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1 hour later…
@kalina games?
Thank god this is finally public.
goodbye forever, godaddy.
1 hour later…
@TildalWave I have no idea what you're on about
@RoryAlsop you metaltech guys should bring a goat to your next video.
@tylerl Why are al these things actual TLDs? This is completely ridiculous.
@Arperum sounds about right for google.
@AviD .ninja : A domain that you can't see at all.
@tylerl games, music, general usability...
I don't have a command line fetish and didn't really like the selection of desktop environments available
why does me saying sorry get starred, I say sorry all the time
@kalina canadian?
no, there's definitely no canadian in me
I don't understand you people sometimes.
short version: tried linux, it wasn't good enough to replace windows
there were very few tangible ways it's "better" and it's a whole lot of different to the point where it's just too much effort
since it's not good enough to make up for the effort required, why bother
that's how crazy fashions are born
ooo, let's just try this
in flocks
@kalina and @Simon is very disappointed about that.
er... k
I'm bored
my brain is fried
not enough sleep
I'm grounded until my friend wakes up and I don't have a PC capable of making music or playing games with me
and I'm sleeping on a sofabed
feels like 2013 again
@tylerl right, because we needed yet another way for Google to control our use of the Internet
@Gilles I made a tinfoil hat for you
this one is special, it protects against religions, governments and corporations
@kalina You should start selling these. Oh wait, no corporations.
That would be ironic
multinational company specializing in tinfoil hats
might as well collect some personal data while we're at it, with "register your tinfoil hat" warranty cards
"register your tinfoil hat and gain protection from alien brain probes"
@kalina Join our mailinglist for added protection to wifi signals frying your brain.
I've had to deal with my mom telling me she got a headache everytime the wifi was on, until I proved her that she was telling nonsense (by disabling/enabling it every now and then, and see if she'd get a headache if I told her it was on when it wasn't.
The NSA has extended the capabilities of the PRISM program to harvest your thoughts! Upgrade to tinfoil hat v2.0
limited time offer, now available in black
@RоryMcCune at least you didn't link more country music in here
@kalina I linked country music?
no but that seems to be the trend recently
@kalina a bad trend
all I'm going to say is that if I were Taylor, and I was idling in here, don't you think I'd not want to see that? :P
it's not escapism if everybody still knows where you are
this house has such third world internet
we're not just "everybody". We're your family.
hmm. I'm not sure that came off with all the creepiness vibe I intended.
you achieved most of it, though
which just makes it creepier, because it could be taken to be genuine.
add a bit of crazyland to anything and you can change what it means
hey @AviD MS cloud services, you know if there's any specific 2-factor solution they recommend?
@RоryMcCune dont specifically know, but I would guess the same authenticator app used elsewhere
yknow, the rotating numbers app that google copied.
HA! A new place to keep secrets hidden: In the freezer, in a bag marked innards.
keep secrets in an empty tampon box
boys never look there
although I imagine being a boy with an empty tampon box would raise more questions and look suspicious
I guess that is another perk *writes it down*
did computer components get more expensive recently?
I'm sure I built my last one for under €2000
anybody in Bolton fancy going to Scan, picking up all of my parts and then bringing them to me?
oh well, 16th it is then
@kalina tut tut Opsec fail
@RоryMcCune nope
this is so not even an opsec fail
@kalina you told people you're near Bolton
the only thing you can establish as fact from what I said is that I'm within driving range of Bolton and that an order has been placed
driving range of Bolton includes the Isle of Wight, via Ferry
@kalina yeah driving distance of bolton and you flew into manchester
.... you're not in halifax are you
that would explain a lot right enough
@RоryMcCune I'm not up north
I'm pretty much as south as you go before you run out of civilization
(thus discounting Devon and Cornwall)
(...and Wales)
@kalina so south of manchester then :op
Civilization on the way North ends at the Watford Gap
@kalina nah no way you'd have flown in to manchester if you were round london way
you're discounting really good opsec
England is a small enough country to land at any airport and drive to your destination
@kalina sure you could still be a trucker in des moines
@kalina yeah but no one flies into Manchester if they have a choice!
@RоryMcCune from your perspective, that's certainly a possibility
Manchester airport is far less stress than any of the London airports
@kalina city ain't that bad
and it's only 50 minutes away by plane
Luton is only bad 'cause of the bus/train combo
and then once you get into London you've got too many people and too many tourists and too many cars and too many tubes
Gatwick and Thiefrow are awful I'll give you that
and I'm definitely not using the tube
I did that once
actually, for a few months, a while back
Manchester airport has the tram link now. So it's even better. Not that I've been out that way yet.
like, eww.
