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Come on @Duga
There we go... now we just need to trigger the reload...
@Vogel612 any clue on how I can change the system time in Linux? (ubuntu)
Develop is for integrating JavaBot???
@Vogel612 nope, it's for having a better name to checkout than master
Oh lol :)
(although I should probably merge develop into master)
I had a bug in my shellscript, I forgot to do git checkout someotherbranchthanmaster
> added some templates for the pages
@Vogel612 integrating JavaBot will probably be in a javabot branch or something.
@SimonAndréForsberg :
Anything to say, good or bad, about this?
I have Sams TSQL book, a bit outdated (SQL 2005) but is good
Don't really care much for Android at all right now, maybe a different book would be better?
@Phrancis I can't say that much about books overall, it's been a long while since I read that kind of books.
> changed file name
> added some documentation
> todosettingscontroller comvisible == false
@Duga why in this room!?
[Zomis/test] Zomis pushed commit 67c252f4 to master
> testing room
wrong room!
@SimonAndréForsberg When you wake up, any thoughts on this one?
Maybe not... "Copyright ©1996 by Sams.net Publishing and its licensors"
8 hours later…
2 hours later…
@SimonAndréForsberg Without XML you're mostly purely working with annotations, except I believe that you need to create an XML to indicate that you are not using XML
> removed "this"
> renamed todo controller to presenter
> Fixes #143; Code Inspection sorted in settings dialog
@Phrancis yeah, avoid old books like that...
> There's really nothing to refactor. The DataGridView handles pretty much everything automagically once the control is constructed. It's not testable though, and I still don't understand why I don't have to sync up the List of items like I do with the TodoSettingsView, but..... if it ain't broke, Don't fix it.
Stage 1 of refactoring seems to be succesful
Optional<String> peekLine = extraLineReader.peekLine();
if (peekLine.isPresent() && extraReadCondition.test(peekLine.get())) {
    return extraLineReader.readNextLine();
if (extraLineReader.nextLineMatches(extraReadCondition)) {
    return extraLineReader.readNextLine();
Why is that output here?
@skiwi I am asking myself the same thing.
the ?room parameter doesn't seem to work today.
oh, wait...
in VBA, 16 secs ago, by Simon André Forsberg
@Mat'sMug in the webhook configuration, change room= to roomId=
I'm blaming @janos for this one! He was the one who suggested I changed from room to roomId!
in VBA, 2 mins ago, by Duga
[Zomis/test] Zomis pushed commit 0a83d667 to master
Oh man. I'm sorry guys. I completely forgot.
I was getting some work done before work this morning....
I've found the cause for it now and have informed Mug about how to fix
so soon you should have @Duga back in the VBA room
I saw. Thanks @SimonAndréForsberg. Much appreciated. Sorry again @all!
@RubberDuck It's not your fault.
2 mins ago, by Simon André Forsberg
I'm blaming @janos for this one! He was the one who suggested I changed from room to roomId!
Yeah. I know, but I meant to hold up on pushing my commits to the remote, but forgot.
I need to catch up with you sometime about adding my VBA repo to Duga sometime, but right now I need to get to my day job. See y'all in a bit.
@RubberDuck I'm just happy @Duga has work to do. No matter in which room it is posted in.
@Duga shall never stop
This old code is so screwed up... unbelievable
List<String> content = new ArrayList<>();
while (true) {
    Optional<String> peekedLine = lineReader.peekLine();
    if (!peekedLine.isPresent() || peekedLine.get().equals("START")) {
        return new InfiniteLogEntry(content);
The new version surely is better... can we also say it is perfect?
List<String> content = new ArrayList<>();
while (lineReader.nextLineMatches(line -> !line.equals("START"))) {
return new InfiniteLogEntry(content);
@SimonAndréForsberg So long as there are developers in the 2nd Monitor, there will be work for @Duga to do. =;)-
> Refactored the LineReader interface:
- Renamed readLine() to readNextLine()
- Removed peekLine() method
- readNextLine() throws NoSuchElementException rather than NoMoreInputException
- Added hasNextLine() and nextLineMatches(Predicate<String>) methods
- Removed static conditionalLineReader method and unit tests.
@Duga Wow, that's fast!
This is actually a bad idea...
develop instantly publishes snapshots online, and I"m in the middle of a big refactoring
I should branch it off the next time
It's all stable and all, but possibly confusing
So, @SimonAndréForsberg, what url would I need to put in the webhook payload to add my VBEX repo to Duga? It's VBA stuff, so I'd like to post that stuff to our VBA room too.
well when you open the VBA room...
@RubberDuck http://stats.zomis.net/GithubHookSEChatService/hooks/github/payload?roomId=1492‌​9
^^ that.
@SimonAndréForsberg room=xxx, not?
ahhhh got it. Thanks a bunch!
@skiwi not since @janos review suggestion of room ---> roomId
I thought it was changed the other way around
Never confuse mind me!
oh do I need to change that for my repos?
@Vogel612 by default, it will post to this room. So if you intend to post it here, then no change is needed.
if you want it posted in another room, then it needs to change
but then I'd need to change it either way, sooo...
btw, do you plan to support the other chat-domains, too?
(or do you already fwiw)?
@Vogel612 I'm looking through the JavaBot repo trying to figure out how I can integrate it into @Duga. Where do I specify the StackExchange username and password and stuff?
usually in the BotConfig
The bot.properties file must contain following property configurations:

