Wrong - You have to drain the battery
Anyone watching the football/soccer game now?
@FreezePhoenix The lower the battery the less places the viruses have to hide in?
@IvenBach No - the less energy they have available
Damn, < 5 mins into it and England scores
I forgot the <sarcasm> tag. That article about unplugging everything. Makes me think it's some 90 year old man going around unplugging everything.
@IvenBach I know a few people like that. They even unplug the toaster...
If the circuit isn't complete electricity can't be used...
But it takes less time to unplug everything
So hence draining the battery is better
England keeps doing those Kung Fu-like spinning kicks to keep the ball from going outside the field, pretty neat
@EthanBierlein Hello
All that work just to find the words of a string
That regex better come with a comment explaining it
Believe me - it will
     This regex is to match all words in the string

    /((?:^_*)?(?:[A-Z][-_A-Z]*|[^-\s_A-Z]+)(?:_*$)?)/gi  : Regex to match words
     ((?:^_*)?(?:[A-Z][-_A-Z]*|[^-\s_A-Z]+)(?:_*$)?)     : Main group
      (?:^_*)                                            : Match all '_' in the string, non-capturing
      (?:   )                                            : Non-capturing
         ^                                               : Position at start of string
          _*                                             : Match '_' as many times as needed
@Phrancis What? Did the regex to something wrong? :P
@Phrancis Agincourt again?
@Hosch250 Well, it's not against France, but I suppose you could say so
Oh, who?
I thought I heard England v France yesterday.
Whoever wins this match will play vs. France for finals on Sunday
[FreezePhoenix/XtraUtils] FreezePhoenix pushed commit b229a160 to master: Added a comment in ./src/String.js explaining the regex, updated docs
And you get a yellow card, and you get a yellow card, everyone gets a yellow card!
@Phrancis Lots of em?
Yeah, I guess they're running the clock
New rule for soccer. I mean, football:
If there isn't a score every five minutes, a score is randomly given to a team.
One player on Croatia literally shoved another player down, wasn't subtle at all
@Hosch250 Basketball fan I assume? :P
I'll take a playful jab and say @Hosch250 likes Curling.
@Phrancis And yet they keep playing dangerous.
1 - 1
Might go into penalties again.
Hey @bruglesco
@IvenBach That's interesting.
I'd rather watch Curling than other sports. #ScrubThatIce
I heard even Curling has people doing doping nowadays.
Mad world.
@Mast Those stones are really heavy, it takes a lot of strength to fling them down the ice /s
Did I just hear England's national anthem played on a vuvuzela!?
@Phrancis That was not a vuvuzela, but yea.
I think it was a kazoo.
Instant cringe
And you like jazz.
Says the person who likes country music ;P
@Phrancis What's really cringe worthy is England's defence in the 2nd half.
I'd rather hear a good vuvuzelist than someone playing broken chords and scales. I can play those well enough myself.
shows ignorance of jazz
> good vuvuzelist
I'd like to hear one, not sure it's even possible.
@Mast I think it is.
England just barely missed their own goal o.O
I think even a cowbell allows for more creativity than a vuvuzela.
@Mast Doubt it. There are alpine horns...
They don't have any holes. or anything.
Are they also made of plastic?
Probably some.
Alpine horns are made of wood IIRC.
I played a plastic clarinet for years.
And clarinets are made of wood too.
The internet broke down again.
Regular horns (trumpet, trombone, tuba, etc.) you can alter the lip & air pressure to play sounds at different pitches
Vuvuzelas can literally only play 1 sound
@Phrancis I thought you just heard England's national anthem...
Argh, vuvuzela's are awful.
@Hosch250 Which was a kazoo, not a vuvuzela.
Loudest kazoo ever lol
I suspect amplification.
@Mast OMG, that sounds like the plastic pipes from the construction play set we had.
We figured out how to assemble them into pipes and play them.
Apparently it is possible playing something vaguely resembling the Bolero on 2 vuvuzelas.
You can get different pitches with your lips.
Heck, I played the opening to Beethoven's 5th on a grass whistle once.
In world cup do they just keep playing overtime until someone scores, or do they go into a shoot-out at some point?
@Phrancis 2x 15 minutes overtime, after that, shootout.
OK cool
And yes, it's possible to go from 1 - 1 to 2 - 2 in overtime and get shootouts despite there being scored in overtime.
I'm used to hockey, where they go to shootout after 1 period overtime, except during the championship they just keep playing until the next goal
NHL hockey that is
So what if nobody scores after 5x overtime, they keep going?
Well, it is hockey, it's not like those guys aren't used to suffering already lol
Hockey is a bit faster than soccer too, right?
@Mast Not much.
How long is a NHL match?
Not sure, but scoring is few and far between there too. Unless there is a blowout.
@Mast The pace of hockey is generally faster because the travel distance is shorter, and skating is faster than running. Games are also shorter, 4x15 minute periods
Gah, the stream is buffering hard :(
Croatia is getting sloppy.
I'm getting 5 seconds of play and 30 seconds of buffering...
So, what's the play time over there? It's 104:30 here.
14:02 into overtime
Lagging by less than a minute then.
Might want to reboot the stream just after this overtime.
Server looks to be in Dubai, have rebooted multiple times but not getting any better
The Dutch stream is just about flawless so far.
