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i am
@PhilFrost Yo,
@PhilFrost Have you ever used AVR?
@PhilFrost Do you use AVR a lot?
when i'm working on an AVR project, yes.
@PhilFrost Do you use AVR C/C++?
do you have a question?
maybe you should just ask your question
either i'll know the answer and i'll answer it, or I won't, and someone else might read it later.
@PhilFrost How do YOU read analog signals? I am new to AVR, and I have tried a lot, but I can't seem to find a working ADC reading program for my temp. sensor.
i read the datasheet
@PhilFrost They have code included for you in the datasheets?
well, they don't serve it to you on a silver platter, but they do tell you exactly what registers to set to what.
@PhilFrost Hmmm... I am really terrible at EE, so do I look at the ADC section of a complete datasheet? What should I look for?
I'd start with the section on the ADC
if that references something you don't understand, then I'd find the section for that thing and read it
@PhilFrost What should I look for in that section?
I suppose you look for the way to enable the functionality you desire.
@PhilFrost ?
? what?
if you want the AVR to make waffles, then you look for the part that says "to enable the waffle maker, write XXX to register XXX" or such.
@PhilFrost I want to read analog signals, what part of the ADC section of the datasheet will tell me do so & so
the whole part. The ADC is all about reading analog signals.
@PhilFrost I found how to turn ADC on, i think:
The ADC is
enabled by setting the ADC Enable bit, ADEN in ADCSRA
Found something else too:
Starting a Conversion
A single conversion is started by disabling the Power Reduction ADC bit, PRADC, in ”Minimizing Power Consump-
tion” on page 41 by writing a logical zero to it and writing a logical one to the ADC Start Conversion bit, ADSC. This
bit stays high as long as the conversion is in progress and will be cleared by hardware when the conversion is com-
pleted. If a different data channel is selected while a conversion is in progress, the ADC will finish the current
conversion before performing the channel change.
yes, that sounds like the right track.
there are also some configuration registers that configure the various features of the ADC. For example, you can select the input, you can select the reference voltage, you can have an interrupt after the conversion or not, etc.
It's all in the datasheet.
@PhilFrost what does 'interrupt' mean?
an interrupt is a mechanism CPUs (including the AVR, and your PC) have to interrupt the currently executing program because something happened. Then, an interrupt service routine (ISR) or sometimes called "interrupt handler" does something with the interrupt and returns control to whatever was happening before the interrupt.
so you can say in your program "start an ADC sample and let me know when it's done". You then go on doing other stuff. When the ADC is done, an interrupt is triggered, and you implement an ISR to do whatever you want with that sample.
In systems programming, an interrupt is a signal to the processor emitted by hardware or software indicating an event that needs immediate attention. An interrupt alerts the processor to a high-priority condition requiring the interruption of the current code the processor is executing, the current thread. The processor responds by suspending its current activities, saving its state, and executing a small program called an interrupt handler (or interrupt service routine, ISR) to deal with the event. This interruption is temporary, and after the interrupt handler finishes, the processor...
@PhilFrost Ok, so say the AVR pancake maker was currently cooking a pancake, and say when one side was done, that's ab interrupt and the pancake maker flips the pancake?
I guess I should have just linked.
it lets you respond to events as they happen, instead of being busy polling to see if they happened.
it becomes important if you need the AVR to be responsive all the time, or if you want to put it in power save mode as much as possible.
you can also generate interrupts when the pins change, or when timers expire, etc.
@PhilFrost ok, so I need to setup an interrupt,
no, you don't need to. You can just poll for completion.
@PhilFrost poll for completion?
I think somewhere there's a bit that says "i'm done". So instead of waiting for the interrupt, you just enter a loop that keeps checking that until it's done.
