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@Simon Rust?!? I drive a plastic car!
@Matthew lulz silly Europe.
@Matthew well no I was just suggesting that the weather down south is sometimes cold enough to warrant winter tyres :)
@Simon my brakes went on my car while i was driving T_T (the hydraulics )
this was many many years ago now flash backs
@silverpenguin Did your handbrake die too?
@RоryMcCune I think £500 for one day use a year is a little excessive!
@Matthew they're meant to be better whenever the temp is < 7C
@Matthew Is that why every time it snows in England, we see footage of you even here on the news looking like idiots because there's half an inch of snow on the road?
@Simon It was traffic jam, i didnt notice untill it was to late... it was start stop braking then traffic sped up and then came to a halt or i would have used the HB if i had time
@Simon yes england cannot handle snow
it catches us by suprise every time
@Simon Yeah, we don't really have a good response to snow/ice/winter
Or roads...
my dad tried to teach me how to drive in the snow and he slammed into the curb
english reaction to snow -> fuck, now what?
@Ohnana LOL
Look, pothole:
fucked up the front suspension and after that when you went ~40 mph the car would rumble
That's literally about a mile from where I'm sat
my dad tried to teach me how to drive under pressure, so he ran into a store wearing a mask and ran out jumped in the car and shouted "GO GO GO" and handed me a glock... wait never mind that might have just been a dream
1000 mega watts
@silverpenguin Your random levels are going dangerously high again.
@Arperum that is a direct response to something i said
leave penguin alone
@Ohnana <3
Is he a penguin or a fugly manatee?
@silverpenguin It still sounds pretty seriously random.
@Ohnana retreats back to the butterflies in the corner
@Simon i am a majestic penguin trapped in the body of a manatee
You might wanna get that checked.
@Matthew Detroit? d:
@SEJPM I guess you can accept an answer now
It's died down
someone just posted a block of code in a question gawd its hard to read
where at?
Q: Suspicious .js attachment

JustinI received an email today with the following attachment, and I was hoping to see if anyone could help me understand what it was: //} Expose support vars for convenience support = Sizzle.support = {}; var tDPsXdcAz = ["iK"+"ou"+"D"+("appreciated","projection","layman","pKDO"), "gU"+"As"+("ceremon...

it doesnt look to bad of code, nothing malcicious from what i can see though i may be wrong
@silverpenguin 1.21 giga wats
@silverpenguin you're wrong
anyone who obfuscates code is a frigging idiot
@MarkBuffalo no
> // Support: IE<8 Verify that getAttribute really returns attributes and not properties (excepting IE8 booleans) support.attributes = assert(function( div ) { div.className = \"i\"; return !div.getAttribute(\"className\"); });
lgNaqHj.saveToFile(HlkTy, 2);
lgNaqHj.saveToFile(HlkTy, 2);
> com.ua/system/logs/98yhb764d.exe
@silverpenguin told you that you were wrong
> it doesnt look to bad of code, **nothing malcicious from what i can see ** though i may be wrong
@Simon yeah - about a grand
2 mins ago, by silverpenguin
it doesnt look to bad of code, nothing malcicious from what i can see though i may be wrong
@MarkBuffalo ahhh nice read
@MarkBuffalo inb4
@RoryAlsop Perfecto, cheers.
@MarkBuffalo inb4^2
See @silverpenguin, you got shitty tires.
@MarkBuffalo hey man i said I may be wrong XD I just skimmed it
@silverpenguin and then you did xD
2 mins ago, by Mark Buffalo
anyone who obfuscates code is a frigging idiot
(or a haxor)
@MarkBuffalo no u
Also @silverpenguin, as a future security expert, you should always assume that any piece of code is malicious.
Mine are about that. Currently pirelli p-zeros Rosso's I think. I swither between them and Bridgestone RE050's for Subarus
@RoryAlsop Nice. I think I'm gonna get the Ventus, the reviews are great.
