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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

@jippie Hah! @coding_corgi has a good point. You forgot to consider the incentives for the throngs of your followers.
@jippie Of course your answer-fu might be so strong...
@angelatlarge I won't be the only one with the downvotes and I said I needed just over 50 rep per day, that is including downvotes.
@jippie You sir, also have a good point: downvotes are painful to the ego, but much less painful to the rep score.
@jippie 5:1 right?
@angelatlarge don't know
@jippie -2 for each answer downvote; +10 for each upvote, so you need 5 dvs to cancel out a single uv.
@angelatlarge then again, if I get grumpy for not being able to retire, I might start random downvoting too.
@jippie Ooh yea! That's fun! ;]
@jippie Many of your followers have very little rep that can be downvoted :)
@angelatlarge yup I can burn them down to 1
unable to chat or vote
@jippie Hmmm.. doesn't look like it, unless you can recruit some accomplices
@jippie Looks like given the right curcumstances you could take 7pts of @coding_corgi's rep, if I am not mistaken.
@jippie It is like a DDoS attack: no robots, no DOS
are imaginary numbers observable?
If I observe the behavior of two signals to behave as functions of complex frequency (complex numbers) and this behavior is visible in data, have I observed imaginary numbers in the sense that their properties are observable?
@angelatlarge Booo you!
@angelatlarge Grrrrrr.............
@coding_corgi I shouldn't talk about DDoS either?
@EwokNightmares Hi
@angelatlarge You shouldn't be talking about anything Lugo!
@coding_corgi What's Lugo?
@angelatlarge A south-american dictator that broke all the rules, but if you want to go for popularity, here ya go Chaves!
@coding_corgi This gentleman?
Fernando Armindo Lugo Méndez (; born 30 May 1951) is a Paraguayan politician who was President of Paraguay from 2008 to 2012. Previously he was a Roman Catholic priest and bishop, serving as Bishop of the Diocese of San Pedro from 1994 to 2005. He was elected as President in 2008. In 2012, he was removed from office through an impeachment process that neighboring countries deemed a coup d'état. Early life He received his basic education at a religious school in Encarnación, and sold snacks on the streets. His family was not particularly religious; by his own account, he never saw his ...
@angelatlarge Duh!
@coding_corgi Ok, and what does it have to do with DDoS?
@angelatlarge gentleman? YOu must be out of your mine,
@coding_corgi Oh, is that a lady?
@angelatlarge Just calling people dictators... DO you like the name Kim Jong ...
@angelatlarge No, a male, he is not a 'gentle' man
@coding_corgi See definition 4
@jippie I linked another question because that one needed an answer. Then I commented on YOUR answer to a separate question, because I figured you would know which answer I was referring to :-)
@angelatlarge Your getting on my last nerve
@coding_corgi This is not the first time you make unwarranted assumptions about meanings of words. See for instance thefreedictionary.com/bastard
@angelatlarge SHUT UP!
@jippie Actually, the site saves a draft of the post till you publish. I routinely leave drafts over hours or days.
@AnindoGhosh but I misread @AnindoGhosh
@AnindoGhosh i don't feel comfortable without clicking save
or post
or whatever
@coding_corgi Well, that's a nice "how do you do"...
@AnindoGhosh I did attempt to answer the linked question BTW
@jippie Mebe you have OCD?
@angelatlarge You must be drunk.
@coding_corgi Not yet. Too early.
@angelatlarge I can vouch for that.
@angelatlarge I'll find the refs tomorrow and let you know. It's 2:16 am and I just returned from a party.
@AnindoGhosh You are a good-looking man @AnindoGhosh :)
@AnindoGhosh Thanks.
@coding_corgi what is wrong with my brain is between me and my psychiatrist
@angelatlarge You my friend, shall be referred to a 'nice' moderator (meaning the principle that's on MY side), your dictatorship behavior is VERY annoying, please leave chat for the next 2 hours....
@AnindoGhosh party animal
@NickHalden They did 3.3 Volts on the Due, and a couple of other boards... they also had a short run of Nano boards at 3.3 but gave that up. The Due is not an AVR by the way.
@jippie Of course not, the second you leave your psychiatrist starts cracking up, tells her/his coworkers, before you know it it's all over the net,
@NickHalden Also safe frequency at 3.3 V is 8 or 10 MHz, I can't recall. Not 16.
@jippie USB drops low enough that 4.5V is not assured after the MOSFET.
