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@Gilles ffs guigui
@TildalWave Thank you sir!
@RоryMcCune Oh roro would you look at that, the first iOS trojan that abuses a design flaw: researchcenter.paloaltonetworks.com/2016/03/… !
@CameronVerotti That was fantastically clever.
Its the ginger bears doing
Ginger bear? I prefer sarsaparilla.
mmm love me some of that myself
@DavidFreitag Man, I got some Sunset Sarsaparilla recently. Really good stuff
It's easily my favorite flavor of soda now
If only I could find it in diet
@CameronVerotti There's a carnival type thing we have in new england called "The Big E" and there is a soda cart with home-made spiced-type sodas. Root beer, ginger beer, sarsaparilla, etc and they have free refills.
@Simon what's up with those repetitive diminutives, sissi?
@Gilles I don't know, I have issues.
Did @Gilles just call @Simon a pansy?
When I get sick, Mucinex cough syrup tastes really good, so I make sure to buy it... but... you can't drink it. Finally found a soda that matches the flavor, though. Some Faygo crap.
@MarkBuffalo ...
There's nothing stopping you from drinking it.
Just make sure you also have some ipecac handy.
It's not safe, lol
Yeah and neither is jumping off bridges, but you see people doing that too
1 hour later…
Alright, that just seems... never mind
Woooow that's cheap
Features a 667MHz Dual-Core ARM CPU with an FPGA frontend
> Dual-Core 667MHz ARM Cortex-A9 processor w/430K reconfigurable gates
154 I/O (100 reconfigurable)
2.4GHz 802.11n SISO Wi-Fi
And the fact that the whole board is only $55 is insane because in single quantity the CPU alone is more than that
@DavidFreitag Oh man. This looks awesome
@MarkBuffalo I know!
It even has JTAG...?
There's even an open source gigabit router with a 10GB/s link module
@MarkBuffalo Of course it has JTAG
I was under the impression the JTAG costs quite a bit
That's pretty much a requirement for any real low level development
@MarkBuffalo Nope
where is this
oh, you linked it
Most JTAG emulators are kinda expensive though
And the JTAG development hardware tools are also usually pretty expensive
The major deal is that it's a CPU backend with an FPGA frontend just like the new Intel CPU's coming out with 100GB/s transceivers
4 hours later…
Stalking Mode Activated
For a moment I thought you're SmokeDetector
Happy 10AM!
Thanks for the pun-explaination;)
happy 9 AM, start of the work day;)
'work' day, even;)
Thanks, just finished first cup of 'work' coffee! :D
Morning DMZ
What's up with the new guys? Friends of Henry or what?
mornin' all
@M'vy nah I think @RoryAlsop has been out spreading vicious rumours that we're friendly
@M'vy, I just got frustration-driven over from SO :)
@RоryMcCune oh? hmmm... are we?
yet, refugee has been denied, so no friendliness;)
I'm not sure we accept people anyway. We just tolerate each others. Kind of :)
And make fun of one another is also part of the deal I guess
@Simon next time I'm in china a couple of months ago and install a wallpaper app, I'll be sure to look out for that.
Wait, tolerating was a requirement?
@M'vy :)
@Arperum, hopefully not;)
@M'vy I dunno if we're not friendly and accepting, how did some of our regulars become regulars!
@SmokeDispenser Good. I want to be free to hate as much as I want.
hmm... openID login is broken on area51, seemingly
protocol mismatch between http and https.
because the return to is http. what the? who would do that?
yeah there's some weirdness with SE and HTTPS
I've got HTTPS everywhere running and it does b0rk some stuff
That's new, too. other sites have been fine in the past.
grrr windows updates
@kalina I feel for you. Thes updates are the worst
also now that they've moved the toast notifications to the bottom instead of the top I find that upon logging in the bottom right corner is full of nonsense spam that actively works against you
@kalina win 10 seems to do them a wee bit better than previous versions, but yeah, that bottom corner gets awfully cluttered
you hide icons in the notification area but you show the notification popup behind the toasts
so I click on notifications and it expands behind the thing I can't get rid of without unexpanding the notifications by it losing focus
I got a lot of things that stayed blocked when they should not.
