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@RoryAlsop Did he forget to post the snarkasm sign?
@Iszi for extra amusement it was a mod who pinned that, not me :)
@RоryMcCune was that the AviD comment? Wasn't it Avi who pinned it?
Hey, Big Bang Theory fans: Raj being able to talk to women while sober - jumping the shark, or growing a beard?
@Iszi stupid and unfunny
doubly so for the rest of the show
It broke Raj for me
^ This
@RoryAlsop yep :)
@Iszi hey hey hey , spoilers!
(I actually stopped watching a couple of series back so not that bothered really)
@MarkBuffalo > I lived there, and experienced all the inns and outs...
what have you been doing in all those inns? confess!! :P
@TildalWave hookers
But that is a play on words
wait, what, all of them? :O
In China, there are a lot of shady things happening at the Inns
yeah like they aren't elsewhere
I dunno... I've stayed at a lot of hotels here
never had 40 stacks of hooker cards under my door like I do in China
@MarkBuffalo when ever I stay at an inn in asia I always find my holiday had a happy ending
there are so many hooker ads in every single city, in every single province...
bible belt doesn't count :P
DMZ drinking game: every time mark says china, take a shot. alcohol poisoning guaranteed or your money back
China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China
I think the evidence is clear
@MarkBuffalo is donald trump
@silverpenguin Loser!
Trump recently "revealed" the name of his advisor on foreign policy: Donald Trump.
@Lighty, regarding your question from two days ago: consider SMTPS ./. S/MIME
@ThomasPornin oy yee wise bearness, if Hilary Clinton wins, who's the first lady's "first lady"?
@TildalWave first gentleman
@Ohnana really?
and that would be Bill Clinton
@TildalWave yeah, the title is "First <appropriately gendered title for spouse>"
it's been Lady because all presidents have been male
and hetero
if Clinton was a lesbian, she'd have a first lady
as far as we know at least
and if obama was gay, he'd have a first gentleman
@Ohnana read this as fist
confused for a minute there
@MarkBuffalo technically not wrong either
@MarkBuffalo what happens in the white house stays in the white house
right, Mr. Clinton?
you mean oral office?
@TildalWave you accidently put a V
@Ohnana I think a fair percentage of the population would laugh rather audibly, while feeling substantially vindicated, should Hillary take office with an actual "First Lady".
better B)
@Iszi i would giggle a bit
"Bill was that bad, huh?"
but seriously that shit would never come to light
They're still not done digging through her private e-mail server, are they?
it's all on wikileaks
and she is not that stupid
@Ohnana Just because the shit-pile is publicly accessible doesn't mean that someone's made their way fully to the bottom of it.
@Iszi there's a search engine for it on the wikileaks website
start searching for hot cyber action
@Ohnana I dunno. I learned to never underestimate the stupidity of a politician once I saw the guy who was quite seriously concerned that an island might capsize.
@Iszi But if there are too many people... it could tip over.
you said "cap" and "tip" giggity
oh wait I'm not 12
@TildalWave This information is not yet known, but I am sure people are already hard at work on the subject.
When the unmarried French President went to the USA, they had to invent the notion of "First Girlfriend".
bye guys, see you tomorrow :)
@TildalWave Bill Clinton will be the first man?
off 'work' now ;)
t/c @Smoke
My work is never done
on call 24/7 and paid for it
@ThomasPornin ah yes I remember that
@TildalWave They broke up, by the way. He has a new girlfriend now.
@ThomasPornin So is that the Second Girlfriend?
@ThomasPornin Hehe. You said "hard".
and now she's the first one :)
@diagprov It is complicated. The actual President (François Holland) long lived maritally with a woman (Ségolène Royal) with whom he had four children, but they were never married and they split up in 2007 (officially right after Royal ran for presidency and failed, but rumour has it that their affair had been dead for more than a year).
good thing that Berlusconi never was the president then
Y'know, considering the rate of marriage failure these days, isn't it a bit impressive that we've yet to have a President go through divorce while in office? For that matter, have we ever had a President whose been or later become divorced?