There's also "free running mode" where it just keeps doing samples and storing the result in a register. Maybe you just check that when it's convenient for your program.
maybe you just loop forever, doing something on whatever the most recent sample happened to be.
while (true) { set_led_brightness( last_adc_reading) } // for example
@PhilFrost ok, yeah, that sortve looks like what i was trying to do,
@PhilFrost So readings are 0 - 1023 right?
what does the datasheet say?
@PhilFrost I keep seeing internal reference 1.1V
the ADC reading indicates the measured voltage relative to some other reference. The AVR has an internal 1.1V reference you can use, or you can select a handful of other references.
@PhilFrost ok
@W5VO maybe you can help me hack an HF amplifier.
@PhilFrost maybe.... what's up?
so, i got this 20W HF amplifier kit at dayton: http://www.tapr.org/kits_pw.html

Unfortunately, I neglected to consider how I'd be receiving when I have it hooked up.
So I guess I need to add something to bypass it when receiving, but being rather new to RF electronics, I'd rather not smoke the amplifier just yet
I'm trying to understand how my transceiver works, thinking I can do something similar: electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/70075/…
@W5VO What does this mean:
This edit will be visible only to you until it is peer reviewed.
it means it's in a review queue, and someone will review it
Alright, I am getting "Incompatible IOB's are locked to the same bank" which I know means that there is different i/o standards in that bank. (pastebin.com/vqFuuqwS) The pins I set iostandard directly are on bank 1 and the errors I get are locked for mclk (bank 0) and LEDs<7> (bank 3).
I am using a spartan 3e board and have no idea what is the culprit
@PhilFrost A moderator?
@coding_corgi people with more rep
@PhilFrost Than me? Or past a certain limit like 2K or something
@PhilFrost Thanks
@PhilFrost Saw that, thank though
@MLM You might just be working all night on that...
@coding_corgi that's fine...
@MLM Because Geeks == owls + something with sugar that can keep them awake
1 hour later…
@vvavepacket Typical rechargable batteries go bad if left uncharged for very long. BAD idea.
@PhilFrost Considering that it's 20W, you might look at a "RF Relay" of some sort to switch the antenna between the amp output and the receiver. Depending on what your radio looks like, you may end up needing a DPST or a SPDT relay. And from looking at the amplifier circuit, you probably need to disable the amplifier when in receive.
@MLM Are you sure it's okay to name the net in lower case ('mclk') in the constraints file, but uppercase ('MCLK') in the hdl, like your comment suggests you're doing? I'm used to using the exact same names in both cases, but it's possible that the tools aren't case-sensitive.
@MLM Another thing, if you call the net "LEDs<7>" in the constraints, I'm pretty sure it should be "LEDs[7]" in the HDL. How does the tool know to connect the net LD7 from HDL to LEDs<7> in constraints?
2 hours later…
good morning
did I miss anything good?
@CamilStaps Again?
@CamilStaps Awesome!!! Another round of soul crushing it is!
I am so tired of this lol
Also the typo in the description, makes me very very sad.
I have an exam today, and I am just starting studying, I have 2 hours to study, let me make coffee!
@CamilStaps Oh, shit, that is sad.
@abdullahkahraman good luck :)
I have an arweeno question: what was it clocked at 16mhz instead of 20?
I also have a dumb-ass math question, if anyone is willing to engage with an idiot (=me) for a moment on a subject I know next to nothing about.
Sorry, I'm out. Bye!
That's what happens when I say "math", usually
@CamilStaps Bye
@CamilStaps Bye!
@angelatlarge I don't believe you
@abdullahkahraman You saw it with your own eyes!
@abdullahkahraman Usually they say "sorry, I can't, I gotta wash my fish" or something more like that.
@angelatlarge lol, fire it up, I am happy with maths
@abdullahkahraman It is something quite silly, I think, but let me try to type it up in a way that makes sense in two sentences. Gimme a sec.
@angelatlarge OK..
@abdullahkahraman Ok, I think I am doing something very simple in an ass-backwards way. Here it is:
Say you need to decide between going to 3 different restaurants,
and you want to express this as a set of probabilities that add up to one.
