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[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] 0 commits. 1 issue opened and 0 closed
[Cardshifter/cardshifter.github.io] 0 commits. 1 issue opened and 1 closed
[Zomis/Auto-Review] 30 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[Zomis/GithubHookSEChatService] 4 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[Zomis/test] 1 commit. 2 issues opened and 4 closed
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 5 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
@Phrancis alright, I'm here
@Phrancis Hi :D
Wow that was the longest reboot ever
So, you have my undivided attention @SimonAndréForsberg - Got the terminal pulled up. Should I start with the steps you suggested first, or do you want to see what git says of the repo first?
@Phrancis I'd like to know what this says: git log --branches --graph --decorate --oneline
It's pretty massive... want the whole thing or... from where?
@Phrancis just the first five lines is enough
*   078ece8 (origin/master, origin/HEAD, master) merging README.md
| * 8602f02 Create README.md
* |   097cdc5 Merging develop into master
|\ \
| * | 8806d86 (HEAD, origin/develop, develop) My git instructions got borked, re
| * | 07024f1 Added color test in prettify-test.html
| * | d565707 All HTML/CSS/JS files working from local repo
@Phrancis so you are on the develop branch currently... hold on, I will think...
@Phrancis I think the easiest way to cleanup the mess is to do the following:
1. `git merge master`
2. re-add the README.md (you can find a previous version of it here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cardshifter/cardshifter.github.io/8602f02adfa9d5fe715e2b87c785aea30bab3369/README.md )
3. search in all files for `<<<<<<` and fix all merge conflicts correctly
No git stash ?
@Phrancis depends on what git status says?
Francis-Veilleux-Gabourys-MacBook:cardshifter.github.io francisveilleux-gaboury$ git status
On branch develop
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/develop'.

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

hmm... actually, that might be another way you can solve this mess...
do you have something that is worth commiting, @Phrancis?
Just this one image that I can easily add back in, so... no not really
@Phrancis you don't need to do anything with that file, I think it will remain.
5 mins ago, by Simon André Forsberg
@Phrancis I think the easiest way to cleanup the mess is to do the following:
1. `git merge master`
2. re-add the README.md (you can find a previous version of it here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cardshifter/cardshifter.github.io/8602f02adfa9d5fe715e2b87c785aea30bab3369/README.md )
3. search in all files for `<<<<<<` and fix all merge conflicts correctly
@Phrancis follow those steps ^^
and ping me if there is any problems
Showing a number of fast-forward things, normal?
(upon merge)
@Phrancis yes, that is precisely what I expected.
Good, let me proceed then
that is also what I realized would happen, and why I had to think a bit more
README.md is added back in. Is there a simple way to find conflicts through terminal?
@Phrancis don't know, but I can help you with that
A: Fix merge conflicts in Git?

Peter BurnsTry: git mergetool It opens a GUI that steps you through each conflict, and you get to choose how to merge. Sometimes it requires a bit of hand editing afterwards, but usually it's enough by itself. It is much better than doing the whole thing by hand certainly. By @JoshGlover Well, it do...

Ever use git mergetool ?
@Phrancis those files are conflicts ^^
I've heard about git mergetool, never really managed to use it
Holy shit, gonna be here for a while
Actually looks like only the 2 CSS files had a real conflict, which I have now fixed
I looked at each file individually
So AFAIK they are fixed, though I will test locally before doing anything else
@Phrancis good! And when you have done so, make a commit and push it.
Alright everything seems to work correctly. Let me do that then
did you remember to re-add the README.md as well?
14 mins ago, by Phrancis
README.md is added back in. Is there a simple way to find conflicts through terminal?
Annnddd... What now?
Everything looks good on develop
@Phrancis 1. git checkout master 2. git merge develop
I should have tried the script on the question itself before. Using it on that question screws up some <span> tags that are inside the question. Perhaps use &lt; and &gt;, or some escaping.
Ok, it's showing some fast forward stuff again... Do I need to push, or...?
Guess I do
WOOHOO thanks so much @SimonAndréForsberg everything is back in place thanks to you :D
nice now I can merge my branch master and break everythin
Now I have conflicts :P oh crap :P
If it's anything in cardshifter.github.io/prettify-test/ you should be safe grabbing that stuff without breaking anything on your end. Only other file I changed (it only had one extra line break, ugh) is cardshifter.github.io/cardshifter.css
I've changed all the structure of all the folders so .
it's not just a linebreak :P
Ah, well that's another discussion...
If that helps, then. The only significant amount of work I've done since well before the holidays is in the prettify-test folder. Rest of it is basically unchanged from since you started on your web app
I'll push my commit in java-web but not sure about the resutl (I've not integrated images.html in the webapp yet )
> Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into java-web