LOGIN-EMAIL={Stackexchange login email}
PASSWORD={Stackexchange login password}
@Vogel612 as in... chat.stackoverflow.com ? I don't think that's supported currently, but I think it should be. You should probably create a github issue about that.
@SimonAndréForsberg and as in chat.meta.stackexchange.com
@Vogel612 ok, thanks. Could you explain just a bit about how the TRIGGER stuff works? I mean... it needs to start listening for triggers in some room first, right?
btw: Does JavaBot support chat.stackexchange? or just chat.stackoverflow?
it should support chat.stackexchange
TRIGGER is for parsing messages for commands
usually things without TRIGGER get ignored
example: commando "help"
if you write: help
nothing happens
default trigger is **
so if you write: **help, then the command is invoked
okay, so it scans all messages and then filters some stuff out?
where do I specify the room number for it to scan? I mean... it can't scan the entire chat system, can it?
(I wouldn't really want it to scan all rooms...)
Should I be concerned that GitHub tells me this doesn't look like a valid url? It looks valid to me.
> http://stats.zomis.net/GithubHookSEChatService/hooks/github/payload?roomId=1492‌​‌​9
@SimonAndréForsberg you actually make it join rooms
the properties allow you to specify a list of comma-separated rooms
invalid numbers get ignored after splitting
@RubberDuck looks valid to me too, but I've never received that warning
unfortunately the bot itself currently assumes stackoverflow chat as chat-domain
and IIRC there's no way to make him think otherwise yet...
except for code editing?
perhaps I should create my own fork of the JavaBot repository?
FWIW, I'd suggest you check out: com.gmail.inverseconduit.bot.Program
It had some weird character in there instead of a 2. I think it's cool now.
there the cool stuff happens.
@Vogel612 I will
@Duga ping?
@Vogel612 github.com/skiwi2/GithubHookSEChatService They are supported somewaht, see Configuration here
@skiwi but the same bot instance can't support all at the same time
aaah env.chatUrl?
@SimonAndréForsberg True
seems like @Duga is having a problem right now...
Ah, new issue can be closed?
And why is it not posted here?
^^ that.
Seems like @Duga is refusing service.
@skiwi closed? No. It's about supporting multiple domains in one bot
well... now it is
@SimonAndréForsberg Huh, what is then the difference between issue 57 and issue 57?
the edit I made in the meatime
@Vogel612 Ah, that explains!
16-Jan-2015 14:00:56.248 INFO [pool-1-thread-1] com.skiwi.githubhooksechatservice.chatbot.StackExchangeChatBot.lambda$new$6 Request to /user
16-Jan-2015 14:16:17.502 SEVERE [http-nio-80-exec-6] com.skiwi.githubhooksechatservice.mvc.controllers.GithubHookController.handleException exception
 org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException: Content type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' not supported
        at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.AbstractMessageConverterMethodArgumentResolver.readWithMessageConverters(AbstractMessageConverterMethodArgumentResolv
And that broke whole @Duga?
well stuff like that shuts down the threadpool silently
@Vogel612 @RubberDuck check your repo webhooks to make sure it is not set to x-www-form-urlencoded. It should be set to application/json
and then he doesn't do things.
@SimonAndréForsberg Damn. My bad. I don't remember clicking that.
Not sure if it was what broke the whole thing. I don't think that should break everything
@SimonAndréForsberg Theoretically it shouldn't break things
@skiwi In theory, theory and practice is the same. In practice they're usually not.
Hey everyone!
@Vogel612 what's this "JAVADOCS" setting/property/config?
@SimonAndréForsberg there is a JavaDoc command
you can have the bot grab you a link to javadocs
and give you the first paragraph
but you need a zipped archive for that
it's nothing required then, I assume
Question... how would you rewrite this?
     * Pattern that checks if a string matches the following:
     *   - starts with a [
     *   - followed by one or more word characters
     *   - followed by a ]
     *   - followed by a space
     *   - followed by one or more of:
     *     - word character
     *     - a dot (.)
     *     - parentheses
     *   - followed by a space
     *   - followed by a dash (-)
     *   - followed by a space
     *   - ending with zero or more characters, that are also captured as the 1st capture group
