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Paint it, paint it, paint it black, oh baby
Do I have to be? Nope. Lots to do.
Why am I? Whiskey.
I have an 18650 dead battery with 0.9V i revived that battery with small amount of current 50mA and now the battery is normal. I've done full charge/discharge test and the capacity is 2300mAh. Does that mean the battery is now safe to use ?
@codinginsane I'd stick to below 1C currents, well below. Can't be said what deposits or barrier hardening happened without cutting it open
Well, can be said, but I'm guessing you don't have the equipment for that, or you'd have used that
I periodically checked the battery to see if it's hot but it seems normal. It holded a charge for about a week now. Currently i'm charging it with 0.5A and it seems normal
does it mean that it fully revived ? it has a good capacity for a dead battery 2300mAh ?
but if it's too dangerous i will throw it away because it will not worth the trouble
10 hours later…
Q: What can I use to substitute this thyratron?

SupaVillainAt Fig. 26 from this page, what can I use instead of a thyratron? I have looked at thyristors and SCR's but the rest of the circuit will have 20kV in it. I will find out values of capacitors and inductors if there is something to replace this with.

can that guy live stream his own demise pleasee?
4 hours later…
@Jon I had a system that could do exactly that, about 3mm accuracy for about 4 feet. I used three ultrasonic transmitters and one receiver. I can send you the schematics if you want, it's a bit overcomplicated but you might be able to implement it on an arduino with a custom board. IR might be the way to go if you want a simple solution.
2 hours later…
Anyone paying attention to the lay articles on graphene mixed w/ silly putty?
Can we not be quite so hostile to the newbies please? electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/274016/…
@pjc50 With newbies you mean someone who keeps asking severly limited questions about the same goal without taking any of the hints given in previous posts and just generally letting question quality and content to deteriorate rather than learn till the point comes you need to edit a whole rant out of the question before you can link it as an argument to your statement?
Don't get me wrong, some people here - who don't come into this chat - are much to direct and strict when it comes to new people.
But pick your examples better.
They flew my package from Grand Forks ND, to Memphis, then back to Fargo? WTH?
@ThePhoton Delivery by Brownian Motion
@ScottSeidman I would prefer drift current to diffusion in this case. What's the Einstein D coefficient for diffusion of LT1171 regulators?
Hm, these solar Christmas lights aren't as crappy as I thought, they actually charge the battery
Hot stock tip: Get a time machine and go back to 2010 and buy AVGO.
What about further and apple?
Hm, wondering if for the bigger solar panel Christmas lights you can somewhere find just the enclosures for really cheap
@PlasmaHH Go do a comparison chart. In 5 years, AAPL is up 109%. AVGO is up 520%
@ThePhoton but apple from 1983 to apple now is...?
@PlasmaHH ...calculating... about 20% per year CAGR.
Whereas AVGO for the last 5 years is about 40% per year.
All ignoring dividends...which AAPL didn't pay for most of the last 30 years.
When you have a time machine, per year doesn't matter, only total
Maybe I just slap on a bigger solar panel on that thing
You gave up on that project quite quickly
Nah, it's just for getting some running better quickly, I started shopping for some WiFi micro modules to put out for some measurements, given the time, I aim for having proper Christmas outdoor solar lighting next year
I gave you numbers. Jeez.
There's another one
Yeah, those numbers will be used in the slap on solar panel (as well as the test one)
There is no chance for me to get anything done soon enough to be used this year anyways
@pjc50 I think Vonnegut applies here: "Goddammit, you gotta be kind."
I agree about the hostility
I don't even know if it's hostility per se, but it's just something of a different attitude from the other SE sites that just doesn't seem good.
Sometimes people mistake for hostility the request to use their goddamn mind
@PlasmaHH To be totally honest, if I wasn't often here and didn't know the atmosphere, I'd interpret "the request to use their goddamn mind" to be bloody hostile.
@Giskard42 that's one of the problems of certain societies today that leads to warning labels to not dry animals in microwaves
I wonder in what year we have to recategorize idiocracy as a documentary
without a 1kW/m² light source, whats the next best way to figure out the nominal voltage of a given solar panel? would like to replace that one with a proper one that won't risk to kill the micro...
