Debian has put loads of work into making Linux good, but it's not often touted, it's the stable rock upon which most of the Linux distros depend upon - Big Up Debian
Charlieplexing is a technique proposed in early 1995 by Charlie Allen at Maxim Integrated Products for driving a multiplexed display in which relatively few I/O pins on a microcontroller are used to drive an array of LEDs. The method utilizes the tri-state logic capabilities of microcontrollers in order to gain efficiency over traditional multiplexing. Although it is more efficient in its use of I/O, there are issues that cause it to be more complicated to design and render it impractical for larger displays. These issues include duty cycle, current requirements and the forward voltages o...
It's an active matrix of LEDs though, so your program has to keep cycling through the LEDs switching them on and off.
With a large number of LEDs you start to get flickering as it takes too long to cycle through them all. Plus, your program has to then do a huge amount of work just keeping the display working
Remastersys is so good tho, it will make a live distro of your system including all progs, it was just really easy to use. I wonder if it's not installing cuz the web server for the repository is down or something
tempC = analogRead(tempPin); //read the value from the sensor
tempC = (5.0 * tempC * 100.0)/1024.0; //convert the analog data to temperature
Serial.print(tempC); //send the data to the computer
I think it may have been because the old man was doing some ironing so I nabbed the iron off him and did it on the ironing board instead of on a tea-towel on the kitchen work surface. Couldn't get the pressure I'm used to
This sucks... I juist had to make a local Windows VM in order to run the VMWare client software to create a new FreeBSD VM on my server. The Linux VMWare client just plain doesn't work, and the windows one won't work under wine.
It's really come on in leaps and bounds in recent years
I used to swear by VMWare Server, but ever since they released version 2 with a crappy jsp based web interface to it I've really gone off it. I have stuck with version 1 on my server, purely because 2 sucked so bad. But now I consider VirtualBox to be a far superior product.
I have CentOS as my host OS on my server though and I can't get VirtualBox to install on it. When I next upgrade I'll be on Ubuntu Server, so VirtualBox it will be.
No lugging cd's around with me to fix someones computer - I have it all at my fingertips
Especially useful on things that don't have a cd drive, like my netbook. Also, I don't need to keep burning ISOs to disk to boot of them, or faff around with USB sticks and such that sometimes will boot and sometimes won't depending on the system
@jim Having Plop on a CD is also quite useful.
@jim Which version of the mac mini is it you have?