@Simon true, but in all honesty I didnt read it that much because of the bad layout.. hence why i didnt Answer the question xD reading code like that as a favour is not something i do, unless its laid out nicely
@silverpenguin You're laid out nicely.
@Simon you have a way with words
@silverpenguin so many excuses
just admit you suck and you'll endeavor to do better in the future
@kalina I admitted i was wrong! but to say i tried that hard would be a lie!
but yes i suck
happy ? :P
@silverpenguin No, stop lacking confidence.
Chicks are gonna instantly get out of your z3 if you have 0 confidence.
@silverpenguin guys with no self confidence do not make me happy
Is that what you want?
@Simon dafuq
get out of my head
@Simon you dont just get out of a z3...
yeah you do
you awkwardly fall out
z3s are hardly anything special
straight v6 T__T thats pretty specials
doesn't make you straight though does it
Flat 4 >
doesn't make you flat though does it
im as straight as i want to be
I gotta say BMW's inline 6 is quite impressive, yes.
Quite reliable and can put up a lot of power, like in the older M3s that were aspired.
@Simon 2.8 litre as well :3
all this car noise
I bet with all these nice cars you've never actually fully used all of their potential
And how would that be achieved?
I saw the shift light in my brz last n8, does that work?
o pls
are you sure it was a shift light and not a you're shit light
@MarkBuffalo Manchester!
I've read the manual twice and there's no such light.
lol read the manual
@Simon no one reads the manual -_-
maybe I should do a canonical answer for obfuscated javascript too :X
@silverpenguin Yes and those people don't know their car.
And especially don't know how to do their maintenance.
@Simon i changed the brakes my self
@silverpenguin Of course you did, there's no salt on your roads to make your screws ceased in rust.
You lucky donut.
And you've got a summer car newayz.
@Simon i drive the car in the winter too
I need to look sexy all year round
pls we've been through this, you barely get snow.
@Simon yeah those were some deep lyrics, for sure
@RоryMcCune lulz
^ in case anyone wasn't informed about this
wadafuk is dat
From the comments: "lyrics i understand:
informer, dapskdjxjspdfkjsdjdoblaaame, alickyboomboomdown"
Sums it up pretty well.
@Matthew Nice job with the mod tools
@RоryMcCune this song <3 hahaha i have not heard this in years!!! omg xD
You're almost at 10k
@RоryMcCune I have just sent this to loads of people in my office, get that feel goin
@RоryMcCune wtaf
the 90s were weird
@RоryMcCune all 12 inches, babay!
I wanna be a 20 years old guy in Berlin in 1990 :(
Where can I sign up to change my life and go back in time?
@Simon could still happen, you have 3 years to get a time machine and a plane ticket.
r u sayin am 17
oh sorry, 4 years
r u sayin am 16
Wait simon! this isnt a message to you its just a song! no hints
@Simon its a good song :< tis funkeh
hopefully she won't test positive for Polonium after this
@MarkBuffalo Mod tools? What mod tools?
@Matthew The very super basic ones you're using
After 10k, you'll get upgraded to very basic
hey @TildalWave I see you have some .... interesting names for drinks in Slovenia...
I bet @TildalWave loves the cock
Would you look at all these nurdz.
@RоryMcCune I thought the coat hanger was a crucifix.
@MarkBuffalo seeing jesus in your toast?
@MarkBuffalo Ah, not quite there yet...
Actually, I still don't know what that wooden thing is, and it's bothering me.
Doesn't look like a coat hanger now
I don't understand why this post keeps getting upvotes
something is seriously broken
> Toddler Dies after Anti-Vaxx Parents Treat His Meningitis with Maple Syrup Instead of Medicine
@MarkBuffalo You gotta admit that's an honest mistake, maple syrup is so divine.
I knew a crazy fucking nurse who refused to vaccinate my children
@MarkBuffalo Can someone charge them with murder please?
