Recently I used a tool to download a website and as part of the tool one could adjust the number of parallel connections. So now I found myself asking starting from how many requests a provider could rate it as a denial of service. I googled around however didn't find specific numbers or at least...
@Simon I develop on a system which requires alot of RnD because the use of these systems have not been this before... so i get to play with things all day :D mostly...
@Ohnana the HN thread was funny people seeming surprised about the lack of validation on NPM
@MarkBuffalo No idea guv, I'm not a JavaScript dev, I just think the number of people pulling code from it and blindly running that code in production is too damn high!
@Simon ehhh bit more indepth than that its not literally a mobile... a mobile would be more powerful.... but its hard to mention to much detail without giving away a big chunk of my secret identity
@silverpenguin A few lads have me on there, looks like you're gonna have to go full on stalker if you wanna send me a request because I'm not gonna link it here.
well, it would be a bit awkward if some official requests that you strip naked so they can identify you because that's how you appear on official identification documents :D