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This one seems substantially more complex interesting than that Shape geometry one :D
@Phrancis I like that challenge. If you can do that, you can do quite a bit!
It involves file I/O, lists, uniqueness, counting, looping... nice!
I'm sure it'll take some time to put together, and the compiler and i will have a love/hate relationship by then. So, here I go :D
@Phrancis I'm sure you will :)
Are imports inherited? e.g., if I have an interface import java.foo will all its inherited classes import it too, or does it need to be imported in all classes explicitly?
@Phrancis nope, not inherited. that's a per-file basis.
Agh. Ok.
Can you do import *; :D
I bet Eclipse probably has something to help with that importing stuff, eh?
@Phrancis No. And even if you could, just.... no...
@Phrancis Ctrl + Shift + O is your friend.
Ahh ok
⌘ + Shift + O
Need to remember that
So I guess it follows the trails to the subclasses and stuff that have other imports
@bazola Just found a bug in your game. If a Bank is full (1000 gold) you can still Give to it, and though it doesn't increase the total gold of the bank, it still decreases the player's gold
ah, value transactions in games :)
@SimonAndréForsberg Value transactions in games everything :)
2 hours later…
@Phrancis well, I sort of left it that way on purpose :) although it is probably something that will annoy players. Basically all of the buildings have a maximum resources, and the game won't stop you from overflowing your resources or the building resources, so you have to be careful
sometimes there is too fine a line between gameplay and annoying :)
@bazola I get that... I kind of wish there was something to destroy my buildings or such... something to throw me off my guard!
yeah I will need to add some more sophisticated features. The main challenge of the MMO version of the game will be competing with other players to claim territory. Since buildings are permanent it is a bit of a race
But the single player is left with some incomplete features that are needed to spice things up a bit
But unrelated, a gameplay function to collect all resources on any given map would be great
something like that could work, yeah
I think some way to destroy buildings in multi would be important... maybe sac 10 or 100 army units to take something down
part of the idea is that you would reset the server every month or two and then the active players would have to race to fill up the map as fast as possible. with the nether though it might be possible to actually open up a second world while it was running if it filled up too fast
@bazola A month may even be a stretch (currently) but I have not explored the nether yet
But as a user, I found I had resources beyond my wildest dreams after playing for a couple of hours
i could see slowing down the rate of resource gain as low as 1 per hour for multiplayer, not sure for single player
and maybe add buildings that increase the speed
Maybe add stuff that f**ks with your resource stockpile?
5 hours later…
> Well, after short thinking a regex is probably still the most effective for figuring this out, as well as duplicate checks to make sure we don't spam the message to the same user(s) many times. I'm going to collect some existing candidates for poking with the message and then see if I get anything worthy of attention.
2 hours later…
monking @SimonAndréForsberg
so maybe it works now...
else if (returnTypeName === "com.cardshifter.modapi.base.Entity") {
    newFunction = (function(method) {
        return function() {
            var argumentsArray = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
            return new JSEntity(method.invoke(null, argumentsArray));
> Automated loading of the DSL class.
@skiwi, your build reported bad status: Broken!
@Duga Oh shut up!
> Removed manual method to load DSL.
> Added method missing hooks to JavaScript objects for easier debugging of effects attached to cards.
> Passing a Class<?> instance rather than the qualified class name in the DSL loader.
@skiwi, your build reported bad status: Still Failing!
@Duga Yeah yeah
Going to uni, back later... hopefully behind my actual desktop tonight
@skiwi now if only the build also would pass :)
@SimonAndréForsberg That'd be great, yes
> improved comment detection for programmers by checking for link to programmers.stackexchange.com
@Simon, don't forget to fix Facebook Graph 2.0 in Mineswweeper for Android!
@Duga yeah yeah yeah
I have until 30th April to fix that! Plenty of time!
hey :D!
hey @Marc-Andre!
How is everyone ?
in Duga's Playground, 11 mins ago, by Duga
The time is 2015-03-12T14:00:00Z and @Duga is alive
I'm good, but hungry, and hoping to get an e-mail soon about a continuing
Oh where did you apply ?
@Marc-Andre technically I didn't, I got contacted by a recruiter.
oh nice where are you working at the moment ?
@Marc-Andre more or less nowhere
working every now and then at a company nearby here, doing primarily Java development, but that's very rarely these days.
Ok! Do you own your company or do you work with small contract ?
own one-man company
> Alternatively we could define some keywords, and weigh them against some other factors. The message then would get posted if we pass a certain threshold.
