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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

@MarkBuffalo i really hope its true that it said this
it did
check the comments. it gets worse
A: Can smartphone spyware work even if there is no data connection?

Natasha ColeI didn't even need to download any application. I got connected to a good phone spying / hacking service which is [email protected] . They are a highly recommended team who can track any kind of device. I was able to catch my cheating ex husband by hacking through his phone and spying on his m...

downvote, vtc
@MarkBuffalo Hey! I didn't end up getting back online the other night. Still need something, or no?
@Xander I got contacted by a microsoft recruiter who makes a few English mistakes here and there
wanted to know if you could verify who she was
@MarkBuffalo It's possible. I haven't seen it, but our recruitment is outsourced to Accenture, which in turn does most of it from India.
It is? She's not apparently associated with accenture.
@MarkBuffalo xander dot sherry at gmail dot come is my public email address if you want to forward it to me.
Sent you a message on linkedin
Ah, ok, I'll go check .
I just saw a vertical takeoff of an SR-71 in Deadpool and just lost all respect for it :(
@Xander A few things bothered me. Small spelling mistakes, and that she's looking for infosec professionals, but gave me ads to Software Development Engineer jobs.
@MarkBuffalo Yep, that's legit. She isn't Accenture, but she is a contract staffing co. employee who's in the GAL.
What's up guys. I am still at work :/
@Xander Nice... so... I dunno?
I hear Microsoft forces you write a red black tree backwards on a whiteboard while dividing by zero and linking 25 lists together, then doing an INNER JOIN on your mom
@MarkBuffalo I'd chalk it up to a real outreach, and she isn't very good at her job of writing grammatical correct and well targeted emails. :-)
Like they want you to remember all the forgotten algorithms
I might as well do a refresher lol
@silverpenguin where you at?
@MarkBuffalo Depends on the job, and who interviews you. I don't think that happens as much in general anymore, but it certainly happens more in the product groups than in other areas.
@MarkBuffalo is that for their new Cyber Security Center?
@JukEboX no idea
@TildalWave wasn't the xmen ship a VTOL backbird?
I love information security, though... but I'm in kind of a niche background
so I'm all over the place
@JukEboX Probably not. The recruiter is Redmond based, and the CSC is Washington DC based.
@Xander @MarkBuffalo I want to work there so bad
@JukEboX Yeah it looks awesome.
and I enjoy using my 'powers' for good
@JukEboX It's fun, for sure.
Anyway, I'm out again for the night. Night all.
@Xander Later dude
@JourneymanGeek I am pretty sure it was
@Xander Later. Should I go for it?
There's a deadline...
and I do have the hots for meekrosoft.
heh, go for it
@JourneymanGeek yes but that one at least had thrust vectoring, this one took off vertically with engines pointing horizontally and with all 5 afterburner shock diamonds no less
@MarkBuffalo Can't hurt. At least reach out and find out specifically what it is she's selling, and if it sounds like something you'd be interested in doing.
2 hours later…
So I just saw Batman V Superman
@Adi Yes with a modular power supply you only install the cables you need. Be sure to keep the others in case you add another GPU or something like that.
@Adi Any time. If you have any troubles during the install I would be happy to give you my phone number so we can chat.
2 hours later…
Q: Why do so few languages with a variable-type 'operator' exist?

kgongonowdoeI mean it in this way: <?php $number1 = 5; // (Type 'Int') $operator1 = +; // (Type non-existent 'Operator') $number2 = 5; // (Type 'Int') $operator2 = *; // (Type non-existent 'Operator') $number3 = 8; // (Type 'Int') $test = $number1 $operator1 $number2 $operat...

