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There. A gold (or at least yellow) badger.
Damn. Just the evening I want to update some OS X stuff, Apple releases a new OS version and their servers drown under the load.
@ThomasPornin I guess they should have splurged on the upgrade to the fast DSL after all.
@ThomasPornin what a cute little fella
I don't think I've actually ever seen a badger live
OK maybe in some zoo
They are not a common feature in zoos
I've definitely not seen any like the one on the photo, I'd remember that
That one is the European badger.
yeah I've seen many of these on photos videos et al. but still I don't think I've seen any in nature
they are supposed to be here tho, I just haven't seen them ... which, come to think of it, is actually a bit odd considering I walk in nature all the time
I've seen bears tho
and a lynx once from real close
Badgers are nocturnal.
As a human being, you probably wander in nature during daytime
Your eyes are no good at night anyway.
well not always but yeah mostly during daytime
I have met bears (well, one bear), moose and raccoons.
Groundhog too
And also a monkey
no moose here but I see deer and ibex often
I don't think there are moose in Slovenia.
maybe in the city zoo
@TildalWave was the one you saw blue?
I'll be in the woods in about 4 hours, maybe I'll get lucky and see a moose today... what do I do if I see one? Give it directions to Canada? :)
@TildalWave Mmh... this is the season where moose eat fallen apples, which may have fermented. Thus, it could be a drunk moose.
@Gilles blue badger? sheesh I just googled that ... you seem to know a lot about such things :P
@ThomasPornin they'd get drunker on ripe pears here, we have some schnaps special ones growing here :)
some can be so ripe they're like liquor candy
@ThomasPornin I might be in Montréal soon, do you think other cities in the vicinity are worth visiting (only for a couple of days at most)? I'm considering Ottawa and Québec
@Gilles It depends on what you are interested in.
Near Ottawa, there is the Musée des Civilisations which is worth visiting
Cities, mostly. Seeing how people live (inasmuch as it's at all possible in a few days). Also seeing how people present themselves, e.g. history museums can be instructive.
The historic town of Québec is a Unesco site
But if you have already been to Saint-Malo, that's just the same
@Gilles Québec has a nice Musée de la civilisation which traces the history of Nouvelle France; it also has a room with a lot of indian objects
North of Québec is Wendake, a Huron-Wendat reserve where you can visit a reconstitution of a longhouse
To observe some Québecois in their natural habitat, you just have to go hang out at a shopping mall.
Between Montréal and Québec, near Drummondville, there is a reconstructed "ancestral village" (mid-19th century) with people in costume. It is what they think about when you say "history" here.
Canada has very little history, but lots of geography.
thanks for the tips
I'll see how many days I can spare
Don't underestimate the transport times. E.g. there is the Gaspésie peninsula, which looks a bit like Bretagne, but is actually much larger; you cannot go there "over a week-end".
I know. I don't intend to visit the Bear. It's too far to walk, I don't like to drive and I can't afford a private jet.
I expect I'll just go to Montréal and either Ottawa or Québec (not sure whether I'll have time for both) and possibly places along the way with a train or bus stop
@Gilles There is a train line between Ottawa, Montréal and Québec, but it is not faster than the bus, and there are less trains per day than bus
Montréal-Québec is about 3 hours with a bus
MFW I review a crypto system and realize it's using RC4 with a 40 bit key. And then I realize that the key is static.
Really, at this point, you coulda just gone with the base-64 encryption option.
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
@StackExchange proof that fucking about is the only way humanity progresses
@kalina Good morning to you too :op
I like the "Twin brother" :))
@RоryMcCune well it is a good morning, xkcd just agreed with my general outlook on life
now if only everybody else could accept it as well
and as everybody knows, if you disagree with xkcd you're wrong
so I don't need to keep telling people how wrong they are
that and I completed 7km and don't feel completely dead
and also I should get a quantity of packages shortly
yes, today is a great day
let us get some negativity on the go to balance it out
it's cold and windy
and I'm hungry even after eating
and you're all inactive enough that I'm already ten lines into a monologue
which is quite frankly disappointing
@kalina it's lovely here
sunny and cold :)
no wind at all
@kalina nice. MY walks are getting better like that, I did 5 hours at the weekend without a break
@kalina welcome to the DMZ, a place where you can be heard
well... in the Morning
well... maybe
Obviously there is also the @Simon exception.