What you have is the distance between you and the restaurants
(all less than one mile/km), and you want the closer restaurant to be more likely.
So, for instance, your restaurant distances could be 0.5, 0.2, and 0.1
And you want the probability of going to a particular restaurant to be inversely proportional to the distance it is from you.
So going to 0.1 restaurant is twice as likely as 0.2 restaurant.
Does this make any sense so far?
@angelatlarge OK then.
You have to do this:
DistanceFirst * (1/x) + DistanceSecond * (1/x) + DistanceThird * (1/x) = 1
What's x?
@angelatlarge Nah, ignore that, I think this is wrong.
@abdullahkahraman Damn. Looked simpler than what I was doing.
Anyway, here's what I do (the ass backwards part):
Let `d1`, `d2`, `d3` be the restaurant distances.
Let `k` be the sum of all distances to all restaurants, so `k = d1+d2+d2`
Compute scaled distance `m` for each restaurant such that `m1=d1/k`
Now `m1+m2+m3` = 1, but if you use these for probabilies, you get inverse:
the closest restaurant is least likely.
So you turn these into "undistances" `j` where `j1=1-m1`, etc.
You add these up to `f` where `f=j1+j2+j3`
And then you get your probabilities `p` where `p1=j1/f`
That seems waaaaay to long for the problem, no?
But I think you are onto something.... It should be x*(1/d1) + x*(1/d2) + x*(1/d3) = 1, and solve for x, right?
@angelatlarge Yeah, that should be it.
@angelatlarge Then, x*(1/d1) will give you the probability for d1.
yeah, exactly...
@angelatlarge You are not bad at maths at all.
@abdullahkahraman Though in the end, the math might work out to be just as cumbersome...
@abdullahkahraman Thanks, but I see a lot of room for improvement :)
@abdullahkahraman I thought you had more along the lines of a year to study, rather than only two hours.
@jippie haha, I am a lazy student. It has been 1 semester, not 1 year!
2 hours later…
@angelatlarge Reason for the design being clocked at 16 instead of 20 MHz: One power source option is USB. With diode (or MOSFET) drop, and typical USB voltage variances, this could drop below what the AVR MCUs are rated for, for 20 MHz operation. The clock rating varies with the Vcc.
Thank you, nice answer. Yes, I remember the "do you feel lucky" vcc vs mhz graphic.
@angelatlarge For the math problem: Look up network packet cost-of-transmission algorithms. The old IPv4 or quite possibly the classic IP (1.0?) RFCs documented a very low overhead math for almost exactly what you are doing. Instead of distances, you do convenience computation: Greater the distance, lower the convenience. IIRC one of the 1980s RFCs actually gave an algo that needed 4n bytes and 2n+1 efficiency on n different routes.
@angelatlarge A much more advanced version of this algorithm is applied in the OSPF protocol, as well. OSPF = Open Shortest Path First. What they changed for OSPF was a unary decision instead of a probability matrix output.
The prob-matrix was preferred in the early algos because they were thinking of ways to design transmission such that a nuclear incident that takes out huge amounts of the ARPANET would still cause minimal transport packet hiccup, by sending different packets by different routes. That way, only the packets on the compromised paths would need retransmission, so a sliding window would not have to flush and re-form at the receiving end.
@AnindoGhosh @angelatlarge older Arduino's used AVR's that had a max. 16MHz clock and to prevent compatibility issues, this clock speed was kept at 16MHz for newer boards.
@AnindoGhosh We are at least at OSPF2 and I'm not sure what if it is still used on large scale. Internet routing is based on BGP (border gateway protocol). There are solutions that don't require layer 3 devices for internal networks (routing), which is good for speed / latency.
3 hours later…
@jippie There's a post on the official forum addressing why they never changed the clock speed - and they say could have easily done so with newer boards, since the bootstrap code's F_CPU define could be separately configured for each board, just as other constants are defined, but they did not go to 20 because many USB ports deliver only around 4.75 Volts. I'll find you a link when I get home.