3 hours later…
@DavidFreitag typical phpers, cannot even understand why the things they are so proud of, suck so bad.
@DavidFreitag "Why not?" Because so few languages were designed by a retarded monkey high on crack.
@AviD No, I meant WTF at this: $test = $number1 $operator1 $number2 $operator2 $number3; //5 + 5 * 8.
wow brain that's not a contraction...
@DavidFreitag yes, that is in PHP, a language that was designed by a retarded monkey high on crack.
@AviD well the code certainly looks like a monkey has flung its poo on the screen
pretty much
@MarkBuffalo yes of course. that case @DavidFreitag recommended to @Adi has the basic setup for that.
thats the back view of the case.
see those little rubber holes all around?
Well, @Adi will have so few cables. Just the 4pin CPU cable, the 24pin main poiwer cable, a pair of PCI power cables, and a single SATA power cable.
btw thats the graphite. the carbide is similar, but not quite as sleek or elegant.
@DavidFreitag true, but still
@DavidFreitag like I said, the carbide should be good enough
@AviD I think Carbide is more sleek and elegant. The Graphite cases are more like muscles and rocket launchers
@AviD If it's not I'll eat my shoe
@DavidFreitag no no, the carbide is like driving a modern volvo. functional, proper, but not sexy.
the graphite is a joy to work in.
also, it will likely last a few rebuilds, it has plenty of headroom.
@AviD And the Graphite are like driving a Lambo, not sleek, and definitely not elegant
@DavidFreitag still enough, also sata cables, some random other bits here and ther...
@AviD Even if it doesn't it's only $50
@DavidFreitag lambo not sleek or elegant? wat?
@AviD An Aston Martin is sleek and elegant
@DavidFreitag okay I'll buy that.
the inside of the graphite is like an aston martin. such attention to user experience.
I just wish there was a minimalist graphite case
@DavidFreitag ah, okay I get it - there is a graphite iwth like external lights and stuff.
thats not the one I'm talking aobut
@DavidFreitag there is - that pic I linked, thats the one I have.
A friend of mine got this ridiculous NZXT case that's super minimal and just amazing all around. It was like $300
@AviD That's not really minimalist
no flashy lights, just excellernt internals, and solid externals
Minimal as in a matte rectangle with a window in the side
@DavidFreitag ah noe
its big and bulky because so much space inside
welp gt, laters
@AviD I have that case I think
600T isn't it?
3 hours later…
> The officer said, 'I don’t know how to tell you this but there’s a warrant out for your arrest from 2002. Apparently you rented the movie "Freddy Got Fingered" and never returned it.' wsoctv.com/news/local/…
@AviD duuuude.
@JourneymanGeek I think that was the number, yes.
@MarkBuffalo this reaction is rather ambiguous.
Is it the weekend yet?
Typical Microsoft, they're now blaming us that Tay turned up a turd wired.com/2016/03/fault-microsofts-teen-ai-turned-jerk
@RoraΖ yup
yup - happy chocolate zombie jesus weekend everyone!
@TildalWave they aren't blaming me - just those crazies on twitter :-)
I do an Easter Sunday Bar Crawl :D
@RoryAlsop you're on Twitter :P
BTW that was "simonism"
You're a Simonism
and you're a chocolate zombie jesus
@TildalWave mmm - tasty
@AviD got one. Awesome case. I abuse the water cooling holes for the wiring for my bias lighting rig
we just had a spring cleaning with missus this week and ate all the chocolate st. Nicolas'es and such to make room for the chocolate bunnies ... that was kinda fun
@TildalWave I mowed the lawn for the first time this year - that was a slog this morning. Get me and my rock and roll lifestyle
Q: Bug bounty hunt to build experience for getting into pentesting

Duduka JacintAlready raised this in other forums but many comments seem to suggest that a recruiter would be the best person to ask. Just a bit of background, I work in 3rd level software support at the moment and been in the industry for 5+ years. Unfortunately(or fortunately) got to a point where my job do...

