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if you needed 3 hits of coke to feel normal, your friends would drag your ass to rehab
@Flyk i know I do
1 cup/day was all it took for saturday withdrawals
@Flyk My friend gets seriously bad headaches if he doesn't have at least one coffee in the morning.
All I'm saying is that coffee won't turn you into a useless member of the society. Chances are that heroin will do that to you are way higher.
Personally that's just another reason not to put that vile fluid into me.
and that's why it's illegal -- governments need their citizens to have their shit together
@Simon yes but you're going for extremes again, nobody has said that all currently classified drugs should be declassified
talking about heroin is like referring to downing several liters of whiskey per night as a "healthy drinking habit"
@Simon what about amphetamines. Erdos reckoned that stopping taking them made him a worse mathemetician... so should they be legalized?
@Ohnana No way, that's darwinism at work right there.
@Simon the beatles took loads of drugs and their music was great
@RоryMcCune in the us they are for medical use
schedule 2
@RоryMcCune <the music industry took loads of drugs>
@RоryMcCune A better question might have been whether Erdos should really have been allowed to roam unchecked.
@LucasKauffman I'd say: good answer to a bad question :)
@ThomasPornin sure otherwise everyone's Erdos numbers would have been a lot higher!
I wonder what the percentage of the music industry have taken drugs
maybe they should just ban the music industry
since it promotes taking drugs
@RоryMcCune Their music would have been great without the drugs.
@Simon you don't know that
@Simon how do you know
the drugs could have been the catalyst that made them make music in the first place
@Flyk Oh yeah, I remember when I bought a hard-copy of a CD and there was a pill of LSD in the box.
@Flyk If they needed it to make music then it's just sad.
who said anything about needing it?
@Simon Why do you keep overreacting and comparing things that aren't even remotely similar?
they could have been sat around high one day and just started singing to each other
and then suddenly realized that it would be a really good idea to write it all down
while sending ringo out for more cookies they set up their guitars
then magic happened
@DavidFreitag Are you expecting an answer?
One of my best selling tracks to date was inspired by being mashed out of my head and hearing my microwave start beeping to tell me it had finished cooking
@Simon Kinda
suddenly BAM
if I hadn't been mashed out of my head, I would have probably cooked something and never used the microwave
also, my brain wouldn't have written a riff out of the beeps
track would have never happened
@Simon Seriously though, what got your panties all in a knot?
@DavidFreitag This whole thing reminds me potheads doing absolutely nothing useful go like "man, this thing is great, why is it illegal?"
@Simon I don't really see the problem? People also chose to do extremely dangerous things like light fireworks with the lighter in their mouth and drive excessively fast when also excessively intoxicated. Does that mean we should also ban alcohol and, for that matter, cars and also fireworks?
@DavidFreitag i mean, fireworks are illegal to sell in my state, DUI is a federal offense, and alcohol sale is restricted at a state level
A sentence I hear all the time in soft dev: "You need to protect the users from themselves".
so, we kinda already did
It's the exact same thing.
@Ohnana Last I checked sparklers are legal pretty much everywhere. Do you have any idea how hot those things burn?
@DavidFreitag about as hot as other things on fire. sparklers are also not projectiles
fireworks are typically burning projectiles with an explosion-based finish
@Simon you be be confusing correlation and causation there. More people who sit around doing nothing use weed, doesn't necessarily mean the weed caused it
sparklers are defined as novelty fireworks, because they are stationary and completely controlled by the operator
Even the ground-based "legal" fireworks are dangerous.
I know people who sit about doing nothing without any weed involved
I also know people who have partaken who are go-getters
@DavidFreitag so are lighters. but they don't go flying around and fucking up people
@RоryMcCune Sure and if it wouldn't have been weed, it would have been something else.
you have to actively stand near a ground based firework or attempt to relight it to get hurt
I just don't really see the difference between being baked and doing something stupid versus being seriously wasted and doing something stupid.
