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@TildalWave isn't that exactly the same?:)
Morning all
@RoryAlsop /o
@TildalWave that's lovely
@ColinCassidy where are you that it's afternoon?
ahh - very nice
currently 16:10 local time
enjoying it?
yes, in a "I have no idea what you're saying" kinda way
I guess more important question: work or pleasure
and pleasure (if you like your work)
at least it's warm?;)
@ColinCassidy gadget shopping before returning home?
(and after work might be some pleasure-time left?)
it's not too warm, actually just about right, and ready to do the tourist thing. Their subway system is pretty good, wouldn`t recommend the busses
have fun then :) how long are you there?
this is week 2, flying back at the weekend
so work over easter?
yep, and they dont even have easter over here.... no chocolate eggs for me, but then again I also dont have the horrors of seeing Watership Down :)
hahahahah - the nonsense flying around t'Internet about Watership Down this weekend
I know right
@ColinCassidy I did like the comment by Jez Hunt for those people objecting to it:
... is that a english thing?
> "... it's Easter, the festival to celebrate how a Jewish man was tortured, then had nails hammered into hands and feet and left to slowly die, before someone stabbed him, all just because he said to be nice to each other. Watership Down is nothing in comparison to that."
and yet all the more horrific :)
Mornin' All
@RоryMcCune o/
alright, seems to be an english thing.
@ColinCassidy bunnies? horrific? this isn't Monty Python, you know
@RоryMcCune mornin'
@SmokeDispenser yarr:
Watership Down is a classic adventure novel, written by English author Richard Adams, published by Rex Collings Ltd of London in 1972. Set in southern England, the story features a small group of rabbits. Although they live in their natural environment, they are anthropomorphised, possessing their own culture, language, proverbs, poetry, and mythology. Evoking epic themes, the novel follows the rabbits as they escape the destruction of their warren and seek a place to establish a new home, encountering perils and temptations along the way. Watership Down was Richard Adams' first novel. Although...
indeed, monty python was at least amusing
@RoryAlsop did wiki myself, thanks. I did see it, as a kid, but that is ages ago.
And the LORD spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin, then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."
monty python. just great.
Can't go wrong with a bit of Python in the morning
erm... wait... that came out wrong-ish
nudge nudge
@RoryAlsop, starred.
@kalina waves see kalina is nice >_> she said bye
morning everyone!
@RoryAlsop I'm sure they've shown it on Christmas Day before...
@M'vy Hello
hey @M'vy, @Matthew
@silverpenguin sooo.... that happend:)
@SmokeDispenser what happened what did i miss...shouldnt you be napping ol timer?
I've not even read the question, but seeing this on my hot network questions sidebar amused me...
Q: Does my chicken like being touched?

WinterI recently unlocked the chicken coop and then I bought a chicken. I noticed that I can pet the chicken once per day and a little heart displays above its head. I've done this every day for almost an entire season and I'm not seeing any benefits from it. Does petting it serve any sort of food pro...

