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But since I got my loan my credit score went from nonexistent to a 707
I need to refinance.
It's for a house, so that lowers the percentage quite a bit.
@Arperum At least here interest rates are much, much lower on houses than on cars.
Which is a good thing imo.
@rwollr so what are you planning on doing with this site? keep in mind, you're naming targets for people who plan to do harm
no not naming targets
@DavidFreitag Wait, so the system is: "we don't trust that you'll pay back, so we make you pay more, so chances that you'll be able to pay back are lower.
@Arperum That's how silly it is.
@DavidFreitag Same here, they have something big to take if you don't pay back. And a house generally doesn't lose value, a car most certainly does.
@Arperum that and you now have an incentive to pay back that loan damn fast, increasing the chances that they get more of their money back
well maybe i don't know. i think it'd just be cool to be able to determine the overall wifi security of the entire city, and monitor how that statistic changes over time
@Arperum Pretty much. Less trustworthy more money. More trustworthy they love you.
@rwollr that sounds like a cool idea!
shouldn't people be allowed to know if their wifi is setup poorly?
@Arperum Especially if you plow it into a wall doing 60mph
This whole thing makes me happy I live in a civilised country.
@DavidFreitag That lowers the value of that wall quite a bit too though.
@rwollr very true, but they most likely will not find your website. unless it's a facebook page lol
@Arperum Looking for a bunkmate?
i just feel like this is kind of the same ethos of security as it applies to open source technology
@Arperum Nah, it won't feel a thing.
i'd rather good people have access to the info out in the open because bad people will have it anyway
@rwollr remember the principles of responsible disclosure
@DavidFreitag I have no problem having a roommate, more then enough place(I have three bedrooms living alone)
if it's a business network, by all means drop in and tell them that, same with residential networks
@LucasKauffman well depends on your definitions I'd guess but in general I'd say that they pay well
maybe i'll plot all the open wifi networks on a map (this itself is nothing new) but then hide/fuzz the actual locations of ones determined to be insecure
but i still want some way for people to be aware of these insecure networks
@Arperum Which civilized country do you live in?
@LucasKauffman I had no complaints about what they offered me anyway :)
@DavidFreitag Belgium.
@Arperum I'll get my dingy and some paddles. I'll be there soon.
@rwollr the website existing will be enough to reach some. consider also handing out pamphlets to insecure locations
I have to head out, see yall
alright see you later
thanks for the feedback
@LucasKauffman you on skype?
let me log on
I wonder how long it would actually take to paddle across the atlantic.
@DavidFreitag Sure, let me know when you arrive, I'll pick you up at the beach.
@RоryMcCune online
So @DavidFreitag, you don't think where you live is civilized?
@FaheemMitha I wasn't the one who said that, but I would definitely say that where I live is most certainly uncultured.
@DavidFreitag ah
Well, hopefully it is at least green.
If "Civilized" is measured in gun stores and liquor stores, we are the most civilized place on the planet.
@DavidFreitag where is this, again?
@FaheemMitha America.
somewhere in the US south, I'm guessing.
Nope, northeast.
@DavidFreitag yes, I gathered that. :-) BTW, Canada, Central America and South America are known to get unhappy about the America thing.
And Mexico too.
@DavidFreitag Ok.
Well, North America is relatively green. They haven't killed all the trees yet.
I really would like to move to some place in Europe.
Which is problematic since I can't be bothered to speak anything but english
@DavidFreitag Ireland?
probably Norway or Denmark too
@DavidFreitag why?
@FaheemMitha I always have. I can't stand living here. Not entirely sure why
@DavidFreitag Well, you should think about why. :-)
Have you ever lived in Europe?
@DavidFreitag They how do you know you would like living there? The developed countries don't differ that much - you won't get much benefit from moving from one to another.
Now if you lived in a non-developed country, that of course would be a different story...
Once I have completed my bachelors degree I'm going to look for a masters program somewhere in Europe. That will give me a good idea of whether I would like to move there permanently
@DavidFreitag Sounds like a plan. Though countries in Europe do vary a lot.
@FaheemMitha Yes I know and I think that's part of it. Several very different countries are just a few hours drive away.
@DavidFreitag your profile lists CT. That's New England. And one of the wealthier states in the US.
@FaheemMitha Yeah we were the richest up until a few years ago. California surpassed us recently.
@DavidFreitag Hmm. Ok, so I'm not sure what you dislike so much. Do you have any idea what the rest of the planet is like?
@FaheemMitha Me either. All I know is I want out.
@DavidFreitag Well, it doesn't hurt to see the world. It's educational.
Perhaps I'll live in a zeppelin.
@DavidFreitag Those can explode.
@FaheemMitha I don't plan on inflating it with hydrogen.
or plating it with thermite.
@DavidFreitag :-)
If I was to travel, I'd try Denmark, Germany, Japan. Also Australia, probably.
@FaheemMitha Slovenia is super beautiful too.
@Arperum not so much currently, it's been between + and - Celsius for the past two weeks ... it can be beautiful but bring rubber boots LOL
@TildalWave It's been doing that here as well.