@Simon indeed so the drugs aren't necessarily the cause they can just be correlated
Really it just means you're stupid, but whatever you ingested helped the process along a little.
Anyway, I don't care for weed. I care for harder stuff.
@DavidFreitag errr... alcohol depresses the part of the brain that makes smart choices
I dunno man, you were just comparing daily coffee's to heroin...
that's not entirely accurate
@DavidFreitag Caffeine is a drug, so is heroin. Why couldn't I compare both of them?
@Ohnana might not have been "slaves", definitely racist in intention though
Don't donut me.
Harry J. Anslinger, associated with DuPont
@DavidFreitag Once automated driving has become sufficiently reliable, banning manual driving might be a good idea.
@Simon While that's a valid point, it's like comparing a handgun to a missile launcher.
@DavidFreitag That I agree.
@Flyk very true, but the outlawment of all forms of slavery gave racism less power, and enforced rules against forced work/human trafficking
saying stuff like "Two Negros took a girl fourteen years old and kept her for two days under the influence of marijuana. Upon recovery she was found to be suffering from syphilis."
and "Colored students at the Univ. of Minn. partying with female students (white), smoking [marijuana] and getting their sympathy with stories of racial persecution. Result pregnancy"
Or... "Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as white men."
@Flyk yes i'm reading his wiki too :P
the two most common drugs for date-rape are alcohol and weed, followed by GHB, ketamine, and rohypnol
I hope somebody gives me weed in an attempt to date rape
that sounds like free weed and kicking somebody in the nuts
and I have a... tolerance... to ketamine
@Flyk pffft they'd have to start with a dispensary's worth
in fact, the most effective thing on that list would be alcohol
I took most of the rest for fun and I have rohypnol'd myself twice just to see what would happen
@Flyk omg free weed! Isn't that the best thing ever?
@Simon depends how many strings are attached
but ANYWAY anslinger was a racist bastard, but the idea of people using weed and alcohol to force people to do things they normally wouldn't isn't new
then again, it's assumed that our white young heroine wasn't consenting
@Ohnana that's just it, nearly all of the propaganda isn't about giving others weed
it's about what happens when you take it yourself
probably because interracial canoodling was still illegal
You should all eat donuts instead of smoking weed.
@Flyk Now we can dox kalina. We just need to find a track sounding like a beeping microwave.
@CodesInChaos that's literally 80% of all dance music ever made
@Flyk I didn't realise you were that prolific!
yeah totes, I made over 2 billion euros per year just from royalities
and that's before even getting out of bed
when I actually get out of bed, shit gets real
the last time I got out of bed, I released 1989
@Flyk Curses, foiled again!
became the only album of the year to sell more than a million copies
then I went back to bed
cool, I can now close all of these tabs
still not found the escapism comment I was after
but c'est la vie
@Flyk i'm not saying you're a liar but that quote really sounded like bullshit
it was smooshing two distinctly periods of time together to demonize people who criminalized drugs
well I can't find said quote so I am unable to defend myself
there's no RIP
everybody knows that I could still defend myself regardless of finding the quote
that's okay
or I could keep searching for the quote
and I cba doing either
cuz fat
in b4
@Simon /cc @Avid
no it's fine, I'll lose some weight and go back to visible bones
/calls in tactical mod strike
@Flyk EW NO
@Simon Your mom’s so fat when she goes to the beach they evacuate Venice and New Orleans in case she goes swimming
I have to, you just called me fat, technically I have some body fat, so I must starve it away
@AviD lulz
"don't make excuses for bad people, you can't put a flower in an asshole and call it a vase"
I've had my account here for 3 years, and only today I got my first, "you know I could log into my high rep account and downvote all your posts, right?"
today, I am a man ....
@RоryMcCune I can be all about the bass while weighing 45kg
@schroeder Nice.
@schroeder who said this?
@Flyk if you're like sub 5ft tall sure
@RоryMcCune I am 165cm tall
@Flyk in which case 45Kg is way light!