@kalina DLRs alright tho and it goes straight to city
@BarryCarlyon I'll have to try that next time I'm down there
new pc parts arrive, I get to do one of my favorite things and then I am donating it to my friend when I go home
literally just bought a PC so I can assemble it
The most fun I had on the London Tube was when a group of us were returning London to Leeds after the Yahoo hack day and we all had two bean bags each… There was like 12 of us. Much funny looks
@RoryAlsop AND the tram link opened ahead of schedule. Yay builders \o/ woo
@BarryCarlyon wish they could've helped the Edinburgh lot out!
my experience of the tube system in London is that at rush hour it's a bit rapey and the rest of the time it smells
+1 to that @kalina any news on your friend? I hope they are doing better!
@BarryCarlyon the doctors woke her up lastnight, she had a moment of extreme panic and all her vitals went crazy so they put her back to sleep
lastnight... yesterday afternoon
Well thats something I suppose!
I don't really have anything major to do with my life for most of this month, so I'm sticking around in England for as long as I can
don't really want to just up and leave
the history of user agents is so silly
whenever I need reassurance that you can make that much of a mess of something and get away with it, I read the history of user agents
and then you get to the end and read "...and the user agent string was a complete mess, and near useless, and everyone pretended to be everyone else, and confusion abounded."
and you look at the project you're currently working on
and go, YES, I can solve the problem with more distortion.
@kalina is this you applying lessons from computing smeg-ups to the world of music?
no, this is me applying massive failures from any source and using it to patch up my broken confidence
@kalina Shit look at any large corporate/gov and the fact that massive failures do not seem to stop people rising to the top!
I read somewhere that the whole of the user agent string is supposedly unique to every computatoe.
@BarryCarlyon er
I forget the website. But it might be the whole of $_SERVER or something
@BarryCarlyon not quite user agent alone but that plus other data supplied can fingerprint a system (panopticlick.eff.org)
Thats the one ^^
completely different from just the useragent
Indeed. I misrememebred
is that just combinations based on useragent, resolution, and detected plugins?
@AviD good :)
it's worrying that my collection of detected browser plugins makes me unique among all browsers tested
Well everytime you upgrade a plugin you change ID as the version string changes too. So it can't history track your "browser ID"
this PC does have some pretty horrible things installed on it
you've all seen this, right? shipyourenemiesglitter.com
@AviD does it make me a bad person that I cover any cards I send with glitter and send them to my friends?
@kalina yeah IIRC things like privoxy can be used to anonymise it, another option being use a liveCD for browsing so it's the same as all other users of that liveCD
@kalina no, but it does put you at risk.
@RоryMcCune in this instance, it's more likely that this (not mine) PC has a bunch of horrible things installed by a person who uses their PC for more than one task
at least I dont know you well enough to receive those devil cards from you.
so it has Battlefield 4 Battle Log
and nVidia 3D Vision
and enough randomness
I bet disabling all of that nonsense would make it less unique
my kids often come home from kindergarten or whatever with glitter-covered projects. Takes days to stop finding it EVERYWHERE.
@AviD glitter is literally, like, the best thing ever
Glitter is love Glitter is life!
until you start finding it EVERYWHERE
every time I throw a way a keyboard it's because of either a glitter or coffee (or both) related incident
Meh, still better than sand
and now I'm finding it awkward because my OCD prevents me from owning multiple PCs with different input devices
I can't have an all singing all dancing multimedia enabled keyboard with backlit mechanical keys and a built in USB hub on PC and then an OEM Dell keyboard on another
its not just OCD, its the efficiency improvements that come from muscle memory.
@kalina try mouse/trackpad on a proper Windows PC on one side, and on a Mac on the other side.
also; key spacing is a big deal when typing with nails
@AviD I couldn't do that, I would just use Synergy to share the keyboard and mouse
did you know mouse wheels scroll upside down on a Mac?
@kalina not good enough.
Long nails are a problem
I clatter a lot.
@AviD I'm unsurprised, it's a Mac.
@kalina yes, but some of the little things are surprisingly annoying.
But yeah Mac is upsidedown unless you flip the option. But I use the bluetooth magic trackpad. So "natural" scrolling works for me.
I still sometimes scroll the wrong way, and I havent been on Mac in months.
