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I really wish wallhaven would get around to implementing search by color
I keep getting a million recruitment messages from consultation companies
@DavidFreitag what's wrong with google image search?
@MarkBuffalo brag moar
I'm not bragging, I'm highly annoyed
@TildalWave Yeah and search for what? "Wallpaper" ? No thanks.
@MarkBuffalo Sure sounds like you're bragging.
no, I do not usually like that type of company to begin with
it's not my style
guess it really depends, though
@DavidFreitag yeah, plus whatever other keywords you want, plus filter by size (say, at least 4 MB), color,...
So for wallpapers I think I'm going to go with these:
@AviD if only that were true
@Ohnana but why?
@kalina they're murdering github and not even sorry
> hello kitty
@Ohnana it's probably for the best
@TildalWave No thanks I'd rather stick to wallhaven
@Ohnana sfw?
@DavidFreitag yep
@Ohnana meh
i actually have one with ed-e
can't find it
@DavidFreitag encrypted.google.com/… slightly NSFW with safe search filter off
My home desktop is the n spoopy (n+2) me one
but only because I can't be bothered at home
@TildalWave Why you give me NSFW links while I'm at work ಠ_ಠ
@DavidFreitag why do you have safe search filter disabled at work?
@TildalWave I don't
then it shouldn't be NSFW
It's slightly NSFW
@TildalWave WTAF
boobies are not "nerdy"
@Ohnana Boobies can be nerdy if they're wearing glasses
@DavidFreitag >:(
I think the idea is that seeing them on the monitor is about as close that nerds will get to them
*male nerds
I disagree
looks in mirror and jiggles
@MarkBuffalo I read that as looks in mirror and juggles
@TildalWave Thanks for the endorsements on LinkedIn
give me moar pls
LOL yeah I followed one link request and thought to click a bit of goodness to offset that reject one
Someone rejected something?
I rejected someone's request to link up
Some recruiter added me, and won't talk to me
@TildalWave DENIED
I asked who she was... no response. = deleted
I think the only way recruiters find me is through my email on my github
And I'd bet it's found using some automated utility
I knew it was a mistake to fill out some things on my linkedin
it's still incomplete, but the flies are swarming
ffs roro keeps RTing Docker things
Bad roro
@MarkBuffalo Well you know what they say, flies only swarm to shit.
@DavidFreitag ikr
@MarkBuffalo there you go, a few more but that's it for a while, I'm quite proud of not hanging out on LinkedIn
I rarely use it
only reason I keep it up to date is... well, I don't know
thank you kindly
Social networks aren't really my thing
yeah, I don't really... I'd probably update my profile two times a year which is still more often than I update my CV tho
what I like most about LinkedIn is all the companies I didn't bother to mention and knowing that those still there saw it :)
occasional deny to link up is also almost as fun
you're not supposed to "hang out" on linkedin, but its still useful
more of a "professional networking site" than "social network" (or maybe 1st as a subset of 2nd)
I use it a lot - it is my "real" CV, I get clients, projects, and job offers all the time.
(not counting recruiter spam - I consider that a small price to pay)
I see people hanging out there all day... don't understand it really
yeah I'm keeping it more for the time when it might become useful, but haven't relied on it so far
I'll visit maybe once or twice a day... and there are people spamming 24/7
@TildalWave consider it opening the window to opportunity.
posting tons of motivational posters, etc. I got off of facebook because of that... well, partially
you never know what will find its way to you.
@AviD Yep
@MarkBuffalo yeah I hate when people do that. Its not what its for.
so what dont care, I barely look at the feed there.
@AviD dude I realize its potential, but it's also a lot of noise and like I said, I haven't really needed it yet
I'm not saying it's worthless
@TildalWave are we still talking about LinkedIn? @Simon is getting edgy.
yes LOL
aren't we due for a new blog post?
I think I accidently bought sugar free gum
You know what's an instant turn-off/block communication?
oh noes, delay the all out nuclear war, @DavidFreitag isn't ready
Someone adds you... turns out they're a recruiter. "HI, WHAT SALARY ARE YOU LOOKING FOR???"
@MarkBuffalo All of it
@TildalWave Well I'm ready now
Me: "Uh? I'm not even interested in your oppor--"
@MarkBuffalo Haha, even I make more than that
oh man, there was this one recruiter who asked me to take 10 multiple choice tests ranging from 150-300 different answers
knowing what salary is one after is pointless without also knowing where
Yeah. Where, when, why, and what would I be doing?
The last recruiter was pretty good, though
Had to change my phone number after getting rang by recruiters upwards of 20 times a day... many of them at work.