Speed Grade:
– 0 - [email protected] - 5.5V, 0 - [email protected] - 5.5.V, 0 - 20MHz @ 4.5 - 5.5V
@angelatlarge I said LEAVE!!!! Now? ;]
@angelatlarge Context please? (Finally caught up with this message)
15MHz will be half way between 2.7 and 4.5 = 3.6V according to the graph in the datasheet,
@jippie Yep, that's correct. 4.5 is not assured on real world USB ports.
@jippie Also true.
@jippie I upvoted your clamping diodes, as you probably noticed.
@AnindoGhosh I think we had some crossed wires. Here's how I thought it went:
2 hours ago, by angelatlarge
@coding_corgi Or sleeping with someone in charge
@angelatlarge yes
10 mins ago, by Anindo Ghosh
@angelatlarge I can vouch for that.
@angelatlarge And I vouched for that.
@angelatlarge and you therefore concluded I am a handsome man?
@AnindoGhosh I never really try to analyze who upvotes my posts.
@AnindoGhosh I commented that you are handsome enough that you could have first-hand experience with the fact that sleeping with someone in charge works. And now the joke is soooo dead.
@angelatlarge Hmm, even if I were the dominant in what I vouched for, I still don't quite get it. And no, I was vouching for being the supplicant ;-) Won't say more on something that gets logged for posterity.
@AnindoGhosh Hmmm.. It is true that I was considering the issue from one side only, but perhaps in my defense I can say that such issues are usually seen with enough clarity only from one side, not the other.
guys, which u prefer, VHDL or Verilog?
@angelatlarge I prefer both sides ;-)
@vvavepacket And for this question as well, I prefer both sides ;-)
I was considering a one day FPGA workshop for €149 including hard- and software, but it turns out I need a Windows laptop. I don't own a laptop (nor Windows license)
@vvavepacket VHDL
@AnindoGhosh well anindo, ur a very multi faceted engineer.
@jippie Ahh just buy a cheap FPGA dev kit off eBay... I know you're smart enough to figure it all out over time.
but which is ur main RTL design language?
@coding_corgi I'M FINE! HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS FINE DAY?!?!?! :)
@vvavepacket You don't know the half of it. I'm better known as a photographer than a technology person of any flavor. :-)
@AnindoGhosh I do like the flying start, especially for that money
and if I buy a dev kit, I still need the software (and Windows and a computer that runs it)
@DavidKessner Again? Really? See what I mean @all?
@jippie Fair enough. Are you sure you wouldn't get exasperated at the "least common denominator" speed of teaching?
@AnindoGhosh for a single day?
Right, where do I go and mute the corgi?
@AnindoGhosh Yes, I thought you were just a geek, not a photographer...
Anindo, can I specialize in 2 things at the same time, like FPGAs and DSPs?
@AnindoGhosh I only know FPGA's from pictures
@jippie You'd be twiddling your thumbs half the time, waiting for the others to catch up.
@vvavepacket maybe a soft-DSP kernel exists for FPGA?
@AnindoGhosh You can't. The corgi mutes you.
@coding_corgi +1!
@jippie, i think so
@AnindoGhosh youre very active here in chat
@coding_corgi In Soviyet Rasha...
@jippie I've done lots of DSP-ing in FPGAA's. But I have always done my own logic for the math.
@vvavepacket That's like asking if you can do analog and digital electronics... It depends: Can you juggle tennis balls and chew gum at the same time?
@angelatlarge AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@angelatlarge You can't +1 in chat!
@jippie Someone I know, who's bright, but perhaps a smidgen less so than you, did his first blinkenlights on a cheap FPGA in an hour, and a serial communication protocol translation thingie in a week or 10 days.
@jippie EVERYBOdY! PLeAse listen to this CrAZy man!!!!!
@AnindoGhosh I told you LISTEN!
@vvavepacket Yes, and not just EE chat. About 3-4 other chats in various subject areas across the internet.
well im really confused. i have 2 sets of pdf here. 1 is vhdl, 1 is verilog. confused where to begin with. (its the same book except there are seperate ones for different language)
@AnindoGhosh I'm not as smart as I look in my avatar.
@Anindo really smart looking in the avatar
@jippie You must not be very smart then...
@CamilStaps HELP MEEE!!!
@vvavepacket watch out what you say, I may very well put you on mute too ;o)
@jippie sorry
Ehm. No?
(hope that muting thing isn't a room wide thing)
@jippie Where is @Kortuk or @W5VO? We need order here!
@jippie, did i do something wrong?
@jippie No, it's mute-an-individual-just-for-your-sanity
@vvavepacket don't listen to him
Good idea.
@vvavepacket no worries, just teasing you a bit
@vvavepacket He's clowning around.
i was like, omg, jippie is a moderator here..