Java updates for a start
this is too much effort for first thing in the morning
@kalina yeah, that is just crap design
Java updates should be blocked
as should Java
@RoryAlsop which would be fine for many people I guess, but one of my VPN clients is particularly chatty in the windows 10 pop up toast notifications department
I try not to have Java Installed, unfortunately need it for work
so it's like HELLO
I'm connecting now
I've connected!
launching applications...
Oh and last time, I logged in and it started a new temp profile
For whatever reason
and then you've got Windows Hello
which I like a lot
except for that one time every now and again where it randomly goes NOPE
Ah - I really dislike Windows Hello. But then I dislike all those biometric things, and Siri/Cortana/whatever
I want computers to interact with me only via screen, mouse and keyboard. None of this new fangled nonsense
Lol @ autocorrect
@RoryAlsop not looking forward to VR?
Yes - for games. Not for anything related to work
@RoryAlsop apparently there'll be some portal-themed mini-games at launch for the vive which might get expanded to a full size portal game
VR is going to be fun ... e_e
which would be awesome :)
I have used cave systems for oil exploration and automotive design (well, demoed, not used) and while that was amazing, it doesn't make sense to me for anything else
@RоryMcCune - do you mean like Portal, or like Ingress?
@RoryAlsop like portal. 'cause valve are co-developing it, I guess they're planning to bring games out for it
so you'll be able to stand up and move around to do portal stuff in VR, which I think could work pretty well if they do it well
That, I would be 100% in favour of - even if it causes motion sickness (standing up while fli-fli-flinging yourself? Hahahahahahahahahaha)
@RoryAlsop <fingers crossed> early reviews of the vive have said that the good refresh rate + being able to stand up and move around are reducing/eliminating the motion sickness thing
I think falling over may be a thing though :-)
@RoryAlsop yeah apparently people have been doing things like leaning on tables they can see in VR which obv. don't exist in real life
and face planting
also the cable (although pretty long) could well cause some probs...
So much mileage for YouTube video carnage
@RoryAlsop indeed
You've preordered, haven't you?
@RoryAlsop Make a harness that you can hang in the air without risk of crashing into the ground when you try to do weird leaning maneuvers.
I may need to think about it. But I'd need a new games room, otherwise I'll crash into many guitars
@RoryAlsop yep pre-ordered, should be here in may. New Graphics card/power supply should be here this week :)
@RoryAlsop yeah we've got the offices now which should work pretty well, we're going to set up in my office initially anyway, see how it goes
"Office" == "Man Cave/Gaming Den"
@RoryAlsop well that + I do have my work setup there too!
@RoryAlsop I'm not a fan of the "AI assistant" primarily because they're not really all that good
in order for an AI assistant to be useful it needs to be fully integrated with everything
"Cortana, turn off the lights" -> useful
"Cortana, google pictures of cake" -> not all that useful
especially since it uses bing
Cortana - bring me cake
that would be much more useful
Enough AI to understand that I obviously mean chocolate cake and not the dangerous yellow CAKE drug
which in turn would be dangerous because that amount of AI would require either ridiculous levels of in depth knowledge on you or a level of sentience to make your existence comparable to that of small bugs
Google already knows my cake preferences
yes but google does not evil
Once sentient, who knows
fine I guess it's time to get dressed
clothes are a plan, especially if you're thinking of going out
im not
i dont actually intend to leave this room for more than a few minutes at a time today
Getting dressed is pointless then
no there is a point: warmth
Ahhhh - okay. You should live in a warm country like Scotland
@RoryAlsop when Working from home, I do think that avoiding sitting around in dressing gowns is a good discipline...
fine duvet it is
then i can snuggle myself while watching netflix
I know - me too @Rоry. I put on a suit when working from home as it puts my mind into the correct mode
@kalina got as far as Archer yet?
this ^
@RoryAlsop I don't quite go that far, but do always make sure to be wearing proper clothes when I get started...
why would you put on clothes if you dont need to leave the house? and @RoryAlsop im sorry but you crazy
@silverpenguin Mode-switching is easier with physical cues, I find
Otherwise I might end up in Doktor Mayhem mode while chatting to the Bank of England's regulatory team. That could be a "bad thing" tm
Or any number of even worse scenarios
@silverpenguin Context is important.
At least to the brain
@RоryMcCune no
And the StackOverflow hype-train continues
I had a skype interview onces, i was wearing a shirt.. that was it..
welcome new (unsuspecting) user
@M'vy ? What does that mean?
@kalina perhaps just as well, you might have ended up in a zone... of... danger...