> @Vogel612: That's so ArcticEcho/Phamhilator.
> 'course it is. But it works well for them, it seems to also have worked for Andy's flag-bot, why shouldn't it work for us??
> !Screenshot at 2015-03-12 16:27:40 Thank you Duga, but too much is too much. There is absolutely no need for you to mention me in chat (and ping me with that), just because someone mentioned me on github. <sub>even more so, when I already saw the mention and replied ;)</sub> In my case that's mostly because my github...
and SE username are the same, but I hope I am not the only one. Soo in short: add a space after the @ please
hey @Phrancis!
@Marc-Andre I saw you added tests to the website (way to go!) is there something I should know as far as running it in STS or should it work the same as it did before?
@Phrancis It will work the same as before. If you want to run the test, you need to right-click (I don't know the Mac equivalent) and then you select run as -> JUnit tests and tests should run.
I made sure to get a standard mouse instead of the one-button Mac mouse so I can right-click instead of ⌘+click :D
Great :D ! So it as simple as that. I just need to do tests for ALL the mapping we have a the moment
and we will need to add tests for the new mapping if we create new ones.
some fun code:
private void customEncodeMap(HashMap<ResourceType, Integer> map, DataOutputStream out) throws IOException {
    if (map.size() > 0) {
        for (ResourceType type : map.keySet()) {

private HashMap<ResourceType, Integer> decodedMap(DataInputStream in) throws IOException {
    HashMap<ResourceType, Integer> decodedMap = new HashMap<ResourceType, Integer>();
    int mapSize = in.read();
@bazola All code is fun
@SimonAndréForsberg after this encoding project, i'm no longer convinced! lol
2 hours later…
@bazola could you resend the url to your game ?
i really should have been working on the next update for it, but I've been doing this serialization thing instead
hey again
sooo... you gon' fix your broken build?
still can't sit behind my desktop :|
sit in front of it... could help maybe ? (lol)
ah, right
no, but migraine is a silly thing, I'm quite fine at the moment, just cannot do that yet... so I'll stick to laptop on couch for now
Did you see a doctor ?
Nah, I'm sure it'll go over
had it other time half a year ago, did take like a full week until I was back in old shape though
Recurrent things like could be a sign for something ;)
It's probably stress-related :|
Well I would not be surprised
All I am aware of is the driving lessons and last week I hadn't slept as much as I should, probably that put it over the edge
Ping: Anything added dilutes everything else.
> java.lang.ClassCastException: Cannot cast jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.ScriptObjectMirror to [Ljava.lang.Object;
@bazola isn't the serialization thing part of the next update?
So I've got the error reproduced on 8u40!
You know what's silly?
var argumentsArray = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
When passing argumentsArray to a Java method, it used to be converted to an Object[], but now it gets converted (since 8u31) to a ScriptObjectMirror
> Fixed issue where calling a method of the DSL caused an error in Java 8u31+.
@Duga now tell me that it works, please :)
Has anyone perhaps tried out a new trading card game called Hex?
@Duga I knew it!
Cool, I also have build #777
@skiwi never heard of it
@SimonAndréForsberg It's from GameForge, only know about it because I got a mail on it today
> Current output:

> Ping: Anything added dilutes everything else.

Desired output:

> \[[Zomis/GithubHookSEChatService](https://github.com/Zomis/GithubHookSEChatService)\] Ping: Anything added dilutes everything else.
@Duga @SimonAndréForsberg That's a fun one
I don't think the PingEvent sends that data
@skiwi OH RLY?
  "zen": "Anything added dilutes everything else.",
  "hook_id": 4324747,
  "hook": {
    "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/Zomis/MicroBench/hooks/4324747",
    "test_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/Zomis/MicroBench/hooks/4324747/test",
    "ping_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/Zomis/MicroBench/hooks/4324747/pings",
    "id": 4324747,
    "name": "web",
    "active": true,
    "events": [
    "config": {
      "url": "http://stats.zomis.net/GithubHookSEChatService/hooks/github/payload?roomId=16134",
I'm quite sure it does send that data.
@SimonAndréForsberg What you have as the PingEvent right now, is all there was available when I made it
Seems like some new stuff got added ;)
That there is JSON data right?
@SimonAndréForsberg yeah, but it won't do anything in the HTML version
@Phrancis yup. 100% JSON
@bazola that's true
Nice, it's pretty readable and looks very flexible
@Phrancis JSON is surely more readable than XML
Yeah XML is ugly
I wonder... would it make sense to write a HTML page in JSON?
