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02:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

Just proves that no good comes from continuing to review your design after you've already sent it out for manufacturing.
Generally it's turned off, because copper pours may be added later and half the rules are on low-nag-mode out of the box
@Asmyldof I had it turned on for online check, off for batch-mode check....
@Marla thanks for accidentally cheering me up ^.^
@Asmyldof welcome Asmyldof, and blush
Just today, I wondered about a shortwave station I used to listen to (years ago). Just found out the Radio Netherlands, (Hilversum) no longer broadcasts on shortwave. Loved the news broadcasts during the cold war.
a way to get a different view on the news than the U.S. wanted me to believe.
Hm, yeah, they quit quite a while ago
@Marla They broadcast on the inernet now.
well, on the shortwave
So, I guess, a belated thank you to Radio Netherlands.
They do
Although the names and purposes got mangled up
@ThePhoton Yes, saw that they still broadcast on Internet. But not nearly as exciting as on air SW
Put a shortwave-enabled BeagleBone in the garden?
depends on your interwebs provider
Besides, it de-values the value of the antique radios I restore ( de-values the value ? ? )
shouldn't take too much energy
Most folks never think about that radio stations still use vacuum tubes for their transmitters ( 50 KW or higher )
there is an old tube radio in the workshop of my late father in law, one day I will try to get it working again (or well, I never tried, but I assume at least the caps are dead)
I read on EE.SE once that they have all replaced them with 2N2222's because circuit lab says that'll work
oh dear. Bob Pease would have said, "What is this all about those 2N2222"s for transmitters.
Bob Pease is my go to man (if you couldn't tell), when dispelling poor engineering
@Marla generally one tune per transmitter these days ^^
Obviously I meant BF210's
@PlasmaHH That's right
If you think of a carrier wave as a tune
@ThePhoton, did my question about the Vgs voltage make sense in the context of that circuit?
@BrandenBoucher I'm not sure, I thought you were asking about Vds. Usually when we ask how much can a FET switch, we're asking about Vds when the FET is not conducting.
@ThePhoton, that's the way I understood it too. And dissipating X amount of power through the op amp by controlling the current through it should mean the voltage doesn't matter as long as it's not over the rating for the FET right?
I need to not be soooo tired! Ideas?
This is what I was trying to say when I blurted out, "i have got to get me one of those" : youtube.com/watch?v=g2O7rZTBs7w
The Vds max rating is how much voltage can the FET withstand without breakdown (allowing current to flow that you don't want).
When you start running the FET in linear mode, the usual limit is heat.
@Marla Yes. That sentence. Shouted Excitedly. That's pretty much what we got and you then told us you didn't mean that.
Still doing damage control I suppose
Must be a result of having been up to my elbows in PCB toxins in the late 70's
(for those who don't know, PCB is not "printed circuit board", it is Poly clorinated, something or other , cancer agent)
I know the stuff
May even have the stuff
A polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB; CAS number 1336-36-3 ) is a synthetic organic chemical compound of chlorine attached to biphenyl, which is a molecule composed of two benzene rings. There are 209 configurations of organochlorides with 1 to 10 chlorine atoms. The chemical formula for a PCB is C12H10−xClx. Of the different PCB arrangements and orientations 130 are used commercially. Polychlorinated biphenyls were widely used as dielectric and coolant fluids in electrical apparatus, cutting fluids for machining operations, carbonless copy paper and in heat transfer fluids. Because of PCBs' environmental...
No idea what to put it on, other than a couple who's to put it on
it makes a great mayonaise for a sandwich
@Asmyldof Pretty sure if you were a materials engineer in the 70's you put it in practically everything.
@ThePhoton I wasn't though
Some idiot (read as poor fellow who was challenged) spread this stuff all over the state of Missouri in the U.S. An entire county (region within a state) had to be abandoned because of PCB.
Right now I put silicone in almost evrything
just a tiny Chernobyl
But with less glow in the dark :'(
it doesn't glow, but it does make a tasty treat
Glowing is for heroes. Tasty is for losers!
Okay. Brain has obviously shut down. I am not supposed to be this tired this early!
although, I must admit, I have never heard of analysing PCB under UV light
@Asmyldof is this something new ?
< - - just realized , liking to tease
@Marla Well, yes!