@silverpenguin kalina being nice to you.
@silverpenguin also, naps are rare at the workplace :)
@Matthew sometimes, HNQ are good for a laugh. gaming is a good bet. "Why do my friends get angry when I shoot them in the head?"
My mailman was good to me today
My Skeptics swag, and my prize from the Lumeta competition at CRESTCon
ah, that's sceptics. was wondering. mod swag or top page swag?
@SmokeDispenser top page
I'm not a mod over there
@RoryAlsop didn't care to look that up ;)
nice :)
grats then :)
the t-shirts are lovely quality
yeah. I'm not getting any swag soon;) But I'm pretty jelly of sec.se swag;)
yet, I managed to get past the edit-review theshold today after being here for some days:)
@SmokeDispenser my boss has a picture of me sleeping at my desk
"actually" is probably the most abused word in all of SE.
"actually, I'm writing code" - you don't say.
seems to be a false friend not only in german<-> english :)
@SmokeDispenser when people talk to me like I need to learn a language "actually I am a PHP developer already I know this shit"
@SmokeDispenser what?
@silverpenguin We have couches for naps.
@silverpenguin in what feels like 90% of the use of "actually", what is meant is "currently"
@SmokeDispenser also works for French... pretty much the same way
I work in a business complex, I found a couch once in a room when I did an all nighter... smallest couch ever
at least for german, getting confused makes sense, as "Aktuell schreibe ich ein Programm" means "currently, I'm writing a program" and gets translated quite often as "actually, I'm writing a progam"
@bilbo_pingouin From the user names, I guess the same is true for even more languages, preferably from asia.
@SmokeDispenser actuellement is more nowadays than currently... but you can still get that issue
oh, my, two penguins.
nope... only one. I'm a pingouin ;-)
@bilbo_pingouin hahahaha - still counts
where's the difference, except the spelling?
technically it doesn't count... French speakers always like to do something different than others... so a pingouin translates as razorback...
@bilbo_pingouin ... because WTF not.
the correct translation for a penguin is manchot... but that sounds much less cute... and I doubt half of the French speaking population knows the difference
sorry, didn't want to interrupt the conversation...
There wasn't much conversation anyway...
apprently you have a silver penguin and a dyslexic one
^^ kid buys a mainframe...
and I used to live next door to 2 1/2 million Magellanic penguins - does that count?
@RoryAlsop how many did you cuddle
@RоryMcCune man I wish I had the same patience as others / able to see colours I would love do do electronics.. but I have a passionate HATE for any work that potentially involves colours
@silverpenguin none - stinky, flea-ridden, noisy, vicious, thieving little gits, the lot of 'em
@silverpenguin I have an ex-flatmate who is very colour blind. He works as an electrical engineer. Building nuclear submarines.
@RoryAlsop of which country?
@RoryAlsop cuddle them you old foggie!
@silverpenguin ours
@silverpenguin never - they aren't cute when you're sat next to them
@RoryAlsop LoL x degrees of seperation eh
Q: Please correct the errors in this program, if any

Anuran Roy import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.*; public class dictionaryattack { public class wordsSelector { public static void main...

thanks @Matthew
@RoryAlsop Ta. Always helps to get these things caught quickly!
@Matthew yup - review queue gets 'em, but it takes a bit of time
That's ugly code
I'd VTC on account of that alone
They haven't quite grasped why it's been closed...
Q: Please correct the errors in this program, if any, I am developing for penetration testing wpa &wpa2

Anuran Roy import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.*; public class dictionaryattack { public class wordsSelector { public static void main...