Then, a few years later, he acquired a new girlfriend (the "First Girlfriend" of the anecdote), who lasted for about three years.
Then now he has another one, who is an actress and is rumoured to pressure him for a true wedding (but he resists, and his passive resisting power is famously immense).
Meanwhile, the first one (Ségolène Royal) is a member of the government, in charge of ecology.
@TildalWave I refer to him as Bertsohor... nevermind.
I learn so much from here
@Iszi It is often said that a US president cannot afford a divorce, or to be unmarried, or not to be a believer in some faith (preferably a christian one), because electors would feel that it would incur wrath from the Heavens and endanger the whole nation.
In that matter, the US electorate tends to apply the Chinese notion of "Heavenly Mandate".
The power of Religion
ah, the Mandate of Heaven
What a long, rich history that's had
It still exists, even today...
The previous French President went through a divorce within one year of being elected (she was already his second wife), then married a French-Italian singer.
If that happened in America, we'd impeach him for being a heathen
@MarkBuffalo I dunno. Clinton fared pretty well.
@RоryMcCune Awesome! Should post some pics if you can :D
Clinton didn't divorce
Two presidents up the dynasty, François Mitterrand famously had two wives, the official one, and a "hidden" one with whom he had a daughter.
@MarkBuffalo Worse, he cheated.
He also made a Prime Minister out of one of his former lovers.
The Clintion affair was a set up
(The first woman to be Prime Minister in France, and not very good at the job.)
to push Hillary's feminist agenda.
@Iszi No, divorce is worse in many people's eyes... especially back then
someone just asked me if i could remove them from the internet
@Iszi There's a lot of speculation that the Clinton's actually have an open marriage.
i told them it would be easier to create a new identity
Er, well, there was.
I don't think anyone actually cares what they do now
@DavidFreitag Considering Clinton's visit to pedophile Island... well...
@DavidFreitag it was a set up many believe...
Mmmmm corned beef and cabbage :3
Only two French kings, since Hugues Capet (987 AD), never had any extra-marital affair. One of them died before reaching the age of 2. The other was Louis XVI, and the people had him beheaded. Heed the warning !
Woah, is @ThomasPornin actually encouraging people to cheat?!
@ThomasPornin soooo you're saying sleep around?
I... I need to rethink my life...
No, don't cheat. Even if @ThomasPornin tells you to
Said everyone, everyday
@DavidFreitag Only if you become a French monarch.
Oh wait... I am French... at least partly. Oh dear.
@MarkBuffalo dont worry its not the first time a talking animal has given me bad advice..
As long as I don't become a Monarch, I won't be beheaded
In France, monarchs operate under distinct social rules. It is part of being le Roi Très-Chrétien.
There's nothing wrong with polyamory - like anything else, just make sure it's consensual.
@Iszi Degenerate
@Iszi Yeah but how do I do that if they're unconscious??
All other people must be faithful and will be judged accordingly if they are not (well, not too harshly, this is still France). The monarch (king or elected leader, it does not matter) is expected to be extraordinary in many respects.
We cannot have a "normal President" (well, we kinda have one right now -- so he claims -- and that's a big failure).
I here in certain socialist society it was rather popular and agreed for married couples to have an open marriage
@DavidFreitag Trying to remember who did the YouTube video I saw not long ago about consent. Had an amusing comparison between consent for sex and consent for something else... feeding, I think.
I think its sweden? I think ... erm
@Iszi tea
@ThomasPornin ORLY? So, you're saying he'll have big "hands" too?
@silverpenguin Ah, yeah. Who was that?
@Iszi Well they both involve the mouth I can see why they are so easily comparable
@Iszi If his "hands" turn out to be small, he could be impeached. There is such a thing as national dignity, after all.
@ThomasPornin Well it's a good thing to know ahead of time that I wouldn't be eligible to be a French Monarch
Now I can stop wondering and get on with my life.