@jippie Yup, I wasn't implying any adherence to OSPF (or BGP or EIGRP), I was pointing out that legacy OSPF documentation already contains a shortest path algorithm.
@jippie So the algorithm remains valid, whether the protocol itself is used today or not, right? In fact, I would pay more attention to old algorithms than new ones, because back in the 80s / 90s the hardware capability of routers was far worse than today, so the algo should have been more efficient :-)
@AnindoGhosh new algorithms do solve todays issues better than the old ones. Check for example why we don't use RIP(2) anymore in favour of eg. OSPF.
@jippie The problem being solved in this case was how to arrive at a best guess of a correct color band (I'm trying to mind-read @angelatlarge here) from multiple options, by probabilistic estimation across multiple path distances from an ideal color locus.
@jippie Nothing to do with actual network routing at all. Just alternative applications of old algorithms.
Hey @jippie since you're online, I want to tap your experience on something: Have you tried any Arduino (lite) bootloaders on an ATTiny85 yet? I have about 10 ATTiny85 DIP ICs sitting here, and I want to set up something quick and dirty with them, without bothering with timer setup code etc.
It's going to be just an experiment, I don't need much performance, and it'll get scrapped after I'm done, so I don't want to spend time with lots of coding.
oh, and I want to use the internal RCO, no xtal
@AnindoGhosh hi sir
@AnindoGhosh oh ...
@yogece hi
@AnindoGhosh bootloader on a tiny?
@jippie basically I want to set the tiny up as an ersatz 'duino, yes
You can program tiny's from Arduino, but I never bothered to figure out how that works.
One of the reasons is that "they" don't telly you which functions/libraries are supported, but they do mention that some don't work.
@AnindoGhosh I've seen howto's that make the IDE able to select an ATtiny as target, but as I mentioned, never tried that.
@jippie Well, I'm now adding it to my task queue. I'll need to set up the minimum needed parts on a breadboard, of course... Or make me a perfboard programmer with a ZIF socket, maybe
for 10 pcs?
@AnindoGhosh thank you for responding me. i have arduino uno board and ATmega 8 controller.when i googled for using arduino as a programming AVR chips but that doesnt work.can you suggest me something
@jippie For 3 pcs at a time: I have a 24-pin ZIF
@yogece @jippie and I are discussing almost exactly the same thing.
@AnindoGhosh @jippie i too join
@AnindoGhosh Not sure if timing will disappoint you. My zero crossing experience showed me that the RC oscillator drifts a lot an it drifts quickly, unless you have a special programmer
@jippie Hmm... Interesting. Then perhaps I should make little tinyduino veroboard setups with a 10 MHz xtal?
@AnindoGhosh then you have to set the fuses first to use the external clock, which requires a programmer
@AnindoGhosh @jippie :(
@jippie So this is getting more messy... I'll need to make a HVProg as well. The project just moved lower on my priority list :-)
@yogece ??
@yogece I'm sure I've written an answer on programming AVR's
@yogece And it worked? Or it did not work?
A: AVR - How to program an AVR chip in Linux

jippieI don't have the time for a full explanation, but I can give you cookbook-style the commands I use on my Linux box to program AVRs: Preparations On Ubuntu, make sure several required packages are installed: sudo apt-get install avr-libc arvdude binutils-avr gcc-avr srecord optionally throw in ...

oh wait, that was about using linux
@AnindoGhosh you can program fuses with a ICSP as long as you don't mess up the fuses and brick the controller with wrong clock/reset/protect settings
@AnindoGhosh it didnt work
@jippie Well, I have a dozen ATTiny ICs, so I can deal with bricked ones later, once I get the process ironed out.
@yogece What failed?
