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[Hosch250/Rubberduck] 20 commits. 4650 additions. 2430 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 11 commits. 2 opened issues. 1 closed issue. 6 issue comments. 5334 additions. 2093 deletions.
[Vannevelj/VSDiagnostics] 2 commits. 1 closed issue. 1 issue comment. 228 additions. 10 deletions.
[Zomis/Duga] 2 opened issues. 1 closed issue. 2 issue comments.
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] 23 commits. 4 opened issues. 1584 additions. 149 deletions.
I don't understand. I've run the atom installer, am currently running atom, yet atom cannot be located anywhere on my computer.
Oh beautiful. Atom installs itself somewhere in /AppData/ rather than /Program Files/ like everything else.
The old http://rubberduck-vba.com still needs to set up a redirect though, but anyway good job @Rubberduck203! https://twitter.com/Rubberduck203/status/696484290713022464
2 hours later…
http://rubberduck-vba.com is now domain-forwarding to http://rubberduckvba.com, @Rubberduck203 that's it, the WebSiteBuilder "thing" is down!
6 hours later…
@Marc-Andre @Phrancis FYI: Every time you make a commit to master in the website repository, my Jenkins server at home will build it and deploy it within an hour.
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
@SimonForsberg That's great, thanks for setting that up!
@SimonForsberg have you considered using Travis-CI? it's free for OSS.
@DanPantry Already using it for a whole bunch of projects, but I have no clue on how to make Travis-CI deploy to my local server. It feels better to have it at my local server anyway.
@SimonForsberg Yeah, I didn't realise you were deploying to a local server - probably not possible, then
@DanPantry Not unless I open up a whole lot of ports and accesses and stuff, which I'd like to avoid.
Doesn't sound like a good idea! @SimonForsberg
@Phrancis It's useful for me to learn Jenkins, it makes me realize how useful Jenkins is.
Do you think at some point we could use that to deploy updates to the HTML Client as well?
@Phrancis s/At some point/Next time I'm home and have access to my Jenkins/
Already been thinking about it.
I am also planning on making my Jenkins externally available for you folks. I just want to make sure it is secured first. I'll ask my brother what he thinks about the current setup - although he doesn't know Jenkins, he knows Linux security a bit :)
@SimonForsberg You can't afaik, they removed that feature a while ago
@skiwi Good :)
3 hours later…
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] Zomis pushed commit bcbefd7e to develop: Implement another way of initializing weights that is supposed to be more effective
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] build for commit bcbefd7e on develop: The Travis CI build passed
A simple solution to a complicated problem
@StackExchange I was just thinking that it's been a while since I saw a Commitstrip
[Zomis/Duga] Zomis pushed commit 7532f5f9 to develop: Format display name for question poster, fixes #119
[Zomis/Duga] build for commit 7532f5f9 on develop: The Travis CI build passed
[Zomis/Duga] Zomis pushed commit 4c1dc75b to develop: Make it possible to post webhook to multiple rooms by using comma separation, fixes #120
[Zomis/Duga] Zomis pushed commit c9449dd9 to develop: Fix bolding for build status, fixes #118
[Zomis/Duga] build for commit 4c1dc75b on develop: The Travis CI build passed
[Zomis/Duga] build for commit c9449dd9 on develop: The Travis CI build passed
@SimonForsberg Please keep me updated on when the fix for two rooms is live
@skiwi I'm planning on deploying that live on Saturday.
[Zomis/Duga] Zomis pushed commit ebe49e8d to develop: Fix full PR message being posted, fixes #99
[Zomis/Duga] build for commit ebe49e8d on develop: The Travis CI build passed
> This should be supported by now, as evidenced by chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/14929?m=27278645#27278645 . Not sure why I haven't closed this issue before.
> This should be supported by now, as evidenced by chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/14929?m=27278645#27278645 . Not sure why I haven't closed this issue before.
> As this is blocked by github, there's no reason to keep this open.
> As this is blocked by github, there's no reason to keep this open.
> It seems like comment content are included: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/27428181#27428181 . Perhaps pull_request_review_comment only occurs when using the Github API and not when using the webhooks?
@SimonForsberg Ah ok, when you get home?
@skiwi Yeah. I'll be home friday evening.