I converted a new follower to the penmanship cult :)) \o/
Is lovely here as well - another day that will end up far too hot, but was a lovely 6 degrees on the way in, with about a metre of ground fog curling through trees and viaduct supports
And "morning!"
@RоryMcCune I don't do anything as mundane as walking
turn it up to 11 and see how long you can maintain it
or until you get bored
@RоryMcCune don't have time for admiring the scenery when you're trying to avoid being seen in lycra
@RоryMcCune Hey ! I made the same photo this morning
Well, not the same place obviously
@kalina trying climbing 900M straight up a hill :)
but rising sun, mountain and moon
@M'vy yeah it was a nice morning for some shots on the morning walk
Still on my CF though :S
@M'vy ahh this was just a cameraphone snap
@RоryMcCune yeah. Well the real camera was at hand, so...
@M'vy indeed always nice if you can
@RоryMcCune I was still at home
Be warned. I'll be cursing google in 3 secs!
Damn you Google for changing your stupid android launcher!
Normally I'd be excited that review queues are full of posts
but tbh, I did things in the wrong order and should have avoided AU altogether
because that's a severe drain on your happiness
"Other: I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it lacks proof of basic research. 1" << Wuut?
@M'vy this didn't pass over the threshold of cursing
you are the most polite curser I've ever experienced
my chat search page is unusable because of all of those stupid nested quotes from yesterday
@kalina I'll take that as a compliment I guess
@kalina nested quotes?
15 hours ago, by Simon
20 secs ago, by kalina
5 secs ago, by Simon
14 secs ago, by kalina
just now, by David Freitag
7 secs ago, by kalina
just now, by Simon
8 secs ago, by kalina
just now, by TildalWave
29 secs ago, by kalina
just now, by David Freitag
6 secs ago, by kalina
7 secs ago, by Simon
10 secs ago, by kalina
just now, by David Freitag
39 secs ago, by kalina
33 secs ago, by TildalWave
46 secs ago, by kalina
10 secs ago, by David Freitag
18 secs ago, by kalina
6 secs ago, by Iszi
16 secs ago, by David Freitag
1 min ago, by TildalWave
@kalina reminds me of the merovingian scene in the Matrix films about swearing in french
@RоryMcCune swearing in French results in a variety of sounds that come across as at least reasonably appealing to the rest of the continent
my order shall be delivered today between 12:45-13:45
especially in france
@RоryMcCune best quote ever
I guarantee that order will be late
@M'vy was a good bit of that movie
@RоryMcCune what movie? It's only a quote. Standalone.
@M'vy heh good point
I'm actually still considering whether to flag you for linking a video that should have been lost to time already
@kalina but it's a good quote and that scene has Monica Bellucci in it!
@kalina monica bellucci ... irrelevant... phhhbt
@RоryMcCune I could go for a joke about her and "other big part of that movie" but I'd have to acknowledge the existence of such a movie.
right well if that's how it's going to be
RoboCop 3 was the best RoboCop movie
Back to the Future 3 was the best Back to the Future
20 secs ago, by kalina
Back to the Future 3 was the back Back to the Future
too many backs there?
I was saying something so stupid that my brain skipped
a testament to how crazy this subject is that I of all people missed the beat.
@RоryMcCune However, there's obviously too many back to the future
can you imagine if they'd made a trilogy out of the matrix?
the second one would have required that Neo was either god or retconned into something more manageable
hey so I can track my parcel right
and this system appears to be near real time gps
based on I have a map and an icon representing my house and an icon representing the truck and the truck is moving
does that mean I can go hunt down the truck and get my stuff early
@kalina seriously?
well it could be delayed but I wouldn't be able to tell that
and while I would take a screenshot it does have my exact address on it
@kalina yeah ofc.
