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@Duga Thanks @Marc-Andre!
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit 749bf3ae on ???: The Travis CI build passed
@jacwah No problem!
@Phrancis I'm a little confused by your question. Are you interesting the structure of a card?
@jacwah Is the client working now?
Monking @Dan
Hello, @DanPantry.
@SirPython The web client? I didn't change anything relating to that so I guess not.
I must be doing something wrong as it works fine for you, right?
Yes, it works fine for me.
What are the exact steps that you take to run it?
1. Start server with IDEA->Run
2. Start node server with `npm run develop`
3. Go to `localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server` in Firefox
4. Choose Local host as server
5. Type user name `jacwah`
6. Press "Log in"
Have you installed the dependencies for the client?
I have run npm i
That is so weird.
I do the exact same thing (except for running the server from the IDEA)
I know, it doesn't make sense at all
OK I'll try to run the server the same way
How do you run it?
I run the server by navigating to the release that I downloaded from Duga, then typing in java -jar <server.jar>
But I don't think that makes a difference; I just don't know how to use the IDEA.
I'll try
If the same thing still happens, we've ruled that out
IntelliJ might be using a different main class than the jar?
Might be, let's see
It worked!
Haha WTF
@skiwi It's not a different class, I checked the manifest. It might be a different source version though
@jacwah Weeeeeeird
The commit hash should be distributed with snapshots...
Does Cardshifter have a logo?
OK so I checked out the commit tagged 0.6 and built a dist package - but it failed
There is something magical about that dist... I also tried to make a dist from master (which supposedly the latest snapshot is based on). That failed to.
is this web client or html cliennt?
The HTML client - although when I've said web client, that's what I've meant
@SirPython we do have a logo, it's pretty low res but I'll hook you up when I'm back on my pc
Thanks. It's just that the HTML client could use a favicon.
Alright, I think that I don't really understand how Cardshifter works: are different mods entirely different versions of the game? I say this because, as I am reading server logs from testing out both current mods, I am getting entirely different messages at different times.
@SirPython Define "entirely different"
I haven't looked entirely into the messages being sent, but Cyborg Chronicles sends me 18 messages, and Mythos sends me 31-32 messages upon the start of the game.
@jacwah Maybe different in general: is card information sent at different times? Are there different options for actions? Etc.
TBH I don't know anything about this, but browsing the code of the mods (specifically Game.groovy) I see that CC has ~60 LOC setup(), while Mythos has ~100 LOC
I guess I need to look more into what a mod actually is.
Look inside extra-resources/mods
Ah, thanks. I didn't see that before.
Maybe the better question is: "How much and what variety can mods add to Cardshifter?"
> This happens _only when not_ using http://www.cardshifter.com/releases/cardshifter-0.6.1-SNAPSHOT-20150729-0036.zip as far as I can tell.

These are the versions I've tried:
- master
- develop
- 0.6 tag

These are the methods I've tried
- IDEA->Run
- `./gradlew dist && java -jar`

When a HTML client connects through WebSocket this is what is logged:
[2015-08-11 22:16:27,944] INFO ServerWeb [WebSocketWorker-11] ( ServerWeb.java: 46) - Connection opened: org.java_websoc
@jacwah Are you there? I could use some help testing something.
@SirPython Sure
Thanks! Please start the HTML client and connect to dwarftowers.com -- there is no need to start up a local server.
I can't... Looks like the same issue as above
The "Log in" button is shaded like it's being pressed and nothing happens
Thanks. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't only me.
I don't think I can even connect with my Java client..
@SirPython I can
Someone involved in the HTML client should try to check what commit caused this to happend. git bisect is useful
I'll try it now.
Hmm. I don't see how this can possibly work. How is git supposed to test if a bug was introduced?
You test it. Git helps you check out commits to test. You specify a know good and know bad commit and it starts a binary search. First it checks out the commit in the middle. If it's good -> check out commit between middle and bad, if it's bad -> check out commit between middle and good.
Ah, I see.
setup debugging tools

This commit is to store the current code in the case that I break something when trying to use bisect
@Duga There's always git reflog :)
Hmm. So I have to find the last working commit? As in, the commit before this server problem started happening?
@SirPython If you know the latest working commit then we know the commit that broke it. For the "good" commit specify any commit that works. Try something a few days ago or whenever you remember connecting to dwardtowers
Ah, that sounds better than what I was going to do.
I'm using this as a guide.
Will any working commit suffice?
What's wrong with that guide?
Nothing. Sorry.
The closer the good and bad commits are, the less you have to search, but don't spend a lot of time trying to find the perfect ones - that's what bisect will help you do
Finally: I found a working commit.
Hmm. git bisect brought me down to a single commit, but it doesn't make any sense that this would be the commit that messed things up.
@SirPython Weird. Have you tried with the commit before and after to ensure it's right?
I'm about to. I've tried the commit before and it works, now I'm going to try the commit it gave me. Then, I'll try the one after.
I may even run the git bisect again to make sure I get the same answer.
Good luck
21 hours ago, by Phrancis
I hope there's not a "You'll need it!" implied ;)
Ran git bisect again and was brought back to the same commit.
I still don't get how the client could only connect to some servers and not others.
And, the commit it brought me to is a commit that changes the way a message is sent.
This change would apply to all messages sent, not to ones on specific servers.
@bazola Is it possible that dwarftowers is running an old version of the server?
Post your findings on the issue I opened github.com/Cardshifter/Cardshifter/issues/353
Great work so far!
Hello @Phrancis!
Lots to read back on!
Contradicting 40k users is scary...
> I did a little of [bisect](file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Git/doc/git/html/git-bisect.html)ing and was brought back to [this commit](https://github.com/Cardshifter/HTML-Client/commit/6b885c8914698561a961fabb225980071fcb6664).