Where are you staying during the week then? You probably told us before, but I forgot
> According to Mug, when used as a webhook it is X-GitHub-Event: issue_comment
at my cousin's place in Gothenburg
Ah right
Traveling every day doesn't seem to be much fun
I have 1h 45min travel time between my home and work. Compared to about 35 min travel time between work and my cousin's place.
Are you considering moving to Gothenburg at some point?
yes, but getting an apartment here takes a couple of years
Ah, that's quite a wait then
[Zomis/Duga] Zomis pushed commit 919f1c4e to develop: Make GithubWebhookTest a parametrized test
[Zomis/Duga] Zomis pushed commit 14721c18 to develop: Make parameterized test for payload-release
> It should be very easy to add these tests now with this parameterized test: github.com/Zomis/Duga/commit/…
[Zomis/Duga] build for commit 14721c18 on develop: The Travis CI build passed
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Zomis pushed commit ddbd6d93 to master: Remove note in README about time for last edit
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit ddbd6d93 on master: The Travis CI build passed
@Duga Made your mind up about that issue @Simon?
@skiwi Yup, I think it's useful to use some separation. Although a lot of things will be kept in the webapp-Duga
Right :)
For example, imagine in some code doing something like: new DugaBot(username, password).post(16134, "Hello World!")
Would be quite useful
@SimonForsberg wat...
You've never seen a HTTP request in a gradle build file before? :)
Of course, that could be a gradle plugin, but we're not quite there yet.
I have, but that's a rather verbose way
Yeah, I bet there's a much better way to do it in Groovy
I think I just created an issue I don't like by pushing a hotfix to OGNext whilst the project was still called OLog
Apparently the OGNext name change never made it to the master branch yet ;-)
@skiwi Good job :)
Alright, I won't have time to do much more on @Duga today, but I guess I'll have to save something for the rest of the week
I'm quite happy with what I have done so far today anyway.
@SimonForsberg You did quite a lot today
@skiwi Not to mention all the things I did at work!
Of course I messed up releasing a new version, which means I'll need to use the force for a bit...
Whew, nothing blew up
@SimonForsberg What did you do at work?
Lots of stuff
Felt like a quite productive day
Good ^^
Any details? Or is it under NDA?
I can't remember what I did Not much to say really
@SimonForsberg Ok, fair enough
TTGTB here too
That really makes sense after using neural networks ^^
Hey @Phrancis!
How're you?
Not bad, had a tiring day though. Getting some snow outside right now. How are you?
Doing okay. We've been getting some snow also.
Last night I reinstalled Starcraft 2 on this Mac, I had deleted it because I was running out of space, but I ended up deleting the 40GB Bootcamp Windows XP drive so that was nice and good riddance
What is the Bootcamp thing? Is that like a VM?
Not exactly, it's more like a boot partition, except that it is managed/owned by OS X
Which makes it to where it can be repartitioned and reallocated to OS X without having to reformat the HDD
Oh, I think I sort-of understand.
Also been shopping/comparing for a new notebook
lol no silly ;p
I was wanting to get another Mac, probably MBP, but after comparing models and prices, I'm finding them pretty lackluster
What do you plan on using the computer for?
Hey everyone!
Music, gaming, coding, and just general browsing
Hey @Marc-Andre!
@Marc-Andre Hey!
As you can see, the Windows notebooks are much better, at least on paper, with the exception of Windows 10 instead of OS X
And maybe the quality of the build
Could you keep your copy of OSX and put it on the Windows machine?
I don't think that's possible
Sorry, didn't think that through.
200_success vs. rolfl: 9347 diff. Year: +2511. Quarter: +2511. Month: +970. Week: +119. Day: +29.
Mat's Mug vs. Simon Forsberg: 3654 diff. Year: +368. Quarter: +368. Month: +368. Week: +77. Day: +37.
200_success vs. janos: 19480 diff. Year: +2710. Quarter: +2710. Month: +870. Week: +74. Day: +4.
Loki Astari vs. Simon Forsberg: 2541 diff. Year: -125. Quarter: -125. Month: -20. Week: +9. Day: -11.
probably because Apple has a vested interest in making it hard :P
The storage on the Macs is ridiculous in this 2015 lineup. It wouldn't be so bad if they gave you the option between flash storage and HDD, but nope. The video cards aren't that great either
enderland likes his mac :o
Imagine spending $1299 and only get 128 MB storage
@enderland I've liked mine for years, but it's getting old and slow running newer programs

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