@AnindoGhosh program wasn't successfully loaded into the chip
@yogece Yeah well, I'm expecting that to happen to me too a few times. :-)
@AnindoGhosh coming to think of it, the programmer does the clocking.
but you want a way to verify proper working after programming
@jippie Therefore I don't need an xosc for setting it up? I can verify with a blinkenlight sketch, I guess?
i guess so
your programmer can only receive from one controller
whazzup @yogece?
@AnindoGhosh but some where i found they used an 8M XTAL with the chip to be programmed
@yogece I kind of thought I'd need a Xtal as well. Maybe I do, maybe I don't. I'll only know after bricking a couple of ICs ;-)
@AnindoGhosh no the programmer supplies scl (serial clock), so you'll be fine.
@jippie Good. Task upgraded in sequence again ;-)
@jippie Programmer = another 'duino, or a FTDI programmer, or something else?
@AnindoGhosh @jippie i got XTAL now let me try.
@AnindoGhosh anything that does ICSP
@jippie I have an FTDI device, an USBASP device, and many many different 'duinos. So the world is my oyster :-)
@jippie Yeah well I'll have to check that won't I!
duino's do
I have the impression most lean/mean/cheap programmers do :o)
@AnindoGhosh @jippie plz look @hw2sw.com/2011/09/14/…
@yogece Excellent, that should work.
@AnindoGhosh going to try right now
Hello all!
I nailed the exam ;)
@abdullahkahraman wht?
@yogece ab kesei ho?
@abdullahkahraman english
@yogece tik hu, ab kesei ho?
@yogece आप कैसे हैं?
♦♦♦Yo yo yo!♦♦♦
@coding_corgi y0
@abdullahkahraman Yo!
@abdullahkahraman Now you are making me laugh
@ThePhoton I don't get how these people read their alphabet, it look so small and so detailed that I have to lean to the screen!
@AnindoGhosh आप क्या सोचते हैं?
@abdullahkahraman Congratulations!
@abdullahkahraman zoom it
@yogece I mean the same goes for arabic, too..
@yogece Ctrl + scroll or ++ or something like that....
كيف حالك؟
I know how to read arabic, but I have to lean towards screen to read this.
@abdullahkahraman :-) Unfortunately I read Hindi much slower than I read English.
@abdullahkahraman i m fine thanks(i used google translator)
@yogece Oh, you don't know hindi?
I am guessing that there are some special fonts that will render these alphabets better
Sniffle sniffle, everyone say goodbye to BatchPCB, OSH Park is now taking over, I seems just so sad... I never even used BatchPCB, but OSH Park seems like a cheap, alternative, PCB service... (here is the article: sparkfun.com/news/1138)
@coding_corgi OSH Park has a good website.
@abdullahkahraman A purple boards! (Wish they had different colors though...)
@coding_corgi Purple look OK. But it is US$5 for 3 copies of a 1 square inch board.
No need to, when you have iTeadStudio
"Plated slots aren’t supported." what does that mean?
plated slots
@jippie A slot is a non-circular drill. They do not plate them they say.
@abdullahkahraman still puzzled
@jippie You see this rectangular cut-out, on the right? It is called a slot.
how can you plate a hole?
how can you plate something that isn't there?
@jippie You plate the inner sides.
@abdullahkahraman like with via's?
See inside of the hole? It is plated.
It just occured to me that if they made Bob Pease's grave like this, it would be so cool:
A tombstoned resistor :)
@CamilStaps Hi!
@CamilStaps Yo!
Yo yo yo!
@CamilStaps Whatcha doing?
Trying to setup both Node.js and apache on one server using nginx.
@CamilStaps Hmmmm....
Yes, that's how I feel too.
@CamilStaps Hmmmm.....
it's quite in here
@angelatlarge yo
@coding_corgi Hello
Would anyone care to make an attempt at this question, please?
Q: XBEE S2 RPSMA not working with batteries

himuraI have a couple of XBEE S2 with RPSMA antenna I'm using the xbee explorer(with arduino) and XBIB development board with X-CTU on a PC. if I drive the arduino from the USB,,, it works... not really fine, but there's some data beeing sent and received. However, as soon an i move to batteries (ht...

