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@Marla Don't forger Dave Tweed. He's a juggernaut of a moderator, although it may not be apparent from the member's standpoint. Perhaps that makes him a stealth low observable juggernaut moderator.
After 35 years, I cannot remember them all explicitlyl, but many stand out
I have one now
Will never forget him
Fresh out of Uni, Spanish, but loves to stay in the Netherlands (why?), so he interviewed. Best hire of the entire company for 2015
@NickAlexeev thank you Nick. I meant all of the contributors, and Dave Tweed is certainly among them. I am amazed at the quality of people the EE SE has
Now all we need is a quantity of them :-P
I think this is the point where I start working on getting to bed
@Asmyldof I posted a question in META that I now am embarressed with. I asked that the giants hesitate before asking questions, so that others like me could answer, so that future moderators could be bred
I now know the scene in this SE, and regret my question, but I wouldn't erase it
I meant "before answering questions"
I don't see it
@Asmyldof When I first came here, I felt competitive. Now I just want to help. My silly question was when I felt as a competitor. I now just help
Oh, I thought just now
You see, I don't think I mentioned this, I'm tried
Tired enough to probe my wine, were it not I have none
@Asmyldof You are a nice guy here on the site.
ahw shucks. Thank you
I see your answers all over. And yet, you don't seek status, you most often make comments . . No rep in comments. I see that :)
:-) Rep is fun, but it shouldn't be a goal
I agree, and that is what I meant. You comment to help.
I try when I have the energy
I see your comments, which could have been answers, and I know how that is
Good news is the Boss and I made a plan to get some of that back into me (the part time job is full time wearing me out last weeks), so who knows
Well, often I don't think they can be answers.
They may answer the main issue at hand, but I find I want some body to my answer for it to be worth reading/accepting/voting on and staying there for the ages
Or as others here may put it: Jeeeeeeezzzz shut up already!
Question : Do you think that back in the early days, that answers were given more points ?
.I wasn't here then, stumbled across here by accident, because I don't often google EE stuff anymore
Or, never googled it much, since Google wan't there
I Yahoo'd and Jeeves'd some
understand that. I too stumbled across EE SE
I do think the bigger community means a wider spread and as such a lower individual yield
but by how much I couldn't say
might be in a margin, since what I see first hand, is not as old as some stuff that has 140 votes
Time will tell
I got SO tired of the "help me" blogs and sites. I mean no dis-respect, but the android communitiy is such a bag of gas, "my phone won't do this", I feel so much at home here with professionalism
I know what you mean :-)
And I love the fact there's is weirdness and shoptalk mixed in chat
Like, one moment finding in @PlasmaHH a great help to get through a horror freelance job, and the next seeing people star me misusing a Keysight in a tipsy mood
Going to take the latest X Files to bed now
You guys are fortunate. Being so close georaphically. Here in Colorado U.S. I don't have that closeness you have
X files ?
On both
I saw an episode of X files on television, that was SO funny.
But once my lab is newyfied, you're welcome for a stop over if you ever cruise the Yurps
I didn't expect X file to be so funny
X-Files has always had a decent sense of humour
Not for naught Duchovny mainly starred in comedy afterwards
Such Deadpan talent
oh Asmldof, you are so nice. I might just have to take you up on that
Seriously, good night now
Hugs and that
nite Asmyldof
awwwww, a hug
somebody was just very generous, I just had a jump in votes for my old answers. Thank you
@Marla Which is why the girls actually end up doing better if they stick with it in college --- because they don't think they already know everything, they will actually learn stuff.
@Asmyldof For the cycling and beautiful weather.
@ThePhoton I hadn't thought of that. Good thing
4 hours later…
Random question: Does anyone here use Segger's JLink debugger? I've had one for a while now and have been happy with it in Linux. I tried downloading the software package for Windows recently and it's not passing the Windows Defender virus scanner.
Wondering if anyone else is seeing the issue. I reached out to Segger and they were able to repro on older virus signature definitions but claimed that the problem went away after downloading new definitions. I've updated mine and am still seeing a problem :/
4 hours later…
Hm, tehre is a suggested edit: electronics.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/98150 and it weirdly adds a random image to the post. When rejecting it though I can't find any reason that matches really well
ah wait, that image is not random, its linked from some googled rive, forget it
Guess everyone is asleep still
1 hour later…
@PlasmaHH or maybe. doing stuff
@Asmyldof gah, stuff, overrated
@PlasmaHH things then
hm, yesterday someone downvoted me 10 times and now it's reversed... #feedSpam
good old serial downvoting script
Anyone around for a quick Altium question?