30k net salary is pretty good here, but that would mean it's about 50k gross and all the benefits
also, living here is relatively cheap compared to, say, London
or Brussels
@TildalWave We're talking USD though
not just because things cost less, but also because you'll need to buy fewer things to feel happy
30k GBP or 30k euro isn't too bad
@DavidFreitag yeah I know, I was talking €
@DavidFreitag 30k GBP in London is pretty awful
@TildalWave Well yeah in a city
also everywhere around it
@MarkBuffalo worse, they usually NEED to know what salary you have now.
@DavidFreitag not all major cities in Europe are that bad tho
@TildalWave Yeah and not all major cities in the us are as bad as SF
@TildalWave I wish I made that much.
wait wait, you guys are talking YEARLY, not monthly, right?
@AviD you don't live in London tho
yearly yeah
Actually 30k euro isn't all that much
That's what I make right now
I think Israel is the only place that quotes salaries in monthly.
we do that here too
@AviD France too, traditionally, but it's changing
@DavidFreitag again, 30KEU is very decent - if its per month.
@DavidFreitag depends where you live </broken record>
@AviD dude 30k per month would be absolutely nuts
@DavidFreitag we have a simple saying here: you spend it as stupid as you earn it
hmm yeah in EU that is a bit high. Would need to go to Google or Facebook for that.
@TildalWave If I made 30k/mo I would buy a car and a condo and bank the rest
Actually, I would buy my car
dont forget how much of that goes to taxes
well again depends where
@AviD I end up paying something like 10% of my income in taxes (most of which I get back through various deductions etc)
taxes here are a bitch
@DavidFreitag wow - I dream of only 10% being taxed off me...
@RoryAlsop IIRC David is grossly underpaid
but there's some good parts of it, like you'll be fully covered for pretty much anything as long as you declare regular income and pay taxes for it
@RoryAlsop Yeah but you guys have halfway decent healthcare and college tuitions that aren't absolutely bonkers
oh - the guys on Mechanics.SE were helping me out trying to find a new car. FOund this:
475 bhp
I could cope with that
most colleges are still free here... OK, it'll cost you quite some, but not in tuition
College here costs about 30k/yr, or 45k+/yr for ivy league
@TildalWave yep - free here
Boston University is something like 49k
healthcare is ... erm, decent enough but you can now go anywhere in EU and have coverage there then
@RоryMcCune - hadn't seen LetterKenny before - that's warped and twisted but very good. Reminds me of some of the side aspects of League of Gentlemen
and there's social security which does include basic pension and other social benefits... I guess that's the most costly item in taxes tho
and healthcare
@DavidFreitag I know about this, and yet every time I hear about it it sounds insane
actually, now writing about it it almost sounds reasonable, but the problem is in too much bureaucracy and costs associated with that
that's a good chunk of a house mortgage
half of which is entirely because of being in EU
@Gilles Yup and 4 years of that. Or 12 if you want a medical degree
@DavidFreitag oh, wait, right, per year
@Gilles Yup
that's a whole house mortgage!
Granted if you have good grades (3.5+ GPA) you can basically get a free ride from scholarships/fiancial aid
at least a decent apartment in a small town
You can even cover books/laptops etc
@Gilles Technically it's a tax writeoff for whomever pays it. There is a tax form (the 1098-T) which allows you to claim up to like $50k/yr in educational expenses
Plus an additional $500 for books laptops calculators etc.
@AviD Yeah, I usually don't respond, and just delete them. Or there's a recruiter who thinks I'm going to take time out of my schedule to help them find "talent." "DO YOU KNOW ANYONE WHO IS INTERESTED IN X OPPORTUNITY????"
@RoryAlsop aye, it looks good, not too sure if the full shows are in the UK tho'...
@MarkBuffalo reply: how much joining bonus do I get?
@Gilles "$500"
@MarkBuffalo hmmm, not so bad
@MarkBuffalo yeah its a sellers market. Anyone who has that talent, doesnt need them to find a better job.
@AviD Well, except me maybe
But that's only because I was born with my head in a bucket of sand
actually, you're worth more than you realize
or more than I take credit for
@DavidFreitag you dont need a headhunter. you need a head.
Just decide it, and its yours.
@AviD Yeah well I was born without a head
@DavidFreitag you should walk around tomorrow asking everyone for some head.
@DavidFreitag that might solve your problem with leaving your current job.
@AviD Yeah that's a good idea. I'll have to do it at work though
I'll probably wait until the CEO gets back next week though
@AviD lol, did you just ping a message after your message
@AviD s/traveled/derped
@AviD all the messages are sent through time you donut
@TildalWave see above
@TildalWave Except the messages that are never sent.
@DavidFreitag those get lost in the vortex.
@DavidFreitag they aren't messages then
@TildalWave A message unsent is still a message.
OK it depends what you mean with "sent"
quantum world gets a bit messy here
I really need to alias apt-get to apt0get
Or wait the other way 'round

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