Git instructions for Phrancis.txt
> added readme
so the good things is it looks ok
I think I'm ready to merge my branch to master ..
I'll for @SimonAndréForsberg to look at it! I think it's nicely done but I'm not sure!
Time to go cya @Phrancis!
Bye Marc Andre
2 hours later…
The boys integrated git into Rubberduck... Freaking cool!
in VBA, 18 mins ago, by Duga
> commit, push, pull: one small step for duck, giant leap for VBA kind
7 hours later…
What's up?
Got a question about my Supplier<Set<EntryParser>> aka EntryParsers usages...
They work reasonbly well, and their definition is easy:
public class ABCEntryParsers implements EntryParsers {
    public Set<EntryParser> get() {
I'm thinking about changing it to a plain Set<EntryParser>
I'm not sure anymore though how I would define them then
I can only see public fields (or private fields, public getters) in some EntryParsers class working
Would that still be a better alternative?
I don't understand that question
^^ that
I think I also don't know enough about the code to have an opinion
My log reader classes are right now taking a Supplier<Set<EntryParser>> as input, that seems ugly, right?
It would be more logical to just take a Set<EntryParser> as input?
depends on if it is possible or not
you shouldn't use Supplier<T> if you don't need to
It is possible to avoid using that
Then I come to the implementation part, currently it's defined (indirectly) as:
public class ABCEntryParsers implements Supplier<Set<EntryParsers>>, and I can use them by calling new ABCEntryParsers()
It looks quite neat on the usage side
When removing the supplier part, I think I need to go to something like EntryParsers.getABCEntryParsers(), that just returns a Set<EntryParser>
this looks cleaner to me..
@Vogel612 I think I have to agree with that as well
I don't even understand why you would have a Supplier<Set<T>>...
Was wondering if I'm improving the code and if there would be an even better alternative available
you could flatten the Supplier to a Supplier<T> anyways
1 hour later…
> made the userscript Firefox compliant
> cleanup from code review
> removed alert popup by request
> added animate to bottom on request
> unselecting checkboxes after adding to answer
> removed unused css classes on spans
> changed how data-line property is set, fixes #1
[Zomis/Auto-Review] Zomis deleted branch develop
^^ don't think I need that branch
> Refactored usages of Supplier<Set<EntryParser>> to use Set<EntryParser>.
Finally, that one is done ^^
@Duga Huh, why is this not in a comment block? @SimonAndréForsberg (Any clues?)
Have they... never been?
> I have tried a couple of things for this but have not yet found the right way. Any help would be appreciated.
@skiwi @Simon forgot this when doing some refactorings
@Duga @Simon breaking things!
Hold shift and click checkbox to select all lines since the previously selected checkbox.
> fixed body of opened issue again
> Added PECS support to AbstractLogReader.
One last issue to go...
The AbstractLogReader
in Duga's Playground, 26 secs ago, by Duga
> Happy now skiwi?
@skiwi ^^
@SimonAndréForsberg So happy!
> Renamed AbstractLogReader to DefaultLogReader and made it non-abstract.
> Added PECS support to LogReaderUtils.fromInputAndExtraLineReader.
> added shift+click support on checkboxes, fixes #3
hey everyone
hey @Marc-Andre
@JuanMendes Sorry, I'm way too active on Code Review to do anything else. Additionally, there is no description at all, just a code dump. — Simon André Forsberg 4 mins ago
Using regex for this? Seriously? I don't think this is a good solution — Simon André Forsberg 8 mins ago
hey @Marc-Andre
why not regex? it's clean and simple. — zzzhc 23 secs ago
"clean and simple" isn't exactly how I would describe regex but... oh well...
apparently I've been on Code Review too much that I have forgotten about the SO way of thinking
not really sure why my answer to that question got a downvote...
@SimonAndréForsberg Just send him the valid e-mail regex ;)
Hey everyone :)
oh hey @Unihedro
@SimonAndréForsberg vengeance
@Marc-Andre might be it... I would like to reach 10k on SO some day, but that will apparently take a while.
in RegEx - Regular Expressions on Stack Overflow Chat, Nov 17 '14 at 13:46, by Unihedron
to parse or to use regex... that is the question
^^ that is the question indeed
@SimonAndréForsberg I've merged master into my branch last night ! I think I did a good job could you just check to be sure. This is my first major change in a project. If everything is fine I'll merge my branch to master.
Q: Parsing log files of HearthStone: The log reading API

