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Makes sense lads, makes sense.
@MarkBuffalo "Q: Is there a somewhat reliable method to forecast security breaches before they are announced so I can act and don't have to react? Bonus: What steps can I take to ensure security of my data in case there actually is an unannounced breach?"
@diagprov I grew up here :( and @RоryMcCune That would be useful my hopeful new employer is giving me a test though to generate a report! (just have to wait until the tests can be given to me)
@MarkBuffalo technically, the RSA signature uses the same process as encryption
A: How does an attack on a digital signature work?

Tom LeekA digital signature, like all cryptographic algorithm, does not solve problems, it just moves them around. Take care that signatures are NOT encryption. If someone tried to explain signatures as a kind of encryption, then go find them and hit them in the teeth with a wrench, repeatedly. Tell the...

@SEJPM Let's not start a trend of bonus questions, please.
@silverpenguin well I'm guessing you'll be starting as a relatively junior consultant if you're coming from outside the industry, so hopefully they'll give you some leeway :)
@Simon I always did them :(
then @MarkBuffalo stole the idea from me
@M'vy Hold on, I am fetching my wrench...
@ThomasPornin Did you already cap on big bear?
RSA is a trapdoor permutation, meaning encryption and signatures can use the same operation. Most signature functions and public key functions are trapdoor functions, and not permutations.
@Simon Yes.
@ThomasPornin Jerk.
@diagprov the core primitive is mathematically the same for both. THAT'S IT!
@Simon About 5 hours ago, so at 09:00 AM UTC (04:00 AM here, I was sleeping)
they even have different names in PKCS#1
@SEJPM Yes, that's what I'm saying. For every other signature scheme it is not true.
@ThomasPornin are you still DROWNing in rep?
@RоryMcCune Yup! well i would hope so but my pay is still fairly high and relative to my current pay because this firm wants a developer with a security mind set to pen test as well as consult on making applications secure for the clients (which is a smart move IMO, not alot of pen testers have a commercial development back ground, correct me if im wrong)
@ThomasPornin Sigh.
@diagprov In fact even trapdoor permutations cannot really be used for both encryption and signatures; if you want to do it safely, you need to add extra things, which will be different for encryption and for signatures.
@silverpenguin yep that's a sensible approach. As to tester backgrounds, these days more will have a dev. background compared to the olden days when most came from more IT/network admin, but definitely not all testers do dev'y things...
@ThomasPornin Sure. Perhaps I should have said "textbook RSA", which of course you don't want to be using as a deployed system.
@ThomasPornin Well, RSA sig is using the exponent on the hash value, am I wrong ?
A trapdoor permutation is hard to invert on average. To have a completely reversible encryption/signature system, you would need a trapdoor permutation that is hard to invert in all cases.
@silverpenguin a better move would be to train you up in security, and have you work on whitebox, not pentests.
@AviD You're a white box.
@RоryMcCune I do dev-type things... And IR type things... And testing type things... And all sorts...
e.g. code reviews, design, architecture, etc. Much rarer, and more lucrative.
@M'vy RSA signature is using the exponent on a padding hash value. RSA encryption does not use the same padding and does not operate on the hash value because there is no hash value.
And the corresponding private keys should have distinct life cycles anyway.
@ThomasPornin well, there are hashes in OAEP...
@ThomasPornin yeah ofc. The mathematical part stays the same.
@M'vy I would dispute that. Only the exponentiation part is similar; the rest of the maths is quite different (and harder).
@ThomasPornin "This flawed explanation does not work, never worked, and spreads only confusion." Do you have a better one? To actually explain the logic, even informally and inaccurately, to non-crypto types? E.g. developers. And avoid the maths of it.
@AviD Do you explain encryption as "it's a signature, but taken in reverse" ?
@ThomasPornin Really? Even for the textbook case? I'm not disputing this for any kind of actually deployed system; my understanding is that the misunderstanding really arises because people learn about RSA using the textbook format, and they learn about signatures using the textbook algorithm.
Yeah, this view is very too much simplified to be true.
@AviD in all honesty I hope not, I mean i dont mind doing it for a short while of course until i am trained but I really want to black box eventually. Though i will mainly be on just web applications for my start because of my developer background (mostly PHP, java, android etc)
Specifically, what normally happens is a maths professor decides to introduce encryption as a "practical use of number theory"
@ThomasPornin pffft
@AviD get rekt son
@ThomasPornin so you're saying, dont explain it, not really - just treat as a magic black box - now lets talk about some of its properties?
Q: Is it possible to detect security breaches as a user before they're announced?