@silverpenguin ... and on that note, I'm going to go make myself a cup of tea. LOL priceless
To be eligible as President of France, you must be at least 18 years old, have French nationality (but naturalization is OK), not be deprived of civic rights at the moment (i.e. if you killed somebody, that must have happened sufficiently long ago), and obtain support from 500 "elected" people (deputies, mayors...).
There is none of this "he was not born in Hawaii but in Kenya" nonsense.
that's pretty lenient
@Ohnana This is the French we're talking about...
When French elect a President, it is not to have somebody who rules; it is to have someone to love or to hate.
@DavidFreitag true, getting 500 of em to agree on something is the real challenge
@Ohnana That one's easy, just stick your sword in their face and tell 'em who's daddy
@Ohnana mind that he said obtain support not that it's exclusively only one single person they may support
The capital sin in French politics is ridicule. Everything else, up to and including being sentenced to jail, can be recovered from.
Wow. Didn't realize there were so many twists on the Tea/Consent video. Just got done with this one.
Cabbage is such an odd plant
@TildalWave Actually it is exclusive, but since there are about 36000 mayors in France, there is still room for a lot of candidates. Still, at each election, the small and/or extremist candidates wail about that rule.
Holy cripe, did @ThomasPornin just post a comic?!
I love rye bread
@DavidFreitag man you make me sad
@silverpenguin Good.
@DavidFreitag </3 cries of a heart broken manatee
@Iszi i had a 2hr conversation about consent models at a conference i was at
You're just mad because I'm having a St. Patrick's day lunch and you're not.
you can wax oooon for hours
@Ohnana Waxing off after that must hurt something fierce.
Although, these dudes used like the worst possible quality meat for their corned beef
@Iszi hehe
Time for pistachio cake :3
@DavidFreitag well not much to show apart from a mass of cables :) All went pretty smoothly apart from me forgetting that I need 2 dual-link DVI ports for my monitors. Luckily I've got a displayport --> DVI adapter that'll do 2560x1440
@RоryMcCune You have the VR kit?!
@RоryMcCune pls you know that cables turn him on
@RоryMcCune Did you not get a modular power supply?
@MarkBuffalo not yet, that's april/may, I'm just ready for it turning up now :)
@ThomasPornin In other words, Le Canard Echaîné is more powerful than the law in France? :)
@RоryMcCune Yeah, I might upgrade soon
@DavidFreitag yeah, so it's less cables than it would've been but still 1MB+1PSU+2-SATA+2VGA
@diagprov Well, yes. That's rather obvious, in fact.
@RоryMcCune That's hardly a mass of cables.
@kalina yeah I should be careful when he's at work :op
@DavidFreitag all depends on your usual level I guess
@RоryMcCune Well I'm too cheap/poor to buy a modular supply, so there's like 804032894 cables zip-tied together in the bottom of my case
@DavidFreitag yeah this is one fancy PSU but wasn't a cheap exp. (all relatively though I guess)
Luckily though that bundle is hidden under the motherboard tray. You can only see it if you really try
@RоryMcCune Yeah but it's never a good idea to cheap out on a PSU, especially when you have a power hungry 980 TI card.
no especially as I get the impression the VR kit will drive them quite hard
every cable in my machine is zip tied, both inside the case and on the way to whatever it's plugged into
and they're color coded
well, the external ones are velcro
I can't be bothered to cable manage
but cable management is important
Every time I get a new psu or case or change something I say to myself "Ok we're going to cable manage this time..." and by the time I'm done it's just a mess.
cable management is nice, but when I need to make a chance... well, modular wins.
I helped my friend put his first computer together. Cable managed the shit out of it.
Making a change is super easy anyway. I don't tangle stuff... but I really wish I did cable management
And I was proud as shit
But mine? Nah she'll be fine..
@DavidFreitag I am proud of your shit.
you two need to get a room or something
@kalina Hey, that's all him.
@ThomasPornin In the UK, politicians seem to be immune to ridicule.
@DavidFreitag so you say
@kalina Whatever he wants to do in the bathroom is all him.