@Flyk someone posted something hastily and got all of his 3 facts wrong. I was trying to nudge him into a realization that he needed to make some minor changes and he dug his heels in
I'm not currently 45kg
@schroeder I was asking for a link!
so I can downvote away
you must give it me
I'm not tattling
gib i want to see the delicious drama
@Flyk really? that sounds...ummm...riskier than average.
@Flyk And all the girls say I'm pretty fly
lol - the person changed his name
@RoryAlsop sure, what's riskier - coming up/down/all around for the first time on a new drug you've never taken while being unaware you're taken anything in an environment you're not currently comfortable in anyway
or, same deal, in private, somewhere safe?
well, yes, okay. In that case - was it fun? ;-P
not really
it knocked me out
and the second time I puked violently
I didn't get the amnesia effects though, presumably as I didn't wash it down with alcohol due to being a non-drinker
apparently the class of drugs that rohypnol is in can cause paradoxical effects AND rebound phenomenon
fun stuff
there is definitely enough time (for me, anyway) to get seriously violent between starting to drop and actually dropping
@Ohnana what are those things? rebound syndrome?
@Ohnana Yeah time travel paradoxes really do suck.
The rebound effect, or rebound phenomenon, is the emergence or re-emergence of symptoms that were either absent or controlled while taking a medication, but appear when that same medication is discontinued, or reduced in dosage. In the case of re-emergence, the severity of the symptoms is often worse than pretreatment levels. == Examples == === Sedative hypnotics === Rebound anxiety Several anxiolytics and hypnotics have a rebound effect. For example, benzodiazepine withdrawal can cause severe anxiety and insomnia worse than the original insomnia or anxiety disorder. Approximately 70% of patients...
A paradoxical reaction or paradoxical effect is an effect of medical treatment, usually a drug, opposite to the effect which would normally be expected. An example of a paradoxical reaction is when a pain relief medication causes an increase in pain. == Benzodiazepines == Benzodiazepines, a class of psychoactive drugs called the "minor" tranquilizers, have varying hypnotic, sedative, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, and muscle relaxing properties, but they may create the exact opposite effects. Susceptible individuals may respond to benzodiazepine treatment with an increase in anxiety, aggressiveness...
@Ohnana ahhhh - sounds less than good
basically it can make your symptoms worse, and it can make them worse after you've stopped taking them
@Ohnana so do you work in the pharma world?
terrifying things when it's prescribed for severe insomnia
treat insomnia with marijuana
@RоryMcCune no, but i had a severe curiosity when i was younger, and now
@Ohnana Ahh IC
or re-runs of friends
yeah, i'm not a qualified doctor, but I like learning about medicine
(i have to make that first point staggeringly clear to some people...)
whenever I feel like I'm unable to sleep, I watch old apple presentations on youtube
that always sends me to sleep
I've seen the unveiling of the iphone so many times it's not even funny
Surprising that you haven't turned into an applefag.
i can only diagnose one thing: go-to-the-doctor-itis
@Flyk don't think I have ever seen it. I have seen the vid of the moron dropping the iphone 6, but that's it. I get annoyed at hipsters in polonecks, so couldn't watch one actually talking...
If I can't sleep I have found that there is almost nothing that will put me out.
@DavidFreitag Have you tried sex?
"Today Apple are proud to be releasing three such products... a widescreen iPod with touch controls, a revolutionary mobile phone, and a breakthrough internet communications device"
@DavidFreitag I recommend baseball bats.
@Simon That will work really well alone...
@Simon meh, I like shiny and I'm not fussed about the differing business models between apple/microsoft/google, I just like things that are nice to hold and fun to use
I am not ashamed to say I have previously owned an iPhone
and an iPad...
and currently own two mac book pros
@Flyk Funny, though, I wouldn't classify anything Apple has made under the list of "fun to use"
@DavidFreitag inertia scrolling was the shit the first time I saw it
@Flyk Throw your device against a wall and it will scroll to the bottom of any web page?
@DavidFreitag no, flick your finger up and it will keep scrolling, slowing down the longer it scrolls, bouncing off the top and bottom as you hit the ends of the list
aww hell. Grooveshark has now jumped the shark too.