SEJPMI'm always concerned about the security of services I use. I'm even more concerned since security breaches have been happening more and more lately, and they always generate a lot of noise in the media. Now I'm already trying to secure my accounts to the maximal amount possible, like using 2FA w...

actually - that could actually work
@MarkBuffalo I saw your answer
I'm going to update it with your bonus question
However somebody else was first on another question and I want to read it before upvoting or accepting
I have used that explanation (like encryption but in reverse but not really) to explain what signatures arent. or rather used it to explain what is missing.
@SEJPM don't accept. leave it for a while
someone may have a better method than me
but I agree that it is far too pervasive.
@AviD You do it for encryption; why not do the same for signatures ? It's less confusing than trying to explain one with the other.
^ I was about to say that.
@MarkBuffalo I usually try to wait for 24h inactivity on a question before accepting anythiong
Encryption, hashing.
It's all magic!
you're not wrong.
^ least surprising statement of the week.
@diagprov The fault is really from Rivest, Shamir and Adleman themselves.
@diagprov CRT is one crest exam (sorry for late reply)
@SEJPM Good policy
@ThomasPornin just blame the authors for bad explanations?
They originally explained signatures with the "reversed encryption" analogy.
This was at a time when people had not caught up with the importance of padding, key life cycle, and randomness.
E.g. you really need randomness injected in public key encryption, but you usually prefer not to have some in signatures.
what I sometimes struggle with is explaining public keys. I have found a useful metaphor (or s it a simile?) but for encryption, doesnt work for signatures.
@ThomasPornin I don't agree with this, most women have been aware of padding for a long time.
(I'm sorry guys)
@ThomasPornin oh! really? thats where that comes from?
@Simon no you're not, you just keep spewing your offensive nonsense
I mean... hi
@ThomasPornin RSA-PSS signatures?
When the flaws in basic RSA were found, it has been colloquially called "textbook RSA" to avoid pointing out that the semi-gods of crypto had blundered.
@Matthew yay for variety \o/
@ThomasPornin I will freely admit that is how I originally learned about it, even knowing it was inaccurate and leaving a lot of mathematical detail on the side. Still took me a while to get a better understanding of how that is wrong.
But calling flawed RSA "textbook" is akin to stating: "we lie to students and we are proud of it".
whats the standard rate for a JR pentest in the uk if anyone here knows? the jobs are impossible to find so i cant compare my dev wage to a pen tester (I am interested)
@ThomasPornin shouldnt that be "demigods"?
well students do get lied to
that's how creationism still gets taught
@AviD Ah yes. Although Rivest is quite short.
@silverpenguin 18,000
@kalina and abstinence
@kalina ouch really?
@ThomasPornin Did they actually blunder though, or were such things just not known at that stage? I'm not particularly familiar with that period.
@silverpenguin the role has junior in it
@silverpenguin cant tell you there (but ignore @kalina, she doesnt know either), but I do know there is a massive difference between "UK" and "London".
I just call it "textbook RSA" as the kind of RSA your maths professor is likely to present to you as a first-year undergrad. I.e. minus 40 years of cryptographic research in how to deploy these things successfully.
@SEJPM RSA-PSS is defined with randomness but you can make it deterministic with derandomization, and this is often desirable (e.g. it helps a lot with unit tests).
@AviD who says I don't know
how rude
@silverpenguin Varies a lot. Even within companies, based on experience, useful backgroun knowledge...
@silverpenguin no not really, I don't think (although I could be wrong) that @kalina works in that industry
@kalina yeah I shouldnt have said to ignore you, I meant just about that statement
@silverpenguin more like upto 30k outside london and "whatever you can con them out of" inside london
@ThomasPornin or you can plug a different PRNG in for those tests...
@RоryMcCune In fairness, I was offered that by a Manchester-based firm. Exactly that.
but 18k is starters for most IT jobs in the UK
disclaimer: I'm on the wrong side of the gender pay gap so your wages will probably be higher
@diagprov Really? Fresh out of uni?
hmm interesting, I know the experience can rack up 6 figures, my first pen tester job as far as I am aware will be about 30k which is a bit sad but I dont mind taking a step back for my dream job T_T
@diagprov ... interesting
@diagprov Well, most of the details were not known at that time; the problem really is in how later researchers endeavoured to make pedagogy with explanations that they knew didn't work.
@MarkBuffalo +1
probably will do
@silverpenguin from my knowledge of the industry if you want 6 figs you'd better be in London and pretty senior in pen. testing (TBH not sure I've seen that kind of level for delivery pen. testing, although then again I've not looked that much)
@Matthew Nope. I don't have a degree (yet, it is ongoing). At the time I was a developer.
@silverpenguin a lot more likely to get that if you are in pentesting sales
yeah good sales people can make a lot
@ThomasPornin Ahhh OK, that's what I suspected.
