Quick sanity check: I've got a 3-phase AC motor, rated for 54v +-15% at 850 hz (turbomolecular pump). Running it at 36v would likely not cause any serious issues, right?
Besides a decrease in torque
(This is a "brushless-style" electronic-commutator motor, by the way)
Turbopumps can be annoying. You run them the whole day just fine, then leave them for the night just to discover that 5 minutes after you left it did some safety shutdown
Impedance adaptation is not amplification. When I think that one time a arrogant microwave engineer, after asking for silence from me, explain me that a MOS driver with a TTL input is no more than a impedance adaptation.
after that, my chief said NO
but the other one stay on his position, and even amplified it
I said thanks to my chief (after)
End of my moods. Sorry. Can't resist. I feel better. Thanks you stack exchange & Co
Curses , my ASUS ti7 tower HDMI UHD to 2560x1080p is noisy depending on content unless i press my finger on the MOBO port signals near 4 port CM choke level shifter (GHz eye pattern issue or Vcc noise? It reduces the fringing pixel noise meanwhile Laptop on same UHD cable is clear.