@PlasmaHH Sleep is for the weak.
@Mast maybe
@Asmyldof Got something drawn in a .SchLib which I want to use in my .SchDoc. There's probably a step in between I'm missing.
Pins and footprint are all set.
p, p
p,p is adding new pins.
in the schematic
I can only select .IntLib there, no .SchLib
You can add any kind of library to your project, I don't understand your problem
Not that you really need to to use a part from it, but it's easier, just press p, p in the schematic
I'm doing it wrong.
@Asmyldof Somehow I thought I couldn't, although I was pretty sure I did it in the past.
There should be a special manually awareded badge for having meta posts specifically about you...
what specifically is he complanng about anyways?
@PlasmaHH Probably comments on this:
Q: PWM ~100mA LED's

gesellIf someone knows of a prototyping solution for driving several LED's at >75mA I'd be grateful. I've taken 8 LED's out of an existing product. They appear to expect 70mA to 100mA for max brightness. I've looked around for breakout board solutions to dimming or driving these LED's but most breakou...

Asking for a reference/link to where I can better understand the logic behind killing a question is pretty fare. Calling this a "shopping" question isn't clear — gesell 23 hours ago
SE has rules. He doesn't agree. He leaves. Problem solved.
Oh, and now he's misreading my comment to think I agree with him. Just, great...
Can somebody dupe hammer that thing already ^^
insufficient rep
It's not even as he indicates, Olin isn't a mod.
people are not asking enough easy questions for me to answer ^^
so edit out the tag ;)
I don't even have enough rep here to edit meta questions ^^
It's greyed out.
> Answering EE questions is hard. Doing it well is super hard.
well, if we edit it he would probably start arguing that the tag hasnt a proper definition thus he can use it to mean anything he likes
You guys have a way higher drama frequency than CR.
somehow each se site has similar "problems". at least those that should be taken seriously. so maybe that is a good inicator. if people complain about not being spoonfed, then its a good quality se.
Perhaps it helps that we close crap a lot faster on CR.
it is possibly because on cr you don't have people with that deep and big amounts ot knowledge as well as questions requiring it to do so, thus you don't have the amount of, ahem, personalities that we need here...
We usually fight it out in chat instead of on the site itself :P
people here are a bit old fashioned and like asynchronous communication
do we have this tag moderator thingie here too? maybe we should lower the barrier...
What, needing a gold badge to dupe hammer?
It's on all SE sites.
not needing, but to single handedly being able to do it
Yea, you need a gold badge in at least one of the tags to be able to dupe hammer.
A: When did I get close-vote superpowers?

Shog9Yes, you are now a Superhero, able to wield the mighty Mjölnir. The rules are: You can instantly close as a duplicate any question that was originally asked with a tag you have a gold badge for. You can instantly reopen any question closed as a duplicate that was originally asked with a tag ...

@Mast sorry, I was busy not paying any attention to my laptop. Fixt?
@Asmyldof Yea, thanks for making me realize the mistake.
1 hour later…
I am going to make ridiculous coffee!
Because I could possibly deserve it
questions like this leave me somewhat speechless electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/215520
@PlasmaHH Wow.
Does he even know what he's trying to do?
I have not the slightest...
I mean... you buy that thing, certainly not the cheapest and most crappy part you ever head, and then you have no clue how to... sigh
Anybody want coffee?
@Asmyldof Are you delivering?
Faxing at best
<- doesnt drink coffee, makes me sleepy
I can do tea
Just don't know how to make that ridiculous, yet not utterly disgusting
@Andyaka I used the red and the one in the middle (between black and red). — Engineer 007 22 mins ago
He grounded his circuit.
Instead of -
Say what you want
He is very 007 about the fact he ought to be an Engineer
If you have a low noise pre-amplifier, which you connect to an oscilloscope (already raises my ??!?!?!?!?!?-hairs), and you don't know what red, black and neither of those mean...