I mean the getNumberOfSpaces method
It currently throws a checked exception, which is a huge pain
I want to count the number of spaces in some conditions, but the trick is that the condition may not be satisfied, in which case I don't know what to return
@skiwi not quite sure how to solve that best. Write down the options that you have and then pick one.
return Optional<Integer> ? return Integer? throw unchecked exception?
make sure that the pattern is matched before getNumberOfSpaces is performed?
in fact, I think you should try to only input the matcher.group(1) to that method.
let another method grab the matcher.group(1)
It is not clear that getNumberOfSpaces only operates on a part of the string you input.
So I've got a isFromNamedLogger method right now
it is also not clear that getNumberOfSpaces only counts until it encounters the first non-space character.
I should add a getContentFromNamedLogger method, and then this one as plain utility method?
I'm getting an ugly conditional then, not sure how to simplify that one
What about when you attempt to parse it without checking the other conditions manually? Default to plain IllegalStateException?
not sure what you're talking about now, @skiwi
@SimonAndréForsberg I think I covered it
if (!matcher.find()) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("does not match a log line pattern");
This used to be that NotParsableException
Dammit @Duga what are you doing?
@Vogel612 Going home.
@Vogel612 Nothing
Perhaps I should try to simplify this now..
Predicate<String> readCondition = line -> (LogLineUtils.isFromNamedLogger(line) &&
    (LogLineUtils.countLeadingSpaces(LogLineUtils.getContentFromLineFromNamedLogger(line)) > 4));
> Refactored LogLineUtils.
- Removed the getNumberOfLeadingSpaces method.
- Added a getContentFromLineFromNamedLogger method.
- Added a countLeadingSpaces method.
@skiwi why?? it's clear to me...
@Vogel612 seems like I will have to do some modifications in the JavaBot repo for this to work.
@SimonAndréForsberg hmm...
mostly because automagic wiring and other stuff
the login form doesn't look the same, apparently
?? what for?
@SimonAndréForsberg It's bit long
@SimonAndréForsberg press the "more options", then you can give an OpenId for both
Busy here today! (Monking)
@Vogel612 but that's not what the JavaBot seems to use.
hey @Phrancis
gimme a sec to freshen that up...
I wrote the Login for JavaBot, soo...
@Vogel612 So you should know how it works
58 secs ago, by Vogel612
gimme a sec to freshen that up...
(Not like I know whatever I wrote anymore)
^^ this is stackoverflow.com/users/login when not logged in
and the expanded one is "se-login-form" which is used to log in
the credentials are the same as what the SE OpenID would take
after filling email and password with the credentials from config, the form is submitted
and that's about it
@Duga Was about time...
@Vogel612 but the problem is that stackexchange.com doesn't look like that
@SimonAndréForsberg .. yes. that seems to be the case..
somehow this needs to be clicked.
or alternatively you log in on the openid page of Stackexchange (just as duga does now)
@Vogel612 yeah I'll see what I can do about that.
gotta go now though, but will be back later
I'd suggest you write your own "Program"
so you can adjust the stuff to the way you want
(also because we're probably going to migrate onto JCE soon anyways)
@Vogel612 JCE?
@Vogel612 yeah, I read through that part a bit... there's a couple of things I would like to clean up there...
@Vogel612 ah, the other repository? Will that be more of a library repository and the JavaBot the specific implementation for the Java chat room?
oh yes... It's one of the ugly monsters in JavaBot
@SimonAndréForsberg kinda.
JCE will be licensed under GPL as far as I'm informed
@Vogel612 should I create github issues for several things?
@Vogel612 no, please no.....
@SimonAndréForsberg feel free. I can get around to processing them around next week
@SimonAndréForsberg Just using it is fine
please think that through both 1 and 5 times before GPL-licensing it.
It's not my decision to make
@Vogel612 sounds more like LGPL in that case.
LGPL is ok.
anyways, be back later.
Talk to Uni in the Java room if you want to make your voice heard
What's the deal with it being a GPL license, if it would be?
@skiwi it seems that code using it then would also have to be licensed under GPL
which requires opening the source ....
@Vogel612 I see, ok thanks
> Create README.md