@TildalWave Yea, well, most countries look like ass after temp has been going over and under freezing for a while.
@DavidFreitag yup it's an odd winter so far
started nice tho
@TildalWave Yeah it was low twenties here almost all the way through december
then BAM -15
@Arperum Oh? No wars there now?
@TildalWave The (few) parts of Slovenia I've seen so far were beautiful. I really want to go around the country for some time once. I visit every year though (Metaldays is a super awesome festival).
ditto, but what I hate the most are these fast changes, one day +10 next day -10, ad nauseam
@FaheemMitha Haven't noticed anything during the last four years i visited.
@Arperum Ok.
@FaheemMitha I assume @TildalWave should be able to tell us when the last war in SLovenia was, being Slovenian and all.
@Arperum Ah in Tolmin, yup there's really nice during summers.
@Arperum Agreed.
@TildalWave Yup, and there is some really awesome looking ravine/nature reserve nearby.
@FaheemMitha Wars? No. We had a 10 day "war" with ex-Yugoslavian army during which I walked across the street past their barracks in the middle of an air raid alarm and never even thought it might be dangerous. That was in 1991
the real mess was on the Balkans
@TildalWave I see. Didn't Yugoslavia has a pretty nasty civil war around that time? It didn't affect Slovenia?
@TildalWave ok, the Balkans.
Serbia etc.
@FaheemMitha We were the first on the list yes since we declared independence first but our war took 10 days. Then the shit started happening in Croatia (actually started before) which is the only one of those we even border, and many other ex-YU republics (Bosnia, Kosovo,...)
@TildalWave So, you weren't involved. That's good.
@FaheemMitha well, strictly geographically speaking, I'm out of the Balkans peninsula for about 5 km :)
@TildalWave you mean, by 5 km?
@FaheemMitha not in the ethnic disputes no, just "hardcore bureaucracy" with the communist regime and its instruments of oppression
@FaheemMitha yes .... grammar is optional :P
@TildalWave Ok. I don't know much at all aboyt Yugoslavia. Though I think I have met a few people from there. That was the state ruled by Tito, right?
@TildalWave Instruments of oppression? that sounds like a really badass band name.
@FaheemMitha yup
@TildalWave ok
@DavidFreitag or what you'd find in a s/m dungeon ... many band names came out of those, including e.g. Iron Maiden
from geography to sex in no time flat
there are commonalities between the two, like how much size matters and such
@TildalWave Yes. Technically, Slovenia was quite lucky to have Croatia between them and Serbia.
need I say moisture? :)
Tsk, any country that ends in "a" in not a real one.
Wait a minute.
@ThomasPornin neah Croatia wasn't a "buffer", our war was something completely different than what was going on on the Balkans
we didn't have ethnic wars here
@DavidFreitag One advantage of living in other places and cultures, is that it gives one perspective on ones own culture. You can contemplate it with more detachment. Which is generally a good thing.
@Simon like US of A?
That doesn't count.
@TildalWave As I understood it, the initial trigger was a movement of troops from the central government to take some positions along the northern boundary of Yugoslavia, as part of the resolution of a dispute about some import/export tax.
@Simon What, like Canada, eh?
People in Croatia and Slovenia reacted to a perceived forceful invasion and took to arms.
Then (only then) the war between Croatia and Serbia degenerated into ethnic cleansing.
@DavidFreitag Oh, that's a country? Personally, I live in Canaduh.
@Simon No, it's not. It's a hat.
Slovenia did not see actual war action in the initial step because it was somehow shielded by Croatia; and, later on, it did not follow on in the "ethnic war".
@TildalWave Forget what I said, US of A counts.
Now maybe my information on the subject is incomplete.
$300 for books this semester...
@ThomasPornin Yup the federal government wanted to have control over borders. And wanted to rule our referendum for independence as illegal, forgetting that we were always a republic in a confederate state. Truth be told, they wanted money because a lot of it was coming to Belgrade from our industry.
@TildalWave Slovenia was indeed the richest state within Yugoslavia (there was a rather clear North-South gradient) while Serbia was politically dominant.
@Simon that?
Yes, exactly that.
hehehe oh dear lord those were considered a total crap even her as soon as they came out
@TildalWave You should do a Google image search for "Yugo" I found it quite comical.
Huehuehuehue, a stretch Yugo
these ones were pretty good for their time tho:
I mean, they worked
and some were also pretty fast
Anyway, they weren't made here ... IIRC in Serbia
What is it, now? The title should be "The DMZ - Personal Finance - Serbia"?
I just noticed that donuts made it in there
sssshhh I wanted to point it out not too long ago but I was afraid that someone who doesn't know how to spell would edit it.
Have to find a way to tactfully tell the intern this is not the way to spin up a virtual machine. http://t.co/j4cxpoxV1K
That isn't how you're supposed to do it?
Oh I see, he should have used a 17" and put a 15" on it, gotcha.
go me, single handedly building half of my prototype in the first night
@kalina Software prototype, or physical-thing prototype?
Android game

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