@diagprov Hmm, probably makes some sense then. I'd expect a graduate to be a bit higher, or someone with more experience
although it's all OTE and that lot
@MarkBuffalo do you actually use aliases / home hosted mail / external mail providers / VPS for the mail adresses?
@SEJPM aliases / google / yahoo / personally-hosted domains
@RоryMcCune well yea would have to be senior! thats years and years away I just cant wait to get into this industry, i know very little on pentesting in all fairness but thats only because im so busy I dont have the time. @StuW pentesting sales??
@silverpenguin people who sell customers testing services. Usually they'll be on commission so the more they sell, the more they make.. in a hot market this can generate a lot of money ... but then you have to do sales and spend your days travelling to client meetings
@silverpenguin If you work for a large organisation, there will be a sales team looking for people to sell pen testing services to. They will earn lots if they are selling lots
@Matthew I might have remotely considered it if it weren't for the fact it was a significant pay cut from my dev pay.
@silverpenguin if you want more data on salaries, here's some data points jobserve.com/gb/en/JobSearch.aspx?shid=078C2A51812590774F
@diagprov Yeah, I went into interview with a lower bound on what would accept, and a requirement for pay review. Not always an option for everyone though
@RоryMcCune Not your firm, though. They just said "you don't have a degree, so go away", but a bit more politely.
meeting people! yea im used to that, my position at current means I always have to go and meet clients. I am a jack of all trades, small companies means more roles to fill! :<
@SEJPM I added a butchered quote from Kung Fu Hustle as a comment
Another Manchester based firm :)
@diagprov Interesting...
@diagprov manchester? brutal, come down south the weather is nice down here
@diagprov it amuses/disappoints me how hung up on degrees some companies get, given that my accountancy degree likely hasn't been that relevant in any job I've had in the last 20 years
@diagprov p.s. I hate manchester airport and now i blame you for it >_>
@silverpenguin also live in manchester and agree
@RоryMcCune Oh, you're an accountant? It complains the relationship with the other roro, you bank donuts.
about the weather - though airport is fine
@Simon I have a degree in accountancy, but I'd like to think I've recovered :op
@StuW I work with aircraft, imagine getting through security with tools... manchester didnt like me very much lol!
@Matthew Yeah. I might have accepted a bit of a cut as I understand I'm not experienced with web-based pentests. On the other hand, I'm most experienced with Win32 Kernel driver dev and I refuse to believe that my knowledge of C and the like won't come in useful at some point.
@silverpenguin I'm not there any more. I moved to Switzerland :)
@silverpenguin ah ok lol - thought they would have different procedures for maintenance crews with airside passes
@Matthew South West Manchester specifically.
@silverpenguin - how much do you know about the computer systems on planes then?
i.e. outside the city centre.
@StuW nah still have to go security like made and manchester is different in B'ham and luton .... not so different gatwick... and I know more than the average person :P but only about specific things
and they recently sponsored a conference the Rories invaded went to.
mad* not made
@diagprov - the VA scanning shop?
@diagprov I know who you mean...
@diagprov or the one in the town at the end of the tram line
@RоryMcCune The amusing thing is my (in progress) degree is in Mathematics. Pretty sure that my getting it will not help in a web penetration test.
@silverpenguin looks like an interesting research area. Think people have owned flight director / nav systems in the past
@diagprov no but it'd help in areas like crypto research and that's something many pentest companies could do with more knowledge of
@diagprov I have a maths degree - the crypto side / group theory / number theory helped a little
.oO( do you think you're better off alone... )
@StuW Mine is Computer Science and Mathematics
@StuW you would find somethings about aircraft scary! but I have to install wireless IFE systems.. which means Its more about the planes communications rather than nav systems :P
@StuW nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrdd
@silverpenguin is funny when you get bored and start typing random key combinations into them to find out what makes them reboot / try to accidentally stumble on a service menu
@StuW I've found that useful to explain crypto to people, but I've only ever done that as a kind of tech talk at a dev shop.
@silverpenguin especially when you get talking to the passenger next to you and it turns out they have an interview at for the airline at their hub as an accountant
@RоryMcCune Maybe one day :)
@StuW haha yes :P what airline was this ? ;) it wouldnt have been one of mine i dont think! must of mine are on private jets (which is fun to fly on btw smug face )
@kalina am currently reading a crypto textbook before bed each night so probably qualify as a nurd
@kalina one of the major middle eastern ones
@StuW reading is effort, i tip my hat to you for being able to do that. i prefer learning through examples
@StuW I'm not sure what the VA scanning shop is, so probably not them. They're outside the M60 in any case, not sure if they're on a tramline, it might have changed since I was there anyway.