Hm, I have loads of UV. Should see if my inheritance collection includes PCB
I'll check
Some day
It is great for finding tiny oil leaks
My garage is equipped with UV LEDs for just that reason
I am on the cusp of being able to edit questions. It is so annoying to have to have someone else review my edit. So I must find my way to another 50 points
Find a 5 year old very well received question with little to no recent activity and copy-paste it
I will earn it. On arduino, the level to achieve is much lower, but then, a lot of things there are much lower.
But with completely different tags and altered title
I just laughed out loud, and I don't even want to say LOL
I'd almost ask the question "Who's Marla" with a 50 rep bounty for that
oh god, yes. I could do that. Cash in big timre
Think my account can take a -20vote hit
I suspect that one of you has been favoring my answers. Before I started chatting here, I found little up votes. Since here, I have noticed early up votes. Thank you if it is appropriate
I am now!
I used to answer and maybe (maybe) get 1 upvote. Perhaps my answers have been getting better
BTW,. Nick Gammon on Arduino has been doing an absolutely great job , @nickgammon , . Nick has been guiding that site so well. I think we have several guys here who have recently been doing a great job. @NickAlexeev, and @W5VO , have been really good administrators .
I know , you guys don't have much appreciation for arduino here
Looking back over the the Datasheet for the IRFZ44N, I don't think that's a bad candidate for the power trans in my dummy load. But there's something I don't understand from some experiments I ran last night.
@Marla I have no ill will towards people using Arduino for their own enjoyment or learning the first steps involved in those kinds of systems.
I get annoyed at people using it as a blue-print for good design, HW or SW, because it isn't
Especially people who charge for it
Who should know infinitely better
glad to hear that, I help young ones here. And it gives them a platform to start with
The only reason I'm not active on Duino fora helping people with Atmel specifics is that all questions always say "On the Uno (or whatever names) of 2014 I used the FloatyDuinoShieldyThing and how do I know make The middle LED blink?"
In which none of those things mean things to me, since I have no time to find out
just in case, this is the circuit (except R8 is 100mOhms, not 100Ohms): i.sstatic.net/hOczf.png I'll have to run my experiment again, but last night, I used a 5V input to the load and brought the current through the FET to 8 amps, but it took like 1.1V on OA4's + input. Then I ran it at 12V input and it reached 8 amps with only about .8V on OA4's + input. Still trying to figure out what I am missing.
You guys don't know how much of a challenge it is to get girls to join in the computer thing. The boys seem to start out early, the girls come along later, and then the girls feel intimidated by the boy's early knowledge
Just throwing this out here if anyone wants to look at it.
@Marla I know lots about it actually
Have been involved with initiatives
And you know what the main problem is over here?
@Asmyldof sounds like you might have a young daughter
oops, I knew better than that
Puberty and how the media makes young girls feel about their obligations
just remembered your status
I have worked with "no gender specification" groups in tech at ages 8 to 10, 10 to 12 and 12 to 16
Guess which group it was, purely voluntarily, 50/50?
I am glad to hear that Asmyldof, I won't guess :)
The youngest ones
Because they don't care what other people think they should do yet.
I remember this always commercial a while ago
Pretty much got it right
Or at least the first minute
(just looked it up and am to impatient)
Oh yah, gets real preachy, but the difference is exactly what I saw
that is wonderful , that you can see that. I wish I could upvote in chat
No need
I know, but I wanted others to see that I would upvote
I just wish I could think of the "campaign" for lack of a better word that does work to change it all
Nothing I helped in trying so far really made a difference in the effect
Well, miniscule at best
in the long term, you never know what your effect will be
Best experience ever was this workshop I sometimes do with kids
Where they make a solar powered fan cap and it takes some serious hammering
gawd, Asmyldof, you could really do for finding a gal, and doing great things with kids
two 14 or 15 year old boys sit at the table, tapping the cap like babies
Girl comes in, asks what to do, no more than 10, I explain to her, she takes the hammer and smashes a hole in the cap in two blows, no blush
"Like that?" --> (with big smile): 'Yup, pretty much, now for the soldering.'
ok, I know the others are going to say again, "did I just stumble onto psych 101. But that is ok. These things are important to the future, of boys and girls
oh, and she was so gooooood
My favourite student to date
a quote of myself , "I always wanted to be a teacher. I realized I was a teacher when I got to choose my students (employees). "
@Marla I will not star that message, because it makes me sound sad, but thank you
@Marla :-)
it does NOT make you sound sad
I like workshops and trainings better than classrooms, tbh
Though I think I could, if I wanted
Do you remember how many people you trained on the job?
Just curious
02:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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