@AviD yes, I found a bug in Windows 8, and it's the most trivial thing but it annoys me
an actual bug
I found it
well, I have observed it and haven't correlated my findings with others to confirm if anybody else even knows or cares about it
@kalina KVM FTW
in a multimonitor setup, if you set the taskbar to appear on all screens
if you open up the start screen by clicking on the start button on any non-primary monitor, and then click again to remove the start screen, when you move your mouse outside of the taskbar region the taskbar hides itself and then re-animates itself appearing from the bottom of the screen
sometimes I just sit there doing it, as a reminder that you really can only do 15% of the job and still get away with it
@kalina like, a roach?
afternoon all
@RoryAlsop Evening.
@RoryAlsop watcha, hows the snow in the east?
@AviD well...we considered that, as Erik is a key follower of the Goatening, but we decided instead to bring a 'Bob'
@RоryMcCune It's crazy here - not a chance of going to Edinburgh
so working from home
@kalina we did toy with glitter in our confetti cannons, but apparently its a lot more dangerous. Tissue paper at 60mph, not so bad, clump of glitter...a bit ouchy
@RoryAlsop yeah I think we're pretty much stuck in the valley as the roads over the hills will be bad (our local bus made it into the village but can't make it out apparently!)
@RоryMcCune Had great fun driving late last night. Most junctions were a 2mph crawl (including the ones I usually take at 50)
Managed a 10mph broadside round one of the roundabouts. Perfectly controllable and fun - especially as I got new front sway bar bushings and some other suspension stiffeners on Monday
@RoryAlsop good timing!
huh. those 2 top pins are a bit... inappropriate, especially together.
@RоryMcCune Should probably get new tyres as well
@AviD I'm glad you realize it.
@AviD why do you think I pinned them :)
@RоryMcCune Abuse of power
@tylerl Is Google Domains US only for now?
What do you drive @RoryAlsop
@BarryCarlyon Subarus
@BarryCarlyon Absolutely. Current one is a 400bhp Forester STi
perfect for this weather
Now if only a) I could drive and b) I owned one too
But I'm just stuck to the simulations for now :-(
ONE DAY! \o/
@AviD yes!
well, more like a fly
I'm trying to write a specification for a game
and I am unsure of what level of detail to go into
no, silly! You'll need the boys to make it into a real game, you just draw the pictures!
@BarryCarlyon the good thing is: they are very cheap and easy to maintain compared to anything else with near the same power
@AviD I am disappoint.
@RoryAlsop BARUUU
@RoryAlsop And you've got the 2 liter because you're da baws.
@Simon she was, too.
@Simon 2.5 litre, actually :-)
@RoryAlsop Oh really? I thought you had a JDM engine.
No head gasket or ringland failure?
@RoryAlsop 2 liters == 2.5 litres.
"a liter'a'cola" means "give me the frikkin cola, ya dumbass!"
@Simon STi engine from Japanese spec, but then boosted by Litchfield
@RoryAlsop Ah there we go.
@Simon I have had a head gasket failure - couple of years back
but not too expensive a rebuild
2.5s are really weak here.
@Simon TWSS
I often see in ads "engine replaced by warranty at 60k km"
They're known to blow up.
@RoryAlsop I'm still planning to keep my RS forever and swap a 2.0 V7 or V9 in it myself. It'd be a great experience.
@AviD ironically, I intend to get other people to make the game, I am merely coming up with the idea
@Simon Wonder why - the STi ones here/Japan seem to be comfortable with up to 500bhp
@kalina that's the way to do it! I have a friend who dropped out of school at 15 because all he did was play computer games. Now he lives in millionairesville north of San Francisco coming up with game ideas and concepts. Doesn't implement anything.
Jammy get
@kalina Barbie
I know
@AviD Yes Ken?
@Simon you golden shlompoofa
shlompoofter, I should say in your case
the tigger is attempting human speech!
but why do I get pinged on all colleghumor? thats @RоryMcCune's thing! :-)
actually need to send that to my daughter...
Is your daughter as crazy as @kalina?
To sum up the article: Don't feature creep.
the point of the article was not to take an idea and then try and make a game out of it
@raz or for @Simon: "Don't creep."
using Sim Tower starting life as an elevator simulator as an example
I guess I should stop trying to make a game out of my beat counter then
@AviD I don't think Simon could quit that cold turkey.
damn, but I would love me some cold turkey.
@AviD You like turkey sandwiches too?! Lets form a club then!
