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Q: Why Why Why WhyWhy Why Why Why

WHYWhy Why Why WhyWhy Why Why WhyWhy Why Why WhyWhy Why Why WhyWhy Why Why WhyWhy Why Why WhyWhy Why Why WhyWhy Why Why WhyWhy Why Why WhyWhy Why Why WhyWhy Why Why WhyWhy Why Why WhyWhy Why Why WhyWhy Why Why WhyWhy Why Why WhyWhy Why Why WhyWhy Why Why WhyWhy Why Why WhyWhy Why Why WhyWhy Why Why ...

4 hours later…
Really interesting twitter thread about someone who basically plagarized a couple of PhD Historians' entire life:
When we get plagiarists here, and wonder at the amount of effort they went through (basically saving no time over just doing the work themselves), well, this dude has them all beat.

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