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[Vogel612/JavaBot] 7 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[skiwi2/HearthMonitor-LogReader] 3 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 3 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] 8 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[Cardshifter/cardshifter.github.io] 1 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
> Fixed Prettify issue, added more code examples
@Marc-Andre See ^^ Prettify is working correctly now. Time to play around with CSS :D
1 hour later…
@Phrancis nice!
I still can't solve my issue on my end
Try StackOverflow maybe?
I'll try it!
tomorrow :P
> Got Prettify to work and pushed it today. Now to test making a customized style.
So, I need to learn how to resolve Git conflicts now... :
> Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Francis-Veilleux-Gabourys-MacBook:cardshifter.github.io francisveilleux-gaboury$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
Francis-Veilleux-Gabourys-MacBook:cardshifter.github.io francisveilleux-gaboury$ git merge develop
Was trying to merge develop into master, it's not letting me... anyone?
6 hours later…
@SimonAndréForsberg On a 10.1 inch tablet it played fine though a bit smallish, but that's an old tablet and it can barely run it (takes about 2 mins to load a game?)
3 hours later…
inside the conflicted files you will notice some lines like this:

the top of ========= will show one version, below it will show another.
remove the <<<<<<<<<<<xxxxxxxxx and >>>>>>>xxxxxxx lines, and decide what version of the file you want to keep. fix the file up so that it looks the way it is supposed to.
then add the file to the staging area, then commit (as usual)
@skiwi it is the "smallish" part that I'm complaining about.
@SimonAndréForsberg Yeah, but on what inch tablet did you play?
That probably explains, I don't think that's exactly playable
1 hour later…
it's playable...
Morning everyone!
2 hours later…
Hey @Phrancis !
hey @Phrancis
@SimonAndréForsberg Will it be in the conflicted files on master or on develop?
@Phrancis they will be merged
I'm not sure I'm following :(
I don't have access to the files ATM though (at work) so maybe I'll talk to you about it again later
I'm done!
@skiwi done with what?
University project
With a group
@Phrancis it is a "merge conflict", the conflict happened when you tried to merge two branches. now you will resolve the conflict and therefore choose how the result should be.
Now I can finally play HearthStone all day! program again
Was it the Unity project, @skiwi? Looks impressive.
Yup @SimonAndréForsberg, that's Unity
With a load of work done in the last days...
Most of it is peer-programmed via Skype ftw
1. Close Unity 2. Never touch again (jk)
Unity has a load of weird quirks though
HearthStone is also made in Unity, you know?
@skiwi looks good!
@bazola Assets wasn't really what I've done, but still thanks :)
@skiwi Are you the one playing in the video ?
Yea.. I was literally playing bad there, but it's nice that you see that kind of stuff in a video
One where I would speedrun in 17 seconds would be a bit boring :P
@skiwi That's pretty freaking cool!
@skiwi yup, I know
@skiwi Yeah I hope it was intentional :P ahaha My first thought was how one of the dev could have a difficulty playing his own game :P on such an easy level :P !
@Marc-Andre It actually wasn't! It's a hard game
@skiwi You made it look easy then :P
@Duga Who is that? @SimonAndréForsberg
Must be a new user, their only repo is empty and no activity
@skiwi a friend of mine who is learning programming
I got the feeling that you're converting all your friends to programming :P
@SimonAndréForsberg Are they learning JAVA?
@SimonAndréForsberg Aw, still no random users :p
> Added ASL 2.0 to the repository and added LICENSE and NOTICE, see #5
- also applied license through additional README section.
- TBD: Explicitly license MessageTracker under CC-BY-SA
> Removed obsolete Timestamp-class
> Added javadoc to public core API
@Marc-Andre See this?
@Phrancis ncie
nice *
> Added CC-BY-SA License and explicit License notice in MessageTracker, fixes #5
hmm... damn windows default encoding..
2 hours later…
> Renamed EntryReader to EntryParser.
[[skiwi2/HearthMonitor-LogReader](null)] build #30 for commit [ee5f7634](null/commit/ee5f7634accc03e4240595ff86cf93dcb3712de4) on branch [develop](null/tree/develop) passed
@Duga @SimonAndréForsberg null again?
@Marc-Andre I am doing nothing, they just want to learn :)
@Phrancis not sure yet if it's Java or JAVA. Good question. We will see.
@skiwi I might have deployed the wrong version of @Duga... I will fix after RELOAD!
@SimonAndréForsberg Okay, no problem
1 hour later…
@Phrancis You'll be glad to hear that I've finally found my issue and it was soooooooooooooooooooo dumb
@Marc-Andre thats my favorite kind of bug
It was not even in the code, the java builder was ticked off for the project and I don't know why
@Marc-Andre I hate it when that happens.
@SimonAndréForsberg 2 days lost and I've tried a lot of things, but it's the first time it happened to me.
@Marc-Andre I've had some issues when importing LibGDX gradle projects into IntelliJ some times. Quite annoying.
@Marc-Andre Hahaha, glad to hear it!
So, what does the app actually do?
the wep app ? It will take care of generating the html and all the stuff. So we will be templating all the stuff. The html for the navbar will be in his own file and we will "inject" it in all the page that need it, etc.
That's gonna make it much easier to maintain and update!
When do you expect it will be ready to roll out?
Exactly !
(also, are you going to put it up for review? ;-)
Depends how fast I can go tonight at replacing the existing stuff, but now that everythings works I will advance that by Sunday I could have finish ;) :D
Sure I will ! But some stuff we be hyper dependant on Spring and I've not seen so much expert here!
That's awesome
@Marc-Andre I know Spring quite well, and I think janos knows it well.
@SimonAndréForsberg Good then expect to review some Spring code soon
Looks like the monkey does too
@Marc-Andre yay!
I always wanted to have some feedback on the type of configuration I use (no xml )
Sometimes I wonder if there's anything the monkey doesn't know in programming!
@Marc-Andre Spring and no XML? Sounds like something I might want to start using!
@Phrancis Monkeys love spring. That's when the bananas are the best.
@Phrancis There's always something you don't know!
@SimonAndréForsberg Yep ! Spring web MVC, I'm not sure if the equivalent could be done with a normal Spring project (but I'm positive it could be done)
to me, Spring Web MVC is "normal" Spring project.
never used it without Web MVC.
> added the home page to the app
> Fix the css and other resources not being loaded by the app
Yay, more commits :D
I will fix the html too :P There is a lot of close unclose div and it's weird a bit ! :P
lol whoops.
Yep I break the layout by adjusting the html ... damn :P
Don't break my fragile little layout!!
(especially the Twitter one, that one threw me for a loop)
ahaha nah the twitter layout is ok
the main layout though
ouch :P
If it's not broken, don't fix it improve it!
Well it was broken :P
Fair enough :p
No in fact it was not broken ... It's just it was not ready to be seperated in smaller element !
@Phrancis fragile is a bad sign, you want things to be as robust as possible
HTML and robust don't get along very well, often I find ;)
Which section are you trying to fix?
Nah it's ok the fault was just me ! Being a long time since I've wokred on the project and I had forgotten how the layout worked. It still a bit not quite what I wanted but I will get better at re-arranging things.
Going home, back in a bit. I might tinker with Prettify a bit tonight.

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