@RoryAlsop @kalina was here, @FEichinger and @Lighty were sharing moronic inanities, and @Adnan and @Kisunminttu were flirting up a storm. So, the usual.
@Adnan apparently there's a salad / fruit salad bar in that one supermarket that I told you about a while ago. 12 e / kg, they have different melons and apparently mango and peaches and stuff. Like, cubes.
@Kisunminttu You seriously underestimate my powers of procrastination. I see getting a knife and slicing a cantaloupe to be too much work just for a snack.
@Kisunminttu The only salad bars near where I would travel for food are all terrifying. The fruit and vegies in there are colors that have never been seen in the wild. For instance, dark green carrots.
btw, if you want an amazing summer fruit treat: take a watermelon, cut a small hole in the top, and pour in vodka/rum/etc. Let it sit for a while. Then get drunk on watermelon. Perfect for a beach party.
The only other alternative is "Whole Foods" which is hideously over-priced, and I would rather eat my own face than deal with the people who generally frequent those places.
@kalina No. I believe that it is the will of the Rory that i make that mistake. It is also his will that i learn from the mistakes that he wants me to make. So it has been said.