@RоryMcCune I have written many tracks while in a state of undress
@RoryAlsop idk, seems like you mustered some new people from SO recently :)
@RоryMcCune you're in a zone of danger while using anything other than three dots for an ellipsis
@kalina that is fine though, and sometimes probably recommended
@M'vy from SO? I thought from Travel
2 hours ago, by Rоry McCune
@M'vy nah I think @RoryAlsop has been out spreading vicious rumours that we're friendly
well idk. But lot of them have a SO profile :)
why did you do it @RoryAlsop
do you feel we need more people?
Was chatting on Travel chat and said we were welcoming... Nothing more, nothing less
am I not enough?
I'm not sure how I feel about that
@kalina I will only be able to answer that when you finally relax your OpSec enough that I can introduce myself to you (either at one of your gigs or one of mine)
And no, @Simon - that's not me flirting with @kalina
gigs? you guys do music shizzle?
Uhhhh - yep
But very different ends of the spectrum, both in terms of genres and success, I think
Kaitlin Pike on March 17, 2016
The results of the largest and most comprehensive survey of the programmer workforce are here: the 2016 Stack Overflow Developer Survey.
@RoryAlsop well im guessing music is @kalina's job it might sound like... I would be interested in listening to both! if you guys have any links
i think i just threw out my back
someone send help and a burrito
@silverpenguin - if you like rock/metal links are in my Music.SE profile (www.metaltech.me, www.facebook.com/Metaltech, www.youtube.com/metaltechtheband)
@RoryAlsop I like all genres as long as i can hear the majority of the lyrics without sounding like your voice is a rusty old screech
@RoryAlsop found you on spotify listening now
@RoryAlsop shit this is good i like it "sell your soul"
That's a good fun one - the live version has some special fun at the end...
@silverpenguin thank you
@RoryAlsop no problem :D Im going to listen a few more songs and link a few people who i think might like them
still wana hear kalinas music too >_> wonder if i know any...
Nobody knows :-)
the gender difference on the survey :S
I did put down rockstar on that survey, btw...
@RoryAlsop :)
@ShadowWizard I'm still around. Just busy.
@ManishEarth huh, busy for long years... well, hope you're doing well! ;)
I am! :)
@StackExchange ooo, rust is most loved. yay!
Cool! I see @Tel is also here, wonder - are you in all rooms? ;)
@M'vy SO is a complete sausage fest
@DavidFreitag @kalina that's my 980TI and 850Watt power supply turned up :) so should be on the way to being "VR Ready" :)
850W? 0_0
@RoryAlsop 980Tis are awesome.
@JourneymanGeek yeah got this EVGA one , fanciest damn power supply I've ever seen, ships in a nice cloth bag inside the box, none of this plastic nonsense
and all the cables have nice braided sheaths
albeit it wasn't exactly cheap
fully modular though which should make it easier to fit
I'm running the same seasonic m12 620W I built this system with
@JourneymanGeek planning to replace my missus' psu with one of these as well. Her PC shipped with a Corsair one, and it started making a horrible grinding noise, RMA'd it, got the new one, aaand same frickin' noise... so just going to replace it altogether
@RоryMcCune accidently read as "planning to replace my misses with one of these"
hey audio types (@kalina @RoryAlsop ) is this indiegogo.com/projects/… actually possible
Y'all ok FAM, don't go on the road tonight, just got my drivers license
@RоryMcCune yes very possible, its directional and things like this already exist my work (ex)collegue has one on his bike, the theory works the same as directional microphones (with a few tweeks)
though without any sound leak? ehhh questionable because of bouncing etc etc
@silverpenguin It's probably a case of yes it works, but not to the effectiveness advertised.
indiegogo is fuuuuull of over-promised/under-delivered products
it kind of surprises me that they've escaped major legal problems so far
@RоryMcCune There are also projects that are physically impossible
like the "take your internet with you" crap
@ManishEarth yeah from what I've seen Indiegogo is where projects that don't even meet kickstarter's low bar of validation end up
plus it has that flexible funding shit
so they get the money regardless
but hey a lot of the time they seem to manage to find people who buy in to it
can't think why people do crowdfunding now without realising the risks.., there have been enough disappointments/outright failures
@RоryMcCune they are lovely. Mine was the 1000 Watt one - same deal re bag, cables, modularity etc
@RoryAlsop burn your fucking planet was quite good, underlining tree hugger message?