apparently setting someones first time password to "willdanceformoney" was unprofessional of me -___-
@silverpenguin To a female's computer...?
@MarkBuffalo no a males
Still not good... it could suggest dancing NAKED for MONEY. Suggesting someone is a STRIPPER
@MarkBuffalo compared to what the other 3 previous ideas were this one was the least offensive xD ... they judged me then the other admin kept changing the guys password to mess with him when trying to change his password xD ....
Yea, but in a work setting, you shouldn't do stuff like that
people get offended easy, and lawsuits can happen
best to just be professional
@MarkBuffalo yeaa i guess! lol no one had a go at me just a jibe xD how are admins meant to have any fun around here >_>
Today an admin / second most senior dev... tomorrow....president of Trump Land adventure park and arcade (previously known as USA)
@silverpenguin Password manager, random password, enforced change on login. No fun! Fun is for the weekends and evenings!
@Matthew but but FFUFUNNNNNN T_____T it was only for 2 minutes I told him the password for everyone to hear lol (it was not that important, obviously)
No! Fun! For! You!
@Matthew :< selfish :< :< :< :< maaannnn I wana work in info sec im SO bored of this shit e_e
in other news my boss came in at 9:10 and was surprised I was already here and mentioned I was here really early today xD
Morning @Terry
@RoryAlsop Hello.
@Matthew :DD
@MarkBuffalo wow ye are awake early!
@silverpenguin how about "passwordonewordalllowercase" next time?
@silverpenguin, that's a hell of a lot of fun to tell people on the phone.
(or in person)
@SmokeDispenser you are a smart man, this will be the next one
@MarkBuffalo the buffalo growls while defending cake from the younger buffalo
I'm actually just really pissed
Just made a 5th car payment because this bank is stupid
@MarkBuffalo how come mr gruffalo :<
ahh i see
well they will just refund it right?
and yesterday I finally got the excess funds back... but I ended up having to put down an extra 3 this month
@MarkBuffalo extra 3?
@kalina Shut top biggest nurd of all time.
@Simon hola
Hey there.
hello Simon
Morning Yves.
@Simon simon you dont have anything to do, fancy doing my homework for me?
Homework is not a term that exists in my vocabulary.
@Simon need to learn more words
@silverpenguin depends. Do you fancy getting rekt-ed when you turn it in?
@RoryAlsop Yeah it's a hard task.
@M'vy man if you can just bulk it out to 8 pages and make it slightly on topic i will just do it at the referral... i shouldnt have left it to last minute
The procrastination is strong with this one.
Oh lawd, page requisites, good times.
Been encouraging students to bullshit since 1783.
BRB need to go eat japanese food and shop for my rio de janero holiday... I mean erm damn that homework
seriously though, need to do the food and holiday shopping... ignoring my homework... which i was going to ignore my job to do
i got this procrastination thing mastered
Q: spam solution, Alteon L4 switch => enables compatibility?

SK.KwonI'm a beginner network engineer. But, I've got a assignment to proceed configuration by myself.. First of all, please see the below network design. As you can easily see, there are devices such as Spam solution, Alteon L4 switch and Mail servers. I'm wondering if compatibility is doing well ...

