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not quite the same scale
@AviD ಠ_ಠ
Now to catch up on that transcript ...
you'll enjoy it
it's a long and juicy...
im going to lie down, cry, accept that i lost, and then murder my PC
@TerryChia You. I like you.
it's a trap
@FEichinger I don't know how to respond to that.
he means he wants to meet up with you and make out
at least that's what he means when he says it to me
open to debate
@kalina This is indeed correct.
hey if @fei is all the hway up at the top of the chat
we should make it so the bottom of the chat extends rapidly off into the distance
if we chat faster than he can read
he'll never catch up and we'll win at the internet
or, we lie down
and die
it should be a team effort, we need to actually have a conversation rather than just chat gibberish
because otherwise he'll just skim read over it and catch up with us
which would be a bit of a major disappointment
nobody else cares
@Lighty You need to declare $name, $version and $date first, because bind_param uses references.
@Lighty Some of us have self confidence and aren't wallowing in despair.
and we dont want that
so I guess I'll just go with plan B and lie down and die
i have self confidence, as i said, im just stupid
I told you that @fei would be able to help with your PHP i ssue
other than just telling you that your issue is that you use PHP
like the rest of us did
well, primarily me
@kalina Honey, I don't love PHP, I use it.
you love it
in spite of obviously better choices you chose to stick with it
and @FEichinger, tried that, still explodes on me
sometimes youre not left with a choice
@Lighty now you're just being silly
there is no explosion
"nothing happening" is not an explosion
i thought you liked destruction
@kalina TWSS
unless running that page results in your server kernel panicing, it's not an explosion
Now I caught up on the transcript.
no you haven't
you failed @kalina
I can help you @Lighty.
@Lighty well, everybody has their off days
@kalina I have.
@FEichinger 499€ an hour
@FEichinger no
brb, robbing a bank
There's no way I'll ever regret this "valar morghulis" neck tattoo.
@RoryAlsop Something to consider once you are all caught up.
@kalina Also, yes I do mean that when I say it to you. But that's you.
@FEichinger told you that you hadn't caught up with the transcript
@kalina Fine, you win.
I know, you don't need to point out the obvious
@Lighty What do you mean by "explodes on you", btw?
@FEichinger he means spunk in his face
doing nothing at all
@FEichinger That usually means kernel panic.
but hers what i got now pastebin.com/J0Fm4ZaR
and i like exploding thingies
it gives me hope
"nothing at all" != "explosions"
i can dream >:
I dream of explosions too
some people dream of sheep jumping over fences
i dream of exploding sheeps
@Lighty No errors?
no errors
I dream of sheep standing on pressure pads and being propelled over the fence by explosions
it even prints the prep string
@FEichinger does anybody ever actually receive an error in PHP?
don't you need to init error reporting as e_all or w/e it is
@kalina Yes. PHP does throw quite nice errors ... Sometimes.
to actually get anything useful out of it
@kalina By default that should be on.
PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => INSERT INTO plugins (name) VALUES (:name, :version, :date) ) <-- this is what it prints if im right
I bet its not
@FEichinger @kalina Isn't there a distinction in PHP between errors and exceptions?
@TerryChia Well, yes, because PHP doesn't really do "Exceptions" ... Usually.
@TerryChia sure the error is php and the exception is the user who chose to use it
@Lighty ... What db package are you using?
did you know that taking a recording of a k56 flex modem dialling up to the internet and then distorting it is a really nice sound
pdo mysql?
@Lighty Ah, okay, yeh, just saw that.
@kalina thats a sad waste of potential kebabs.
@Lighty What types do plugins.name, plugins.version and plugins.date have?
In the DB, that is?
now as text
there is also an ID, whis is auto increment and an integer
@AviD eww
who would really want to eat that crap
might as well just inject fat into yourself
oh you don't know how delicious that could be. Also lamb burgers.
lamb chops...
except bacon
@kalina then you would bypass all the flavors.
@AviD yum
and chicken
@kalina wat.
@kalina You're just too young inexperienced to have heard that sound normally.
ohh, i think we call kebab Doner over here
I find that statement hard to believe.
@AviD which statement
47 secs ago, by kalina
@AviD no it's true
with literally the exception of bacon
because food that tastes that good is worth it
in The Bridge, Oct 11 '13 at 10:21, by kalina
sooo.... you're not a vegetarian, then - you just avoid McDonalds?
@FEichinger doesnt mean she ate it....
@AviD no I'm not really a vegetarian
but I don't actively eat meat
@AviD Teeheehee.
could have been visiting with @Adnan. ;-)
it's a rarity
@AviD Tsk!
are you fckin kidding me
I was just sick in my mouth
what did you change @FEichinger
@Lighty What's the output?
hahaha, was looking forward to that reaction.
the vardump, the hint on how to properly close, and..?
@Lighty Let me introduce you to this wonderful tool called diff.
oh, erm, its inserted into the DB
@Lighty Okay, then the reason is line 22
@TerryChia nah, that's mostly just for programmers.
@FEichinger nooo
@AviD Shuddup!
don't reveal the secrets to the peasants
@AviD Ah yes of course.
the vars in the execute statement
@kalina Says the one constantly mocking me for PHP ... Tsk!
@Lighty Yes, because at that point, they're references, not values.
I'm guessing @Lighty isn't understanding the concept of references and values
my head hurts, but it works
So what you tried to enter into the DB at the execute() call was references. To which PDO tells you to fuck off.
@kalina To be fair, PHP does quite some crap with references.
That said, why on Earth were you trying to bind the values twice?
that doesn't prevent you from understanding the concept
@kalina Most PHP "programmers" don't.
Either bindParam or execute(vars).
Not both.
when you say "programmers"
@TerryChia Shuddup!