Quit. Start knitting
As I thought, he's using it wrongly anyway
With that amp he'll only be measuring switching noise
And also, if your current signal is below 10mV.... boost it to 10mV with a different. what I strongly suspect to be 5% resistor
Also, why is nobody anywhere telling him that?
Back to plan nuke
because the specialists took over...
you know, those that point out how its so bad ui design to put gnd between - and +
comment on tha answer
@PlasmaHH There's no reason for the earth connection to be positioned in between positive and negative, especially not when bipolar supplies are common enough. — pipe 6 mins ago
So where does he want to put it, on the back?
That would be bad UX.
up his
Put it here
This whole train of thought (that I was just put on by the other question) is an exercise in X-Y problem solving. First of all is your amp made to start at 100kHz, at which point you measure switching noise at best. Second of all, if your DC current causes less than a mV, you just need a bigger resistor, possibly followed by a bigger capacitor to take the peaks out. Total cost less than a dollar, savings 98%. Unless of course you have one of those fabled FPGAs that runs on 0.1V — Asmyldof 37 secs ago
Hm, I have been wondering... the house owners said that one day they want to install solar panels so in a certain area we need to leave some way to access it... when they really do it, I could tie in there with a dummy load that instead of dissipating it as heat, boosts the voltage up to whatever that solar things currently need... 10kw dummy load without having to sit in underwear in the lab?
@PlasmaHH it is possible, but I doubt it being a good idea on the whole
And also, probably to get 10kW dummy load flexibly enough you'll still get 1kW of heat in the process
hm... then boost part of it to run an ac?
And also, I love this "auto record conversations" on my phone.
No longer do I need to focus on times and dates, because I can listen back for those later, set them in my calendar and then delete the message
Obviously if you're boosting for Mains VAC it can run anything else as well
I was under the impression you were renting a new entire house though
yeah, point being?
But still, it's a pita to get it right with the huge range of inputs
I guess I'm not getting the German Renter/LandLord dynamic
Or your point come to think of it
Maybe it's just friday
About which, middle of the night XCOM2 got released and I have just decided I need a break from doing too little about my lab
point being that I dont like wasting electricity plus it gets horribly warm when you constantly dump hundreds or even thousands of watts into resistance
Which is why, as we discussed before, you shouldn't do that
But who cares where it goes, as long as it's retrievable?
hard to retrieve it from a molten blob of copper though ^^
In fact, you could hybridize our discussions into storing it into a battery array (that also feeds your stair lights!?) and when they're full run a mid-V DC peltier based climate control on it
Heck, you could store all of it in heat or cold of your choosing in an insulated vat and blow air into your house of elevated or lowered temperature using it
I'm starting to think I might, after all the other ideas you and @Marla gave me the last month, build a peltier based dummy load. :-P
"Why is it 500kg?"
>> "Thermal mass needed to operate"
@Asmyldof What phone is that?
@Mast Android 5.0 and later
Or at least the Eurasian releases of it
Good to know.
@PlasmaHH Actually, it's very easy to extract energy from a molten blob of copper, seeing as molten copper is insanely hot, you can use it to boil water to make tea, or soup. Or you can throw the blob in a filled bathtub to heat the water and have a bath, in a futile attempt to wash away all the cynicism.
@Asmyldof that would need more water than a single bathtub
Molten copper is quite hot. Too hot to throw in a bathtub.
I'm wondering if I should edit that to add "in a futile attempt" before "to wash"
what about a 10km cube of antimatter water? that might work...
Since you refer to the futility yourself. I did
@Mast Nothing is too hot to throw into anything
@Asmyldof A star comes to mind.
All you need is the right equipment and well adjusted expectations and you can attempt any experiment
I see a What-If coming.
Ooh. I'm full of ridiculous outings of semi-knowledge today
like this whole marble thing
I think in the case of that experiment none of the expectations were ever well adjusted
I still feel like a bit of XCOM2, but now I also feel like I should really finish some tiny milestone in the lab
I'll timer myself!
(doomed to fail!)
I dont know if they were ever real expectations or mere hypothesis; no one said yet taht the experiment was a failure, just that nothing meaningful is produced anymore and we could reuse resources
Good morning (From my timezone) all
Am I the only one bothered by the Microchip buy-up of Atmel?
@BrandenBoucher I wasn't aware.
I think it happened about 2 months ago (or became public knowledge around then)
@PlasmaHH I'm surprised by the outcome. I expected the coconut would go nuts.