I have suggested they visit Sec.SE
@JourneymanGeek love it. no water cooling for me though, but perhaps next rebuild.
@RoryAlsop oh that's cheating! no lawn mowing here, the grass is barely tall enough to hide those eggs in it
@TildalWave some of ours was a foot high!
@RoryAlsop Here we got snow that is a foot high.
@RoryAlsop you sure that's the normal grass and not some rock and roll one?
@ThomasPornin y'know - I think I'd prefer that
@TildalWave normal crazy fat growing Scottish weed-based grass, yup!
I guess it's still colder here then, it still drops below zero during nights
I'd mention how tall the grass grew but someone might star that, it's less than 5 inches :)
@MarkBuffalo im here what did i miss
@TildalWave TWSS (where she is a gardener...probably...)
@RoryAlsop pppffff :P speaking of gardeners, have you watched Being There yet?
security.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/packet-manager I created this tag by mistake, how can I delete it? :(
I guess I need to have 20k rep / to be a mod
@BenoitEsnard it'll be deleted automagically since no question uses it
@TildalWave oh, well that's tidy
it'll probably take a week or so, dunno how frequent tag cleanups are
Okay thanks! I'll just wait then
Best chat message of the day:
in Discussion on question by D.W.: Cost of finding vulnerabilities vs developing exploits, 1 hour ago, by Alexey Vesnin
@Saibot it seems you're living in a pink ponies world.. Yes, 0-days are for sale, and if you don't know the place where they are traded - it does not means that it does not exists. Wake up!
Or comment converted to a chat message, anyway.
I'm not sure what a pink ponies world is, but it sounds nice.
LOL, Nonsense questions:
Q: Online aso services agency

user105584aso services or ASO is the structure for redesiging your application in a way that you get the best transform from the application store. ASO depends on upon trademark change, the best sort of advancement progress of clients "checking for after down after down applications" and willing to purchas...

@Xander :-)
@RoryAlsop DW has this eerie talent for flitting in, dropping a huge bomb of a question that will draw in the opinionated amateurs like moths to a flame, and then disappearing again. It's quite impressive.
@silverpenguin are you ready for the next battle?
@AviD I was looking at a self contained loop, but went with stock
@HamZa yeeeeeee
@silverpenguin I've registered for VolgaCTF, the creds are in the other room. I'm currently @ my internship and will be there this evening
@HamZa i have to clean my house (adult life :( ) so i will also be on tonight
@Xander heh heh heh - I know
@silverpenguin aight, cyaa tonight
@Xander He teaches, so I guess that most of these questions are really prompted by some of his students. Students are no less opinionated than average Internet users.
@silverpenguin the room?
@ThomasPornin that's what I was just about to ask, it seems a good reason to ask questions you know an answer to just to try to get more intuitive answers
@MarkBuffalo im so confused e_e
Could a mod move this to chat? it becomes lengthy:)
@silverpenguin last night, you invited me to a chat.
@MarkBuffalo oh yea I was just having a few ideas I wanted to go through with you but I didnt want to flood the chat room
Do I get a billion internet points if I've solved the 4th portion of kryptos?
@TechnikEmpire the correlation between internet points and getting laid is not good... be careful for the internet points you wish for
@silverpenguin Thankfully, Palmela loves internet points. She goes wild for them.
@TechnikEmpire then you must seek more internet points young monk
@SmokeDispenser You mean the entire thread, or just the comments that are on the competing answer?
@silverpenguin I'm just worried about how many points I'll get because I'm not sure if I can allocate the correct amount of astroglide for the astroglide to points ratio
Alright I better stop, my rory sense is tingling and I'd prefer to avoid a timeout
New TestSSLServer is out: bolet.org/TestSSLServer
I pushed the source code to GitHub as well: github.com/pornin/TestSSLServer
(cc @RоryMcCune: I added a JSON output)
hey encryption buffs help me out here... I am trying to theorize a compression alogirthm... do you think it would be possible to convert a file (txt ... exe...jpeg) into a number which does not exceed 1024 bytes and then reversing the math to re build the file from binary ?
I say encryption buffs, because its like a weak encryption but the purpose is actually compression
but the said file could be greater than 1024 bytes prior to compression
@silverpenguin I think instead of encryption, the word would be "black magic"
@TechnikEmpire well are you a wizard or not?
Yeah I don't think that's really possible. You're looking for a hash type thing it seems. And those are generally "irreversible"
@silverpenguin No, everything I know I learned from Hugh Jackmans character in Swordfish
And encryption doesn't reduce the size of data at all.
@RoraΖ you missed my point :P
I wasnt thinking encryption, just my idea followed a similar method to encryption but I want to build a new compression
Converting a sequence of bytes to an integer and back is easy; you just have to agree with yourself about endianness.
ohhh after re-reading I get it.
That almost sounds like some kind of QAM encoding.
Alright it's beer o'clock! Talk to you guys later!
@ThomasPornin do you think it would be theoritcally possible to get lets say 1024 to represent a 100mb file?
obviously you would need to be in a key to uncompress because it wouldnt be able to remember the original length unless it was placed at the start of the file
@TechnikEmpire the comments on my answer, altogether. Or however you see fit; I think op has not yet understood SE and it gets messy:)
If length is the only thing you care about... Your content will also be lost... You can't take two files of the same size, convert them into the same number and then magically convert that number back into two different files...
@silverpenguin I think you need to read this page:
In mathematics, the pigeonhole principle states that if n items are put into m containers, with n > m, then at least one container must contain more than one item. This theorem is exemplified in real-life by truisms like "there must be at least two left gloves or two right gloves in a group of three gloves". It is an example of a counting argument, and despite seeming intuitive it can be used to demonstrate possibly unexpected results; for example, that two people in London have the same number of hairs on their heads (see below). The first formalization of the idea is believed to have been made...
now has images of squashed pigeon in his head
@Arperum getting hungry again?
@ThomasPornin so the likely hood is that it would be irreversible because of the large amount of numbers
something would match it and can never be unique
@silverpenguin If you push a lot more pigeons than there are holes, chances are that there will be a lot of squashing, yes.
@ThomasPornin I thought this may have been the case... back to the drawing board!
@ThomasPornin gotta love that one. Best name ever;)
@TechnikEmpire heh - very nice
@RoryAlsop lol all in good fun
@RoryAlsop Sorry for being a pr*ck before, by the way.
@TechnikEmpire water under the bridge - it's all fine
@ThomasPornin and then you get a hash :)
@TildalWave yay - I got an opportunity to use my favourite orbit gif
A: Is it possible to have an orbit around the earth and the moon

