@PlasmaHH It's new 19000 through random outlet, so random person with no use for it (any knowledge of how they work and proper handling?) should be able to ask a second hand price only 3000 lower.... it's obvious
if... IF... a assembler library is actually compatible with those. Especially one that committed half the files with the note that a few LED functions were changed. I don't trust repo's that push 50% change with a single sentence. ESPECIALLY not assembler ones.
@W5VO True, but, you know, chucking in a whole bunch of random assembler is often not as helpful as it may seem. And in that I already assume the reader understands how unhelpful it should seem at first glance.
@Asmyldof I didn't even look at the code base. It's a lot of ASM? Sounds like you'd be better off learning BLDC control from scratch
People either go to ASM because they're crazy or they need cycle-accurate results, either of which is a warning sign when you're wanting to do major modifications.
Between structural and behavioural HDL implementations, am I correct in assuming that behavioural would be more efficient in terms of resource usage for FPGAs?
Because the CAD tool can optimize place and routing for a given algorithm
But that wouldnt be possible in a structural implementation since the compiler would has a set specification that it needs to implement onto the FPGA
Altium question time: Is there a way to tell the layout editor "these two parts will never be stuffed in the same variant, so don't give me a violation if they collide"?
@W5VO There are many good reasons to work in Assembler, I keep saying this. However, most people that do, especially with Atmels and PICs don't actually have any of the right reasons to do so
@ThePhoton Other than making a design rule for that....