Do you have a link you could share?
1080p with plenty fps without hiccups.
Well, 2 - 1 Croatia
> De opgevraadge url is niet geldig.
What does that mean? URL not found?
Well, invalid.\
Must be blocked by the company VPN
Not the foggiest why though. Works here.
Oh, VPNs, yea.
They have the oddest settings.
Or firewall, rather
Well, looks like they stopped playing early.
Any particular reason?
They all decided laying down is more fun than kicking the ball.
England is down to 10 players, Trippier dropped out and they ran out of substitutions.
Croatia v France?
Probably. Couple of minutes left though, but I highly doubt either party will make another goal.
Looks like it's not coming home after all.
@Mast haha
Croatia just made hands though, half a minute before time.
Free kick.
Croatia wins.
Croatia vs France in Finals.
I wanted Croatia vs Belgium :P
I'd hoped for England - Belgium.
Croatia is tiny.
France has 15x their population.
And if Croatia wins they'll party 15x harder than France.
Oh, probably.
They'll probably do that anyway, I think this is the first time ever they reach world finals.
From ignorant know nothing American: I just know Croatia is "Somewhere over in Europe".
It used to be part of Yugoslavia. Became independent in '91.
The fall of Yugoslavia was quite messy.
@IvenBach It's kind of by Bosnia and Italy.
I just had to check on Maps :P
The size of Norway, Sweden and Finland (each individually) is really huge now I see it again
Never really thought about it..
And I wanted to say Lithuania, but I know that's by Estonia, so I had to look up the country I was thinking of on my desk-globe--Slovenia.
At least they are the same color on the map :P
Croatia is quite popular for diving vacations. Plenty of beach, plenty of islands, clear sea and relatively cheap.
Once I spotted Italy I was able to orient where it's at.
Luckily Italy is just as easy to spot on the map as California.
They have as big a reputation too.
Thanks to modern technology, finding where something is is as easy as !maps Croatia.
@Mast I played "10 days in Europe" to learn it.
We've got the other ones too.
And I have a globe on my desk at work :)
@Hosch250 I'd never heard of that game till now.
I thought Americans knowing anything about European countries were as rare as Europeans knowing the names of all 50 USA states.
Many Americans know a few things about Europe, but few do more than some basics
@Mast It's a board game.
@Hosch250 Yea, found it on amazon.
If you name a country, I have a good chance of knowing where in the world it is (other than Oceania ones, that is).
But that's it.
I don't know the capitals or exports or official language, or whatever.
We do have a different atlas game I could use, but it's not fun.
Thinking about developing a computer-based game to help people learn this stuff.
Something fun, that can be played short or long (5-min to 3-hr, or so).
@Hosch250 Like those "click on the map where you think it's located" browser games?
Closer is more points.
Something that could be used very locally, about specific cities, or something more global.
No, I'm thinking something more interactive.
Multiplayer quiz game could be interesting
I remember having a context problem in one of those games.
Asked me where Georgia was.
I'm thinking quiz-style, maybe make chains of related (geographically, categorically, etc) knowledge (like the 10-days game), and other.
There's 2, thousands of miles apart.
And then Lidice, or whatever that city is that Hitler razed.
There are dozens of those in the US.
Georgia is a US state AND one of those ex-soviet states declaring independence in '91.
Yes, '91 was a busy year for map makers.
Yeah, I know.
@Mast I'd end up with negative points...
IIRC, Stalin started around in that area.
Then went to Russia, came to power, and marched back and took it by force.
Or was that Lenin?
@IvenBach I think you got 2 points if you were almost at the antipode of where you were supposed to be, so unlikely.
@Mast They should give extra points for that as it's too obvious a troll.
@Hosch250 You're thinking of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia.
That was Stalin yes.
OK, sounds about right.
Somewhere around '39.
Georgia had a similar history. My sister likes a violinist (Lisa Batiashvili, maybe) from there.
And she remembers having a party and burning her red scarf.
Georgia has been part of Russia since 1800 or so.
In the time of Solomon the 2nd.
Last king of western Georgia.
Or Imereti it was called back then.
OK, guess I'm definitely wrong there.
Well, they got independence at roughly the same time, so that part is right.
The whole USSR came crashing down.
The end of the Perestroika.
In '89 the wall came down and 2 years later a whole lot of nations were independent again. Quite an accomplishment really.
Time for a meeting, then TTQW, then meeting my grandpa. TTYL.
TFW you're trying to help someone over the phone, and building maintenance is vacuuming the carpet right next to you >_<
I've a co-worker that's louder and more annoying than the vacuum cleaner.
1 hour later…
200_success vs. janos: 27642 diff. Year: +2105. Quarter: -225. Month: -225. Week: -88. Day: +61.
200_success vs. rolfl: 31512 diff. Year: +3954. Quarter: +186. Month: +186. Week: +217. Day: +96.
[FreezePhoenix/Angels-And-Demons] FreezePhoenix pushed commit 7aa3fcdf to master: Made animations a little faster
We just recovered from a system-wide server outage
Needless to say we've been busy for the last hour or so
That's never good.
Hopefully you have a smooth recovery.
A file share server was down, Citrix applications were down, some computers wouldn't even log in to Windows
Wait that last one makes no sense

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