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It is amazing how googles recommended videos list can get worse with every new revision...
ebay.de/itm/382149832102 why did they not accept my offer of 100EUR ...
@PlasmaHH It's new 19000 through random outlet, so random person with no use for it (any knowledge of how they work and proper handling?) should be able to ask a second hand price only 3000 lower.... it's obvious
1 hour later…
I don't quite get what the D9 zener is for... i.sstatic.net/IDYnE.png
1 hour later…
@PlasmaHH . . . D9 would reduce the 15 volts to 10 volts (approximate), maximum gate voltage on SCR
I don't see a maximum gate volts on data sheet, but it is a sensitive gate SCR
Egads, L1 is 4 Henry's ?
@Marla it isa motor
and that SCR is actually a different one, I didn't have a model for it though, took another similar one
cdn-reichelt.de/documents/datenblatt/A400/FS0802MH-FAG.pdf is the datasheet for the real one that is installed
Well, it still looks like gate current maximum could be about 400uA
or 600 uA without D9
simulation says 437µA with and 606µA without
keeping gate power dissipation low. Also reducing loading on the +15 buss.
yeah, the 15V bus has very little capacity
also notice the 1/2 VCC divider doesn't have a bypass capacitor
the virtual ground
which is ok in simulation
maybe :)
well, its the reverse engineering of an existing circuit
@Marla Bad design is the second oldest profession
I am not quite sure if the virtual ground is really supposed to be one, it goes between ~3V and 12V have a look at R11 feeding back to there
Using R11 for positive feedback (hysterysis), 10K, perhaps the original designer didn't want a bypass capacitor on the virtual ground.
yeah, was typing the same here as I looked
R8 and R9 is a potentiometer ?
@Marla yes, they are to set the pwm duty cycle
1 hour later…
Hi, which uC would you recommend to build an ESC which can support SimonK firmware and possibly have a CAN interface? Thanks
@Anelito Which microcontrollers support the SimonK firmware?
whatever that is
@W5VO github.com/sim-/tgy is ATmega compatible
@Anelito So look for an ATMega with a CAN interface
Looks like there aren't that many, so get the one with the biggest program memory just in case
if... IF... a assembler library is actually compatible with those. Especially one that committed half the files with the note that a few LED functions were changed. I don't trust repo's that push 50% change with a single sentence. ESPECIALLY not assembler ones.
I mean, going from [RANDOM SERIAL PROTOCOL] to CAN is going to be a significant effort regardless
@W5VO True, but, you know, chucking in a whole bunch of random assembler is often not as helpful as it may seem. And in that I already assume the reader understands how unhelpful it should seem at first glance.
@Asmyldof I didn't even look at the code base. It's a lot of ASM? Sounds like you'd be better off learning BLDC control from scratch
People either go to ASM because they're crazy or they need cycle-accurate results, either of which is a warning sign when you're wanting to do major modifications.
It always feels a bit weird attaching a scope to something with mains power
welp, DHL told me it'll arrive tomorrow
The nuke?
@PlasmaHH the scope, silly
also, does someone want to try to identify a random circuit I found in my drawer?
maybe I should just post to main
are "identify from a photo" posts acceptable?
Sometimes, with shown effort of trying yourself. Here is possible too
The nuke sounded better...
@PlasmaHH well, go ahead
single sided, looks handmade
The other side would reveal more about being handmade
@PlasmaHH no mask, copper slighly corroded
but hey see for yourself
I have no idea where I got it from
At least it looks horrible
What's that red thing in the middle of the component side
@PlasmaHH actually no idea, but I broke it off and it looks burned
If you really want to post it on main, then with the three photos and a schematic
@PlasmaHH I don't think I care enough to create the schematic
was looking more for a "oh it's a useless thing doing x, scrap it for parts" or "oh this is actually a versatile and nice module"
There are parts missing, might be the key to understand what it is
No, it is no nice module for anything
@PlasmaHH I don't think those empty sposts were used ever
looks like optional components someone didn't bother with to me
That doesn't mean they are not key to the design. Might have been difficult to source parts. Of the project was abandoned halfway through
@PlasmaHH hm didn't think about that
Between structural and behavioural HDL implementations, am I correct in assuming that behavioural would be more efficient in terms of resource usage for FPGAs?
Because the CAD tool can optimize place and routing for a given algorithm
But that wouldnt be possible in a structural implementation since the compiler would has a set specification that it needs to implement onto the FPGA
Sounds like a definite "maybe"
So theres no definitive answer?
Like it just depends on the implementation?
2 hours later…
Altium question time: Is there a way to tell the layout editor "these two parts will never be stuffed in the same variant, so don't give me a violation if they collide"?
1 hour later…
hey there @ThePhoton -- and good question, I wouldn't know
@W5VO There are many good reasons to work in Assembler, I keep saying this. However, most people that do, especially with Atmels and PICs don't actually have any of the right reasons to do so
@ThePhoton Other than making a design rule for that....
hey there @Asmyldof
@ThePhoton Since you're off for a bit and the fun discussion isn't going to happen before I leave for bed in a couple minutes...
Something like:
CompParameterValue(‘DesignVariant’) Like 'VariantOne'
Where you added a parameter in the schematic called "DesignVariant" and give it a string value that you can compare to, such as VariantOne
Where one matches:Custom:
CompParameterValue(‘DesignVariant’) Like 'VariantOne'
Where the second matches:Custom:
CompParameterValue(‘DesignVariant’) Like 'VariantTwo'
And then set all values to 0
@Asmyldof I ended up just making the placement clearance -1000 mm for a certain footprint.

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