@AviD clue is in the name
@AviD Bummer. You should switch to Google Music.
nevermind that they rearranged everything, and its a bad design - they removed the main thing I used them for. Instead of internet radio, now its all social and everybody gets to broadcast.
@DavidFreitag ah cool, was gonna ask for suggestions.
@AviD It's fantastic, and relatively cheap.
Google Music is a thing?
All access in particular.
@DavidFreitag aww hell, they not available here either.
No ads, unlimited music, basically the best thing in the world. All for $10/mo
same with pandora, and spotify, ....
@AviD VPN?
@AviD Having blocking issues?
@AviD True, but it's worth it given the alternative.
@DavidFreitag well, what IS the alternative?
No music
@AviD Exactly.
@Flyk was that wording deliberate? I'm disappointed the usual suspects failed to notice it
also, I'm not paying google 10$ a month for radio.
speaking of VPNs has anyone tried getting HBO Go on a VPN to the US?
@AviD I'm with you
@DavidFreitag Go out there and get yourself a donut.
@AviD I pay netflix $14/mo so me and three of my friends can watch tv simultaneously.
@RoryAlsop but you did :op
meh, I'll go back to Bing music then.
Pay for a VPN so you can pay a music streaming service so you can listen to music illegally. Great job, music industry.
or Xbox Radio.
@AviD How about 8$?
whatever its called.
@CodesInChaos this, exactly.
@Simon Workin' on that one, but I still don't see how that will help. I'd end up sweaty and still unable to sleep.
@Simon doesnt matter, they block here.
@DavidFreitag Yeah, it doesn't always work but sometimes it does.
@AviD o
@RоryMcCune of course I did. You know what I'm like
@RoryAlsop heh
@AviD Better go buy some CDs then.
@RоryMcCune HBO Now is what I'm excited for.
@DavidFreitag dammit man
@RoryAlsop no that wording was the wording that came out of my head with the only intention being what is said in the sentence
@AviD I could send you a 1tB drive full of music - but it's 75% rock and metal
@AviD The only other alternative is either "absurd" or "illegal"
or perhaps both
@Flyk lol - I know
I have plenty of those, point is I just want to put on a goddam radio station and not have to futz around with choosing what to listen to
I use Google Play Music mostly to have my own library of tracks in da cloud™.
@raz yeah but it's US only from what I can see :(
@RoryAlsop "but"?
@raz so was wondering how easily a VPN'd user could get access
@Simon I like having my music synced across my several devices
@AviD Oh - in that case. I'll get started on it :-)
@DavidFreitag That too. Whenever I add music to my iTunes, it automatically syncs which is kewl.
@Simon I don't want my music in the cloud. Cloud sucks.
@Simon Ewwww iVomit?
@RoryAlsop How do you keep your library updated for home/work for example?
@Simon Sneakernet.
@DavidFreitag The integration on Mac is good. It does suck on Window.
@Simon I buy new CD's. RIp to flac and mp3. CD goes on the pile in the attic. mp3 goes on device
flac stays on server to avoid needing to re-rip CD
@RoryAlsop o
@DavidFreitag Looks cool.
@DavidFreitag in 5 mins!
HELLO @ColinCassidy!!!!!!
@RоryMcCune Well HBO to Go requires a service provider.
@Simon In -10 mins!
@Simon and I don't do music at work. Music in car is identical to music at home - matching empegs using rsync
@raz does it ahhh lame!
@AviD dude! still working hours here
@RoryAlsop Yeah, rsync is probably the way to go.
@RоryMcCune I know right. HBO Now will be the streaming online thing. But starting out on Apple devices only. Which blows.