@kalina Shuddup!
thanks, actually learned something now
do you mean like I mean "djs" when I'm talking about people playing around with other peoples tunes in virtual dj or some shit
@Lighty Don't. Heart. Me.
@kalina Yes. :)
@TerryChia :)
want a virtual cookie instead?
No, I want you to stop using PHP.
there must be something lovely in the water in Germany
Go learn something better.
And use that.
because @fei's tears taste fantastic
@kalina That's one weird fetish you have there, dear.
I feed on tears
@FEichinger reeeheelyyy? PHP does some crap with something basic? That is soooo surprising.
@AviD That sarcasm. It burns.
well, my stupid school wont let me, otherwise, i dont get my papers.... but i keep that in mind after i burn down my school
still thanks though
@AviD Hey, I never denied PHP being stupid.
@Lighty There is absolutely nothing your school can do to stop you from learning another language.
But dot for concat is still smarter than +.
i need to learn and master a set of languages
@FEichinger Just. No.
19 secs ago, by FEichinger
@FEichinger erm
because my exams aer based on those, that they teach
18 secs ago, by FEichinger
19 secs ago, by FEichinger
@Lighty you can sue them for incompetence, malpractice, and misrepresentation.
@Lighty Why would they teach PHP?
Seriously, fuck PHP for learning.
@Lighty they teach? they TEACH? TEACH? TEACH?
if they teach
not really teach
@Lighty And that stops you from learning another language yourself why?
@FEichinger (cc: @RoryA)
more like rub it in your face
why don't you understand the difference between a reference and a value?
without help, tools or anything
@Lighty ah! now you're getting it.
that's really the only way to learn anything valuable.
learning to program with PHP is like learning to drive a car by cutting off your face
get what? that my school is a lovely bunch of outdated fakes? :D
ask any real programmer how they learned anything, that is how.
@kalina No, more like learning to drive a car after ripping out your eyeballs.
@AviD Copy and pasting from Stackoverflow of course!
they atleast teach me to do everything by myself, so i got that atleast
use the kalina rule of programming
@TerryChia cmon, I explicitly said "real" programmer.
learn the concepts, learn to google, google "how do I X in Y"
@AviD Hehe.
Valhar Drakaris?
a real programmer... hmmm...
@kalina, how did you learn programming? :3
or a developer
@Lighty I am not a programmer
or anything to do with the IT industry
in fact, fuck it
no no no you don't get to remain on the star wall
I know nothing about IT
google indexable chat
@AviD Historically, DSA was defined with modulus length of 512 to 1024, and restricted to multiples of 64. Then a later version enforced 1024-bit only; for both, the subgroup order (q) had to be of length 160 bits exactly.
oh, @ThomasPornin is here
Then a later version also allowed 2048-bit and 3072-bit for p, 224-bit and 256-bit for q.
now the conversation is going to go well outside of my range of understanding
@kalina Awww, poor you.
The point of restricting possible lengths is to avoid arbitrary limitations in implementations.
@FEichinger ikr
E.g. if you use a, say, 1507-bit RSA key, it won't work everywhere, although it is perfectly standard.
NIST did not want that situation.
@Lighty it's unlikely that anything belongs to the potato
If there were to be arbitrary restrictions, NIST insisted that they should be theirs, and explicit.
@ThomasPornin Interesting, so just to be clear, the restrictions on key length is just for interop purposes and you don't lose anything security-wise by going with arbitrarily large keys if your implementation allows it?
@ThomasPornin ah, understandable.
@TerryChia Well, larger keys imply larger certificates and higher computational work, so you don't want to overdo it.
@ThomasPornin Yes of course, cheers for the lesson of the day. :)
@ThomasPornin This is the DMZ. Of course he wants to overdo it.
@AviD "Bigger is always better"?
@TerryChia Cue @kalina.
I counter the "motion in the ocean" argument with "you don't want to go to Hawaii on a rowboat"
@kalina It has been done, though.
@ThomasPornin oh sure, it's not impossible, but do you really want to?
a massive cruise ship will get you there quicker and make you enjoy the journey far more
Gérard d'Aboville (5 September 1945, Paris – ) is the first man to row across two oceans solo: the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. He crossed the Atlantic in 1980, travelling from Cape Cod to Brittany. In 1991, at the age of 46 he spent 134 days crossing from Japan to Washington state. He is now planning to circle the globe in a solar power yacht. As a politician, d'Aboville is a member of the Council of Paris (UMP). References *
also: EuphemismOverflow
Rowing across the Pacific looks like a very hard and completely useless endeavour, so of course it was done by a Frenchman.
you're right
I do want a yacht more than a private jet
@kalina Ah, but wouldn't a private yacht be even more joyous?
preferably a big one with a helipad
@kalina Do we get an invite once you are rich and famous?
i sail alot, i tell you, planes are for pussies, and poeple without money
@Lighty Phrasing.
Also, typing.
@Lighty I counter your "people without money" argument with the word "private" in "private jet"
a beautifull sail yacht tends to be a bit more expensive as a jet
@TerryChia I'm not committing to an answer, because I generally don't trust people online and since I intend to achieve something without revealing most of my identity, people who know me in real life would end up in a situation where they could effortlessly blackmail me
and @FEichinger, i have a weird brain/muscle problem, my muscles dont always do what i want, lets call that an I/O error to make it understandable, it reflects on typing, and failing with typing (but does not excuse my horrible grammar, that adds up to the problem of making typo's)
@Lighty "a weird brain/muscle problem"?
no idea how to explain that
@Lighty So type slower and read what you typed before hitting the enter button.
im lazy too :)
that was an understatement, i know
wow, yachts aren't cheap
talking private island kind of money for a really nice one
i could live with a half-million Bavaria sailyacht
you keep the multi-million yacht

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