@kalina ah ah. I was thinking of that too :))
this says he's hours away but I could walk the apparent distance between us
do we re-enact the bank scene from heat over a couple of hours
@kalina you could get the map up on a mobile device, wander over, knock on his van window and offer directions :)
@kalina ah never saw that film. Is it any good?
@M'vy well it's a bank heist movie, so... yes
also it's apparently one of the few movies ever that used the gunshots recorded during the scene rather than dubbing them during post
so the shoot out sounds fantastic
it's also basically the entire basis for the game "Payday"
which I haven't played in forever
because it got boring after the first 150 hours
and then after I recreated my character I didn't get the good silencer for the pistol ever again and got bored
because everybody needs a good silencer
@kalina ohh
how else are you supposed to murder the guards without getting caught
@kalina yeah
I don't care that the heist only earned us 32k! Killing 40 civilians and 5 guards was worth turning up by itself
The mechanics have evolved a lot. I'm still a bit confused about the security team calling a guard as soon as you kill or disable him. Are they plugged to a portable heart monitor or what?
well let's be fair, I could have made a better game than Payday
it's just... unique in the market
and thus wins by default
@kalina eheh
"Let's get rich" then
the fact they went and rinsed DLC that sold you grenades reinforces my choice to have quit by that point
@kalina yeah, they have good sales sometimes though
in all fairness, most of the initial mechanics were good enough
but like, if I were given a project to create a heist game
you'd have more than one bank level
you'd have at least had 2 small, 2 medium, and one large bank level
@kalina yeah, well... they DLCed these
the fact that bank level then got reused in every large heist wore the game down quite quickly
@M'vy well that's it - you'd have started with the five, and then added another five with DLC
like you w ould have had two or three docks
rather than just one dock that was used for everything
or, one really large dock with proper randomization
RNG would indeed but interesting
as it was, everybody that played the base game had played it to death before any DLC ever appeared
and the really fun missions
like big oil
there was only one of them
at the end of the day, they released a game with 8 levels
that's not an acceptable number of levels for a game
@kalina quite right
it doesn't matter if they've now got 20 levels because of DLC
because screw DLC
I'm going to start selling smartphones without batteries and see how well I do
or cars without wheels
To their credit some of the DLC came free
@M'vy it's not free if you've paid full price for a quarter of a game
@kalina yeah you could see that as updates :)
Or long overdue and mandatory content :)
@M'vy I don't need more hatred inserting into my system, thanks
^ geez America
@M'vy it's not America, though, is it
@kalina California
it's pretty much universal and half of the planet don't want to admit that it's a thing that happens
strange how the vast majority of those half are men
@kalina Obviously I mean this particular case.
obviously I meant in general...
so, moving on and skipping over more obvious discrimination that the men of the world don't believe exists
@kalina Yeah. Though, it's a concern I see on the table more often than years ago now
part of me kinda wishes that instead of equality it did go entirely to the other extreme and men were the ones being oppressed
because the entire planet would go fucking insane if it was the other way around
well, half of it, anyway
@kalina well, probably. But it's not a solution either
no, the only solution I've found is to do your own thing
like muffin tops
muffin tops are the best part
it's where the muffin breaks free from the pan and does its own thing...
I'm trying to consider this.
\o/ I'm freeeeee
my life is like a muffin
the first decade was like the bottom half of a muffin
the second decade has been like the top half of a muffin
the pan represents other people's opinions
I suppose it also involves the "freeing from the pan" image from above?
So if I get that, you mean you went the expected way at first, then in every directions at the same time, then just completely walked away?
I thought muffin tops were a clothing mistake...
@RoryAlsop sigh
@M'vy more like I was forced to act a particular way and then stopped being a conformist
Q: Hiding sites from the main StackExchange.com profile page?

FlykSince the new profile functionality was added, it has been possible to hide a site from showing in your associated sites list on your profile on specific sites in the network. However, regardless of your settings on the profile page as seen on specific sites in the network, all sites are still sh...