@RоryMcCune People don't buy the unfinished product; they purchase the feeling of being a contributor.
@ThomasPornin I dunno, if you read the comments on these campaigns (and I've read a lot) you see a lot of people who thought they were buying something from a shop that would end up exactly as described in the glossy promo videos
and get very angry when it's inevitably late/not as advertised
ahhh, much better
I could use a portable hamburger right now in my mouthsocket.
why does the neighbour park his db9 out side my office e_e he likes to make me look at it i know he does e_e
@silverpenguin yep - haven't yet managed to get Greenpeace to take it on
@RoryAlsop Aren't they a terrorist organization?
Think they've committed a few acts of ecoterrorism around here
@MarkBuffalo they are an extremeist group yes lol
Might just be a few bad apples spoiling the whole bunch, though
@MarkBuffalo sounds like life to me!
They used to be far less of a 'terrorist' group. I spent a lovely month on the Rainbow Warrior back in the '70's. Bunch of hippies back then
@RoryAlsop I knew you were a radical
updates NSA profile on @RoryAlsop
@RoryAlsop I'm sure the government of New Zealand and especially of France would disagree ;)
@RoryAlsop the name of this "rainbow warrior" made me cringe a bit :P
@TildalWave but who did the blowing up?
@RoryAlsop yeah... them LOL
Opération Satanique
@silverpenguin Was a lovely old boat. Not as cool as their Gojira trimaran though...
The sinking of the Rainbow Warrior, codenamed Opération Satanique, was an operation by the "action" branch of the French foreign intelligence services, the Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure (DGSE), carried out on 10 July 1985. During the operation, two operatives sank the flagship of the Greenpeace fleet, the Rainbow Warrior in the port of Auckland, New Zealand on its way to a protest against a planned French nuclear test in Moruroa. Fernando Pereira, a photographer, drowned on the sinking ship. France initially denied responsibility, but two French agents were captured by New Zealand...
ref for the noughties
@MarkBuffalo also - doesn't stop them needing a good theme song
@RоryMcCune Yes - have seen products demoed that do this already. Wouldn't work for normal humans - you move your head and the experience is broken!
You need two set up to ping you stereo - they require your head to be stationary
so nice in theory, not so great in reality... makes sense
Hey - as I'm new, here, how comes that this quesition isn't closed/migrated yet even though my flag was helpful already? Are less than 5 people actively reviewing the queues here usually?
A: Disadvantages of Using a VPN?

luke locknot good ive done better work then this

@Lighty, what a helpful answer;)
@SmokeDispenser I nominate for Awnser of the Month
@Lighty, does it get a shiny border bling or andthing then? it deserves more attention.
@SmokeDispenser A ribbon with a coat-hanger printed on it saying "Somehow Survived" would fit him
@SmokeDispenser you would think this is the chatroom to talk about InfoSec
I'm tempted to comment 'pics or didn't happen';)
But it actually turns out to be where all the people who answer all the question on SE come to make fun and complain about people's questions. Also to troll the meta :P
@JukEboX, then this is probably the right place for me
@SmokeDispenser Welcome! I come to say random things in between rantings of the usuals
As they find me inferior to their genius
@JukEboX, may I refer you to my goodbye statement for SO and SOCVR :)
Came in to work early to finish project
@MarkBuffalo ew
Computer is dead. Died. Forever.
@MarkBuffalo, sweet.
@MarkBuffalo how do you feel today?
@MarkBuffalo, drinking coffee and installing updates it is then for the day?:)
@MarkBuffalo turn around and go home then :)
@SmokeDispenser Stack Overflow?
@JukEboX Hey man, did the wife give birth?
@JukEboX where the horrible stuff happens.
@MarkBuffalo yeah was going to tell you. Daughter will be 1 month on monday
That's awesome man. Congratulations
@JukEboX and people have no fun :)
@JukEboX, congrats!
@SmokeDispenser I can understand. I do not quite agree with the reputation system nor do I think I have enough knowledge to answer enough questions to grow enough rep.
@MarkBuffalo Yeah! 8lb 12oz :)
@SmokeDispenser I was away buying a shawarma for my lunch
@SmokeDispenser Nor do I have much faith in the Exchange some times because I still have a butt load of unanswered questions and no one seems to like my questions to comment :/
@RoryAlsop a what? is that edible?;)
No but it is edible :-)
so is the chat, thankfully
@SmokeDispenser I didn't think people used Threema :P
@MarkBuffalo how is getting rid of the flu going?