Copied README.md from Master branch
@Phrancis you can commit from work?
> The parse method in the EntryParser interface can no longer throw an NoMoreInputException.
@skiwi No, this update can be committed from the Guthub web page
> Removed obsolete UncheckedNotParsableException class.
@Phrancis Ah ok, so directly updating that is?
1 hour later…
@Vogel612 I have nothing against opening the source, I would just like to have more options on my code than GPL.
Sigh, I believe I can start refactoring again after I'm done with refactoring
Now it's other parts of the code though
And I moed the messier code into the library implementation, instead of onto the callers
2 hours later…
@Marc-Andre Whenever you're around I had a quick question. Will your web application store the HTML header (meta tags and such) in a separate file as well? If so, do you expect any SEO impact at all?
say i have a square divided into 9 sections, each has an index between 0,0 and 2,2, and i want to rotate the thing 90 degrees, is there a mathematical formula for that? 0,0 is going to become 0,2 for example, and 0,1 is going to become 1,2, and 2,2 is going to become 2,0, etc
@bazola yes there is.
section[x][y] = section[y][2-x];
^^ or some variant of that
that doesn't make [1, 2] be [2, 1] though
but actually it's easy
it feels like it is some kind of matrix transformation?
section[x][y] = section[y.max - y][x.max - x] ?
@bazola yes. rotation is a well-known matrix formation.
Unless I misunderstood there
@skiwi I haven't thought about the exact details, I just know approximately how it should be. And it should be easy to fix the details of it
well I appreciate it, definitely puts me on the right track
@skiwi might be correct in his formula
I'm unsure of whether the y.max and x.max should be reversed though
@bazola Is it this?