skiwiI'm still working on a parser that can parse log entries from a game called HearthStone, the overall idea is that it will read the log file live when the game is running, parses the log file and show interesting and useful data in real time. For the question the focus is on the API I have create...

If anyone is looking for a day off to do something else ^
@skiwi what your question needs is sample output!
@bazola Didn't fit anymore...
@Marc-Andre alright, I can take a look. You should know though that I don't know very much of that repository.
@Marc-Andre I do see though that @Phrancis did a quite important update on master+develop since you merged
@SimonAndréForsberg Just if there is no major conflict or if I did something really bad. Everything else I will handle it myself
Oh god
I think it's his merge fixing commit. I thought I waited for that one.
@Marc-Andre yup, I also think it is that one. he probably pushed after you merged.
hey @Phrancis
just talking about you :)
I see that :)
27013 characters in your question, @skiwi.
yeah well no big deal then I'll just re-merged master
other than that everything seems fine ?
And I'll soon post questions about my app on Code Review, like 2 or 3 questions. One for the configuration, one for the views, and well the last one if I need maybe a follow-up or something.
So if you want to have an answer ready @SimonAndréForsberg and @skiwi checkout the branch :P
@SimonAndréForsberg Scrolling... takes.... long
@SimonAndréForsberg Your user script could really come in handy for @skiwi's question ;D
hey @Phrancis
Ugh, why does my PC as of lately completely crap out when I open the explorer
> The DefaultLogReader constructor now takes a defensive copy of the entryParsers input.
> Fixed accidental double space in class definition.
I wonder if anyone here is secretly reviewing the question
@Duga Any attempt to build commit 7ed20778? Or would it use a grace period
If there's a late attempt that would actually be bad... As then the latest snapshot would be on an earlier version
Q: Code Prettify CSS template

PhrancisI've been working on implementing Google Code Prettify and finally got it to work correctly. You can see my test file here to see what it looks like. I worked from a template and tried to improve it. There is a lot of HTML boilerplate code that apparently is needed (mostly JavaScript links). I t...