I can't see how this could've possibly broken the code: in fact, this commit was fixing a bug where the `.command` attribute of the message was not being sent.

However, that confuses me even more: how did the previous commit work when the `.command` attribute wa
@jacwah I have posted them ^^
Fixed a typo in the comment.
> Aha! I was wrong about the previous commit working; the client would navigate to the lobby page regardless of what the server said.

To test, I opened up a local server and tried connecting to that instead; there was an error for there being no `.command`.

I will now try to bisect the project again, now knowing that I should test each commit on two servers: dwarftowers and a local host server.
@jacwah ^^
@Marc-Andre @SirPython @jacwah @DanPantry @bazola @skiwi ^^
Hope this helps! Please let me know if you see anything that should be reworded/corrected.
Is it called the "Web Client" or the "HTML Client"?
@Phrancis Great!
@SirPython I prefer Web Client personally; the GWT client is technically a HTML client as well, although it is rather "shoehorned" into working for web, rather than being made for it
200_success vs. rolfl: 3224 diff. Year: +2478. Quarter: +2812. Month: +233. Week: +63. Day: +1.
(GWT "translates" Java into JavaScript, which in our case has shown to be a rather clunky implementation)
Mat's Mug vs. Simon André Forsberg: 646 diff. Year: +1536. Quarter: +32. Month: +310. Week: +166. Day: +59.
Loki Astari vs. Simon André Forsberg: 2920 diff. Year: -2856. Quarter: -1260. Month: +40. Week: +95. Day: +20.
200_success vs. janos: 15293 diff. Year: -4307. Quarter: -1386. Month: -572. Week: -90. Day: -39.
@Duga Fixed small stuff
> Great job @jacwah :+1:
Refuse login if user name is already taken

The server doesn't handle failed logins correctly yet, see #347.

Resolves #345
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] jacwah pushed commit a44a9cf5 to develop: Add test for user name already in use
Refactor validation of user names

Validation is now done inside Server. A client's name should always be
set with trySetClientName.

You can no longer use an empty user name.
Refactor user name exceptions

As per suggestion by Marc-André.
Merge pull request #348 from jacwah/develop-names

Refuse login if user name is already taken
Thanks @Phrancis! I just need to work on getting the server to handle failed logins correctly now...
@Phrancis It does? That's pretty cool.
@SirPython ... for some values of "cool" =;)
@Phrancis Should I open a separate issue for user name validation since you closed #345?
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit ed3a80ba on develop: The Travis CI build passed
Oh right...
@jacwah Wait; can you clarify that name validation you want to add?
@SirPython I need to get a better-looking one from my friend who made this
I posted a suggestion here
A user name...
    is unique. Two clients can not connect with the same name simultaneously.
    is at least 1 character and at most 20 characters long.
    contains only ASCII letters, spaces, underscores and decimal numbers.
    does not begin or end with whitespace.
It's just a starting point for discussion - feel free to comment on any of the points
@jacwah Why don't we go ahead and address that separately if you don't mind. I think there are other points related specifically to validation that I think would benefit from their own work thread
@Phrancis Work thread == issue?
Ok I'll open a new one
@SirPython See this for example:
  "MAX_HEALTH" : 10,
  "SICKNESS" : 1,
  "MANA_COST" : 30,
  "ATTACK" : 3,
  "HEALTH" : 10,
  "flavor" : "The Great Grandfather, Emperor of all Deities, Vanquisher of Evil.",
  "name" : "JADE EMPEROR",
  "description" : "Give creatures of type Chinese owned by you on Battlefield 3 HEALTH\nGive creatures on Battlefield -1 ATTACK\n",
  "type" : "Chinese God"
What I need to be able to do is access those fields to display in the web client.
7 hours ago, by Phrancis
@SirPython I have a question; I saw in deck builder you used {{card.properties.name}} in one place, and {{card.max}} another place. How do you differentiate which properties are part of which set? I'd like to document that as I will need to be able to query these fields in several areas of the client
Well; I'm mostly wondering how I need to go about it
I still don't entirely understand the question. What do you mean by "differentiate which properties are part of which set"?
What is the "set"?
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