@Matthew Is that why every time it snows in England, we see footage of you even here on the news looking like idiots because there's half an inch of snow on the road?
@Simon It was traffic jam, i didnt notice untill it was to late... it was start stop braking then traffic sped up and then came to a halt or i would have used the HB if i had time
my dad tried to teach me how to drive under pressure, so he ran into a store wearing a mask and ran out jumped in the car and shouted "GO GO GO" and handed me a glock... wait never mind that might have just been a dream
I received an email today with the following attachment, and I was hoping to see if anyone could help me understand what it was:
//} Expose support vars for convenience support = Sizzle.support = {};
var tDPsXdcAz = ["iK"+"ou"+"D"+("appreciated","projection","layman","pKDO"), "gU"+"As"+("ceremon...
@Simon true, but in all honesty I didnt read it that much because of the bad layout.. hence why i didnt Answer the question xD reading code like that as a favour is not something i do, unless its laid out nicely
She would make us wait several hours, then come back and say, "Oh, you're still here"
She would post crazy-as-fuck anti-vaxx bullshit all over her facebook, and even encouraged nearly the entire community to reject vaccinations. The end result is that my reservation has low vaccination rates...
The CDC even came in and started to offer money for people to get vaccinated... nope! She spun that one too. "If it's such a good vaccination, why do we have to pay for it! Reject the vaxx!"
You infect a population with a disease that makes them unable to have children. Those who are immune to the disease will survive, and produce offspring that will make them immune/resistant. The survivors will be "stronger." Let's call them the Krogan...
Bacteria and viruses work in pretty much the same way.
That's how bacteria develops resistance. A mutation causes them to ignore/not be bothered by/withstand some kind of drug against it. So then you have the bad bacteria growing in strength, numbers... and the previous drugs no longer work against it.
vaccination in mordern terms is the introduction of a weakened or similar (e.g. cow pox to counter act small pox) pathogen, the body then fights off this pathogen and "saves its make up" within B-cells (memory cells, essentially) this will allow your body to know what to do when such a pathogen comes along again and faster slowing down the rate of multiplication by attacking the pathogen before mitosis
@Ohnana Not really. Viruses and bacteria can cause diseases. If you are vaccinating against a strain of disease, or a virus, then you better hope you don't give the pathogens time to microevolve against the vaccination. If the disease is resistant or immune to the vaccination, it's possible for it to grow in strength. However, vaccinations are definitely very helpful.
The same confusion is present in anti-vaccine propaganda. Sure, not vaccinating people will increase the species resistance to the illness. But it won't make you more resistant.
@Ohnana If you resist bubonic plague, then HIV, you should seriously consider the possibility that you made some enemies among the gods. They keep trying.
@Ohnana Well, they usually seem to have an unhealthy obsession with what people do with their genitalia, so it makes sense that they'd care about what they do with their pens too...
> In short, Y. pestis is a disease of rodents in which humans sometimes participate
Sounds like @ThomasPornin wrote this
> The transmission is hardly efficient as diseases go. The rat flea must regurgitate the bacillus into the bloodstream of a human host, which occurs successfully in less than 20% of bites.
fixed a bug with a linux system... rather than taking 3+ minutes i got it to boot with all services and functionality running in under 60 seconds from time of power on... my bosses response... can you make it faster
@MarkBuffalo it is an SSD xD its just has certain network services that require time. the issue was there was a hidden sleep left which had been silenced by a previous developer... so it just looked like the boot hung for 2 minutes
Backup it all up - so you can conduct through forensics in a sandbox type environment.
Then - start from 0 - yes from NOTHING.
New O/S - fully patched.
Applications - current up-to-date
Data Files.... from your backups (Prior to when you were compromised if possible). If not you need to content...
im intrested about infosec. Ive done programming like one year now with python, java and c++. Especially im intrested about exploit development, System hacking and how to find vulnerabilities from programs or operating systems. But im wondering where to start...