@jippie Your answer doesn't explain the basic factor: that the voltage at the GPIOs thus becomes the power source for the microcontroller, when the normal supply at Vcc is removed.
@AnindoGhosh getting there
adding a circuit diagram
@AnindoGhosh you linked another question btw
@jippie Yo
@AnindoGhosh pls feel free to recheck
A: Arduino: Measure external voltage

jippieMost, if not all, input pins on AVR controllers are internally protected by clamping diodes. These diodes prevent that an input voltage can be higher than the supply voltage. It is important to realize that when an input pin does rise above the supply voltage and these diodes weren't there, the c...

done with the answer for now, going out for shopping.
@jippie For what?
@AnindoGhosh It would be nice if it was possible to save an answer but not publish it until you hit another button.
Okay @PeterJ, how do you do it?
I refresh the review page every 15s and still you're faster! :)
@CamilStaps Yes, I see that too,
@CamilStaps He is quite fast,
@coding_corgi I didn't know you were reviewing? :)
@CamilStaps No, i edit something, 1 min later, he just edits the question, and he gets all the rep!
@coding_corgi if he does so, he can mark your suggestion as helpful or not. When he does, I think you get your rep. You do avoid trivial edits, and when you edit, you try to improve everything you see?
@CamilStaps Yes
@CamilStaps Why wouldn't i?
@coding_corgi hm, okay. Do you have an example?
For the cheap 2 rep?
Yes, but it just shows that he edited it, what is the secret to get rep?
@coding_corgi can you give me the link?
@CamilStaps Maybe, why?
@coding_corgi perhaps I can see why you didn't get your rep
@CamilStaps Oh, I got the +2...
@coding_corgi oh :)
@CamilStaps Though what is the secret to getting more rep?
@coding_corgi writing answer 'n stuff.
Q: What is the best way to increase my reputation and privileges?

Gaetane le GrangeI'm not sure if this is a stupid question, but here goes anyway... I have only recently started learning PHP and Javascript and I'm reasonably proficient. One of the reasons I'm so proficient is because I LOVE Stack Overflow and find most of the solutions to my dilemmas here. But I've found tha...

@CamilStaps Really? There isn't like something different?
@coding_corgi you can also ask questions... and get bounties
I'm out for a while, sorry.
@coding_corgi just a note, there was an edit of yours the other day where you added in "hello" and "thanks". On SE you "thank" by upvoting and salutations are unnecessary. In fact @CamilStaps spends a lot of time removing those very same things ... ;)
@CamilStaps See ya! Thanks!
@rawbrawb Ok, yes I see that, people don't like friendliness. :]
@coding_corgi It's not unfriendly, it clutters things up. The idea is to have a repository of questions and answers, accumulation of knowledge not necessarily just answering peoples problems (although that can be part of it)
@coding_corgi do you get rep for an edit?
@rawbrawb until he gets his badge, then he will stop right there and then.
@jippie Oh yeah, that was just me being stupid for a while
@CamilStaps notice that the poor soul is still at 153 rep after almost a year ;o)
@jippie Who is a poor soul?
@jippie Do you know any tutorials on bitwise operators like << or |=, everything is so complicated with AVR C....
@coding_corgi it is generic C, nothing special about AVR
@coding_corgi Or sleeping with someone in charge
@coding_corgi I haven't tried it (yet) but it seems to work well in other places.
@rawbrawb Yeah, @CamilStaps Can seem a little obsessed with that, IMHO
@rawbrawb That idea seems...mmm... platonic?
@jippie Oh, really? I thought that the first Arduino was an ATmega168, didn't it run at 20mhz?
@angelatlarge Make a proper question from it and I'm happy to research an answer
@jippie Meh, can't be bothered right now :) Maybe if they get the Arduino site going again... that's a great way to get EE rep, BTW. I need to get in on the ground floor of that next time.
