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@BartekBanachewicz Might be something for you: youtube.com/watch?v=Cw2AjcczHg4
@PlasmaHH I watched it this morning, lol
6 hours later…
2 hours later…
messing with Pure Data these days...
3 hours later…
How cool is it, that for only $100 extra my sample fab managed to get my PCBs with me 5 days after ordering. From China. 4.5 days if you're pedantic.
Just a little hole in the garden... And what did I find? A big blob of concrete
@Asmyldof 5 instead of 30?
@PlasmaHH Normally about 9 ~ 13 calendar days depending on timing
Quick sanity check: I've got a 3-phase AC motor, rated for 54v +-15% at 850 hz (turbomolecular pump). Running it at 36v would likely not cause any serious issues, right?
Besides a decrease in torque
(This is a "brushless-style" electronic-commutator motor, by the way)
@Giskard42 brush less usually means much electronics, means quite picky
@PlasmaHH I'm replacing the controller
@Giskard42 Depends a lot on the specs. 36V is 34%, which may not give you the current profile you're hoping for.
34% error I mean
Prolly not going to cause any damage, though, right?
Turbopumps are special beasts. The last one I had to do with had the controller shut it down if it couldn't reach a certain speed within a given time
Yeah, this is just something I picked up for $200 at an ebay auction
Didn't come with a controller
So I'm just trying to figure out the cheapest way to get it to spin
You should only spin it in vaccum anyways
Naturally :>
Some don't get up to speed with consumer grade vacuums even
@PlasmaHH This one says its operating range goes up to around 500 microns, so I'm pretty safe, I think
My roughing pump'll do 200 no problem
Turbopumps can be annoying. You run them the whole day just fine, then leave them for the night just to discover that 5 minutes after you left it did some safety shutdown
I could imagine - Something spinning 70krpm and worth >$20k, I'd want an abundance of caution
I'm just gonna slap an ebay bldc controller on the thing, cuz where we're going we don't need safety
There's a typo in the manual that states it needs 20 L/s of cooling water
Where they really meant 20 L/h
I'd like to see someone put 20,000 gallons per hour through the little cooling jacket
AvE can do it
"Repeat after me: We do not screw with pressure vessels!"
@Giskard42 That article was very interesting by the way
@dirac16 The genetic algorithm one?
Yeah, they're pretty cool
I mean, if 1. Intelligent life evolved and 2. We can simulate evolution
The conclusions are pretty profound
@Giskard42 Do you believe that humans started spreading out following the Darvin's theorem?
@dirac16 That topic's a little hairy, and I think the theological implications are beyond the scope of this chatroom
@Giskard42 Yes, I asked because the article used the idea of human development.
@dirac16 Yeah, since it's hard to do ML in general without assuming evolution, I postulate that Darwin et al are right
@Giskard42 I'm wondering if I could repeat the same experiment to get like what he did
Yep, probably
Similar strategies are used in a lot of places
@Giskard42 cool :/
Impedance adaptation is not amplification. When I think that one time a arrogant microwave engineer, after asking for silence from me, explain me that a MOS driver with a TTL input is no more than a impedance adaptation.
after that, my chief said NO
but the other one stay on his position, and even amplified it
I said thanks to my chief (after)
End of my moods. Sorry. Can't resist. I feel better. Thanks you stack exchange & Co
the inventor of rivets shall be cursed
3 hours later…
Anyone want a 150MHz leCroy boat anchor? needs calibration You pay shipping.
Curses , my ASUS ti7 tower HDMI UHD to 2560x1080p is noisy depending on content unless i press my finger on the MOBO port signals near 4 port CM choke level shifter (GHz eye pattern issue or Vcc noise? It reduces the fringing pixel noise meanwhile Laptop on same UHD cable is clear.

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