or is the expected result
either way, I think you will figure it out
the first one you posted
So that's the transpose I believe?
Yep, definitely
Transpose matrix
so a clockwise rotation it is, then.
That's also correct ^
Actually, what I said is not correct, taht's not the transpose
Transpose of a Matrix

A matrix which is formed by turning all the rows of a given matrix into columns and vice-versa. The transpose of matrix A is written AT
its similar
transpose would be section[x][y] = section[y][x]; I believe. A "diagonal-flip"
@SimonAndréForsberg correct
damn, it's been a while since I learned about these things...
thanks for freshing up my memory
thats the kind of stuff you need to think about when working with OpenGL 3D stuff isn't it?
@Phrancis It doesn't matter how we store the html rendered will be the same. Thymelead (the view engine) will build a complete html file. If you to have special header for certain page it is easily achievable though
Ok good. I don't think we will need special headers, but I'll let you know if I do at any point
@anyone in Eclipse or Netbeans is there a screen where you can pick the colors of different code components? If so, mind posting a screenshot?
@Phrancis Well there is in Eclipse but not usable at all :P
I'd just like to see the color codes, that's all. For the most common color layout
Not really possible ! What I would suggest is download and do it manually, the color don't really appear at first sight you need to select it
I got Netbeans at home I'll try that later
This may sound weird @Marc-Andre but I actually enjoy writing CSS (when it works!)
Not weird at all!
CSS is a lot easier than laying things out programmatically in other languages
well i found this which is pretty cool:
1) original matrix

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

2) transpose

1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9

3-a) change rows to rotate left

3 6 9
2 5 8
1 4 7

3-b) or change columns to rotate right

7 4 1
8 5 2
9 6 3
@Marc-Andre Does this style of CSS work for you?
/* String content - Pure orange */
.str {
    color: #EC7600;

/* Keyword - Moderate green */
.kwd {
    color: #93C763;

/* Comment - Dark grayish blue */
.com {
    color: #66747B;

 /* Type name - Mostly desaturated dark blue */
.typ {
    color: #678CB1;

/* Literal value - Vivid yellow */
.lit {
    color: #FACD22;

/* Punctuation - Light grayish blue */
.pun {
    color: #F1F2F3;

/* Plain text - Light grayish blue */
.pln {
    color: #F1F2F3;

/* Markup tag name - Moderate green */
@Phrancis work ? for prettify ?
As in, do you like it?
It is for Prettify, indeed
Got no problem with it (CSS is not my force though)
Why orange Strings??
I got my strings and operators in a light green
It's just the template I'm using, planning on changing all the colors
Types in light or dark blue (depending on class vs. Interface)
Static stuff marked in red or yellow
Return in red, other keywords in purple
And a dark greyish background
That's how it renders right now ^^
Annnnddddd the CSS doesn't work. Great.
    <title>Google Code Prettify testing</title>
    <link href="google-code-prettify/src/prettify.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="google-code-prettify/src/run_prettify.js?autoload=true&amp;skin=sons-of-obsidian"></script>

<body onload="prettyPrint()">
And the CSS file I'm using is called sons-of-obsidian.css, which is what is linked in the <script> tag
do you still need to load prettify.css ?
Q: Issue linking Code Prettify alternate CSS file

PhrancisI have installed the full Google Code Prettify prettify-4-Mar-2013.tar.bz2 found here and hosting my own JavaScript/CSS works fine with the templates provided: <head> <title>Google Code Prettify testing</title> <link href="google-code-prettify/src/prettify.css" type="text/css" rel="style...

There is supposed to be a way to load your own CSS, which I tried first, unsuccessfully
prettify looks like a mess to setup
you know there are alternative to prettify
SE uses prettify though, I'm doing this also for CR
Q: Switching to highlight.js for syntax highlighting

isagalaevI'd like to offer our syntax highlighter library highlight.js for using on the Stack Exchange sites. I am perfectly aware that you already have one in place and there was a similar discussion a while ago, so the burden is on me to explain why you might want to even bother :-) What's in it for St...

TTQFM (Time to qui for Montreal :P)
Cool have fun there!
I'm thinking of just copying someone else's working prettify repo and be done messing with it
i can't believe it but I figured it out :)
you wouldn't believe how ugly this is though, lol

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