A datasheet
/me slaps asmyldof around with a large frozen trout (call peta if you want)
Is this a good place to ask PLC questions?
This is a good place to ask any question, it may not be a good place to get any answer though...
I did not mean it in an entitled way
Just imagine this being a bar full of old grumpy EE people and one insane CS guy
And better not invoke nightmares of programming S5 or S7 PLCs, that would trigger me :P
I'm an old grumpy insane mech guy
@PlasmaHH Is that Siemens stuff?
yeah it is
what is bad with it?
we make nc machines where I work
nothing in particular, unless you have to debug a system built by lazy spanish guys that is in a hangar where its 40°C at night...
as we do it today we write an application in c#/wpf for the hmi stuff and plc/nc for the stuff that moves things in the machine
hint: the stuff needed to assemble an A380 isn't small
recently there has been pressure from management to write everything in plc
I have no experience in plc but have a gut feeling it may be a mistake
as I see it plc is a dsl for controlling hardware
@JohanLarsson Lemme guess, the manager is an old process control guy who knows how to program PLC's but wouldn't know C# from F+?
Well, a good managment would give a reason for that...
@ThePhoton nope, management are clueless about all things
@JohanLarsson Okay, second guess, the PLC salesguy was in the office recently?
I'm pretty sure the analysis is very close to zero
@ThePhoton likely that something like that has something to do with it
Well, it must come from somewhere
also politics and bs
If they are clueless, they do not trust their employees in charge, not a good sign
I have the feeling this might lead to a questio on workplace.SE
is plc code written to text files that can be version controlled using git?
guess it depends
@PlasmaHH nah, don't worry
I'm not butthurt btw, just curious and trying to form an opinion about if plc is the right tool for the job
Yeah it depends, a lot have C like dialects, some are done in flow charts, there is all kinds of things for them
gut feeling is that this can be a huge mistake as I think plc might scale poorly with team size and project size and time
could also be good
And then there are even PLC simulation programs with 3d models of the whole system (where I worked 15 years ago they had something like that and simulated the luggage distribution system of some big chinese airport)
I can't tell much about the machines but they are complicated beasts
usually ~6 axises for processing + robot(s)
In my uninformed mind plc is perfect fit for something like an industrial dishwasher. <- opinions
nah, its for everything that controls hardware.
and runs on the machines
not on the control terminals though
and especially not something that could run GUIs
ok, the machines usually have pretty big guis ~100 wpf views or so for managing things
the a380 segment thing had like almost 20 3-axis robotic arms, euqal amount of load sensors and hundreds of other sensors and simple actuators... all using S7 stuff to control and talk to them
how many worked on the code base?
and was the code split up in modules where very few worked?
I don't know, the spanish guys were involved in the setup, I only had to interface it. We wrote the software that did the measurements with laser trackers and generated the information how the machines would have to move the arms (as nc files)
the gui was done in wincc (and talked to our system via tcp/ip, a concept that was entirely new to the siemens guys back then, they opened one tcp connection in each direction instead of using one bidirectionally)
they basically bought our xml rpc module for wincc and developed it as their network protocol
@PlasmaHH did you write that code in a c language?
@JohanLarsson the code that interfaced to database, measurement equipment and gui? that was done in C++
ok, sounds very similar to our current stuff
we also have databases via web services and auxiliary measure and maintenance equipment
Given the complexity of its task, there was no other way than to do it in a high level language
the new system developed later was done in java though
c++ is not very high level imo
but that is just semantics
Well, then you don't know C++ very well, it can't get much more high level than template metaprogramming ^^
yeah I don't know any c++, just know I'm afraid of it :)
Then time travel 10 years back and visit one of my courses
I should look for an online course about plc
to learn some basics
Did you ever run into a similar problems that you did x = a * b where a and b were in meters and x was cubic meters?
yes :)
wrote a lib for it, I'm obsessed with types and correctness in general
nice. so, your lib, works at runtime or compile time?
so your code would not compile, illegal state unrepresentable
zero runtime overhead?
very close to zero
Can you define new SI based units on the fly?
already quite far though it seems
anyways, with c++ and boost.units you have zero runtime overhead (exactly the same assembly generated) and can just configure your types by multiplying SI base unit exponents together
makes code clear saying that a method takes an Angle and never get degrees/radians wrong
Or optionally convert. Makes things like space missions fail due to meter/foot mixup impossible ^^
I blame foot guy
wtf foot guy
Can someone explain to me what the concept of a negative gain means?