this may actually be suited for network.SE
@MarkBuffalo I can think of a few jokes about it, but none of them are suitable for a public chat... :-/
@MarkBuffalo Nice picture of a screen, do they make it for men?
@AviD Can confirm: was born this way.
o pls I don't click on collegehumor links, I don't wanna turn into you guys.
@Simon pls, you know you want :D
@AviD Last time I saw that picture it was claiming it was a Russian hatchling.
@Arperum yeah makes more sense. Looks like one too.
@AviD I think it was mentioned in one of the Little House on the Prairie books...
hey. before I ask the question and get ranted away (like I would if I read the question): If JS is used in-browser to decrypt data from a server and the whole page including all resources comes from the same server that is behind bars with audited updates and a mandatory tls connection, are there ways this might still break? Think of: software that runs on the server is audited to deliver correct JS and only include that JS in the site.
@AviD, that is exactly what I'd link to if I read the question
@SmokeDispenser what question
(and what I've linked to before;))
> are there ways this might still break?
besides everything else, if you protect the JS properly, you basically dont need the js crypto anymore...
@SmokeDispenser it says it in that article
I know that it's a chicken-egg-problem. Thing is: if there were laws keeping one from using the trust to decrypt the data on the server and send it, but not to deliver the JS properly, are there ways that might still break?
you still have the csprng problem
let's be honest here: I don't think that is a good idea. at all.
and key storage
and basically, I still come back to you need TLS to do it right, in which case you dont need anything else.
@AviD, that is only true in theory. I could use the trust in the server to decrypt it there - if law allowed presence of the plain text data on the server. If not, not so much
@SmokeDispenser I'm not clear on your scenario.
@bilbo_pingouin Note that the polar explorer Jean-Baptiste Charcot was of a different opinion; he insisted on using the term pingouin to designate manchots because of the etymology (derived from Italian pinguini, which means penguins, not auks).
Thought so. Then I might have to stall this for as long as the NDA keeps me from being more verbose:/
Side note, any time someone uses the word "trust," I'm immediately suspicious of them
@MarkBuffalo, me too.
At least when it's used in the context of trusting them
@AviD Yes, it is called tire d'érable and it is completely real. And sugary.
I hate that word.
@MarkBuffalo ah was gonna say
@MarkBuffalo should I trust you with that?
@MarkBuffalo flurp.
@MarkBuffalo Flurp me, it'll be fiiine, I promise!
Also, a web domain with a ".trust" TLD.. nope
@MarkBuffalo What's the matter, don't you flurp me?
That's just horrid
@MarkBuffalo .flurp
let's say I've come across a system I distrust personally from a gut feeling. I'm just not sure if that is because some assumptions are fishy or I am overly suspicious:)
@AviD do you have a browser plugin that does this?
@MarkBuffalo if I remember correctly, NCC bought the .trust TLD.
@AviD that looks delicious!
@MarkBuffalo its a business thing
@MarkBuffalo nccgroup.trust/uk
it's already a thing
> Total Information Assurance
make it happen
@MarkBuffalo .trust isn't available yet
This list of Internet top-level domain extensions contains all top-level domains, which are those domains in the DNS root zone of the Domain Name System of the Internet. The official list of all top-level domains is maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). IANA also oversees the approval process for new proposed top-level domains. As of January 2016, the root domain contains 1205 top-level domains, while a few have been retired and are no longer functional. == Types == As of 2015, IANA distinguishes the following groups of top-level domains: infrastructure top-level domain...
Am I the only one to think of "Total War"?
@AviD sure , just send $185,000 to me via western union and I'll get right on it
@SEJPM yeah it is
@RоryMcCune damn outdated wikipedia :/
@SEJPM well 'tis easier for me to know as my work e-mail address is a .trust one
@RоryMcCune Was going to say...
which incidentally breaks quite a few e-mail regexes on websites
@RоryMcCune So many bad regexes...
where they mistakenly assume it'll be three letters or less in the last bit
@RоryMcCune aliases do, too.
@SmokeDispenser yeah people have not read their RFCs
that one get's me quite often.
@RоryMcCune .navy
@SEJPM Does "inthe.navy" exist, and if not, why not?
@SEJPM oh there's loads in the new gTLD list that break that "rule"
I like to use aliases for services I sign up for, so I know which service to blame to have to change the spam address. most of the time: nope, not a valid email;)
it's just a load of websites don't understand the problem
"Target market : defense contractors"
@Matthew I wanted foo.bar but they TLD people reserved it :(
my employer has unkaputt.bar
@SmokeDispenser funny
(german for undestroy.able)
@SmokeDispenser nice
wow, turkish president Erdogan was so upset by german satire, he wanted to talk to the german Ambassador about it :/