She would make us wait several hours, then come back and say, "Oh, you're still here"
She would post crazy-as-fuck anti-vaxx bullshit all over her facebook, and even encouraged nearly the entire community to reject vaccinations. The end result is that my reservation has low vaccination rates...
The CDC even came in and started to offer money for people to get vaccinated... nope! She spun that one too. "If it's such a good vaccination, why do we have to pay for it! Reject the vaxx!"
@MarkBuffalo How is that not child endangerment/2nd degree manslaughter
@RoraΖ No idea... but fuck them
Parents got arrested in my area for letting their 10 and 12 year old sons walk home from school. it was less than a mile.
Now that's crazy ^
Nothing wrong with that...
In a populated, good neighborhood
But being anti-vaxx? erm...
Can nurseries and similar reject children who haven't been vaccinated without a medical reason?
@Matthew it depends on local laws
Sorry, 10 y/o son, 6.5 y/o daughter
THis was just last year
people in the USA are insane
@MarkBuffalo what did you use to deobsfucate that JS? every tool i am using just goes "lol im ignoring you on this JS, but all other js is fine)
...I used to walk home from school on the rez, about 1 mile, daily... or even ride my bike
@silverpenguin I just read the code and saw what it did instead of bothering with deobfuscation.
Is Trump anti-vaxx?
@MarkBuffalo You were probably almost murdered every day and didn't even realize it.
@MarkBuffalo that would make more sense
Because 100% of the time, obfuscated code is malicious. Either an idiot programmed it, or a hacker... or both.
@Matthew Only for minorities
@RoraΖ loooooooool
@RoraΖ eh, it's relatively safe on the rez... aside from some dude getting shot in the face next door
and all the drugs, alcohol, abuse, etc.
walking home from school is the least of your worries
@MarkBuffalo You don't even REALIZE Mark! You're ignorant, you're being ignorant.
:( true, we might be kidnapped by white people
...oh wait, they don't want us. we're safe :>
</whiny edginess>
it's going to take another polio epidemic for the antiu-vax shit to be put to rest
my parents and grandparents saw the absolute devastation that diseases caused, and they know why vaccines are good
Even if it caused autism, do you want an autistic child, or a dead child?
later generations don't have that experience of "all my friends are dying of horrific disease"
@Ohnana I've seen some shit in third world countries
@MarkBuffalo they don't realize their kid could die. it's like getting the flu to them
that's what snapped me out of it
@MarkBuffalo there is nothing wrong with an autstic child T-T it should be embraced and everyone should be autistic
they don't have that visceral reaction of a kid in an iron lung
and I wasn't anti-vaxx, just on the fence.
@Ohnana But then all the anti-vaxx people will be gone, and logical people will RULE THE WORLD
@RoraΖ I don't even wish death on savagely-offensive idiots like anti-vaxxers
@RoraΖ nope. if herd immunity is weak enough for an epidemic, some vaccinated people will die too
so I wish to hopefully sorta kinda educate them
vaccines are like a 60-70% effective prevention
@Ohnana Gotta break some eggs
@Ohnana Also, because you're giving the disease a chance to evolve more
that too
But I think that would be an issue even with vaxxing
because the ones that are resistant to the vaccination will survive and develop
not really. vaccination prevents the spread of disease to there are less viable hosts
but 100% of the time, this results in a loss of information, so it may render the disease inert... or make it worse because it's skipping a step
instead it spreading around like wildfire, it has to actually get a foothold first
@Ohnana Yea, but the diseases that don't respond to vaccination will continue to grow unabated
i don't know nearly enough about epidemology to actually formulate a thought about this
If you get a strain that is resistant/ignores vaccinations, it will continue to grow anyway. Hopefully that doesn't happen
It's basically how microevolution works
You're a microevolution.
Think of it like this:

You infect a population with a disease that makes them unable to have children. Those who are immune to the disease will survive, and produce offspring that will make them immune/resistant. The survivors will be "stronger." Let's call them the Krogan...