Besides, he doesn't have the required parts.
@DavidFreitag Discrimination.
@MarkBuffalo Ok, I'll get my rusty hatchet, we'll make this work
@DavidFreitag Great! Don't forget to scalp me and sell it
@MarkBuffalo Sell it? That's a trophy!
Well it's worthy a bounty in some places.
The token of the memory would be vastly more valuable to me than any monies.
"here is the scalp of my one true former friend"
@DavidFreitag You can use the monies to attain more hardware
@MarkBuffalo Is that a euphemism...?
@kalina How are we former friends? I invited him to do this
@MarkBuffalo but you'd be dead
@MarkBuffalo Presumably you would die from loss of blood
But why would that stop us from being fr... oh, because I'd be dead, and you can't be friends with a corpse.
you must be a software engineer, only a software engineer would make such a short sighted mistake
@MarkBuffalo Oh... you can't? That... explains... a few things.
@DavidFreitag has a thing for corpses, read all about it exclusively in the daily dmz
@DavidFreitag O_O
@RоryMcCune does sslyze support non-http btw?
@diagprov no
of course it does
it says so on googles
Support for StartTLS handshakes on SMTP, XMPP, LDAP, POP, IMAP, RDP and FTP
@diagprov think so, it supports starttls, but I've not tried it. testssl.sh definitely does
that result took me less than 0.5 seconds to find
do you know how I did it?
that is why I don't work in IT anymore
well, it isn't, but it could be
@RоryMcCune I'll give them a go on my mail server, see what happens.
@kalina But it's just... but my dog... (ಥ﹏ಥ)
@DavidFreitag oh so it's not just necrophilia O_O
that's so wrong
let's talk about something else
@kalina They said he went to a farm, but I didn't believe them
ow my feels please someone make it stop
if you sever the spinal column that will stop your feels
and... well... everything else
mmm pistachio cake
can @Kalina confirm?
@Lighty are you suggesting that that's what @kalina looks like...
@Lighty why do you require me to confirm?
well yes sleepy is a happy state and tired is a murder state
you don't growl at loud noises and people not doing what you want when you're sleepy
@kalina Growl?
@Lighty sleepy is at the end of the day. tired is at the beginning of the day
@kalina Are you always in a murder state?
@DavidFreitag it can't come as a surprise to you that I would be supermoodypersonificationofdeath when I get tired
it doesn't seem logical
@kalina How could it not come as a surprise? I don't know you, and do you honestly want me making assumptions about you?
oh you people don't make assumptions about me? that comes as a surprise
@kalina Ok so, since you're such an expert, my mail server does not perform starttls handshakes. At all. However, it does use TLS. testssl.sh explicitly supports my scenario. It is not clear that sslyze does. I am asking "have the developers made the assumption everyone uses starttls" from someone who clearly uses it and might conceivably have tested against this scenario too.
@kalina Whadya mean you people?!
@diagprov I don't know why you thought I am an expert
@kalina Clearly if you are able to google you are an expert
Woo shiny new gigabit switch
Wooo supply chain interdiction
I love the scent of freshly manufactured tech
@DavidFreitag unless it's just come off the assembly line it's not freshly manufactured
fine freshly unboxed tech.
Wow this thing has a positively miniscule SoC in it
all of my socks are small
@kalina Some of mine are quite big
@kalina Mine are very large
I have to get special size socks because I can't wear normal man's socks. They look like... children's socks to me.
@MarkBuffalo yes well you keep claiming that you have a huge penis
this has nothing to do with that... wtf
sure it does
big feet... big...
big socks?
how does that correlate?
@kalina Shoes
@MarkBuffalo When you were a teenager, and didn't have any tissue to hand... No, that's a horrible image
@MarkBuffalo it's fine there is no scientific correlation but there is a widely accepted myth
and yes there was a study
@Matthew hurrrrrrrrk
@kalina You seem to be an expert on... this field?
