you know when you're sitting there going "yeah this track sounds good, I think it's finished" and then suddenly the riff gets squashed by a limiter and you're all D:
@Simon "You do a Google search on how to shoot yourself in the foot using Visual Basic. You find seventeen completely different ways to do it, none of which are properly structured. You paste the first example into the IDE and compile. It brushes your teeth. "
HTML - "You cut a bullethole in your foot with nothing more than a small penknife, but you realize that to make it look convincing, you need to be using Dreamweaver."
Background: We submitted an engineering product to the client, who then has a team review our submission and provide comments which we must resolve. One particular reviewer, Andy (not his/her real name), has been very difficult, and even combative about resolving his comments. He's earned a rep...
Queue growth
Review queues lose effectiveness if posts aren't regularly (and accurately) cleared. A queue such as close votes on Stack Overflow that never seems to get to 0 fails to provide time-sensitive feedback that aids learning. So if we raise the bar for late answers which increases the nu...
now the late answers queue has all answers from users with rep < 50
@Simon So you'll get the same whining that usually goes on on Meta SO... "why did you close my quesiton, lots of people need to know what is the best PHP framework!!"