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AI and police creating nightmares: msn.com/en-us/crime/general/…
a night, grainy, bw picture from a train surveillance camera got fed into face recognition AI, and the results are the expected: wrong guy jailed, fought months, found not guilty, and is suing for damages. I hope he gets a high 6-digits for the trouble, so it convinces police departments that using AI as a crime stopper will backfire
@ThoriumBR they’ll realise its issues relatively soon enough. It’s not a good look when innocent people are going to jail left, right, and centre.
"AI match was 100%"... yeah, sure...
I hope so... here in Brazil people got jailed even after showing they were 100 miles away, in the public transport, 30 minutes after the crime... and they didn't looked even close to the picture on the crime scene.
the sad thing is that if you are poor, you cannot pay bail and won't have money to fight back
It is sad, indeed. AI can help, but it can’t be 100% relied upon, or issues like such arise
in cases where a person's life can be ruined, AI cannot be relied upon... I would say it should be a banned use for AI
people HAVE TO check AI work before sending it ahead on the pipeline, but people are lazy.

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