I have a question about, SPI, and all. I bought this transceiver, but I am trying to use it without a microcontroller (because I only have one). Is it possible to hook up it's SPI without a microcontroller? I couldn't find anything on google
that's what I don't know. The SPI connects to the SPI ports on the arduino, but I don't have two arduino for both transceivers. Can I setup the SPI without an arduino?
@PlasmaHH So what is the problem, you need your magnet for something else (why did you stick it on the doorjamb in the first place) or you can't close the door any more (why did you stick it there in the first place)?
@Asmyldof because I am fucking tired after carrying almost the complete apartment to the new house and not sleeping enough due to kids and aching back?
@Asmyldof Unfortunately I passed on the chance to go down. Would have mainly been doing it for personal reasons, to check out Effect and the company my girlfriend just got hired at.