I really want to disappear Arqade and Movies & TV without deleting my accounts on there
@kalina even if u hide it would be visible to u
@kalina Hm. I probably went a step too far in the metaphor then
logout or check it out at private browsing
Q: Fix the misleading description of the "Hide Communities" feature

Mad ScientistThe new profile also introduced a feature that allows users to hide the connection between your accounts on different SE sites. The description of the feature is the following: Choose which communities will appear in the Communities and Top Network Posts sections of your profile Hiding...

@BlueBerry-Vignesh4303 I can live with that, however currently there is functionality that "hides communities" that doesn't do what it says it does
@kalina yeah but its already raised and none answered about it
@BlueBerry-Vignesh4303 nope, you're wrong
the thing you just posted says "please clarify the text"
the thing I just posted was "add this functionality that is missing"
@kalina yeah sorry,just now recognized it :(
I have just been banned from the Super User review queue for downvoting this:
I'm sorry but if you think downvoting that post is the wrong action then you're doing something fundamentally wrong
/cc @JourneymanGeek
@kalina sometimes review queues behave wrong
@BlueBerry-Vignesh4303 not my problem
@kalina well their loss I would suggest, that is indeed a crappy post..
@RоryMcCune yeah
Anyway. Lunch time. Have fun.
I am having fun
@kalina stalking the delivery guy?
in Root Access, 1 min ago, by kalina
I don't expect it get fixed, I just wanted to laugh at them for being a community that thinks that's a good post
@RоryMcCune we are gonna have an awesome appsecil this year!
just finalized the list of talks, gonna publish them shortly - very good ones. Had to exclude some amazing talks too, just not enough slots.... maybe a 3rd track next year.
oh and sqqquuueeeeeeee you're never gonna guess who we got as a keynote speaker....
its not final yet so I cant tell you yet ;-)
@AviD Snowden?
@RоryMcCune ha! that would be awesome, but not very appsecy
tried that last year, #fail
naw man, I'll tell you later.
just needed to release the brain pressure.
drill a hole
sometimes I worry that maybe I'm too girly to have some of the chats we have in here
and then @AviD comes in here and squees
haha lol
you would too
when I tell you
but actually I was about to come and woo about my new coffee. So incredibly flavorful.
I honestly doubt there is anything you could tell me about a security conference that would make me squee
unless I've accidentally agreed to speak at a security conference
in which case it would be more of a NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO than a squee
there is a lot of squee going on at the moment though
because I can see the GPS location of my delivery getting closer and closer
@kalina I still think @AviD is missing out by not booking you for the afterparty!
oh but you're assuming I wouldn't filter out any bookings from somebody named Avi
@kalina it'd be paying work tho'
I mean these regional AppSec Conferences are loaded
the money doesn't matter if I'm not going to enjoy myself
and you'd make a change from the usual NerdCore groups they get
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nerdcore <-- before anyone suggests that's not a real thing...
I would generally avoid such an environment
@RоryMcCune You can't create a massive OPSEC fail at AppSecy, can you ?
@M'vy well obv. @kalina turning up for a booking made by @AviD would be a touch of an OpSec breach. :)
by hanging out with people who're into dance music, who want to be at a dance music event and who are there for the music, I avoid a lot of attention
by hanging out with nerds, who aren't into dance music, that means they're paying more attention to me than the music
@kalina "On ne peut être rien que parmi des milliers" ?
wallflower for life
@AviD Do tell.
@Xander basically he's never drunk real coffee before, what with being a decaf person
so now he's got a real coffee he's wet himself both ways
and is all like zomg this is like sex in my mouth
being completely unaware of what that tastes like and how different from coffee the taste is
@RоryMcCune afterparty? She IS the keynote!!
@RоryMcCune pffft
@kalina we could pay you to enjoy yourself. On stage.
@AviD BRB bookiing flihgts
That would be some keynote.
@RоryMcCune lol xlnt
@kalina ha! never ever ever.
@AviD This is wrong
But I'm pretty sure you made it on purpose
@AviD what? You mean I'm giving a talk on operational security?
@M'vy he's tired so his "self-censor" function is running a bit slowly
So I'd vote to include back into the room topic.
sure he'll get there
Is that what was meant by "can you give a talk on being invisible in public"?