Rory AlsopThe simple answer is yes. The more complicated answer starts to look at types of orbit. You could have a figure-8 orbit, which has centres around both. You could have an orbit that goes around the centre of mass of the two bodies (in the case of Earth - Moon this is a point within the Earth...

it's a bit trickier than that because sometimes you have to fit a small number of pigeons through a lot of holes :D
(oh - best reference it, hang on...)
@RoryAlsop nice, yup that's a rosette orbit... you might also wanna mention cyclers
@RoryAlsop nice!
technically, if you want any of these orbits to remain long-term stable they're gonna have to be in resonance with the perturbing body, like e.g. TESS will be (2:1 resonance with the Moon)
and really strictly technically, any orbits around Lagrange points are "orbiting" both bodies, tho that's less intuitive and a consequence of a (circularly) restricted three-body problem
look at me going full nurd as soon as someone mentions orbits :))
@TildalWave I know - I really only know these from a maths perspective. I've not studied orbits anywhere near as much as I would have liked. You have far better descriptive talents in this area
@RoryAlsop I still haven't quite figured how to intuitively describe Lagrange regions... I tried a couple of ways and they all eventually backfired
Great, now I'm sucked into things like horseshoe orbits
3753 Cruithne (/kruːˈiːnjə/ or /ˈkrʊnjə/) is a Q-type, Aten asteroid in orbit around the Sun in 1:1 orbital resonance with Earth, making it a co-orbital object. It is an asteroid that, relative to Earth, orbits in a bean-shaped orbit that ultimately effectively describes a horseshoe, and that can transition into a quasi-satellite orbit. It has been incorrectly called "Earth's second moon". Cruithne does not orbit Earth and at times it is on the other side of the Sun. Its orbit takes it inside the orbit of Mercury and outside the orbit of Mars. Cruithne orbits the Sun in about 1 year but it takes...
and tadpole ;)
@TildalWave not sure what one of them is
and trojans... just say resonant orbits, they all fall in that class
A: Does the Earth have any Trojan asteroids?