@Simon well, one of the guys did write a nice java app that lets you use empegs as file taxis really easily, but rsync is just fully automatable
@raz blech I'm just looking for ad-free ways to get GoT. No problem with paying for access but that seems tricky in the UK
which is nice
@RoryAlsop constantly taking my innocence and perverting it
I am the most innocent person in here and you guys are all just perverts
@Flyk story of my life
@Flyk "no" and "not all" and "not just"
@RоryMcCune HBO Now might work just fine. YOu can access it through your Apple Account via the web. Chrome Cast it to a TV. That's what I'll probably end up doing.
@RoryAlsop I am so angelic I have a halo.
made from fire
next to my pitchfork
@Flyk I do enjoy sentences that can be perverted to other ends, though, whether that be puns or double-entendres or general scurrilousness
@raz yeah I have feeling a non-US account may cause issues, will have to try that tho'
@Flyk ooh - fire halo. I haven't done one of them
@RoryAlsop the amount of times I fall victim to this, though, my brain must enjoy doing it as well
like subconsciously it's all like "yeah, definitely talking about penis" whereas I'm actually typing "nice to hold"
@Flyk hahahahaha
@RоryMcCune Probably, but a VPN might work. I'd be worried about the bandwidth and buffering.
@RоryMcCune it's serious, it's in stereo!
@RоryMcCune Oh - I miss the Mary Whitehouse Experience
this guy needs some help and he's only crafting more confusing answers. I have flagged as low quality:
A: How should I manage people/technicians during an incident/outbreak?

KingDuring a virus outbreak or incident. The first thing to do would be to notify the proper authorities. The second thing would be to temporarily shutdown your servers to prevent further spreading. And third you should assess the damage and coordinate your team to fix the bug or loophole to the exte...

I tried to talk to him over chat
yay, free flags
everybody knows when there is a virus outbreak the first step is to declare defcon 1 and nuke russia
@Flyk Madagascar first! Everyone knows that!
I don't think it should be flagged as low-quality.
Otherwise you can't infect them because they SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING!
It's just a bad answer.
oh, is this the question with the threat?
@Simon how is that not "low quality"?
@schroeder How'd that go over?
he said no
@Flyk IIRC, bad answers should be downvoted, not flagged.
@Simon normally, I agree with simply down-voting but this answer is harmful, and in some situations, illegal, and all for a lack of knowledge on the answerer's part. Even after trying to help him improve it (and receiving threats in return) - he was just digging his heels in.
@Simon if the answer is actively harmful, it needs removal
if he did not say "shut down the servers" I would simply down-vote
@Flyk Can we apply this logic to users?
@raz do you class me as actively harmful?
@Flyk No, but others... possibly
omg: "Those downvoting should know that I even wrote a paper. B. Zhou, D. Llewellyn-Jones, Q. Shi, M. Asim, and M. Merabti, "Prototype for Design-time Secure and Trustworthy Service Composition", the 10th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 2013), Las Vegas, USA, January 2013."
it yes, then no, if no, then yes
@Flyk Sweet
@schroeder I wish I had rollback access
@schroeder You should respond with, "Is your paper this poorly researched?"
sigh - I've worked with people like him, "my teacher liked me, so obviously I'm in expert in everything"
hee hee [researches this paper and the guy ....]
"I've always got whatever I wanted in life and now you're telling me no, so you're obviously the one at fault"
This is ridiculous, it's nearly april and it's damn near -10°C outside...
move somewhere nice
@DavidFreitag I knoooooow!
easier said than done
oh, he's asking a question in his answer now
> Those downvoting should know that I even wrote several papers.

What has @Schroder done that's so great?
can we kill it as NAA now?
@Flyk Yep, now that's just personal.
@Flyk I thought that I was the most innocent person in here? Or am I mistaking that for being naive?
he deleted his answer, now undeleted it to stroke himself
@Flyk THIS is the guy who threatened to log into his high-rep account and downvote all my posts ...