@RоryMcCune I just visited it.yup, I don't trust funky TLDs. Nice little research thingymabobby
@AviD Of course it is.
@MarkBuffalo .buffalo?
@Matthew endless.horse is a thing though.
will stackexchange.tips be a thing?
What about avidsmomlikestotouchmultiple.tips?
@SEJPM nope
@Arperum that is rather cute.
@Simon this, not so much. But good effort, though.
ty daddy
(not really, but its adorable that you keep trying.)
@MarkBuffalo buffalo.wtf?
@SEJPM "Erdogan"? Wasn't that the name of the dragon in that movie?
@AviD which movie?
@SEJPM Eragon
It sucks so much that there is no pls TLD.
@Simon simon.wtf ?
@SEJPM the one with the dragon named Erdagon
@RoryAlsop ah yeah that
@SEJPM wadafuk
@SEJPM simpwn
I like that
@Simon it's still available
it's like you start saying "simple" but then you turn around and pwn simon
@AviD available for .wtf, .eu, .net, .org, .info
@SEJPM What about simon.webcam? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Simon Noone wants that anyway.
or simons.mom
@Simon available
@Arperum Fine, what about simon.wang then?
@Simon simon.pony
@AviD TLD not assigned
maybe we could buy it ...
57 secs ago, by Arperum
@Simon Noone wants that anyway.
Oh I got a great one for me: pls.rehab
@Simon hey @RoryAlsop, do you remember Wang Corp? from like the 80s I think.
@Matthew Amusing trivia: the US Navy seriously considered using the Village People song as their official musical theme for recruitment purposes -- this is how they got to film the original music video on an actual military ship.
@Simon available
@ThomasPornin What's up with your Village People obsession?
oh snap.
@SEJPM Damn son, that'll cost a lot.
@Simon 36€ / yr (for pls.rehab)
All these domains could redirect to my career on my website.
Did you guys hear about my career page?
@SEJPM Jeeeezus.
@Simon e_e
@SEJPM thats a lot of money in PHP dollars!
@silverpenguin :D
Did I tell you guys that my donut and I bought a house?
@Simon congrats!
@AviD Thanks!
@Simon what a waste! think of all the vanity domain names you could've bought instead
@Simon p.s. when's the house warming party?
@RоryMcCune o lawd pls I had to get out of that basement.
getting frustrated that all the toilets are occupied at work and exclaiming : "I just want to piss why is it so hard?" .... room burst out laughing e_e penis jokes ensued
@RоryMcCune As soon as we get enough furniture for da people.
damn tigger, proud of me. I know it wasnt easy to not say something mean and snarky. Sooo many good choices. But you went with nice and supportive. Real progress.
simon.dating is a good one too.
@RоryMcCune it's canada. Donuts cost more.
@Simon be careful to avoid new home owner rookie error (depending on how wild your parties are), decorate after the party and not before
@Arperum someone paid money for that...
@RоryMcCune Hehehe.
@RоryMcCune It's canada. They dont warm their houses.
@Simon I will come to the house party.... i assume I am invited because you have no one else
@LucasKauffman allo
@Simon Congrats!
@AviD heh - yup
@silverpenguin wat
@Arperum Thanks!
gratz @Simon glad to see you are growing up
@Simon yours for ~45€ / yr
@LucasKauffman Thanks and yeah, I still don't realize it.
@Simon I read that as horse, and thought, "Wut? endless.horse is @Simon's?"
@Simon sorry I translated the room into manatee and it said: "Manatee, you are invited to my house party of which I am having once i get furniture" :P
did my eyes see this correctly @RoryAlsop writing python?
@SEJPM Man, they're really trying to make bank with those.
@RoryAlsop Hahaha.
@LucasKauffman ello
@Simon you will when you see you bank account for the coming 25 years
@Simon these TLDs are new and fancy and of course will cost money
@LucasKauffman nope
@LucasKauffman Yeah but at least I'm paying more for something that I actually own.
I'm sure the first years are gonna suck though.
But they'll suck in a nice house so they'll suck less.
@SEJPM @Simon has to pay a lot more for that on every date.
@Simon is adulting. This is a mistake. Adulting is difficult. And expensive
still available
not anymore;)
@RoryAlsop Yeah but I got someone adulting with me so it makes it much easier.
@SEJPM How much is that one?
@Simon doesnt always have to be the case though.
at least not for long.. I'm not gonna nick it.
@LucasKauffman I'm paying less on mortgage payments than I was paying rent.
@AviD You mean that my mortgage could have been the same price as my apartment?
I wish I could afford a place here
e.g. my mortgage is costing me less than rent is costing my tenants.
@Simon 250 USD / yr
basic thing I'm allowed to buy costs over one million SGD easily :(
@LucasKauffman ô_ô
I hope your salary is high.
even for the same house.
@Simon not enough to buy a condo
@LucasKauffman Dayum.
@Arperum it makes sense, these are different markets.
and as a foreigner im only allowed to buy that
@AviD I don't think that would have been possible here unless I went up North a lot.
@LucasKauffman usually a consideration when one considers locations...
i.e. the rent money covers more than half my mortgage.
@Simon to be clear, in this case I meant my cost above the rent.
.mom is a thing
launching 3rd may
@SEJPM my guess: Hallmark?
@Simon sry, mistake: 3k USD / yr

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