@AnindoGhosh Are you still awake? I am trying to search for the RFC you suggested, but I am coming up with stuff like this:
Can you suggest some keywords?
(BTW, I really hate that you can't copy URLs straight out of google results page. Is there are simple workaround for that?)
@jippie Thanks,
@NickHalden Yo
@coding_corgi hey
struggling with bitwise operators?
@angelatlarge the 168 CAN run @20, but the arduinos have always used a 16MHz afaik
@NickHalden You could say that, basically I am trying to master something in C, :)
@NickHalden Yeah, I was asking why 16 instead of 20. According to @AnindoGhosh it is due to the Vcc variance in USB ports which might not provide enough voltage to run at 20mhz.
@angelatlarge That's a definite possibility, running at the upper-most spec'd limit for frequency stability means you would need your supply at the top of their spec as well. Perhaps arduino also considered adding support to be powered by 3.3V, though I don't believe they ever did that.
@coding_corgi what are you trying to master?
@NickHalden Anything, I have been driving myself crazy all week, pressuring myself to at least to learn something about 'AVR C'...
@angelatlarge not sure what you mean, there are so many different platonisms, perhaps you meant socratic though?
@coding_corgi master the concept of pointers
@angelatlarge !? care to eggsplain?
@NickHalden Sure, once I figure out what that is...
@NickHalden 20MHz is in the safe area at 4.5V or higher
and lower than 5.5
@rawbrawb I meant that this is sometimes more of an ideal than reality. This is partly stackExchanges fault for not really forcing the users to consider other answers to similar questions. But I think their business model (such as it is) depends on new questions.
@jippie right so if they ever wanted 3V3 support, a 20MHz crystal would not be a great piece of hardware to have on there...
im assuming 16MHz has a wider range of operating voltages?
@ThePhoton disregard that signal name comment as that is copy pasted from the board ucf. I am using: mclk: in std_logic;
LEDs: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

spi_sck: out std_logic;
spi_si: in std_logic;
spi_so: out std_logic;
spi_cs: out std_logic;

sw0: in std_logic
@NickHalden yeah, but the graph in the datasheet is not very easy to read, it requires a pencil and a ruler ;o)
@jippie Yeah: from what I've seen the Arduino peeps are much more likely to upvote: some of the migrated questions/answers had a +10 on them that would only get +5 max here. So rep whoring is made easier. I'll try not to miss that easy rep op-whore-tunity.
@angelatlarge and rep was transferred here?
@jippie yes. The plan does depend on the Arduino site dying, but that seems to be a regular occurence, like beached whales on Nantucket.
@angelatlarge op-whore-tunity... classic
@angelatlarge maybe I should hop onto the Aduino proposal then
@NickHalden Thanks :)
@jippie That's what I think.
@angelatlarge on the other side I only need 400-odd rep before I retire and start enjoying a social life after EE.SE.
@jippie wait wtf... there's another?
@NickHalden It is like a bad rash, it never really goes away
@angelatlarge yikes.
ok well i gtg peeps
@NickHalden sure and the previous one failing probably burnt down a lot of the supporters from then, so it seems like a sound way to get rep.
@NickHalden Bye!
@jippie Slash and burn agriculture
@NickHalden bye!
@jippie Are you really going to retire?
@angelatlarge Of course he isn't...
@jippie Can you really live without your throngs of disciples (like @coding_corgi...)?
@angelatlarge upvote me during the rest of the month and see what happens.
I need just over 50 rep per day.
@jippie Why don't I go and upvote a whole bunch of your answers right now?
I think 30-40 should do the trick...
@jippie Let me get my mousing finger ready...
that would do the trick for a couple of hours, yes
@angelatlarge I'd say max 4 per day
@jippie I see you've done some research :)
@jippie You shall get downvotes! ;)
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