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As a side note, it’s happened more than once that when someone cancels their HP printer subscription, their printer fully breaks.
It’s because, basically, the subscription-specific ink kamikazes.
We should turn this disease into a cure ... I am going to start charging a subscription for my personal information. You want my email address? 1$ a month. Phone number? 1$ a month. Purchase history? 1$ a mo per item.
hell, you could prob drop the sub to 10c a month per item and still be raking in millions of $$$ a month if you could enforce it.
@CaffeineAddiction “5c to send me an unsolicited email”
Spammers would be broke, everyone would be rich
1 hour later…
I mean, honestly ... its not even about making people go broke. Its just about putting a price tag on anonymity.

Companies these days take for granted that people will just give away their information for free and thus abuse the F out of the privilege. Associating a cost would force them to act more responsibly.
1 hour later…
Yeah. I mean, there are laws (at least where I’m from), but for regular 'offences', taking a corporation to court us too much effort
20 hours later…
I have an old HP CP1215 color laser printer... toner cartridges are cheap, print quality is good enough for anything I need, it have no wifi, no networking and no stupid-printing features (it's marketed as smart-printing, but I call stupid-printing). As this is an office-grade printer, replacement parts are plentiful and Chinese clones are quite good. I will keep it for as long as I can.
and I bought a cheap tplink (or dlink, can't remember) travel router for $15, installed openwrt on it with a print server, wired it to the printer via USB, and now my CP1215 is a network printer.
Saturday night is change management night!

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