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@PlasmaHH Any idea how to parse the sentence: "Make sure binary location has the Write permissions to just to SYSTEM, Administrator groups. Authenticated users should and only have Read and Execute"
On this page:
@Asmyldof I would guess it means the location of the binary (the directory) should have write permissions for system and admin groups, and the authenticated users group should only have read and execute, not write.
YEs, of course
Not to locations....
@PlasmaHH thanks
Now I have to figure out what they mean I should do when they tell me to set system environment variable for sshd
And then I'm set
I hope
Copy pasting the line of commands into powershell gave no errors... * shrug *
2 hours later…
@Asmyldof somewhere in windows you can set environment variables that will be set whenever you start a powershell, no idea where though
2 hours later…
@PlasmaHH Yeah, I got all of that figured out, but the fucker double warps strings and the server keeps returning ''D:/Git-Repos/{more folders}/Project.git'' is not a repository
So Win32-OpenSSH is shite
And I have now officially given up.
\\ instead of / ?
Why this company must insist on Windows 10 Pro servers (used to be Windows 10 Home by the way)
Always adds two layers of ' around the given path
wasnt windows generally using \ instead of / as path seeprator?
Anyway, I have Bonobo running fine for weeks now on this PC
Doesn't matter anymore if you use powershell or bash
but it just does NOT work
WinOpenSSH wraps through cmd.exe, which needs wrappers to calls or else it'll interpret spaces, even if they are escaped, because MS doesn't understand proper escape sequences, and then the cmd.exe tunneled command to whatever software you choose adds another set of quotes, because why the fuck not
So I'm now going to push all projects to my local Bonobo to make the repos forget my own server, because aparently I'm the only person in the world, if StackOverflow is to be believed, who has an empty "git remote -v" response and still when doing "push" it pushes to my server
And then it's up to whomever else to figure out what they want to do with that version history
Craps I still give on this subject: 0
4 hours later…
First time in my life I have seen an error message of pcie training failing
4 hours later…
No more airwires
Afraid to run DRC...better go work on something else for a bit.
* frown *
Next thursday is my goodbye lunch for the Thursday Lunch Team Yay
@Asmyldof You what
After a situation we started going out to lunch so we could voice our opinions of all that freely with a small group of people
Every thursday
And next week is the very very last time we're going while I still work there
So I reserved a fancy pantsy restaurant my treat ^.^
@ThePhoton Fun fact, they would really like me to come back in Freelance to keep fixing some small projects, so I might be in a position to renegotiate non-compete clauses in relatively short time... might that end up being advantageous
Else, late this year

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