@MarkBuffalo of course I am, it's one of my top 25 favorite things
How high up on the list is it?
that would be telling
@MarkBuffalo Well it's not like you would put the sock back on after you were done
@kalina that was sarcasm. Tbh, dropping lmgtfy links is pretty rude. Your options if you don't like what I'm discussing are a) skip over it or b) set me on ignore and never see anything I say.
@diagprov I'm guessing that "boo hoo" is also rude and inappropriate
@diagprov Who said we didn't like what you were discussing?
@DavidFreitag well... how much time does this save?
Well this is intresting
@DavidFreitag It isn't a we. Nobody else dropped a lmgtfy link.
@MarkBuffalo Time? What do you mean time? Well it's better than cleaning up the floor/wall/whatever else
@diagprov Well @kalina is the only one in here who tried to help even remotely, so why are you getting all pissy?
@DavidFreitag he doesn't like that I linked lmgtfy
it's ok, I went with his option B
I always use LMGTFY
no doubt that will also be seen as rude
even though he just told me to do it
@kalina I think someone pissed in his wheaties this morning and he's taking it out on us.
@diagprov FYI, we tend to be abrasive to each other out of love(?) so it's not like we're on the warpath against you
let's drop it and move on
Am I arguing with a plonker here?
A: Is emailing a password recovery code as bad as emailing a password in plain text?

phyrfoxHow the code is stored in the database is (almost) completely irrelevant given the transient nature of these codes, especially since if someone already has access to your database to find these values, they could probably do a lot more damage than just resetting people's passwords; they're only s...

Didn't even have time to pick it up haha
@DavidFreitag the question was directed at Rory Mccune.
@Matthew Noo you're not arguing with yourself.
where the heck is @Simon
I feel abandoned
@Matthew that is an interesting question
@diagprov So you're getting upset because it wasn't a rory that came to your aid?
@DavidFreitag Meanie!
@Matthew haha the fucking dueling duplicates
@Matthew :P
@DavidFreitag hey, come on... stop provoking him and just move on
@kalina Yeah, I can go back to enjoying my new switch.
@DavidFreitag remember electronics aren't usually fans of moisture
@kalina It's conformally coated
@DavidFreitag No, because Rory did come to my aid.
@Matthew Token WARZ!
@CameronVerotti Yes...
Conformal coating material is a thin polymeric film which ‘conforms’ to the contours of a printed circuit board to protect the board's components. Typically applied at 25-250 μm it is applied to electronic circuitry to act as protection against moisture, dust, chemicals, and temperature extremes that, if uncoated (non-protected), could result in damage or failure of the electronics to function. When electronics must withstand harsh environments and added protection is necessary, most circuit board assembly houses coat assemblies with a layer of transparent conformal coating rather than potting...
I do actually know how this type of system works, but am not a fan of "appeal to authority" so am trying to argue from the POV of someone who just read that answer, which is difficult when the user appears not to take hints...
I noticed lol
@DavidFreitag I couldn't help myself, the word moist was used to many times... Had to be done
@CameronVerotti Nobody used that word.
Oops you are right... It was all in my head.
I will talk to myself about that later
I am all jacked up on Dunkin Donuts coffee
@DavidFreitag it's mentioned 7 times in the wiki page you oneboxed
@TildalWave No, I think you are mistaking the word "moisture"
@DavidFreitag moisture starts with moist :P
Observation Pwn FTW L33t w00t #moisty
moist circuit board assembly?
You people are all freaks... every single one of you. I feel like I'm right at home.
but we're well-meaning freaks
@TildalWave Why does it say I have 8 things to review, but when I go to the queue, it shows zero things to review?
@MarkBuffalo because you're a 10k-er
Don't get it.
Says there are 8 reviews to go... but 0 when I check
it's been complained about several times on MSE but apparently they insist it's a feature
Now it's 10 and 0...
@MarkBuffalo Yeah, it's a total number of reviews in the queue, including ones that it's not showing you, or something...
sounds about right yup
Am I getting flagged?
hey man your sexual life is your business, we don't need to know
oh, flagged not flogged

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