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"every machine is a smoke machine if you operate it wrong enough"
3 hours later…
My favourite quote from information security: “So if the computer happens to also be a bomb, then yes, a hacker can probably make it explode.”
A: Is it possible to turn a computer into a bomb?

rookIn 2011 the news was reporting on HP Printers catching fire. HP Responded saying that there was a hardware element called a "thermal breaker" to prevent this from happening. The researcher never produced a burning pile of printer. Also in 2011 Charlie Miller was researching the firmware on App...

13 hours later…
what about paying subscription to use your DSLR as a webcam?
subscriptions are a disease...
will I have to pay a subscription to use my mouse? USB cables with subscription? a subscription that enables me to pay subscriptions? that I already have, my bank account is a subscription...
5 hours later…
Pretty sure HP and Epson are trying to make printers a subscription already
1 hour later…
@ThoriumBR rofl. I agree that subscriptions certainly are a disease..
@FireQuacker They are. I have a HP printer myself, but if they ever implement a subscription for it, I’ll film myself burning it and then send the video to HP.
@FireQuacker which is a little sad
Epson makes printers I don't actually hate

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