I know HTML cannot be converted 1:1, but XHTML could be
> added IntelliJ to gitignore
> made all addTask methods return this. fixes #8
> added maven section to README.md, fixes #7
@skiwi you should check into one of the many already-existing tools for writing HTML nicer. rolfl used something for StackMonkey.
@skiwi HTML5 (if written correctly) is XHTML compatible so I don't see why not. On the other hand, I'm not sure why you would want to do that... Also any JavaScript/CSS/PHP components in the page that don't really "look" like HTML might be problematic!
(though I guess you can save <style></style> and <script></script> as data?)
> changed report methods to static, to address #9
> changed example code to incorporate changes in #8 and #9
@skiwi Additionally, if you use JSON to create HTML, or even XML, you'd have to somehow specify what is a value inside the tag and what is an attribute. XML is more advanced in this aspect.
if (tile.getOwnerName() == this.player.getName()) { ugh, i knew better than to do this
@bazola .equals !
Don't compare strings with ==
@SimonAndréForsberg i know! it seems that it is that way in every language
not every, but many!
at least it was an easy bug compared to dealing with serialization bugs for the last two days
oh, you thought you wrote out that int for the size? well you didn't, you just did a comparison against it! think again chump! and the only error message that you get is an array out of bounds message
@bazola yeah, such things are a bit annoying. When I did that serialization on Cardshifter, I sometimes manually checked what the actual serialized byte array was, to see if it matched my expectations.
manually like opening up the file or?
I never serialized to a file
printed to system.out sometimes, and sometimes used debugger
i could use a good program that can read binary serialized files
@SimonAndréForsberg Ah correct, forgot that part
Picks 6 through 9
Opponents tend to hate getting Hex'd 4 times :D
ahahaha :P
Is java.util.Scanner what one would generally use to read a text file?
@Phrancis depends on what you want to read. I'd probably use BufferedReader
@Phrancis Good things we have tests ! We have a mapping for /cyborg-chronicles/game-rules but not view for that mapping. On the website it's pointing to github!
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Zomis pushed 8 commits to js
> added EntityInt interface
> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/cardload' into js
@Marc-Andre That's by design :p
(that it goes to github)
But good if you found a bad mapping then that's one more thing fixed!
@SimonAndréForsberg It's basically parsing words from a literary work in UTF8 .txt format
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Zomis pushed 1 commit to js
> Merge branch 'develop' into js, adds damageTurnEnd
@Phrancis you can use either one of Scanner or BufferedReader.
@Phrancis By design ? If you don't have a view, don't create a mapping. If by design you mean to point to GitHub I'm fine with it!
@Marc-Andre That's what I meant lol
Sorry I did not realize I actually had a mapping, I think I had originally intended to put the rules on the site but haven't got around to it yet
@Phrancis Oh no problem!
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build #778 for commit 00dee02d on branch js passed
> Right now the game rules are in the main repo's wiki. They need to be on the Cyborg Chronicles portion on the site (since different mods will undoubtedly have different rules).

- [ ] Add a mapping to the controller
- [ ] Create HTML file with the rules
- [ ] Update the menu link
- [ ] Delete the page from the wiki
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build #779 for commit 00b22857 on branch js passed
@SimonAndréForsberg Is BufferedReader generally more "useful" to know than Scanner, or do they work very similarly?
(please don't say "It depends")
@Phrancis BufferedReader is more common to use when reading files for some reason
Scanner is regex based apparently
depending on the methods you use, yes
BufferedReader only has nextLine, not all those fancy nextDouble and stuff
Maybe I'll try both, guess it can't hurt to know them both
@SimonAndréForsberg I have been finding this pretty useful:
public MainGame() {
    switch(Gdx.app.getType()) {
       case Android:
       case Desktop:
       case Applet:
       case HeadlessDesktop:
       case iOS:
       case WebGL:
           //other stuff
@bazola yes, that is useful. I haven't had to use it very much myself yet
oh, I tried to build an apk so I could test on my android device, and it said something about some kind of google play related authentication. Do you know anything about that? It may be similar to apple now, because for apple you have to register a developer account, and all of your devices and apps are signed
@bazola you don't need to be Google Play registered to create an APK.