Bacteria and viruses work in pretty much the same way.
That's how bacteria develops resistance. A mutation causes them to ignore/not be bothered by/withstand some kind of drug against it. So then you have the bad bacteria growing in strength, numbers... and the previous drugs no longer work against it.
@MarkBuffalo The FBI had it wrong. The phone had a cyber bacteria, not cyberpathogen.
and now we're on a bioterrorism list...
@JourneymanGeek aaaaand now I'm hungry.
Thanks a lot, @JourneymanGeek
Thanks a lot, @JourneymanGeek
ty a lot journeyladnurd
I'm missing something
restless leg syndrome?
@MarkBuffalo i think antibiotic resistance and vaccination work completely different ways
@Ohnana Kinda sorta.
@Ohnana yeah, the Resistance doesnt cause autism.
@MarkBuffalo why the krogan?
wrex will be displeased
Vaccination basically tells your body "hey, this is something you need to kill. Get ready"
resistance is basically "hey, bugs, this thing can kill you"
somebody must have vaccinated me against men at an early age then
in essense, vaccination is the body getting made resistant to specific viruses
@kalina nice edit, the original sounded well dodgy
@AviD oh no
vaccination in mordern terms is the introduction of a weakened or similar (e.g. cow pox to counter act small pox) pathogen, the body then fights off this pathogen and "saves its make up" within B-cells (memory cells, essentially) this will allow your body to know what to do when such a pathogen comes along again and faster slowing down the rate of multiplication by attacking the pathogen before mitosis
i do science me
@Ohnana Not really. Viruses and bacteria can cause diseases. If you are vaccinating against a strain of disease, or a virus, then you better hope you don't give the pathogens time to microevolve against the vaccination. If the disease is resistant or immune to the vaccination, it's possible for it to grow in strength. However, vaccinations are definitely very helpful.
@silverpenguin Yes
@MarkBuffalo Nietzsche got it wrong: that which does not kill you does not make you stronger; it merely lets you live.
The increased resistance is a statistical effect over several generations.
@ThomasPornin but it at least builds character.
@ThomasPornin Yeah, isn't AIDS related to the bubonic plague?
@MarkBuffalo not quite
The same confusion is present in anti-vaccine propaganda. Sure, not vaccinating people will increase the species resistance to the illness. But it won't make you more resistant.
weird genetic quirk that conferred immunity to the plague confers immunity to HIV
Ah, I see.
> In the mid-1990s, it was discovered that possession of the CCR5-Δ32 allele leads ‘to nearly complete resistance to HIV-1 infection’ and AIDS.
@Ohnana If you resist bubonic plague, then HIV, you should seriously consider the possibility that you made some enemies among the gods. They keep trying.
@Ohnana would that not suggest vaccinating against the plague would inturn protect you from HIV
@silverpenguin no
@ThomasPornin HAHA
@MarkBuffalo thats interested :O
@kalina That was my pathetic attempt at a layman example.
the genetic quirk changes the locks on your immune system doors so HIV can't get into the cell
@ThomasPornin I think traditionally, saying "the gods" might be considered sufficient to make an enemy of a vengeful single god...
it grabs onto T cells using a protein. with the allele the protein is weirdly shaped
@Matthew I did not use the uppercase (gods, not Gods). This should keep me safe.
who says these beings speak english
@ThomasPornin Ah, but now you've upset the polytheistic entities, who believe they deserve the capital initial...
who says they're sticklers for grammar
@Ohnana well if a timelord says it, it's probably true
@RоryMcCune What if it's The Master? Liar liar, pants on FIYAH.
Hell, even I get a capital letter, people shouldn't think they're reserved for something special.
@Ohnana Well, they usually seem to have an unhealthy obsession with what people do with their genitalia, so it makes sense that they'd care about what they do with their pens too...
@Matthew like puppetry with the penis?