TildalWaveTo add to the other answers, Wikipedia has another page listing objects at Lagrangian points, and for Sun–Earth L4 (SEL4) it currently lists: Asteroid 2010 TK7 is the first discovered "tadpole" orbit companion to Earth, orbiting L4 with a mean distance of about one astronomical unit. S...

there's loads of resonant orbit types, probably best if you don't go into listing them
you'll end up describing what a sailboat island is :))
can I add a wee link to your post on that into my answer - just so the OP can find out more
cool ta
they're beautiful tho ;) that's plutions ^ in 2:3 resonance with Neptune
Do you guys know what the BitLocker's PIN actually is?
Is it a component of the key? Or is it simply if inputPin == storedPin?
like, the recovery pin?
The PIN you can configure BitLocker to prompt for on startup
oh, so the user supplied information to unlock the volume
I can't find any actual information about it
@TildalWave that's lovely
"the pin is stored on the machine" says a technet article
so that points towards option two
My gut says so
wow, that is horrifyingly bad
but I'm not sure if they hash it securely somehow with an algorithm different from the one used by KDF that ends up spitting out the key
I'm almost 99% sure they don't
Of course, there's the other option of the PIN code's storage being somehow managed by the TPM as well
The TPM can keep the key hostage unless you give it the correct PIN
> Forcing BitLocker into disabled mode will keep the drive encrypted, but the drive master key will be encrypted with a symmetric key stored unencrypted on the hard disk. The availability of this unencrypted key disables the data protection offered by BitLocker but ensures that subsequent computer startups succeed without further user input. When BitLocker is enabled again, the unencrypted key is removed from the disk and BitLocker protection is turned back on.
BitLocker really sounds like a joke
The only obstacle stopping me from saying it out loud is that there's very little information about the how all these details
Finally found some actual kinda-technical information technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc732774(v=ws.10).aspx
@Ohnana Did you see the diagram?
What the fuck is PCR config that seems to just have the key stored in plaintext in it
sorry, i was busy staring out of the windows
oh lord, what the hell is this
Okay, I think the diagram actually cleared it for me
I think the safest option seems to be this "Startup key"
This "startup key" looks like it's a direct component of the master key
yeah, the TPM is a hardware based protection, it just verfies that no one's tampered with stuff at boot time
if i plug in a usb key when my laptop is booting, bitlocker whines at me and doesn't start the computer
the encryption bit is provided with a startup key/recovery key/etc
My previous assumption was wrong. I thought the TPM would also contain some kind of SE
For a moment, I made the mistake of thinking Microsoft would actually be pushing a user-friendly and secure solution
I won't make that mistake again
Which reminds me: Let's all take a moment to thank the EFF for working with the Ubuntu team to provide user-friendly and secure FDE.
sup, homies?
I'm not your homie, buddy!
well.. Then, what's up, buddy?
wow south park animation has really changed
.-. What did I ruin?
I'm not your buddy, guy! (There we go. fixed it. xD)
I'm not your guy, friend!
Oh, never mind. Too forced
Do you guys think the PwnPhone is massively overpriced? Especially for anyone who knows what they're doing?
well IMO anyway
@l1thal Absolutely!
There are way better options
OnePlus with NetHunter would be a fraction of the price
A good Android phone with Linux Deploy app also works okayishly
@l1thal Or, the best option in my opinion, a cheap netbook with Kali on it.
@SmokeDispenser Evening!
@Adi, what's going on, exploit done yet?;)
@l1thal fuck that!!! what a rip off
@silverpenguin oh, what a nice 'hello', finding you using your kindest words;)
@SmokeDispenser good fucking evening, eh?
btw, anyone using kali from usb on a macbook?
@Ohnana, abolutely.
i've only gotten fedora to boot from usb on a macbook... what's your issue?
I either end up in a frozen boot menu (the grey one from apple) after selecting the usb stick or with a kernel panic if it does not freeze
(yeah, did reflash the drive like 10 times, even thought it might be damaged and used a fresh one)
what baffles me the most is that DiskUtility does not seem to be able to partition the drive(s) at all, El capitan did bring some changes there, I guess.
(nor mirror the image for me; I'm using dd to do so because DiskUtility just bails on me.)
If you would like to take more than 1 wheelchair, 1 pet or 1 set sports equipment per passenger, or if you would like to take an electrical wheelchair or a weapon with you, please contact KLM Reservations
hello yes I would like to take my glock? is that ok cool
I think they might be referring to big things. like bows.
or a trebuchet
good call.
Maybe, war elephants are in that category too.
@SmokeDispenser In the UK, I suspect its more commonly shotguns and rifles for those heading out on hunting excursions.
@silverpenguin americans :/
@SmokeDispenser Mmh, there probably are exceptions for war elephants, because ivory trade is normally prohibited.
@ThomasPornin but it is still on the elephant. and that is alive.
@SEJPM No, we don't have to contact reservations for that sort of thing. Its routine here. You just have to follow all of the packing rules and declare it at the counter.
Amusing fact: when you are a researcher working on metabolism of bone cells, and you want to buy some dentine to grow cells on, what you obtain is dentine from mammoth tusks.
It is rather expensive.
Mammoths being extinct, their ivory can be traded without restriction.
@ThomasPornin I imagine!
@Ohnana, any ideas?;)
@SmokeDispenser this is the symptom of "shit don't work captain"
tbh, this was the point where i tossed the kali stick back in the drawer and pulled out the fedora disk
I'm flashing an ubuntu image now, let's see if that is a problem with the image.
dc3dd is an amazing program for flashing usb sticks
it's dd with a bunch of sanity checking and forensic features bolted on
I did google that;)
(and poured the bottle;))
ehehe are you attempting to drink and linux?
the brew.
if you just want to use kali, i'd recommend a VM honestly. but if you actually need it for forensics/something you can't do in a VM, then fine
There are a few considerations that make things complicated with VMs.
Thus, I'd rather a) run on bare metal and b) have the drive portable and working on interchangeble machines (e.g. I do not take my macbook with me sometimes but want a kali with me that just works on (most) machines
well. 700K seems really slow. maybe the drive sucks
anyhow: off to the pub I am. see you guys tomorrow :)
Hey guys, if I were to buy a phone to use as a phone, but also for some pentesting, not as a primary pentest device of course, but what would I suggest I get?
Right, but what phone?
Probably a nexus. lol.
look at the recommended phones. try those
Q: Can "cat-ing" a file be a potential security risk?