It seems you are forgetting that this isn't a forum for free discussion. I have made my point as clear as possible and leave the rest as it is. — King 9 hours ago
@Avid @RoryAlsop we have a disruptive user that needs his post locking
also, you should find his main account and politely advise him that sockpuppeting so he can act like a retard with the rules is a bad idea
in case anyone (may just be uk though) is in the market for a cheap windows tablet hotukdeals.com/deals/… + Microsoft store == HP Stream 7 for £49.99
I so want to post "I would downvote this but you're not even worth the rep loss"
@RоryMcCune That's not bad for a really low end device
@DavidFreitag yeah especially as you get a year of Office365 thrown in. It's basically "subscribe to office365 and get a free tablet"
@RоryMcCune Although it appears to be UK only, not only the deal but the device itself...
Nope, I lied. It's available but it says "Add to cart to see price"
Which I never understood...
yeah that seems to be a US thing, not something I've seen in the UK...
But it's listed for $79 which isn't horrible
@DavidFreitag yeah not too bad and if that code applied it would be Rly cheap
@RоryMcCune Not sure about the code, but it does come with a $25 gift card
@DavidFreitag ah that might be the equivalent
@RоryMcCune Not really the same though because you're still paying $79, they just expect you to find something else to spend that $25 on...
@DavidFreitag yeah gift cards/cashback are all really ploys to make things seem cheaper whilst knowing that not everyone will actually get the cheaper price
And you save a whopping $8 if you apply for the educational discount
Do we have a canonical answer to stuff like this?
A: it is illegal to access a public file that contain private information?

schroederYour question is highly dependant on your jurisdiction and the jurisdiction of the server. But, in many jurisdictions, what you have described is "unauthorized access" and would be considered illegal/against terms of service/unethical. As for your specific liability, you would need to ask a leg...

Yes: flag.
yes, he's asking about "legality" but his question is really, "how much trouble am I in?"
we get so many of these, we might need a standard answer
@schroeder I don't know that there can be a canonical answer worth having, since the answer is going to be "it depends" and what it depends on are the exact circumstances of each individual case.
that's true, but there might be some "guidance" to think about (your/server's jurisdiction, the idea of "unauthorized access", and that it might not just be legalities involved).
I'm just trying to think of some ways to handle the large volume of these types of questions
They need to start a Law.SE so we can pass stuff like this onto them.
@RоryMcCune @DavidFreitag It's called MAP. It's when manufacturers contractually prevent retails from advertising a product at below a minimum price that they've specified. They can't prevent them from selling at a lower price however, so their best effort is to require the retailers to only offer lower prices to "serious" potential purchased. In the e-commerce space, the generally accepted way to qualify a buyer (even though it's more than a bit of a farce)...
is to assume someone who adds an item to a cart is a "serious" potential buyer.
But once again, that'd be hard to maintain, since you would need experts in all different countries.
@Xander Ahh I C interesting!
@Xander That's stupid... Generally when I see "See price in cart" I'm not going to even entertain buying it
@Simon And generally information on that subject doesn't come free unless you're sitting in a courtroom.
@DavidFreitag That too.
@DavidFreitag I agree. But manufacturers love it.
@schroeder Reminds me of the time where I linked an insecure answer given by a very high rep SO user here and he received several downvotes. He was rather pissed.
lol - oops!
@CodesInChaos LOL. He should have known better.
@CodesInChaos link link link link!
@DavidFreitag Ehh...Probably not a great fit for the SE model. The answers to legal questions are just too individualized and situational.
@Xander Yeah it was mostly a joke.
@DavidFreitag Ah, gotcha. I must not be on form today. Not that this is unusual for me. :-)
@schroeder Ah, yes, that makes sense.
@Xander Well it was somewhat serious, it's mostly my ambiguity ;]
@schroeder Was your "high-rep" detractor the "shut down your servers and inform the public" guy?
@Xander yes
@schroeder Nice. I just deleted a bunch of meta-information from his answer, so we'll see how he takes that.
I also like how he doxxed himself
se meltdown are best meltdowns because everyone is right and the others are always wrong
@schroeder Yeah, that was pretty special.
pffft he got the custodian badge for rejecting flyk's edit
@schroeder also i can't see him because he's not in my network. wtf kind of social media is this

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