@silverpenguin I guess you are in London then?
@silverpenguin usually read through once and then read again and do the exercises
@StuW Is there any reason to like Manchester airport? :)
@diagprov not far off! little bit north of london
I like Glasgow airport
queues are always small and staff seem friendly
@RоryMcCune I've typed "complains" instead of "explains" wot
@StuW Which one?
@diagprov a company that do Nessus scans with loads of custom plugins rather than actual pentesting
@diagprov manchester airport has always been better than CDG or heathrow T4 for me
though not sure what makes a good airport
@StuW Sorry I meant crypto textbook. I'm not sure if the place I went do that, I don't think they do, as I did a test of a vulnerable app for the interview.
@StuW dont even mention nessus... I cant get it working on my kali lol!! its so frustrating :< a good airport is where security does not take ages, you dont feel personally insulted and dont come out walking funny
@diagprov amazon.co.uk/Introduction-Cryptography-Edition-Chapman-Security/… - was a textbook for one of my uni courses ( or the older version was)
@StuW ah, good choice.
@silverpenguin - try the appliance vm
While we're getting evaded by the Brits in the chat, I'd like to remind everyone that the canonical timezone is EST.
I like that name
Yehuda. That's awesome
@Simon Why are they evading you? Besides the obvious, of course.
@diagprov is a pretty decent book - though I think handbook of applied cryptography is free to download now too. Just stuck with that as I have already gone through some of it
@StuW its the registration for the free version, i just can never do it, it asks me for two bits of information one bit that i do not have. I will have to try the VM you suggests...
@silverpenguin VM is paid for by my employer so not sure if it is common
@Xander Because they want my donuts.
@StuW Handbook of Applied Crypto is really good, but it is beginning to get a bit old. It is not up to date with the last 15 years or so.
@ThomasPornin Have you written a book on Cryptography? I would buy it.
@MarkBuffalo No, not on cryptography.
@ThomasPornin On what, then? 1000 ways to maul a man?
but you can read about how to choose a programming language :)
@StuW jedi mind trick ...cough...cough...
@diagprov I am not sure it is still available though.
okay, searching for books written by @ThomasPornin on amazon was a mistake... NSFW
I don't know what I was expecting.
@ThomasPornin true - though for basic beginner stuff if you don't want to buy or torrent a book it probably isn't a bad choice. (Like learning about block / stream ciphers and different modes and Kerckhoffs's principle)
@diagprov Except for the fact that he spelled all of the words wrong, so it's incomprehensible.
@ThomasPornin You should write a book on crypto
Mmh, writing a book...
@Xander I haven't brought it (sorry @ThomasPornin) but I'd be able to read it :)
@diagprov I don't even cash in the yearly check for royalties. It is too much effort from about 40 EUR.
hey speaking about crypography... how possible do you think it would be to make a small bios system stored on flash nand which actually was just there to decrypt a bigger bios which would then function as normal with hardware decryption keys for an embedded SSD technology ?
@ThomasPornin :(
Can you cash Euro cheques (Brit spelling, sorry) in Canada anyway, or would you lose it all in international fees?
@ThomasPornin If you wrote a crypto book, I could steal your secrets... plus you might get a lot more in royalties... actually, just self-publish
@ThomasPornin Hey docteur en informatique, my PC is ill, can you cure it?
@Simon I cure PC like I cure werewolves: I shoot them.
@Simon Lol. He only went to "normal school", how did he end up so clever :P
@StuW you read a crypto book to sleep?
@Simon old joke is old
what, like JRR Tolkien?
@diagprov Normal superior though!
@diagprov I think it is doable, but it would require taking the time to do so, and I value my time immensely.
@M'vy I've never heard it.
his work is very wordy and cryptic
BTW if I order the book right now, I could read it tomorrow. Wow
@Simon Obviously you're no docteur en informatique then
@ThomasPornin Yep. I can't cash sterling cheques here - in fact there are no cheques/checks in Switzerland at all. It's far too much effort to cash any form of cheque now.
That is like, THE overused joke for that. And I guess a lot of other Ph.D fields, when applicable.
@M'vy I did not want to spend 7 more years doing "superior" studies, yeah.
@kalina Kalina Jones ?
@Simon You're a superior study.
@M'vy I know :) Still amusing though ;)
@M'vy non
@kalina something got flegged?
@RоryMcCune u
i fleg u
@kalina noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
@diagprov depends on which side of the joke you are I guess
@M'vy Oh you poor Dr. Yves.
@M'vy ENS is one of the best universities in the world, so I guess if you went there or go there, the joke is not on you :)

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