Ivan KovacevicI often use cat on the console to view the contents of files, and every now and then I accidentally cat a binary file which basically produces gibberish and system beeps. However today I've encountered a situation where the output from the cat utility got redirected to the console input so I got ...

I cat'd a file some years ago, and it did rm -rf /*
@MarkBuffalo don't you have the official NSA recommendation?
@ThomasPornin would that in theory mean that for poachers it would be beneficial for them to hunt an animal to extinction because of the trading rules?
@silverpenguin Ah, that's the catch: if the animal is extinct, then poaching it becomes difficult.
Also, there may be a delay between extinction and the lift of the ban.
Mammoths went extinct about 4000 years ago.
@ThomasPornin yea but to make it extinc would increase short term profits more so e_e ...true on the ban lift though
@ThomasPornin when are we going to clone that damn mammoth, fuck crazy peoples "morals" and clone me a damn mammoth
@silverpenguin There is a Japanese team on the subject since 2011, they initially claimed they should be done within 6 years.
@ThomasPornin but did they not just find that fully preserved baby female?
by just find i mean like a year or so ago
@silverpenguin Getting access to high-quality mammoth DNA is not hard.
The problem is making the clone.
Making a clone requires a lot of trials and errors. The process is time consuming, especially since gestation lasts for 21 months for elephants.
@ThomasPornin im assuming they would put it into a female elephant
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