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@NickAlexeev in my experience there is no protection usually
They can naturally tolerate some higher voltage due to having buck converter at the first stage, but that's it
7 hours later…
Does anybody know when and how "fritzing" became a thing
... and why people think that posting Breadboard view only is a good way to educate the reader about the circuit?
@Ghanima I've seen an introductory book about Raspberry Pi (printed by O'Reilly) which had Fritzing cartoons and no schematics.
But that's probably not where it had started.
I could have guessed that the Pi is source and root of the evil ;)
People seem to have a hard time understanding that they force the reader to reverse engineer a schematics from the cartoon
hey there @Ghanima and @NickAlexeev
any moderator here ?
@NickAlexeev..some one is seeking moderator here.
@DanishALI . . you could just post your info here. And wait for response
hey, Shalvenay, hey all
2 hours later…
@Ghanima Why does it matter?
what do you mean?
For Fritzing, conveys the same amount of information
an example
to me that does not work out without looking up the datasheets of all components involved
was this posted in a question?
it requires me to count which pins are connected to what, look up the pinout, etc etc
yeah, that was posted in a question, though not at EE (I guess it would have been shot down here)
I mean, it's just easier for the questioner. A while ago I had a friend with a BA in physics. And he thought that schematics require some type of skill to know
~ to know how to make or something
it is save to say that putting together schematics requre some skills
... and yes it is easier for the questioner but puts the burden on the (potential) answerer
Some circuit software can show moving parts, such as a servo motor moving.
so... which is better
for what?
I think of Fritzing as more of a block diagram
I mean, which is the better aproach, say you're looking for an answer to your problem on the internet, make things easier for yourself (the OP) or for anybody else whom you expect to provide answers for you ;)
I'm thinking it depends on the question being asked.
I wouldn't use Fritzing for asking a question.
Either way, aren't the datasheets needed?
probably so, but I'd say that a certain set of issues could be determined from checking the schematics w/o referring to the datasheets
I think you just want the pinouts
not the actual internal schematic for each part
sure, but again, that is the value of "real" schematics over the fritzing thing
Technical simulations (e.g., DC sweep, Monte Carlo analysis, etc)
From something like SPICE
that is usually something beyond the people who ask questions at RPi
.. and it is not something I would expect
It appears Fritzing has pinouts
Perhaps each picture "schematic" has a matching pinout like the one above, and it's just the questioner doesn't know how to see it or is being lazy.
I guessed it has but the users chose to not post that part
they always come up with the cartoon part
Maybe try asking for the schematic part.
I know, I know ;)
ugh.. fritzing
I take it that you understand my pain
what a waste of an image
@Ghanima If you have to use something that has frizting, I understand your pain.
Oh, I see... @AdamUraynar Frizting is garbage
It's for people who just want to be overglorified electricians instead of actually communicating the circuit
Is there a matching schematic though, with pinouts, for every cartoon?
@AdamUraynar If it looks like that picture, the schematic is pretty useless.
I think we need to make our (RPi not EE) users understand the, uhm, "shortcomings" of fritzing ;)
How is that useless?
how did you get rid of it here on EE?
Most questions don't involve blocks, such as a microcontroller
Fritzing seems to me to be instructions for point to point wiring. Much like paint by numbers.
@AdamUraynar It doesn't follow schematic conventions, and the symbols are little more than glorified pinout diagrams.
A good schematic should convey how the circuit works quickly and clearly
What schematic "convention"?
@W5VO that!
That schematic is like a pre-teen's texting shortcuts... "OMG TOTS ARDI+H"
No it's not.
The only part is the battery that's different.
Q: Rules and guidelines for drawing good schematics

Olin LathropThere are a lot of poorly drawn schematics here. A few times people have actually asked for critiques of their schematics. This question is intended as a single repository on schematic drawing rules and guidelines can point people to. The question is What are the rules and guidelines for drawing...

I guess, we could need an Olin over there ;)
Ya, you're just proving my point.
@AdamUraynar Apologies, it should have been "OMG TOTS ARDI+H+BAT"
There is no convention for
I don't care anyway. If the pinouts are available though Fritzing, then ask for it.
That's it. That's the point.
If you take shortcuts with your symbols, then you end up with the conclusion of "my schematics can't really look that good anyways"
Ghanima was asking about why Fritzing was used, and if there's any advantage to using a regular circuit schematic. I simply said that it appears Fritzing has a feature to extract regular schematics.
@W5VO true for that case. But at all and definitely
It takes no more time to make a good version of that schematic than a crappy one
most people don't own a license for altium though ;)
And neither do I
but that was KiCAD, not Altium
Most people don't know either.
And my new favorite feature - easy linking to the datasheet:
Does Eagle have that?
last I checked, about ten years ago, KiCAD was somewhat baulky to handle... I understand that users new to EE try something simple, such as fritzing... and it is likely that various places on the internet (as visited by said users) are promoting fritzing instead of something else
@W5VO certainly a useful feature
@Ghanima There is a learning curve, but it's gotten much better (Version 5 was just releiased)
I think I see now why it's being used more and more. It has schematic, breadboard and PCB view. And people new to electronics want software that has the most intuitive wiring (the breadboard view).
Nonsense about overglorified electricians...
still they chose to post the least helpful view, the breadboard view
as I was saying, with just that image, without the fritzing project or however it might be called, it places the effort on me to reverse engineer that to arrive at some helpful schematics
TIL to ask for the schematic view =)
Or else I wouldn't bother.
still I wonder how the workflow with fritzing is...
I would expect that you input your design in the schematics editor
not the breadboard view
am I wrong?
Ha, I don't think anyone here has it.
I'd guess they're all connected. Changing something on one, changes it on the other views
But I've never used it before.
@ThePhoton . . did you mean that 11111111 equals -1 in your comment ? Or -128
Twos compliment
Never mind . just my bad interpreting
...people on ham radio just talking about ham radio...

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