@Xander it's a blend, of fresh Sumatra Mandheling, Guatemala El Morito, and Zimbabwe Pezuru. They call it "Almost Heaven" (in honor of the seasonal high holidays here.......), and it really is.
@M'vy uhh, it was not a double entendre, I said exactly what I was saying.
I doubt coffee could get me closer to that high than certain other activities
try combining the two
@AviD oh it definitely is. Don't deny it :))
@M'vy no, it was just the one.
@AviD well if the other activity is going as well as it would be to reach that level, I imagine it would be irresponsible to drink coffee
for starters, it's pretty difficult to drink while moving around that much and even if you succeeded at that step, I'd imagine it wouldn't want to stay drunk
and I have never had the thought of "I need a break from this for 30 seconds to consume me some coffee"
please, like Friends is an accurate representation of life
please, like Friends is an accurate representation of anything
OMG I am the next delivery \o/
I'm going to go stand at the end of my driveway and squee.
@RоryMcCune Is that where you live^
@kalina You sure that won't scare away the delivery man?
Depends on exactly what "squee"-ing is
@Simon no, roro lives at the end of a double rainbow
@TildalWave He doesn't live on the ape planet?
he just works there, which obviously involves using his pineapple on random unsuspecting tourists with wifi equipped cameras
@Simon yarr that's on my morning walk
@RоryMcCune That's lovely!
@Simon yeah it's particularly pretty at the moment, nice time of year and the weather is good
meh you killed it, I was writing a story here!!
@AviD Nice!
my stuffs are here
so many stuffs
@RoraΖ I wish I could work out how to scare people away
Just tell men that you're a feminist, that should do it.
@kalina But only when they don't have stuffs for you
@Simon sure, if you want some verbal abuse
I'm debating if I should just give up and cut my nails before I start
@kalina Nah, what's the fun in that!
And maybe you won't break a nail?
which is a good thing!
oh right, I see what you're saying
Gentlemen, Lady. Good morning
Looks like going to be a gloomy weekend :/
It's Wednesday you mong, the weekend is a light year away.
the weekend is like 2 sleeps away
a light year is not a duration btw.
@kalina But my next sleep is SO far away
Light years even
this conversation is so stupid that I am unable to respond
It's gorgeous here - 22 degrees. Not typical Scottish autumnal fare
Not a cloud in the sky
pls, it's 10 here and rainy.
Take your shitty weather back, we don't want it.
I mostly have good weather, whatever the weather
Still problems...
@kalina hope you have better success building your computers. I'm going to have to start mine again from scratch I think.
@RoryAlsop What's up with it?
Many many things... But at root I think windows install had failed. Drivers fail, hardware is only partially recognised, or recognised as the wrong thing in one case, out even not found at all...
Seems like the perfect opportunity to install Linux!
@RoryAlsop interesting...
well I've nearly got both of them together
I should have got another m.2 ssd for the one with the motherboard that supports two
@RoryAlsop Wow that's a pretty epic fail
@RoryAlsop what OS did you install?
If it's Vista then I understand the failure
I haven't even considered the whole Windows 10 thing
Can I just install Windows 10 or do I need to install Windows 8 from DVD, upgrade to 8.1, then upgrade to 10?
@kalina I did the upgrade a month ago. Login is smoother. Nice upgrade. No initial issues.
no I have Windows 10 on my old PC
(ie: I'm typing to you using it now)
blogs.cisco.com/news/… <-- from now on if we have Cisco Questions, looks like @polynomial is the man to ask
@kalina Ohhhhh I see what you're saying. Yeah I think you have to start with Win8. Otherwise you'd have to buy a Win10 install disk. eff that.
Although your free upgrade might not work since you "already used it".
damn it's like €200 for a retail copy of Windows 10
that's highly inconvenient
apparently even installing Windows 8 and upgrading repeatedly will still result in an activation failure but c'est la vie, I had an afternoon to waste anyway
also this is all so vague
nobody seems to state specifically whether it will or won't work

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