In case anyone is interested in reviewing :)
@skiwi I am not sure, but in worst case someone - @Simon - fucked up my travis hooks
@Duga I'm not sure what is actually goign on
Build #57 actually uploaded after build #58, wtf?
Yeah that makes... 'sense'
Doing two individual commits directly after previous one is not a good idea then
Wondering if I can solve it with some pre-checks to cancel the build if it runs late
And in reality Travis CI shouldn't be scheduling builds like this
perhaps the scheduling got delayed?
perhaps you pushed too quickly. Now I suddenly understand the saying "Don't push it"
I blame Travis
I blame @skiwi
Now we need a bot named @Travis that blames @Duga.
Hey @SimonAndréForsberg I thought I had fixed the merge conflicts and did a stage/commit/push last night, but I still see them on both develop and master ... Am I seeing things or...?
@Phrancis hmm... wtf.... I'll check that out
I thought exactly the same thing
The history seems to reflect that the changes were made correctly
@Phrancis there was more than one conflict mark in github.css though
page-template.html also contains a conflict mark
Ah ok. Guess I'll fix those tonight, for some reason my editor did not make it obvious, I might just use TextEdit to update and save the files.
@Phrancis yes, please fix.
@Marc-Andre see this ^^
> Fixed merge conflict in page-template.html
> Fixed merge conflict in github.css
There. I'll just git pull from home tonight and merge to master and we should be all good.
@Phrancis not if I get there first
@Marc-Andre I think you can merge again
@SimonAndréForsberg Hahah thanks ;p
Now @Phrancis take a quick break from Github please :P
I don't know if I will have time to merge tonight so, the less we work on master the less problem we will have :D
Yeah not going to touch it for a while. I'm going to start tinkering around only with making Prettify styles, should I just create a branch specifically for that so I leave everything else alone?
@Phrancis Yeah but I would wait that master is merged with my branch
since it will result in less conflict
just look at the directory disposition in my branch to see how different master and java-web is
Oh wow that's WAY different
I'll just stick with local changes for now then ;D
Hmpf, I had hope
Hope got killed :(
6 mages in 12 games though
just curious, @skiwi, how does losing HS games make you feel?
@SimonAndréForsberg Depends on the situation... usually indifferent, but losing chance on 12 arena is not much fun
However one today didn't me that happy because the opponent exactly topdecked me
And with me ending on exactly 0 hp
I'm also annoyed by the fact that I still cannot automatically move my screenshots somewhere else
I can't believe how they came to the idea to automatically save to desktop in a release version of a game
There also was 4,5GB of screenshots (about 1700), yes I shouldn't be taking that many lol
@skiwi Saving screenshot to Desktop is the default setting in OS X nothing really unusual there ;D
> Fixed typo in the javadoc of the constructor of DefaultLogReader.
Heh, WTF?
The constructors in that class are protected... not public
> Changed the access modifier from protected to public for the DefaultLogReader constructors.
@Vogel612 How is the work on JavaBot going?
@Marc-Andre ^^ :D
@SimonAndréForsberg Uni is sick today.. and I'm waiting for his PR to be finished so I can mmerge mine..
[Zomis/test] Zomis closed issue #3: gfd
> Create prettify-test-typical-white.html
> Create prettify-test-typical-black.html
> Create typical-white.css
> Create typical-black.css
> added API limit to scanRepos task
[Zomis/GithubHookSEChatService] Zomis deleted branch travisfix
@Duga Wondering... why did you code the streams like that?
Wouldn't that be possible?
I just realize you came from a refactoring there, that might explain
I'm really curious to merge it all back Thursday or Friday most likely @SimonAndréForsberg
@skiwi didn't think about .sorted on the stream
At least that's when I would possibly be available
And I want to know what all cool things you've added!
@skiwi what refactoring? this is pretty new code.
@skiwi oh, you will see them :)
@skiwi Good night friend
the new @Duga requires a database though
@SimonAndréForsberg The diff there shows some lines you deleted in favor of the new lines, so it's a minor refactoring
but PostgreSQL is free and open source :)
Did I hear database? haha
@skiwi I added the .limit(API_LIMIT) though, which is why I deleted the old
@Phrancis yup, but Hibernate is doing all the database job for me at the moment :) although I should add some indexes to my tables...
I'll be curious to see how you go about it :)
that transforms into the following table:
CREATE TABLE duga_config
  id integer NOT NULL,
  key character varying(255),
  value character varying(255),
  CONSTRAINT duga_config_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
Hah that's nifty!
[Zomis/GithubHookSEChatService] Zomis deleted branch newduga
[Zomis/GithubHookSEChatService] Zomis deleted branch daily
So @SimonAndréForsberg now that I have this code prettify thing working, what are your thoughts about Cardshifter website? I figured we would probably feature bits and pieces of code here and there. Since most of the code base is Java, would you go for a style that is very Java-like?
> Configuring the StackExchange account is still done in a properties file. Some database-specific features aren't implemented yet, but the database itself is up and running in my fork!
> Because of some new features that I have been working on, this definitely needs to be supported. It does not need to be used, but it does need to be supported.
@Phrancis I think a Java style is best, yes. As for what to actually show on the website, I don't know.
Me neither, haven't thought that far into it. I did have the idea, for the Cyborg Chronicles-themed (future) site, where code blocks could be used for when machines are talking (when going over the story and such)
> The repo itself is sort of a Wiki about the Cardshifter game, do you think we need a meta-Wiki about the website? @Zomis @marcandregirard @bazola and others, input appreciated!
> significantly reduced task execution to avoid github rate limits, until more rate_limit code is applied
> added an event filter that accepts all events
:19758213 I'm fine, how are you
@SimonAndréForsberg real quick git question; made a few changes to develop remote using github site. I read git sync could sync my local files to the remote, is that right?

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