I dont understand how that relates to the signals being in or out of phase
You mean attenuation?
@JohanLarsson have a look at boost units, maybe that will make you interested enough in C++ to overcome your fear ;)
I mean in the general case if I have some circuit where I get a negative output voltage for a given input voltage
@PlasmaHH I think, he means a gain with a minus sign, as in G=-2.
I have yet to see a language where the same things are possible like that. or expression templates
yes thats what i mean @NickAlexeev
@pingOfDoom Another [more common, perhaps] term for this is "inverting", as in "inverting opamp".
so how does that relate?
@PlasmaHH f# has units of measure
like for example if I have an op amp comparator, and my positive terminal has a lower input then the negative then i get a negative value out
I dont understand what exactly that means
also how do comparator op amps work?
@JohanLarsson well, functional language are a whole different beast, though even there you don't have the level of flexibility
Rust looks nice
But we are invested in .net and c# is pretty nice
It usually doesn't pay out in the industry to use languages that almost nobody else uses
you mean rust?
probably too early but a potential language of the future
@pingOfDoom Say, you have a signal sin(x), and run it through an amplifier with gain of -1, you will have -sin(x).
I don't think that any language based on functional programming is more than a nieche thing, its just not how people think
We also know that -sin(x) = sin(x+pi).
This is where "out of phase" comes from.
oh is that where we can start talking about like phase and magnitude being different?
like in signal processing?
two circuits can have the same magnitude response, but then the one would invert the signal coming in but the other wouldnt?
@pingOfDoom Okay... sigh... what are you ultimately trying to accomplish?
ie the phase responses would be different?
im just studying for a final lol
when is it? in september?
lol on monday
thats probably enough time to study the basics...
ok, I have stuffed away my audiophool grade coat hanger wires...
time to test the new shipment of kapqon tape...
also why do we consider input and output resistances
when we look at circuit models for amplifiers?
Because everything has them
like i understand that when you have a source theres going to be some resistance associated with it, so you add a resistor there
@PlasmaHH not sure I agree
but i dont fully understand why we have to add them for amplifier models
@JohanLarsson at our university, those people that were comfortable with functional programming and for which it felt intuitive was teeny tiny, compared to those that found object oriented and/or imperative/structured programming the way they can best work with
@pingOfDoom Does it matter if the output impedance of whatever feeding your amp is high or low? does it matter if the input impedance of whatever yoru amplifier feeds is high or low?
i dont follow
just think about it, I don't know how I can ask it any simpler
@PlasmaHH I'm not a zealot but I really like the functional way of doing things.
@JohanLarsson it has some advantages, but unless you are really good in that way of thinking you often run into problems that you can only solve by completely redesigning
not to talk about that doing I/O is a hell of a hack in most languages
I went through asteroids in haskell, I could not even understand it after a full bottle of whiskey
not to talk about speed issues that the most dialects have
@PlasmaHH There are Lisps that compile to as efficient of machine code as GCC. Not that Lisp is a strictly functional language or that GCC is the ultimate in compiler efficiency.
But better than you'll get from an interpreted or byte-coded language
Well, lithp is quite special in a lot of senses
@PlasmaHH It's hardly as "special" as Haskell.
special has a lot of dimensions
to complete the list of funny stuff I mention prolog
not sure rust is a functional language
modern is perhaps a better word?
rust is a mix of multiple paradigms but what I have seen so far is quite functional
thanks for taking the time to talk plc earlier btw, much appreciated

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