@JukEboX, that's why I can post the ID online;)
@SmokeDispenser cause no one else uses it?
@JukEboX right.
@SmokeDispenser That is ok. I am almst entirely sure they don't make it for windows phone which is what I have so I am left out again
@JukEboX, tbh, I have like 15 active conversations there, which is more than on any other platform.
Shawarma or Shawurma (Arabic: شاورما‎ / ALA-LC: shāwarmā;) is a Levantine Arab meat preparation, where lamb, chicken, turkey, beef, veal, carabeef, or mixed meats are placed on a spit (commonly a vertical spit in restaurants), and may be grilled for as long as a day. Shavings are cut off the block of meat for serving, and the remainder of the block of meat is kept heated on the rotating spit. Shawarma can be served on a plate (generally with accompaniments), or as a sandwich or wrap. Shawarma is usually eaten with tabbouleh, fattoush, taboon bread, tomato, and cucumber. Toppings include tahini...
@SmokeDispenser see there is your other problem. It causes money :P
@RoryAlsop lol, so in case you arrive to Israel, you won't be hungry. Lots from this here, virtually anywhere. ;)
@JukEboX, that'd be great.
@RoryAlsop, seems yummy.
@SmokeDispenser If I bought it your the only one I would talk to on it as far as I know
@JukEboX I don't think I had the flu
@RoryAlsop no Klow Kollage ?
Might be been mild food poisoning
@RoryAlsop :)
@RoryAlsop Döner, best food when you had a night out
drunk 3am döner is best döner
@HamZa ello ello ;)
@silverpenguin yo
@Lighty "ahh mate lets go to the bab-ee"
@silverpenguin you know it
removing the battery and putting it back in worked
the power button was stuck in a derpy state
@MarkBuffalo sounds like a dell laptop
@MarkBuffalo LOl
@Lighty nom!
I need to buy another 4k monitor for worj
Coding at 1080p is awful
@MarkBuffalo why do you need a 4k!?!
@MarkBuffalo, 1.7* HD with an additional HD suffices for me.
So I can see more code and get more done
It's the vertical resolution that really helps
@SmokeDispenser SU
@MarkBuffalo, I feel somehow blind on only HD when coding.
@ShadowWizard not really, I only come here when someone tried to hack one of my accounts again - which happens, almost every month nowadays ...
@silverpenguin, thanks, flagged.
@SmokeDispenser ya
I dont see the difference when coding in 4k to 1080p ... i code on both 2*1080 at work 1 x 4k at home
maybe im just a noob
@MarkBuffalo, but the 27'' imac suffices in vertical space for me.
@silverpenguin, might depend on the language. In haskell, I'm fine with 1080p because everything fits neatly;)
@SmokeDispenser Is That 5k?
@MarkBuffalo, its 1.7* HD
@SmokeDispenser good point, I normally code in bash / python / php in either Coda (php) or nano (bash / python)
I code on 4k at home and it's just lovely
@silverpenguin, there you go. A useful IDE eats up half the space already.
@silverpenguin never heard of coda, hipster
But I'm thinking of getting a 5k imac screen
@MarkBuffalo $$$
<= Pixel density enthusiast
Someone just threw a knife at me
@HamZa I really like its simplicity! and it has add ons for code checking!! (life saver) and and then for db stuff I use sequel pro
At Subway
And asked for it back
@MarkBuffalo 'Murica
@MarkBuffalo wat
@MarkBuffalo wth....
Who throws a knife at people in public, wtf
@MarkBuffalo I repeat ... MURICA!
@silverpenguin get an IDE already PyCharm or PHP Storm
@silverpenguin, would've been a bullet then, hu?
No, I'm literally in Detroit
@ShadowWizard Had a good shawarma in Tel Aviv, but the best I have tasted was in Sharjah
@MarkBuffalo detroit? and it wasnt a bullet? what knife was it xD ? plastic one or a real one?
@RoryAlsop This is the only food item I miss from home
I haven't had one in many years
It was an old white lady. It just "fell" next to me.
She looks demented
Subway employee
gangs take on anyone now days apparently even your great aunt Doris

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