i am needing to do a security proof model of bitcoin, but i have no idea where to start
any advice would be great !, tutorials or research papers showing a clean and understandable security proof model would be ideal
@MarkBuffalo I can use any language if someone gives me a week of solid work but at the moment I can use (order of skill / experience) PHP, JAVA, android, Python, bash... though learning a language is easy peasy, just need a reason to use it
Im one of those people who cant learn something untill practically needed .... one of my down falls, made up by my aptitude
@MarkBuffalo Strip slashing as soon as possible is the best option to try and reduce the risk, I would strip slash at the start of a function no questions asked. my definition of santising is ensuring the correct encoding as well as stripping slashes keeping the format of the input to your desired format
input validation im going to shorten it down: checking that is the format your require, though input validation can really spread from the requirments, doesnt have to be just about a naughty hack to blow up the system. can also be just unwanted formats strings, ints what ever it be. I would probably use some kind of regex to start with, throw in some type checking. it would really depend on the scenrio
I would check the black list for all cards which are fake / tester cards, run it through a check to ensure it validates as an actual card of defined type
@MarkBuffalo encoding before storing means you dont fudge up your database queries later, you dont have to worry just about incoming data but anything stored in the database, so you would also sanatise when the datacomes out also, just incase
If you encode on input, you have to build more complex queries around that input... so it's not future proof. It's not easy to work with, things break easily... your new programmers won't know how to handle that without being told
@MarkBuffalo but surely encoding special characters before putting them is the database is better? creating a resuable function to handle all validation inputs allows fo scalability and updating
@MarkBuffalo and lets face it no ones code is perfect, encoding and handling all specials characters mitigates some risk of character encoding exploits?
that moment when you're like EUGH Y U NO WORK and then you make a bunch of changes going in one direction, press play and automation resets a bunch of values and suddenly it's like :O that sounds good
@MarkBuffalo I think i might be sounding like im over complication my sanitisation to much :P I would only be handling fearsome special characters. Ok i see your point now, your saying: if ($string == safe): ok else: satatise... well yea of course ... I thought you were saying if($string == safe): ok else: NOPE
I have been completely misunderstanding your point i think
Apply proper encoding as close as possible to use. Preferably this should happen automatically as part of a sane API (e.g. parameterized queries for SQL)
Cockta is a soft drink from Slovenia. Its main ingredient comes from the dog rose hip. The other ingredients come from 11 different herbs, lemon and orange. It contains neither caffeine nor orthophosphoric acid.
== History ==
=== Origins ===
The origins of the Cockta drink begin in the early 1950s. It was then that the management of the company Slovenijavino came up with the idea of producing an original refreshing Slovenian beverage which would be able to compete against similar drinks from abroad. The chemical engineer Marcus "Potatinator" Daman, an employee of the Slovenijavino resea...
@CodesInChaos I was more thinking about Unicode normalization forms. For integers, you would reject the input values that you do not recognize; for strings, this means that some values are all acceptable but may be considered equal to each other, or not.
Equality status may even change when you update your JVM or .NET framework and a new Unicode standard version thus gets automatically imported.
Mental Health Facilities, Divorce Lawyers, Oncologists <- Partial list of things few people you know will be able to provide referrals to, because everybody hopes to never need one.
I want to setup a any site to any site secure connection over the internet. I have 120+ sites that I want to enable for any to any connectivity. I don't want to use IPsec because that is point to point and I don't want to setup 120!/(2!*118!) connections for a full mesh network. Is there a way to...
This is a Drive-by Download Exploit Attempt
Pro-tip: when looking at any kind of obfuscated code for any language, follow this simple rule:
Anyone who obfuscates code is either an idiot, a hacker, or both.
In either case, you do not want this code running unless your job is to create malware...
I updated it because the previous answer was terribly low quality, and I'm scared the RE guys are gonna crap on me :(
Wow. This type of answer really needs some sort of extra warning on the link to its revision history - or maybe just the revision history needs to be nuked.
Maybe there needs to be a policy that users who get deleted for disciplinary reasons have all of their content completely wiped from existence unless it's been upvoted/accepted.
@Iszi that probably won't happen, there's still a point in displaying nuked contents to privileged members ... like, I'd sometimes intentionally read those to feel better about myself :)
I received an email today with the following attachment, and I was hoping to see if anyone could help me understand what it was:
//} Expose support vars for convenience support = Sizzle.support = {};
var tDPsXdcAz = ["iK"+"ou"+"D"+("appreciated","projection","layman","pKDO"), "gU"+"As"+("ceremon...
@MarkBuffalo im sure you will be safe! whyt would they crap on you!! im still trying to read through this JS code though xD i should put it into formatting to read it better
@Iszi yeah dunno, if it's resolved as offensive, it should display only with a warning and requiring to hit a link to display full contents, like it's done with spam
@Iszi well, what can I say, it's SE ... mods have been requested to even not nuke users posting such contents but to suspend them so "the system" knows how to keep track and respond accordingly ... which of course only creates overhead (suspending takes time) and isn't done
@MarkBuffalo hey you did forensic thingies. if a computer had embedded storage and no USB drives how would you back it up to do forensic analysis? (obviously wanting to mitigate the possibility of traps deleting content securely)
But see, if you use a live disk, and those are usually not updated... for example, glibc is still afflicting many live cd images...
and there's an exploit....
I can watch you do something, and record it on my end
If you're going to such extreme lengths to hide yourself and stay private, intercepting your shipment of monitors/monitor cables allows me to implant a device that emits the contents of your monitor screen over the radio >:-o
@MarkBuffalo I was just trying to think if there was anyway if someone the physical machine and wanted to do a forensics of it right there and then with backups... without blowing it up to shit... what kind of machine could stop this... you would need all of the hardware embedded and 0 usb ports... but you want usb ports... so how would i protect them?
Fortunately, there is a way to detect it. Keep your computer attached to a device that's battery-operated. When your computer case is opened, it will log the chassis opening entry
@MarkBuffalo I never feel bad about not making a down payment on something. They'll be getting more than enough from me over the life of the loan anyway. Literally, when you consider "enough" to be the actual cost of the thing you're paying for.