Okie pplz, I need to go sleep. Been up for 21 hours now, and have to be back up in 3 hours. Bye all!
sleep tight
good night @AnindoGhosh
@AnindoGhosh Goodnight puppet master
Only owner. I'm owner too, it can't be a great responsibility.
Night @Anindo
@vvavepacket He is a room owner, but that doesn't mean he can mute someone for the entire chat membership. Just for himself.
tnx anindo for the info
Play nice people, that'll really rile up the beards!
@AnindoGhosh I can refuse entry to the room I believe ...
@vvavepacket Everyone and their aunt Sally is a "moderator" here.
@AnindoGhosh yes sir!
@jippie Nope.
@vvavepacket @AnindoGhosh is a very liberal dictator
@AnindoGhosh oh right, it says 'explicit read' and 'explicit write' access
@vvavepacket He is the Alberto Fujimori of chat rooms
Btw @angelatlarge about my obsession; the idea is one edit will prevent multiple future thankses, and I try to only edit such things when the post is on the front page already.
For the rest, yes, I'm obsessed :-)
@CamilStaps That's the funny thing about obsessions: the obsessed usually do have some sort of explanation that makes sense to them. So we can't rely on our own intuition for judge our own sanity.
@angelatlarge you mean like:
May 9 at 7:01, by jippie
@angelatlarge Girls don't speak C18 nor SPI, so @CamilStaps can't communicate with them
that is sort of similar, obsessed with C18.
no need to talk to 'devices' that don't 'speak' C18.
@jippie But, on that subject, 16 is not a good time to be concerned with people they might be romantically interested in, especially for a dorky person. At that age only young people who usually turn into __holes are good with romantic-type relationships.
@angelatlarge I'm still not 'good' with girls.
@jippie Better than at 16 or 18, no?
@angelatlarge nope
@jippie Hmm.. you are raining on my parade
@angelatlarge Obsessed with them, but I don't understand them either ;o)
@jippie Understand != good with
@jippie I think "my parade" is something I wish I heard more of when I was younger.
@EwokNightmares I think that is a philosophical question --- probably there's no one right answer.
@angelatlarge is that a compliment to @CamilStaps?
@jippie I switched to XC8, better? :-)
@CamilStaps Let's check with @angelatlarge
@jippie That depends. I don't know his personal life
@CamilStaps Equally good.
I'm not really interested in sharing details ;-)
BTW, does anyone know a good way of getting true URLs out of google results page?
What is the correct letter for battery capacity in mAh?
guys, arent no LOVE se?
No, Q, it's charge
mAh is a unit of energy
so W?
No, E=P*t, not I*t
@vvavepacket milliamp-hours is literally a unit of charge. Practically that might be considered as a unit of energy if you know the voltage...
@ThePhoton I decided to make a question on it:
Q = I × t
Q: Fix Conflicting IO Standards

MLMI am using the Basys 2 Spartan-3E FPGA board with Xilinx. I need the pmod i/o to be at 1.8v so I am using LVCMOS18 IOSTANDARD. You can find all of the IOSTANDARD's available for Spartan-3E in this document. Whenever I try to compile my project it always errors out on the Place & Route phase tha...

I'm out, good night
@MLM My only suggestion is to try specifying the IOSTANDARD in the UCF, instead of relying on the default...No reason that should change the behavior, but there's no reason evident why you should have any error at all.
@CamilStaps Goodnight
@thephoton, thanks i get it
time for bed
/me is out
@ThePhoton :/ - its kinda weird how it compiles without setting the iostandard to those pins but then it is not 1.8v
@MLM The error message makes no sense. It's saying LVCMOS25 input conflicts with LVCMOS25 output, which is crazy.
Actually that's not even right.
It's saying LVCMOS25 conflicts with <<<<nothing>>>>
@jippie byee
@ThePhoton 0.0 great...
if that is not possible, then I guess I have to level shift it
@MLM Given what you've shown, it looks like a bug --- LVCMOS25 on bank 2 shouldn't conflict with LVCMOS18 on bank 0 or whatever.
@ThePhoton ill try to just exit out and create a whole new project
Have you doublechecked the pins are really in the banks your comments say they're in?
@ThePhoton no, i tried to look but I only know because of the ucf file download on digilent
those are the default comments they give
@MLM Then it's worth doublechecking against the datasheet.
@ThePhoton checking btw
Made a good reference image and updated the thread. Gtg eat but will double check @DavidKessner answer when I get back.
@coding_corgi I just got my Raspberry Pi in the mail! Yes, it was USPS, but it arrived in like 2 days... :D
@anorton, how much was it
39.95 (adafruit... I had other things to order from them, so shipping was better that way.)
@anorton Are you still here?
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

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