Getting a furnace like that around here could get tricky.
it looks like selfmade
That would be a nice project.
many youtube videos about them
A copy of RHNB basically
still fun to watch
@BrandenBoucher Old news. And somewhat yes, but, you know, we work with what we have and get, and it'll always be a level playing field for those who keep learning
@Asmyldof, yes, a bit old. But probably really old news to you since you work there, right? :p
I'm more worried that it could allow prices to go up while reducing the number of variants available (which, by itself isn't a game changer)
@BrandenBoucher Nah, they won't hugely. First risk is elimination of favourites that have a, to my opinion, PIC counterpart
Does MC hae ARMs? Because that would be hurtful. They'll merge those branches eventually
But for 2016/2017 most of us are safe enough
Yes, the short term will be safe probably for the next two years.
@PlasmaHH I'm not sure that guy's popcorn is going to be the healthiest I ever had
@Asmyldof, as far as ARM, I think that's one of the benefits, actually. I don't thing MC has ARM-based procs. But it's the overlap that I think is actually going to hurt developers more.
What is 1465 by 595mm in size and very important for local politics?
Overlap in the 8-bits that is
@PlasmaHH ?
@BrandenBoucher I'm not too worried. It'll take long enough and I'm already only using about 3 different Tinies very actively, next to an XMEGA or two and then there's the ARMs, which apparently will be safe for a while
@PlasmaHH a large soap box to stand on?
@Asmyldof cmon, try it, you won't figure it out anyways...
@BrandenBoucher That size would be a soap crate
good point
@BrandenBoucher hope, hint: everyone gets one of those
@PlasmaHH Don't feel like, because I quit XCOM to lab organise
Are there actually people who can see where the chain downvotes over night came from? I'm curious whom I pissed off and how
@Asmyldof only the programmers
@Asmyldof, I think MC is looking forward to embracing the ARMs
@PlasmaHH Hm. Don't know any
Another hint, you need a pen to operate this thing...
A Pen-Duplicator-200X-Mk2 (the Mk1 was 20cm higher)
And. Done
Everyone gets one of those??
I was just going to go with Desk until the pen hint
Everyone over 18
I'm kinda stumped right now. Is this everyone - in your country?
In the state (bundesland) I live in. Hence local politics
A case of beer
No. I said 18 not 16
I'm just guessing there anyways. It's 21 here so...
A duffle bag for all your belongings that you take to and from boot camp?
Think of it... You need a pen... Everyone over 18 gets to use it... And it has to do with politics
Actually, if @PlasmaHH is giving measurments down to the mm,
Ah, I see that there is a typo ... 1485 in one direction... Divide that by 5...
You're going to vote.
Ya... sounds about right @Mast. A voting box
Vote is correct, but not the box!
Nt everyone gets a box, but...
The ballot.
Wait so the ballot is nearly 2 feet long?
and nearly a foot wide?
They can get quite large.
And has multiple (5) pages, I'm guessing
I don't know how it goes in Germany, but around here there can be 12 or so parties in the running.
I was jokingly going to guess some rather large piece of paper earlier. Now I wish I had.
One sheet. 1485 is more than 2 foot I think
1485 is a meter and a half
so that's more like 4.5 feet
slightly bigger
so I was imagining this strange 5 foot wide, 2 foot long sheet of paper. Not really thinking about the folds.
On the community level you elect single people... So we have 93 votes to freely distribute
It bothers me at times that the US stuck with the weird imperial measurement system, and now those are the units that my brain can visualize.
@PlasmaHH That's at least twice the size of the Dutch one.
@PlasmaHH 93 votes per person? Poor vote counters.
You have the ability to give all of them to some party though...
Still, we only get one.
New Zealand uses STV, like SE does as well.
One hour and still not closed as dupe
Hm, current ripple in no load conditions... How useful
Current Lab sound level 52dB, with both compressors running 61dB
I'm happy with my dampening box
Hohum hohum, halfway through installing central air/vacuum in my minilab
Oh, yah, peak temperature inside the box 41 degrees C
both pumps running continuously for 30minutes with half their normal operating pressure limit
bit hard to get the flow-controllers right at first :-D
Anyone wanna make me an offer for a bag of 20 year old polyolefin heatshrink?

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