A: The Memes of Information Security

Rory AlsopMeme: Eat everything Originator: @AviD Cultural Height: August 2011 Background: Following on from Wildebeest and other discussions, topic #1 in the DMZ became not security, but food, and just what we could or had eaten. Some delicious examples: while giraffe is in principle kosher, thats o...

of course he likes turkey sandwiches
I started that??
Looks like it :-)
@RoryAlsop ahh, remember back when it used to be fun here?
@AviD When all this was, well, text on a screen...
A: The Memes of Information Security

Terry ChiaMeme: @RoryAlsop's age. Originator: @RoryAlsop. He was here before any of us. Cultural Height: 1391 BCE Background: @RoryAlsop is one of the older guys that hangs out in The DMZ. Some of the younger guys started making fun of his age especially when he started reminiscing about the good old d...

@AviD yeah yeah yeah - whatevah
@TerryChia - whatever happened to your age-related funny quotes?
"Morning +/-12 hours" bwahahaha
so embarrassing, I just set off the fire alarms by making poptarts
I say making, these aren't really edible anymore
don't feel bad @kalina
I do feel bad
my partner set our wok on fire by pouring peanut oil into a waaaay too hot pan
and then didn't know what the fuck to do
my friend just walked in, looked at the pop tarts, and mocked my cooking ability by stating that I even burn pop tarts
like I have a habit of burning things
it's already cooked wheat product. it's going to burn like toast does
Who still eats poptarts anyway?
Those are so 2000.
it's the most edible thing in this house.
my choice is literally pop tarts, pot noodles, or ready meals
seriously 25 going on 13
@kalina with fire
okay, I gotta say, while being on (pseudo-)VDI is awesome, and I enjoy its benefits daily and would never go back - it is not without downsides.
e.g. right now one of my VMs is having network issues, after some upgrades and snapshot juggling.
VMs with benefits.
donuts with benefits
donuts ARE the benefits
you donut
I increasingly have the problem that I view a question a second time after a few months and then either try to upvote my own comment or write the same comment again on a different answer.
yeah, sooner or later everybody runs into that - consistency + forgetfulness = you like what you write
well, almost everybody. @Simon keeps trying to downvote himself.
I still think some moderator should review all of the off topic closed questions Lighty has answered and delete them, like they should be
I like having proof of idiocy
y'know, in case he's not around to open his mouth and remove all doubt.
@AviD I've probably tried to do this more than I should have.
the proof will be retained in the fact he's answered 40 questions and only has 800 rep
although those numbers will be 30 and 400 respectively
@Simon hahaha, cmon dont make it so easy to mock you.
@AviD he can't do that, it's not possible to make it easier than it is already
Upvotes per answer mainly depends on the popularity of the questions you answer.
@CodesInChaos true, but those numbers are somewhat on the extremes
you're somewhat on the extremes
oof thats putting it too mildly
sorry @Simon, backfired
I may be on the extremes, I am not sure how that is relevant to the current discussion
kalina, the extremist
I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter
And I'm a donut eater!
@AviD, what are you?
he's a flatulent camel
a smelly, flatulent camel
I'm a picker
I'm a grinner
I'm a lover
and I'm a sinner
I'm a joker
@Simon a midnight toker
and a tigger /combobreakers
and a flatulent, smelly camel
@Ohnana I was done
@kalina well, some people do call me the space cowboy
oh, space cowboy reminds me
must make a note
@CodesInChaos Note that the popularity of questions, in turn, depends on the contents of the answers (although this is not the only factor).
oh noes, not da bear, sigh.
@ThomasPornin Are you Charlie?
@Simon As a rule, I don't reflexively shout the slogans du jour.
Oh, you didn't change your Facebook profile picture to "Je suis Charlie"?
Tsk tsk.
I'm with charlie, and I'm with the thousands of children murdered at schools and home for daring to learn
The current mass orgy of expression of democratic ideals is nice, but it would be better if the people were actually understanding that they are doing it.
Notably, that it has nothing whatsoever with the quality and contents of the newspaper previously edited by the murdered journalists.
What I dislike the most about this is how so many people will buy or get (is it free?) the next paper they'll publish because of this whole thing.
"We're fans now"
file under "don't make people martyrs"
crappy magazines are crappy magazines. Not a reason to kill them for it, but also being killed for it doesnt make it be not a crappy magazine.
@kalina Why this whole video game dev thing now?
What about muzyk?
space cowboy was a musical note
the gaming thing was always on going, it's one of five, I'm just trying to be clever and diversify quickly
are we talking about Charlie

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