You don't need to create a real signed APK to do your testing, you can create an APK signed with a debug key.
or, you should even be able to click "Run" in your IDE (Eclipse? IntelliJ?) and it should let you choose to run on the device.
ah interesting
i will have to try that, but I think that mac's don't have the necessary USB drivers so I will have to do it on a PC
or maybe I am wrong about that..
yup it is super easy, you don't have to do anything except enable developer options on the device
> fixed bug with enchantments not persisting max health
@bazola yup, why make it more complicated than necessary? :)
@Phrancis I had to change a bit in the .cards file. Enchantments must use apply:health:3 to specify health, otherwise there's a bug.
apply:health:3 does the same thing health=3 and max_health=3
@SimonAndréForsberg i guess for some reason when I looked at it earlier, I thought that the lack of a USB driver for Mac meant that you couldn't attach a device.. when it really means that you don't even need the driver
@bazola yeah, probably. It tends to be Windows who is concerned about drivers.
just confirmed that everything is working fine on an android device, including the serialization. Now I just need to figure out how to fix the screen being stuck in landscape mode
@bazola in Android? Modify the AndroidManifest.xml
just make sure that rotating the device works properly, if you enable that
bugs can occur when devices are rotated
@SimonAndréForsberg that is awesome, I didn't know about that file
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build #781 for commit 59944e4b on branch cardload passed
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build #780 for commit 59944e4b on branch js passed
hmm.. performance on a samsung galaxy s4 is lower than on an iPod 5.. how is that possible lol
Simon André Forsberg vs. Mat's Mug: 2123 diff. Year: +1187. Quarter: +1187. Month: +617. Week: +62. Day: +87.
Loki Astari vs. Simon André Forsberg: 4122 diff. Year: -1644. Quarter: -1644. Month: -754. Week: -107. Day: -67.
@SimonAndréForsberg OK so you replaced all the values accordingly?
@Phrancis I did. I did not look through the documentation you wrote though to see if anything needed updating
Only a small bit would need updated, if you did a find+replace on the file it probably updated that too
not sure if there even was any relevant documentation for it
I think it's all good
So, BufferedReader I gather is basically a simpler way of reading a file/stream input with less functionality than Scanner?
I think that's a good description of it
Probably less overhead too, performance wise?
Or is it where the overhead only comes into account when you call specific functions of Scanner
(not sure why I'm worried about optimization for a simple program like that)
@Phrancis premature optimization!
Realistically, does the file size matter much to how fast it will be parsed? Like if I was parsing a 2 page article vs. a 200 page book, should I expect it will take seconds, minutes or hours longer?
Really, you don't need to care about such performance stuff. If there's anything, it is minimal. Time complexities is the same, and you're not doing things a million times in a loop either.
@Phrancis it will take 100 times longer. How much that is? Depends on how long it took originally. We're probably talking seconds.
The thing I love about computers is that they are really good at computing.
with the 200 page book you will most likely have too much memory before noticing a difference in speed
@Marc-Andre hopefully, the memory footprint shouldn't make a difference. I don
't finish my sentence before I press enter...
I don't think there is a need to store the full book in memory
Eclipse is telling me that by convention package names start with lower case letter... I'm guessing it's supposed to be camelCase?
@Phrancis it should be all lowercase for package names
Or you've alreayd mention bufferedread, well no prolbem then :P
(I tried to use PascalCase)
Hm. What's the convention for multi-word? A hyphen for spaces?
@Phrancis orthesameword
What package name do you want?
(butt hat sugly)
Just asking generally, I had it as textFileReader but I want to name it "concordance" instead, it better reflects what it will do
What's sugly?
Sometimes, use sub-packages
com.phrancis.filereader.text for example
I'd recommend always starting with "com.phrancis" or a domain you own
Ok... Why?
and to avoid package collisions
Oh. I'm guessing package collisions break things.
You can't have two classes of the same name in the same package.
Using packages is the way to separate classes of the same name
So you want your package to be unique
I've been using packages for organizing, is that bad?
(I totes see your point though)
Absolutely not.
I also use packages for organizing
I just start all my packages with net.zomis
Oh. Is com/net just the url extension?
package names are normally your domain name but backwards
Another mystery solved!
Another created
What does Scooby Doo has to do with solving mysteries?
Um. Everything? That's what the show is about, after all...
Oh... perhaps I need to watch some more Scooby Doo
It's pretty funny, though a bit dated. One of my favorite shows when I was a kid
Holy crap, it works!!11one
[Cardshifter/cardshifter.github.io] 2 commits. 1 opened issue.
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 1 commit. 1 opened issue.
[Vincentyification/JavaBot‌​] 4 issue comments.

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