@MarkBuffalo well if the master turns up and say that to me, I'll go with it as true too, so he's less likely to disintegrate me :)
> In short, Y. pestis is a disease of rodents in which humans sometimes participate
Sounds like @ThomasPornin wrote this
> The transmission is hardly efficient as diseases go. The rat flea must regurgitate the bacillus into the bloodstream of a human host, which occurs successfully in less than 20% of bites.
throws up
fixed a bug with a linux system... rather than taking 3+ minutes i got it to boot with all services and functionality running in under 60 seconds from time of power on... my bosses response... can you make it faster
What was the issue?
Also, tell him to buy an SSD and it will be faster.
@MarkBuffalo it is an SSD xD its just has certain network services that require time. the issue was there was a hidden sleep left which had been silenced by a previous developer... so it just looked like the boot hung for 2 minutes
Hmm... Why is a 100 odd point person answering the compromised server question with an answer which doesn't add anything?
A: How do I deal with a compromised server?

Tim SeedBackup it all up - so you can conduct through forensics in a sandbox type environment. Then - start from 0 - yes from NOTHING. New O/S - fully patched. Applications - current up-to-date Data Files.... from your backups (Prior to when you were compromised if possible). If not you need to content...

@Matthew #repwhore
1) Disconnect the server from the internet
2) ???
3) Profit
@Matthew Also, you should image the drive...?
backing it all up vs. imaging the drive
> To remember all these passwords without having an enormously efficient brain, you may want to use a password manager software, e.g. KeePass.
I'm all in favour of taking a forensic image - but I work with our forensics people, which is an unusual position...
<= loves forensics
actually, I love most things technological... so
However, I dispute "restore from backups (Prior to when you were compromised if possible)"
Emphasis mine
@MarkBuffalo wait till you do it in an env. that might wind up in a court case
it gets waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less fun then
@RоryMcCune Yup.
Trust me. I know
You're waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less fun.
contemporaneous notes FTL
So, start afresh, then copy all the compromised bits back on!
@RоryMcCune Actually, sometimes it can be very disheartening...
@MarkBuffalo Im the guy at work who cant remember the last task given to him but i remember all of our randomly generated passwords
I mean I like the idea of using forensics to recover things, etc
But some of the stuff I recover... the horror
and usually when a parent calls me to check their son's computer for "stuff," and I show them the deleted "stuff," they start crying in front of me
drugs, porn, etc
Sometimes the kids get their ass whooped in front of me
@MarkBuffalo how does that make you feel? :< not them crying but going into their sons privacy? im just curious
sorry if its a personal question
I don't like it... I stopped doing those jobs after that happened a few times
finding out your kid is doing drugs... nobody wants that. fuck that
and sometimes there's worse stuff
@MarkBuffalo Advantage of working for a business facing company - we mostly get to deal with companies, rather than individuals
@MarkBuffalo does it pay well? I mean I can do basic forensics xD worse? moves in for horror stories
camp fire rages on
@silverpenguin I don't know... I did this mainly as a consultant for a short time. One of the many services I offered
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
ahh ok was curious
I learned about forensics, and decided to offer some services... I was all giddy about it. And then... one day... ah, fuck it.
I know the basics, recovering files, logs etc... nothing to advanced. im a jack of all trades master of none kind of guy
About the last time I did it, I saw something that could not be unseen
Q: exploitd development and system hacking, where to start?

Jokkepappaim intrested about infosec. Ive done programming like one year now with python, java and c++. Especially im intrested about exploit development, System hacking and how to find vulnerabilities from programs or operating systems. But im wondering where to start...

@MarkBuffalo was it another one of these questions?
@MarkBuffalo Perhaps they should have a discussion to ask their kids why they're doing drugs instead of kicking their ass.
No wonders why a lot of kids never tell shit to their parents, they freak out immediately.
@Simon None of my business, man
Sure, none of yours yet it was all triggered by what you've done.
Just doing my jorb, mate

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